Weapon - Awakening

Its a new year and I have a new story starting, sit back, grab a beer, and enjoy the show! * * * Bright light, blinding, then a voice Instructions, these I can understand, unlike the lack of any memory before now. De-ja-vu It...

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FCW History - Ep. 2 - Layla Black

The camera fades in once more, up onto the form of a well-dressed silver fox, sitting on a stool with his tail across his lap, holding a microphone, and surrounded by television...

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FCW History - Ep. 1 - The Invincible Mitsozuka

As the scene opens, the camera pans down to a well-dressed gray fox, sitting on a stool, smiling as he lifts his microphone to his face. Good evening ladies and gentlemen, Tony DiMarco here for FCW features presents: "History of a...

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Silverfox 03

Silverfox 03 There was someone in their apartment. It was too late to stop the door from opening. Silverfox tensed slightly as it swung, preparing to draw and drop. She moved her hand. She relaxed; it was Cheshire. The jaguar was facing the...

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The History Of Zato

(\*Insert-Legal-Stuff-You-Have-Read-A-Million-Times-Over-Here\*) Zato slowly woke up to the gentle sound of cooing next to him and as he opened his eye, he was greeted with pitch black. He could not see anything, he opened his other eye,...

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First Vows ~Chapter 11 Heart of a Lion~

Danny burst through Devon's bedroom door, waking him. James had asked Danny to come over and talk to Devon about what had occured last night, and then left to go get groceries. "Danny? What are you doing?" Devon asked half awake. "Devon are...


The History of Zato

((All characters in my stories are Copywritten me, please do not use them without my permission. 18+ for most of my stories due to the fact I normally put something yiffy or violent, extremly, in it \>.=.\> Also, Demon and Mercy Dragons are copywritten...

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Agonizing Imprissonment

(Written from Luca's point of view.) I groaned as I started to come around from being knocked out. With my mind still in a haze I couldn't quite tell where I was, but I wasn't given much of a chance to figure it out. Just as I was about to open my...

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Close Combat Part One: Meeting

A/N Hey. This story is the first page of six, right SIX, pages in an RP between me and Bunny Rule on another site. I was just getting into charecter with THIS Solaris when I rped this. * * * Mimi's paw and back were better by now and she was...

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A futile battle.

A most Heroic Tale Proulogue Written by Angel Natavi Note to readers: This is an unfinished work, which I am going to be publishing in book form when I am finished. Please understand when things take a strange turn, they WILL be explained...


CH 2: dream

An hour and 5 miles later Kalyla Oakgrove of Tsaritsyn came to her camping spot. It was perfect. A natural clearing in the middle of the Forest, a large flat rock dominated the middle, a small but comfortable cave up hill filled with grass and leaves...

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CH 1

Kalyla Oakgrove of Tsaritsyn has been tracking this band of orcs for the last 5 days. She hardly slept while doing so. The band was particularly nastier than all of the others she had seen before. Even though this band has not done anything directly to...

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