Starfox Freefall

The past three years had been a mere blur, from her captivity on sauria, to the aparoid invasion, and now here, plummeting like a meteorite into the crisp blue atmosphere of her adopted homeworld.

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Krystal and Chase: Ronins

It was then that she realized chase was still alive during a final assault against a slowly rebuilding aparoid force.

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Starfox - Freefall

The past three years had been a mere blur, from her captivity on sauria, to the aparoid invasion, and now here, plummeting like a meteorite into the crisp blue atmosphere of her adopted homeworld.

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Chapter 4: Getting the Band Back Together

Her dark blue flight suit was reminiscent of the one she wore during the aparoid invasion, but slightly updated to stay current with the latest fashions sweeping corneria's capital city.

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Though the aparoid war had finally been ended there was still the matter of the eggman empire and the iron dominion.

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Krystals Wedding

- with the sharpclaw tribe disbanded and the aparoids defeated their was only one form of business left for fox to do: marry krystal, after finally getting the nerve he asked the girl of his dreams to marry him and she accepted.

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Arwing Archives

These fellows had lost their jobs during the aparoid invasion and were waiting for the military to release control of society. apparently, several of them had waited long enough and planned to force the government's hand.

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The Legend of Jenny and Renamon : A Full Bodied Berry Briefing

"what you see here is the planet celephaiis, a peaceful, unaffiliated little body that unfortunately found itself as the backdrop for one of the skirmishes during the aparoid invasion.

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Chapter 5: Uncharted Miracle

"krystal," said the aging rabbit, "how far was cerinia from lylat compared to the distance from lylat to the aparoid system?" "the aparoid system is ... was ... roughly ten times further away.

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Lovin' A Feline Chapter 3

During the aparoid invasion, this team had defended other areas while star fox took care for the main areas. they had even slipped in with the hot rodders to defend the gate but hadn't been able to follow.

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Hunter [Star Fox] Chapter 02

After the aparoids were destroyed the only thing left to do was rebuild as much of the cornerian infrastructure as possible. we had helped with that, for a while, but things were changing for everyone.

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Predator and Prey

Post-aparoid. fox/wolf. i'm going to start posting this story here on sofurry for people to follow. check out chapter one if you're new to this: i edited it a little bit since it was first posted.

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