A Last Minute Choice (Anthro Blaziken TF/TG) [COM]

Jack was en route to meet up with his best friend, Tommy. Jack was skinny, shy, and if he got angry a fuse would go off. This wouldn't happen too often, but when it did you didn't want to be near him. On the other side of the spectrum was Tommy. He was...

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Transformation Prevention Hotline (TF)

Are you or a friend afraid of a potential transformation coming your way? Do you know someone about to go through a transformation they might regretting? Like cheese? Of course you do it's great, but wait! In this day and age that cheese could change...

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Happy Husky Park (Anthro Horse TF/TG)

Jack walked up to the park with excitement filling up his whole body. He had finally saved up enough to buy a ticket for this place! He had so much about the "Happy Husky Theme Park" and was finally able to make the trip out. Since he was in Washington...

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Delibird Day Care (Totodile TF)

Larry was a Pokemon trainer, fresh off of a hard fought gym battle. It was his first one ever, and all he had was his trusty Cyndaquil, Blaze. It took a lot of practice and grinding, but they were able to come out on top! Larry decided that they should...

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A Dragon's Treasure (Dragoness TF/TG)

Jeffsworth walked down the stone path on the search for a shop. He was hungry, thirsty, and needed more supplies all around. He had just looted a cave and while he came out of it was treasure a plenty, it left him with only his sword and shield....

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This Doesn't Make Sense at All! (TF/TGs)

The lights on the stage lit up, giving off a nifty and exciting light show as spotlights shone all over. As one of the spotlights shone on a man on the left side of the stage, an male announcer spoke. "In the Red Corner, we have our first contestant,...

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Girls Night Out (Kassandra TF/TG/MC) [CE]

"There's always one of them." Kassandra commented to herself once the passed out parier shifted into a maid. The party was over so anyone left behind after the fact would have the "pleasure" of becoming the person who cleans up after the rest. It made...

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Don't Mess With Nikki

It had been a year since Nick Scully had forcefully become a freak of nature. Not quite human, not quite an animal. It was something in between, something that would later commonly be referred to as a vixen. Not only did his species change, his gender...

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A New Kind of Casino (TF/TG/AR)

Johnny and Carter had just made their way to a new casino that had recently opened up. There were a lot of papers on the front door, none that seemed worth reading as the duo headed inside to the casino. Carter had just turned 21 and Johnny was taking...

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The Most Boring Group of People (TF/TG) [TRADE]

You have all been chosen today to take a small test to determine what your "spirit pokemon" is. You have been chosen specifically for your interest in the subject. Be it long time fans, those who hate it, and those who are completely indifferent. After...

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Shooting Star (Warners Bros TF/TG) [TRADE]

Jeff, Karen, and Lisa were all siblings, all only a year or two apart. Karen was the oldest, Lisa the middle, and Jeff was the youngest. They grew up together, and were pretty close...for a while. However the older they got, it seemed like they were at...

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A Helping Hand (Absol TF) [TRADE]

Pokerus is a virus that usually infects Pokemon, making them sick. Some trainers would use this to their advantage when training to make them improve faster. However it would become a very different story. A new form of the Pokerus virus began to...

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