Across the Schism, Chapter 1: The Short End of the Stick

_The first chapter._ **Homebase Orbital Station, Planet Phentralka, 0600 Hours** To put is simply, Phentralka is a dump. It's a gas giant, which happens to have something seriously radioactive in its atmo-composure, something that...

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Part 4: The broken world

_Dawn, the event that changed the course of destiny of a once prosperous world. The year was 2130 when she struck, a meteorite. The meteorite wasn't large enough to cause that much damage on itself, and therefore it wasn't given that much of a priority...

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Part 3: Memories

Silence, darkness, void...Something stirred in him however; far away he could hear a voice, barely, calling out to him. He focussed on the voice and became more distinct by the second. He remembered that lovely rumblepurring voice..he had missed it....

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Part 2: Shutdown

He seemed to wake up again from his thoughts and shook his head for a moment. He peered back at the gun he was holding and inspecting before. He hissed and cursed suddenly; the pistol was no more. He seemed to have crushed it while being in thoughts....

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Part 1: Awakening

A chilling cry of pain echoed through his head. It seemed to have awoken him. _Drias was still alive??_ His vision was at first blurred but gradually came back to him. He looked down; a hand with razorsharp formed talons had buried itself in an once...

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West for Despair, East for Hope

After a discordian ensemble of alarms, the turbines' explosive crescendo shattered the craft, a rapid decompression ripping her seat belts. As Joey fell off her chest she went flying, tumbling in all six axis like on the CAD drawing course, unable to...

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The End of Days pt. 3

**Wandering Thoughts** Who knew how long it'd been? With each passing day, Keith felt as though he could watch the buildings become more and more worn down. Rotting away into nothing but a pile of splinters and murky furniture. He couldn't say much...

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You Can't Shut Me Up

You can't shut me up I'm in your head screwing with your wires Your followers know my name They know that you're a failure Because I'm a good listener You're afraid of me, and of what I stand for you're afraid that your glorious, eternal system...

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What I Want

I want to surf the Great Barrier Reef I want to see the sunset in Paris I want to go skiing up in Sweden I want to kill Snooki and blame it on Charlie Sheen I want a lot of things I want to talk philosophy with John Wayne I want to dance with a...

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The Last Agent of the Old World: Dead Men's Dream

I'd left Teresa and Khyros back at the first town we'd encountered, a little place cut out of the forest where the two of them could get up to speed. Teresa had some re-training to do thanks to her time stuck in a hole in the ground, and Khyros needed...

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The Wastes- Chapter 4: ...But now They're just called cops.

So here it is, the thrilling conclusion to last night's episode! Kidding, its not over yet. Hope you enjoy it! In retrospect, the job would have gotten done just as well if Nicholson had fired just once. The Hunter's body was slumped back in...

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The Lucky Ones Left - Chapter 2

#2 of the lucky ones left the lucky ones left is a post-apocalyptic horror/adventure story which follows an arctic fox named eetu as he navigates a world left devastated by forces beyond anyone's understanding, and recalls his life leading up to the collapse

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