A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 7-Kiddnapped

I was then sedated and dragged to an arena. once the sedative wore off,i was able to stand and what i saw was amazing. the area was huge. i'd say the ceiling was at least 300 feet up,which gave plenty of room for areal maneuvers.

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Orca Sol: Chapter Four - Solitary

"i'm going to give you a sedative." "you give everyone sedatives." "i'm going to give you a sedative. you are going to sleep, and you are going to eat a big meal, and we will talk tomorrow." "about what?" "about anything.

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Dante: Chapter one

He was still sore despite the sedation, feeling like he should be dead. he finally took a moment to look beyond his tank, seeing the soft worried eyes of his squad's medical officer.

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Dante: Chapter one

He was still sore despite the sedation, feeling like he should be dead. he finally took a moment to look beyond his tank, seeing the soft worried eyes of his squad's medical officer.

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Commissioned: Rich and stupid.

"there, there," cooed the kangaroo as she injected a sedative, "you'll be all better soon enough." "alright. let's wheel her down to the or."

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The Pets Keepers ch2

I wait until he is seated and then flood the cage with sedative gas. once he is out cold i remove him and place him on the nearest exam table.

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High Tea Café -Flyer

**oriental tuesday:** a more sedate but not any less popular choice, we serve a mix of japanese, chinese and korean fare, as well as our regular dishes.

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Lore Bonus: Argus' Augmentations

(_honestly_, _i didn't think that goop could get any worse._) the sedative rapidly took effect at 6:00, right as hannibal brought the subject into the operating room where we waited for him to go under.

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The mumbling of hushed voices echos through the grogginess of the sedative. red alert, and escape are the only coherent words i'm able to extract.

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In Repair

Interloper moved warily and uneasily about, not from the sedative still in him, but from a heavy caution and skepticism about this place.

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The Glorious Past

"someone sedate this beast, the stress and struggling isn't going to make this easy and we can't have anything go wrong." a voice shouted out as sedatives were brought in.

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