ch.01 The cost of war

"sir" a scout comes running up" a detachment of their artillery got through when the left flank collapsed, the right flank is decimated and in full retreat."

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The Arctic War

We were just inside the tree line and then an artillery round struck a tree about 10 feet away from me and shrapnel from both the tree and the round knocked me flat on my ass.

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Silverback Episode 13

I awoke to artillery fire... again. apparently, our artillery got into position last night to be able to fire a few shells before we charged. that was great and all, but i was still exhausted.

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Chapter 8: The Defense of Warfang

However, enemy artillery flew overhead and smashed into buildings, causing them to fall. "we've got to take out their artillery!" wagner yelled over the chaos. "it's their catapults, they're outside the city!"

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Jaguar Feathers Initial Concept (Recycled)

The battle did not cripple the cambrians though, they lost 64,000 men and managed to save all their artillery pieces. the romans pulled through the battle with only 40,000 losses and half of their artillery pieces lost. 20.


Jay screamed into the mic, already hearing the whine of artillery raging overhead. the high-density explosive artillery shells, lobbed by the behemoth self propelled artillery and field guns alike, landed between the tight-knit russian tanks.

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Starfinder Story Preview

As more attention turned to her, vendo-mirakesh found he finally had an opening and started lining up shots, each blast from his artillery laser dropping another foe. rose didn't see any of it.

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Bayonets glistened with blood, then more artillery sounded and scott realized that it was german. shells hit the support trenches behind scott's and scott heard men crying out as shrapnel sliced into them.

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Eudaemon III: Rebirth / Act III, Part 8

Whatever else, narrius had put most of his strength into the artillery cannons... but underestimated his enemies and cost himself the battle.

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Fugitive's Trust Prologue Part 1

Almost all of the opposing artillery had been eliminated in the first hours of battle. the defender's accuracy made it difficult for the rhidayan artillery to get into range.

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The boom of artillery from farther down the border kept him constantly on his toes, because at any moment, it could be right on top of him.

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Red Winter: Death From Above

Then, around four in the afternoon the pra launched a second major ground offensive, backed with artillery and helicopter support.

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