Motherly Love, chapter 03
"s-so... are we... more than... mommy and daughter now...?" she asked, a little hopeful honestly, holding tightly to alue as she closed her eyes and snuggled close.
In for a Pound Pt. 1
mother and daughter whined and whimpered as they shared and savored the flavor of their alpha's cum.
The Wild Cage
Their minds addled and confused by the machine, their personalities changing, mother and daughter wailed and moaned as they willingly gave themselves to the beasts.
More Than Meets The Eye
Both mother and daughter murred with contentment from the shared bonding experience. "so, how is it coming along dear?" nordic asked, snuggling up behind his mate.
Hellbound Chapter 5 "The Truth"
The night seemed to go on forever as both mother and daughter slept soundly. the dreams she was having was pretty weird.
Her brother's innocence - Not so innocent
She had fallen in love with her daughter, as all mothers do, at the very moment of her birth, but as her body began to develop she knew that they could never be only mother and daughter.
Sweet Family Bonding
#20 of sonic the hedgehog isabella and mina mongoose have been having a scandalous affair, but both mother and daughter are comfortable with their new situation. one day, they decide to stay in bed and enjoy a little together time.
Comfort Zone ("Under 1000 words" story example)
It could have been that one tender moment between mother and daughter, or the sheer innocence of a child showing care, or maybe just the simple warmth of having someone embrace you; whichever it was, it finally broke rika's mask, and she hugs her little cub
The mother and daughter initially recoiled and gasped at the surprise. frekki made a scary face, growled and swiped a claw-hand at them. the mother took a step back, but the child immediately ran towards her and hugged her leg. "pretty!"
Mongoose Chapter 5
They are so alike, mother and daughter. they know their most intimate parts, and they play each other like instruments, strumming, blowing, plucking, tuning. all of it is beautiful.
Family Business
Hahaha, anyway this was a realllllllly short fast little story i poped out in half an hour its only two pages long and 1047 words, suuuuuper short smut story involving a mother and daughter i cough and sputter as my maw fills with the salty white liquid
Mongoose Isabella's Song
The two lovers entwined in tongues and in legs are mother and daughter--isabella and mina mongoose. how did it come to this? how could isabella let herself fall to the temptation of her own child's sexual advances? the councilwoman doesn't care.