Daemon - Chapter 6 (The March to Rengilar)

He was probably one of the few drakes in zangar who would understand the reference to what i just said. he was very well educated and intelligent. out of everyone in zangar i expect that probably only he and callidus would understand. we said no more.

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A New Dawn - Chapter 24 (Hard Lessons)

I made my way into the center of zangar, hoping to find some way to unwind while i still had some time before my lesson with aceh. the market place was full of bodies, much more than normal.

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Character Summary - A Place to Belong

**summary** runs the travelling maiden, a tavern in zangar. is a long time friends with eric.

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A New Dawn - Chapter 1 (Home Coming)

You were forced to run from zangar\* because i couldn't control myself! we got caught up in this fight with the wolves because of that! and then i lost control and tried to kill you!" i cried. "how can you say this is not my fault!?"

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A New Dawn - Chapter 28 (Hard Lessons)

Eric was confident that he had a few wares that would be rare around zangar and would fetch a decent profit.

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A New Dawn - Chapter 20 (The Wager)

But then that was hardly surprising, they probably grew up together, the two sons of the houses of zangar.

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A New Dawn - Chapter 3 (Home Coming)

Other than the colour it was identical to callidus's white cloak, some sort of ornate wear i figured, i remember furs of status wore clothes designed to reflect their status or wealth back in zangar.

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A New Dawn - Chapter 23 (The Wager)

I imagine that it was similar here in zangar, the ability to read and write was taught only to those of status and influence.

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A New Dawn - Chapter 8 (All Work and no Play)

Xavier here is the only wind bender here in zangar. since there were no other wind benders to teach him he basically had to teach himself. a lot of the master benders were willing to help him learn, and here he is one of the youngest masters ever!"

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A Place to Belong - Chapter 22

After a while i began to think about myself and cody once again, what would it be like to have sex with him like he and aceh did back in zangar? would it be strange? would it be awkward?

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Daemon - Chapter 1

Over eight seasons had passed since i had left zangar. everything here had been familiar, intimately familiar.

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A New Dawn - Chapter 22 (The Wager)

There were also a couple of diplomats who had arrived earlier today from new zangar. their arrival had been a surprise to everyone apparently, they had arrived as the party began.

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