Ch6. Training your Colt

I groaned as I entered my bedroom. _What the fuck am I getting into?_ I hoped I hadn't pushed Adan too far in PE today, but he has so many bad habits to unlearn. I reached for the leather handles of the chest and slid it out from under my bed. It held...

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Ch.5. The Herd.

So what do I do? I mean I have the pony under my hand. I could do anything I wanted. The tables have turned. I chuckled eagerly as I sent the message. Time for your chickens to roost my friend. It wasn't that I disliked the young colt, but he had a...

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Ch4. Friends?

Adan avoided me at all cost the next few days. He sat in the front row in English. He stayed back in the field while running. He didn't accost me at lunch, and he avoided me in the locker room, changing to a stall far in the back. \*\* Good! He...

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Ch3. Slip Up

I sat down in the back of the English class as usual on Monday. My head had finally stopped hurting and the lump had gone away. Again to my right sat Aden. The equine didn't even look up. At first. He turned to me and looked me in the eye, his face...

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Ch2. Getting to know you.

The next several days passed quickly. Aden made my life hell. I'd pass him in the hallway, he'd try to trip me. I'd be running on the track in P.E., he'd try to outrun me (notice I said try). He'd push me against the lockers in P.E. I didn't dare...

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Ch1. New beginings.

I so don't want to go to school today. It isn't that I dislike school, far from it, but well, we just moved. Thanks Dad! So now I have a new school to go to. No friends, no circle of support, and no one who even remotely knows me. I guess considering...

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Ch.25 (Movement 3) Finale

Ch25. Finale \*\* Rick waited in the wings. This would be it, the final performance. Both he and Dal had decided. Even though the war raged on, there was no use for them to fight. Both of them were beyond the young fighting age of the soldiers that...

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Ch.24 (Movement 3) Dulce

Ch 24 Dulce \*\* The war raged on. Years passed. Dal had taken up the fight. He composed patriotic music. He became a staunch proponent for the cause. He cajoled, he conducted, and he was Dal through and through. Rick was surprised at the equine's...

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Ch.21 Lesson Fifteen. Caring for a Filly

I woke up at the electronic beeping noise. My phone was going off. Fuck? What time is it? The phone showed "12:02am" I sighed as I answered the unfamiliar number. "Hello? I had a bit of a rasp in my voice." "Dex?" It was a female voice. It took a...

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Ch.20 Lesson Fourteen. Changing Herd Dynamics

The beeping of my alarm clock woke me as it did every day. I rolled over and clicked the switch to the 'off' position and pried my eyes open. Aden was curled up asleep on the floor. After John had interrupted us, we had both shared a look. For a...

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Ch.19. Lesson Thirteen. How To Relax Your Colt

\*\* Ch19 I opened the door to the house. I could smell dinner being made. Pot Roast. I glanced over, Aden's nose wrinkled for a moment, but he didn't say anything. "Mom?" I heard my mom in the kitchen answer. "Dex? In here!" Aden followed me in...

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Ch.18 Lesson Twelve. How to Handle Stubborn Studs

It was a lightly cool Sunday morning. I jogged out the front of the house, mom kept asking that I should wear my sweater. I slung the backpack over my shoulder and just kept going in my running shorts and t-shirt. I had a couple of stops to make before...

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