From Ice Cream to "Topping" - Chapter 4

We passed by several house maids and my favorite dalmatian butler, who i finally learned his name to be guiles as we made our way around the place.

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From Ice Cream to "Topping" | Arc 1, Chapter 4

After all that, we started our way back to the house, only to be greeted by guiles again who held out a numbered itinerary for daniel.

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Reference Sheet - Alexos Drausus

• considers himself pansexual, but mostly leaning towards guys general info: character's favorite color: silver greatest strength: in addition to the usual craftiness and guile of a fox; he has preflex, a kind of sixth sense that tells him


My Fursona (Alexos Drausus)

• considers himself pansexual, but mostly leaning towards guys general info: character's favorite color: silver greatest strength: in addition to the usual craftiness and guile of a fox; he has preflex, a kind of sixth sense that

Chapter 1: Guilmon

"guil, i'm not gonna lie that was my first kiss," he confessed with a loving smile which guilmon copied," and it was the best."

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The Digimon Diaper Sauna

Agu, guil, and vee!" gabumon had discarded his pants in favor for his crinkly thick diaper, though he continued to wear the pink vest.

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Digimon Defenders Side Chapter 3 Part 2

guil said, looking up at the vixen, " it might be a while until i'm built up as much as you want..." " is fine, guil. it was a worthy cause... and gazi was right.

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Journeys through Outer Canidia - prologue

Captain bassu proved to be a remarkable cat; i cannot discern his age except to say that he moves with a confidence and a grace that speaks to years at sea and a guile that speaks to years of war or trade, if anyone can tell the difference these days.

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Star-Crossed Lovers Act I

"because adam they used guile, and lies to bring down our families and cause infighting." adam finally able to tell someone what he believes unloaded unto amir, "how do we know they struck first?

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Donkey Jobs and Party Packs (Gerard Prince rewrite, Eps 6)

Including in guil's carnival, where he got to see how boys got transformed there.

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Digimon Defenders FAQ

In terms of special attack power, agu and gabu are by far the most powerful, followed by guil.

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The Bagel Bill Incident

Generically mysterious, and with that guile that many foxes had (or thought they had). guile could be a weakness, though. but ... " ... not for me," he whispered, casually making the rounds.

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