Lost Soldier: 8, The Clan

I know it had been some time. Quite some time, since I have posted anything. The desire to write still isn't fully back however I hope this post of another chapter of Lost Soldier is good enough for the wait you all had to endure. This is a...

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Blind Love: 1

The scent of ash mixed with blood followed soon by the echoing of screams in the distance as fire burned the remaining buildings to the ground leaving nothing but ruin and rubble; the heat from the flames were intense and raged with a hate fueled...

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Lost Soldier: 7, Inner Choice

Thanks to my editor for getting this back to me so quickly, the other stories will be along soon enough within the next few days as I work on them and he checks them. Vote and...

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Lost Soldier: 6, Old Man's Tricks

Shoving himself off of another tree, he found it was hard to run with his sides torn up and the loss of blood was starting to effect him. Staggering several times as he ran, He wasn't helped by the fact that he had to jump behind trees to try...

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Lost Soldier: 5, Revenge

Here's the fifth chapter of Lost Soldier, enjoy it. My editor has gone missing suddenly so I edited this myself so if you spot something wrong, just send me a PM and I'll look into fixing it. Vote and Comment as always. ...

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From Commons to Kings: Chapter 1 - Jo

The pitch black silence that enclosed the warehouse was only broken with the occasional pass of a Guardsman, the swaying of an portable lantern showing where they were. Large containers lined the warehouse, locked up tight and set about neatly; if...

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Lions Heart

The savannah rested peacefully as the sun began to rise over the horizon, the shadows begin chased off to let way to a new day over the lands. It would be with this new day that creatures began to stir, the most prominent would be the three lionesses...

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Dark, Chapter 1

Here's a new story, it is not yiff orientated as many of my stories are not. This is the start of a writing frenzy I hope, I wrote this entire thing within roughly four hours so hopefully that means I'll be typing up more chapters to other stories and...

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Commons to Kings

At was a normal day down in The Commons, people trying to survive, children starving more dead bodies to gather and shove off into the dark alleys to try and avoid getting sick. For the most part it was the average fun filled day in The Commons; even...

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