Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 11 - A New Trick

The rest of the day was pretty smooth. Nothing really happened. Shin and Raven took off on their own, as well as Jack and Lulu. River stuck with me and Iris for a while but he had other things to do, so he left as well. Iris and I were hanging out with...

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Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 10 - Screw Intense! This Is Lethal Practice!

Woopiee! Chapter number 10 and I'm already up to a whooping 900 views! Thank you all and I'll promise to write more! \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ It must've been after three in the...

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Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 9 - A Day In Town

The elevator ride down was most awkward. Lulu didn't let Raven run down on his own, so we were all cramped up in the small box going down. Jack and Lulu didn't seem to mind. They were closer than ever and neither wanted to back away. River only huffed...

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Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 8 - A Fiery Mouse

I get up. Damnit! I fall on back. My head is killing me! I press both hands on the sides of my head and close my eyes, as if that'd help. _Aah damn! What the hell is this?!_ _Relax. Just an after-effect. Just used too much, too fast. Geez, what a...

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Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 4 - The Council's Mirror

I groaned lightly. My head was pounding, as I hoisted myself up to sit straight on the bed. I couldn't force my eyes completely open, so I just let them be half-peered. I swinged my left leg over the edge of the bed, then the other leg. I stand up....

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Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 7 - A Nightmare In Reality

This chapter took a while... Mostly because it's a bit longer. But. That's about it. If you care to, enjoy the reading! \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ I'm in the black room of my dreams with the familiar figures. Wait... Prothero...

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Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 6 - A Void

I find the rest of my gear and strap them on, almost purely out of habit. i notice that it's near-impossible to strap the swords on my belt, since my tails get in the way. i still haven't taken off the training-spikes that river equipped me with.

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Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 5 - Intense Practice

I'm in a room. It's cold and dark. I look around. Nothing. I'm all alone. Wait. A person! I rush up to them and stop. A male. The man looks like a snake... No...Young... Me? The only difference from looking at my own reflexion and this thing, is that...

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Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 20 - Thirteen

If you want to go gear up, that'd be great." raven spoke up before he vanished into the corridors with shin. i glanced into a mirror and couldn't help but chuckle. i was a mess. my fleece was torn up, although that wasn't really all too important.

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Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 19 - Ripples

YES! Summer leave ^\_^ Now I can write more often, with less stress. Nothing much else to say. Enjoy!/? ^^^^^^^^^^^^ It had been a rough night. Although the whole simulation was just a simulation, the sensations were real enough. I had ignored...

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Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 18 - A Trip Down Memory Lane

Back again. Longest chapter so far, I think. My girl proof-read this for me (Thank yooou :D) And yes. I know it's a cliché name for a filler chapter, but you'll have to live with it. :D Also, I'm looking for someone who'd be willing to proof-read my...

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Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 17 - A Night Of Intrigue

I apologize to any readers, who actually were waiting for this. This one's completely on me, I'm afraid. I completely forgot to post what I wrote (Don't ask how. I just did) But without further delay, here's the story! (Sorry for the wait...

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