Corneria's Corps ch. 4

"get the fuck back down here, marine," gunny barked. "the only useless marine is a fucking dead marine. ranning, drag his ass back down here. any luck, corporal?" "affirmative, gunny. oh, yes, sir. wilco, out.

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Soldiers of War pt 3 Three Rangers and a Princess

These wolves weren't just any ordinary marines though. they were marines from the 1st reconnaissance battalion of the united states marine force recon. their commander got out. his name was major john balto.

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Brighter Later prolugue

**Prologue** He stood in a dark room clutching a pistol to his side and seven dog-tags still caked with dirt and the long faded crimson stains of his family. . . . his brothers in arms. There was a knock at the door and he opened his eyes,...

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Zootopia: First Salvo Chapter 17

And you want to be a marine?" "if he's marine like he plays airsoft? he'll be dead before he gets off the boat." ikkey snorted. "ikkey?" alex huffed. "you want me to give you a wedgie?" "that's the cool thing about these? you can't wedgie.

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Zootopia: First Strike part 11

He's get so spastic about the marines, he eats and sleeps marines and i'm the one who has to bear the brunt of his "spazing out". don't i deserve "me time" too?" "you're not being shackled down william.

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Corneria's Corps ch 2

The only useless marine is a dead marine." i looked over the cover and immediately, a round struck me in the head. if it weren't for my kevlar, i would have went kia. "fuck," i shouted. "fffffuck!" "dammit," the pfc yelled.

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Fursecution- Prologue

Afghanistan 2014 the marines kept putting one foot in front of the other, the platoon moving down the straight dirt road.

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Rise of an order: Guardian of humanity

The Guardians of humanity started out as a rebel faction, and they dont socialite with criminals and thugs. The order was founded by Grawn Castillo when she was 17 years old. Grawn Castillo in the middle with a Uzi SMG, and this is her story. Grawn's...

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Torpedo Run Chapter 5

As other marines checked in, she came around the corner of the groaning, collapsing parking structure, and saw the sprawl of injured marines.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 4

In moments, they'd hurtled away from their unit of marines and out of earshot, the sounds of rapidly re-deploying marines drowned out by a cascade of rifle fire and the screaming of wounded and terrified civilians.

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The Deception Ch. 1

The deception chapter 1 recall the lifeline status on jonas's hud showed that all his squad mates were flat-lined and that he was the only remaining marine.

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The Profane Defilers Pt2

, space marine chapters, space marine chapter logos, tau, the tau caste designations, tyranid, tyrannid, tzeentch, the tzeentch device, ultramarines, warhammer, warhammer 40k device, white dwarf, the white dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races

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