The Furry Dead

The Furry Dead A story by JesterFox Dedicated to all my friends, I love you guys! :) Twigs snapped and leaves crunched as Jester ran through the forest as fast as his legs would take him. The fox looked side to side nervously as he gasped in...

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Chapter 5 - Secrets Revealed (Part 1)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was only three days now until Dante was going to play his next soccer game with his new team. It was training today for the...

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Chapter 4 - Training

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Attention!" someone yelled and Dante woke with a fright; snorting a little as he inhaled again. A little shaken, Dante looked...

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Tension Chapter 5

**Not this chapter but the next will have lemon in it, but with a twist, there will be outrageous and totally impossible things happening. It will be funny, dirty, and sweet. But this is character driven so not much plot less sex. I am thinking of...

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Smoke - By Nathan Iverson

**SMOKE** By Nathan Glen Iverson The smoke rose from my lips, dancing in the pale yellow light that emitted over my desk, until it finally dispersed into the farther reaches of my bare apartment, save for the lone couch that I spent many forlorn...

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Out of Place, Out of Time, Out of Body Chapter 6

However both took it as a good sign that the former human can find some humor right now. a load gurgle from coal's stomachs declare the shower over.

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Chapter 1 :New to this "Wait,Wait,Wait" Jason said confused. "You're telling me that if we get into this so called "SCANNER" We will be virtualized onto this world where like there are walking furry things?" "Yes I said this like the 5th time...

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Unintended Intruder - 10 - EPILOG

"Mr ... McCain?" "Yes Ma'am?" Terry jumped up from his seat as the nurse called his name. "There's been some confusion with the paperwork," the charge nurse told him as she looked at a pair of clipboards. "We have you named as the father of the...

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There once was a young lioness named Lily who wanted to try something new, for she had not a care in the world, and nothing else to do. She ventured out one night into the cold embrace of plight, for something was awry. The Eyes that spy, spied that...

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Wren Ch 3

Wren giggled, finding lance's reaction very humorous. "i'm glad you like them." she said. "i hand picked them myself."

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A Trainer's Tale - Chapter 2: First Battle & A New Friend

                                 A Trainer's Tale                   Chapter 2: First Battle and A New Friend   In the forest of Route 102, A boy and a zangoose doze inside a sleeping bag. Soon the zangoose begins to awake. Elizabeth opens her eyes to...

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A Trainer's Tale - Chapter 3: Road to Rustboro

                       A Trainer's Tale                  Chapter 3: Road to Rustboro   Inside the Petalburg Pokecenter, two pokemon, a buizel and a zangoose stand over a sleeping human. "But i'm HUNGRY" the buizel complained "I don't care. You can...

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