Hello, Neighbour

The wolf pushed the two of them into the closet and pulled the slatted wooden door shut behind us. The air was warm - the boiler was right behind the back wall - and smelled of the stallion's son's clothes. Hutch's shirts and pants hung all about us,...

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The Cat's Meow

The cat's wrists chafed unpleasantly against the restraints. He tried to lift his body higher to relieve the pressure, but as it was, his toes only barely touched the ground. The room itself was dark and smoky. He could barely make anything out beyond...

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Keeping Secrets

Brett had left the lights off, and the door didn't squeak when opened, so when Alexander pushed it open, his guest didn't even raise his head. The massive fjord stallion was on all fours next to the guest bed, his clothes in a pile on the duvet. His...

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Comes the Hunter

When the hunter finally returned, the torches were all but burned out. The villagers kindled them back to brightness, pressing forward with equal parts fear and eagerness. ogling the stallion. He looked rather different than when he'd set out that...

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Midnight Snack

His breathing was soft and regular, a quiet susurration in the night. The curtains were pulled open, and moonlight streaming in made the white fur of his muzzle seem to glow with a cool light. With his face resting on its side, only a single ear poked...

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CFTV Commission Notice

Dear Mr. Jameson, Thank you once again for attending the meeting to discuss your proposal of a documentary following indigenous tribes of the world which you entitled _"The Hidden World of Tribes"_ (working title). It was most educational to hear...


Pitching Dad's Tent

It was the smells in the air that he enjoyed the most when he woke up. The warm scent of sandalwood floors, never laminated because Mom preferred the rough wood under her feet. The deeply pleasant aroma of mown grass. The light scent of horse dung. The...

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Director's Slut

"He's in his trailer. I'm telling you, he's _impossible_ to work with. Comes in late, doesn't know his lines, gets upset at every little thing..." The bear shook his head. "If you can do something, that's great, but otherwise I'll find another hopeful...

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The Gift

"C'mon, tell me!" The Great Dane stepped in front of the stallion, putting a hand to his chest to stop him in his tracks and giving him a twinkling, wide-eyed look. "You know you want to..." He tilted his head to one side and let his tongue flop out in...

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Dipping the Wick

Vast, immortal suns. Forges of the universe. Innumerable trillions of them, spread across time and space. Their secrets exposed and splayed across a blackboard for me to puzzle over, understand, and control. I couldn't have given less of a...

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Time for Fun

Light was only just filtering through the thick curtains when the stallion awoke. He blinked, then yawned and turned on to his side. _Oof._ His body jerked to a halt, and one hand slid down under the blankets to grip the hard mass of cock that...

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Stud Dad

Maverick stood under the showerhead, letting the almost painfully hot water gush over him, soothing his exhausted muscles. The day's practise had been especially rough; with a big game scheduled for the following week, the coach had pushed them extra...

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