My life as a furry (Surprise’s and Crush’s Part 1)

The school nurse (a ice devimon) looked him over. the nurse felt around his ankle for any separated peaces of bone wile max just screamed in agony. "can you be more gentle!?" asked ian "im feeling for broken bones."

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A Shifters Tale

"not to my knowledge, however the rate at which humans and digimon give birth is different but i know for a fact that lady devimon is able to keep from getting pregnant until she chooses to.


Gabumon and Greymon's Fun in the Forest

"i just thought, our enemies are getting tougher, and we may need to face devimon soon, so i was thinking i should get some practice fighting as greymon, and now's a great time to do it!" "sure agumon, i'll help you train!"

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Reasons, Resentments, and Rarities ch.5

"ok, shoot" "were you the one who took control of me in the fight with taomon, and did you actually cause what happened to that devimon?" "yes, but you provided me with the materials though" "what do you mean?"

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End Game - Chapter 22 - Prophecy Misread

His skin was raw; the tattoo of devimon stood bright orange against his red skin. another scream, weaker but seemed to fill the hallway. izzy instantly snapped to attention. his eyes turned deep red.

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Jay and Ren Chapter 1: Myna's license

She was in the field being beaten by the devimon that we had to delete." i sighed and walked over then picked up the fox and carried her to my room then started cleaning her while garurumon de-digivolved back into a gabumon and helped myna cook dinner.

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Chapter 59: Back For More!

Legs of garurumon, body of greymon, head of kabuterimon, a pair of devimon's arm, an arm of kuwagamon and another arm of skullgreymon. the next figure is obviously a female, with gothic like kimono and a hairpin bat.

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A Shifters Tale: part twelve

I let a grin slip over my face as i took a step towards him, "so this is what an ice devimon looks like.......funny i thought you'd be taller" i said as i took another step.


F.R.E.Z Kapitel_4_Die_Ruhe_vor_dem_Sturm

„naja und außerdem...ich denke nicht das ice-devimon und sein heer aus snimon die einzigen digimon bleiben werden die hier her kommen. ich will nicht noch einmal nur im weg stehen wie gestern." miswillig stimmte er zu.

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End Game - Chapter 23 - An Ally in an Enemy

"that's must be how she brought back devimon and the other viral digimon." "so we have to hurry," kari started running down the hall, tai actually straining to keep up. tai stood in front of gigantic pad.

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The Twelve Talismans - Chapter 15 - Dragon's Bane

"remember that onsen with devimon? did here there... got a good angle to, though i admit, she gets a bit kinky on me." "gomamon...." gabumon repeated a touch louder this time.

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End Game - Chapter 10 - A Hero Reborn, A Hero Fallen

She also knew that she was almost ready to attack him, until devimon had dropped down between them. she was so unaware of her surroundings that she did not even notice the forest was thinning out, and slowly turning into a city.

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