A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 29 (Fun & Games - Part 3)

**Fun & Games - Part 3** "W-what?" "I said, kiss me! You're dare is to kiss me." Sasuke smirked. "B-but... we agreed..." "This is different, this is part of the game." Sasuke said confidently, he wasn't going to let Naruto back out on a...

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 28 (Fun & Games - Part 2)

**Fun & Games - Part 2** Naruto grabbed the deck of cards and shuffled them thoroughly, he didn't want to lose again, he would have to pick dare this time, and that made him a little nervous. After dealing Naruto quickly grabbed his cards and was...

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 27 (Fun & Games - Part 1)

**Fun & Games - Part 1** "Howdy!" Kiba grinned as he walked in, taking his place standing next to Naruto in front of the Hokage's desk. Sasuke cursed silently as he glared at Kiba. "Is something wrong Sasuke?" Tsunade asked. "I thought Sakura would...

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 26 (Clean Slate - Part 5)

**Clean Slate - Part 5** 'Bloop...' The sound of a drop of water falling echoed, the single drop falling into a shallow pool, followed by another a few moments later. 'Bloop...' Naruto's eyes shot open and he sat bolt upright, his eyes not used to...

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 25 (Clean Slate - Part 4)

**Clean Slate - Part 4** Feeling better now that there was an agreement between them, Naruto headed for breakfast, Kiba and Sasuke deciding to join him. As they approached Naruto saw Ayame, dressed in her white uniform, her long brown hair hidden...

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 24 (Clean Slate - Part 3)

**Clean Slate - Part 3** "Finally done!" Kiba sighed as he pulled the door closed to the kennels where his clan kept all the untrained nin-dogs. Kiba had just fed and watered all thirty dogs, most of them no older than a few months, as well as muck...

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 23 (Clean Slate - Part 2)

**Clean Slate - Part 2** Naruto couldn't sleep, even as the sun rose over the horizon flooding his room with it's warming light, he hadn't slept a wink. The events of the previous night replaying over and over. Kissing Sasuke, Hinata finding them,...

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 22 (Clean Slate - Part 1)

**Clean Slate - Part 1** "Well things didn't go to plan tonight..." Kiba sighed as he entered his room, throwing his leather jacket to the floor which was quickly followed by his fishnet shirt. He lay on his bed, bare chested and looked at the...

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 21 (Club Shuriken - Part 4)

**Club Shuriken - Part 4** Sasuke was busy getting back to his feet after Naruto pushed him to the ground when he suddenly began to chase after Hinata. They whole thing confused Sasuke, he couldn't think why Naruto would run after her. Was he so...

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 20 (Club Shuriken - Part 3)

**Club Shuriken - Part 3** Hinata followed Sakura to the dance floor, the pink hair kunoichi guiding her by the hand, through the throng of people to the centre of the dance floor. Hinata was extremely uncomfortable, she hated being surrounded like...

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 19 (Club Shuriken - Part 2)

**Club Shuriken - Part 2** Kiba still couldn't believe it, Naruto had asked Hinata on a date in front of him, a blatant act of defiance as far as Kiba was concerned. He had broken the blond and all he needed was one last push and Kiba would have had...

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 18 (Club Shuriken - Part 1)

**Club Shuriken - Part 1** After getting into the club, Naruto and Hinata were immediately assaulted by intense heat and body shaking thrum, as the music vibrated throughout the building. The entire place was dimly lit, colourful lights flashed from...

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