Magical Changes Chapter 1 Part 2: The Wizard Man Bull Named Brad Returns and Testing:

"what's done is done i'm not gonna undo them all, although i could undo it if there in my sights, like i do that for you anyway, fat chance of that happening any time soon, and it's to late anyway, there c-m controlled minds actions are already started as

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The Coach - Sporting Behaviour

"controlling minds." crosse waggled his eyebrows at him. "don't worry, garret. i'm not going to make you do anything you don't already want." the waiter approached, looking rather nervous at the sight of the two immense canines before him.

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08a The Song of the Otter - Part 1

Warrior clan, see if you can focus your efforts on the area donovan said was likely to be where a controlling mind might be." "it's too late, old bear," martin yelled in response. "that dome has shifted to south america.

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