Sunshine Days - Chapter 28

Avery waited outside of Pastor Durham's office, which also doubled as a cabin for the Camp Leaders as well as Durham himself. The office portion was a room in the middle of the cabin with a short hallway / waiting area leading up to it. There were...

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 27

Avery, Joey, and Henry finally left the tabby cat alone after a harsh interrogation, which in all lasted less than five minutes. It had felt a lot longer to Jonathan as he'd been on the receiving end of the aggressive examination. The silence that...

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 26

When Jonathan rounded the corner, still lost in his own little world and humming, he nearly ran into Avery, who had been standing in his path to get to the bench. He'd rarely run into anyone behind the cabin before then, except for David on one...

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 25

The next day, Jonathan awoke more tired than when he'd crawled into bed the night before. He and David had returned to the cabin sometime around 1 in the morning with the knowledge that they'd have to be awake in less than six hours. He wasn't sure how...

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 24

Jonathan was pinned down on the couch by David's weight, unable to move away though he didn't really have any desire to at that point. David was giving him a long, sloppy kiss, one that had plenty of tongue and youthful exuberance to match his lack of...

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 23

"Well hey there, lil cuz!" Vince said amiably. Jonathan's mouth dropped open in shock. Before he could react or fully comprehend what he was seeing, David had ushered him inside and closed the door behind them. The bolt made a loud clack as David...

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 22

David and Jonathan shuffled over to meet with Leader Eddie, feeling the eyes of all the others in the room watching them like they were dead men walking. "What do you think he wants?" David asked under his breath. Jonathan shrugged. His tail...

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The Tunnel

**The Tunnel** When I was seven years old, my family moved to a quiet suburb near an Air Force base where my dad worked. We moved around a lot back then, rarely staying in the same place for longer than three years at a time. New neighbors, new...

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 21

As it turned out, the group didn't return from camping until just after 2 in the afternoon despite all of Jonathan's protests that "They could be back any minute!" The rain didn't let up until late in the morning either, making their breakfast and...

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 20

In the early hours of the morning, Jonathan was awake despite only having a few hours of restless sleep. He'd woken up from a dream that he couldn't remember but its residue left him feeling shaken and oddly sorrowful. He wanted to roll over and go...

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 19

Jonathan had thought that after a very long day of physical activity, mental and emotional stress, and a droning, overly sanctimonious film he'd be worn out enough to fall asleep without having to take his Lunatol. Crawling in to bed, he had felt his...

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