Flash Fiction #13

The tigress sat atop her pet, holding the reins that led from his mouth. The canines soft fur tickled her bare cunt as Tokumi directed him about the room. She guided him towards the wall so she could grab one of the riding crops that were hanging...

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Flash Fiction #12

He had the red, blue, and white canine tied up. Around her nose and chest he could see her skin flush from both embarrassment and enjoyment. His cock throbbed, enjoying the sense of control that this allowed him to have over her, something that did...

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One Year Surprise

Razor stopped the bike in front the familiar brick fronted townhouse. The arctic white vixen was sitting on the stairs in front of the door. He took the helmet off his head and looked over at Sarah with a smile. They had been going out for a year...

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Valandor's obssession(Iron Author #10)

"Are we done with him yet?" a dark voice said. "I don't think so," said another. "Then we should get to fixing him, I would say," the first disembodied voice said. "You are right. We did not expect him to go so fast and so far so...

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[Breast Cancer Awareness Month] Lily's Ribbon Pt.2

Lily's Ribbon Pt. 2 By Reian The panda slowly opened her eyes after what seemed like a few moments, bue was really a few hours. Her ears laid back as she tried to figure out where she was and what was going on. Lily pushed herself up...

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Dessert Before Dinner

The sun was just setting when Myth finally felt she had the right outfit. Looking it over while shi waited, the occasional hum of a car outside the window would make the vyxen's large ears twitch and her heart flutter. Each time though, the car drove...

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