Prologue & Chapter One - Meetings

We are totally different from the wastelanders in many ways: our shape, size, physical and magical abilities, as well as how we live. the people of the wastelands hold our kind in superstitious awe, often with a good deal of fear and loathing.

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Mojave Redemption - Part 6

Joshua was indeed right, it took several days before John showed up again, during which the prisoners had worked on the trench to the point where only about third remained. As Jacob and Joshua were led to the trench by some unfamiliar guard he noticed...

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Mojave Redemption - Part 5

Jacob woke with a start, the air raid siren outside the Vault from his childhood ringing in his ears once again. He reached for the pistol on his chest instinctively and panicked when he found the comfortable weight missing. He opened his eyes to find...

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Mojave Redemption - Part 3

Jacob awoke with a groan, everything hurt, hurt more than normal. His vision was blurred when he opened his eyes. Slowly everything began to slide into focus, metal bars, a grimy linoleum floor, and... a morph. His sluggish half awake mind thought he...

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Child of the Wasteland - Chapter 1

"Formation 4, Alpha move it!" The head guard was shouting orders, and everyone with a gun was running outside, while those without weaponry rushed to the nearest, most defensible building. As the men moved out, Nici put her hand on her .38 special,...

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Mojave Redemption - Epilogue

"i can't have you looking like you just walked in from the wasteland when we go onto the strip tonight." jacob's eyebrows rose in surprise. "so that's what this is about."

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Mojave Redemption - Chapter 7

"i can't have you looking like you just walked in from the wasteland when we go onto the strip tonight." jacob's eyebrows rose in surprise. "so that's what this is about."

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The Fox From Vault 97 (Fallout)

Really, he was born a white fox and still maintained that, but just like with everything else in existence, the wasteland tainted that.

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Paws Of Snow Chapter Two

Ever since the wars had ended, the wasteland's weather and probably the earth had been thrown out of whack. nights had become colder and days had become hotter, it was almost like the wasteland had become like a desert.

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Tock's Tales - Intro & Glossary

All species can be found in the wasteland, on both the reaver side as well as the migrant side. there are also small bands of nomads that roam the wasteland, completely independent and self-sufficient.

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Back Cover Text

And so began the most important quest in mist runner's incredibly long immortal life--the seeds of which he and his friends would discover lay 1,000 years in the past and would ultimately shake the foundations of the wastelander's society.

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Character Descriptions and Personalities

** **dahmel-tur** - dahmietra's ancient ancestor, founder of both branches of the people of the wastelands.
