Freelancers, Chapter Seven

Even a less-advanced platform would've contained at least a few hundred individual geth programs; with a few dozen platforms on this ship, plus however many geth had been in the ship's servers...

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Freelancers, Chapter 26

"there's a rumor going around that there are geth on your ship," one of the other quarians said. his voice sounded quite young. "if it's true, then that's probably why. xen's had considerable interest in the geth for a long time."

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Change of Perspective: Andromeda Page 1

**geth ship** ten mobile geth hubs move about the lone geth cruiser class ship.

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Midline Shift 40 - Diving Deeper Towards The Truth

The geth tracer routes reveal where geth are most likely to appear during a certain cycle.

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Freelancers, Chapter 27

But what admiral xen had just done - firing on an unarmed ship crewed by innocents just because a pair of geth units were aboard - was over the line. those geth hadn't even tried to attack anyone.

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Freelancers, Chapter 22

We're talking hundreds of geth runtimes in each platform, plus all the geth in the ship's servers. the quarians murdered all of them." "no..." tali glanced around and wrung her hands. "if the geth decide to retaliate, we won't have a chance."

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Alter history

._ _the fate of several thousand pods of turians are in the fate of one geth...

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Midline Shift 11 - The Drifting Ship

"it...i-i-is that-" "geth," said leiah. " has to be a geth, no mistake.

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Freelancers, Chapter Five

_oh, keelah._ her pulse jumped a bit as she accepted the guns and the spare thermal clips from the geth.

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Freelancers, Chapter Sixteen

They probably killed tens of thousands of geth." "exactly." "if that's not an act of war, i don't know what the hell _is_." "that's what worries me.

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Ch.3 The Citadel

If the geth had done it the worker would have been dead too, and nihlus was a spectre an untrained human never would've caught him off guard."

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Freelancers, Chapter Fifteen

Tarsus turned to look at the geth unit, which had followed him over to the science team. "the quarians created the geth only three hundred years ago. the geth couldn't have built sovereign--or any of these other ships we're looking at, here."

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