Unnamed Mousie - Ch 3: Enslaved

Only when a naked female fur, a mixed breed dog, crawled into the barn did i make sense of what i had heard. just like me she had been humiliated in front of the troop of training hessans.

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Unnamed Mousie - Ch 1: Imprisoned

But then i realized that i was naked, i wore no clothes and my blanket wasn't there either. the air was cool but stuffy and i shivered slightly from the cold. my first thought was, 'wow, this must have been some kind of party.'

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The Streaking Pig

"well, didn't take you too long to forget you were talking to a naked pig." "so, uhh....why \*are\* you naked?" "well, it's a long story, but if i wasn't, we'd have to rethink the name for this restaurant." "i see. so, you wait naked every night?"

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Curse of the Wereroomie

With a wicked grin, she tore them to pieces as well, leaving us both naked, just like the animals we were rapidly becoming. my cock stood tall and proud, eagerly awaiting cassie's attention.

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Send Help!

It was from the resort on his honeymoon and he included a picture of the two of them naked in a hot tub. she was both radiant and frightening at the same time.

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Ebony Dreams (WIP)

Ebony Dreams By Ayn BlackFox _The hardest thing in the world is struggling to be different from the average people around you. - Zsukaza Kliné_ The morning sun beam through the bay windows of Zsukaza's bedroom. The pink shades gently wave as a light...

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A Package To Behold - Part 2

Well i would lend you some of my swimwear but i don't think it'll fit, how about, well, you could always go naked?" my eyes shot open, he was asking me to strip down to nothing?

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In his other paw the clown was stroking a massive erection, pointing it in the direction of the naked agent. "hey, fellah. no need for drugs, if you know what i mean."

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It would be easier to do his work while the bat was gone anyway; he could set down his cloth and walk around naked.

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Consequences of Losing a Bet (AKA Fat Tiger's Naked Day)

I'll admit i have a teasing/humiliation fetish; i like to be teased about my weight especially when i'm naked.

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Sally on The Red Lounge - Gunge - female

'i'm sure nobody here will mind if i run naked. besides, i'd hate to ruin such fine lingerie.' fine didn't really do it justice.

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Experiment 214 (Chapter 1)

Experiment 214 By 3669AD and [bogm0nst3r](http://bogm0nst3r.deviantart.com/) He sat up. Wait, sat up? What was that? How did he know what it was called? He looked around, but instead of his right eye swiveling in the direction he wanted, his head...

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