Short Stories: Why Exist? Part 5 - Chapter 2

As I finally decided to jump off from the Cliff of Fame I didn't think of what I achieved in my life, what good experiences I had had but what I regretted, what I didn't make done and indeed what I did not achieve. I never really achieve the...

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Short Stories: Why Exist? Part 1

Grey was sitting on his bad bed and wanted to dream further as he felt that his fur had become muggy. He was a wolf without a pack. His life had always been miserable; Grey's parents were addicts and alcoholics who didn't really care for him and just...

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You are my...

You are my Rose, The red, blooming Rose, Red as the warming flame Soothing my demons and warming my beasts I will be your thorns, Defending you from harm You are my Dove, The white, peaceful Dove, White as the whitest sand You cover my shores...

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