The Wolf In the Street Ep 1

Chapter 2 is out, named "the wolf in the street" if interested. thanks.

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The Journals of Bahir: The streets of Mithra

A day in the journal of bahir, thief and street urchin in the great city of mithra. the streets of mithra, a journal of bahir by sorin story is ©2012 sorin of all the jewels in the golden desert, none shines more splendidly than mithra.

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Streets paved with gold (3)

#3 of streets paved with gold sorry it has taken so long to get the third chapter of this story out, i was unsure which way to take it or how i wanted it to flow, hopefully it will make an enjoyable read, if so i would appreciate any comments, faves and votes

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The Wolf In the Street ep 7

At 18, she was involved in a gang war between the streets. killed 10 men and 2 women, rendered the lincoln street in rubbles.... that... was some pretty good details don't you think?"

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Streets paved with gold (1)

#1 of streets paved with gold this is an idea i had for a story, i started writing it way back in october 2012 and then forgot about it, then i was going through my story files and found it again and so i decided to finish the chapter and post it to see how

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Streets paved with gold (2)

#2 of streets paved with gold here is chapter two of my new story, as always any votes, faves and comments are much appreciated.

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Inkerman Street - Part 6

We climbed into bed and lay there looking up at the ceiling, holding on like drowning sailors, and listened to the swish of the trees against the window and the sound of people and the passage of cars along the street as another night enfolded inkerman street

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Inkerman Street - Part 5

#5 of inkerman street the missing persons report sets up a new line of enquiry, and the bull and his partner take nigel out to ringwood to investigate.

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Inkerman Street - Part 4

#4 of inkerman street our stag succumbs to the bull's charms, and finds solace in the ample arms of his friend, but before he can come to terms with what this means, fate takes a hand.

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Inkerman Street - Part 2

#2 of inkerman street our stag is on a mission to get back his lover's watch, stolen by the mysterious colt who he rescued from the skip outside his townhouse.

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Inkerman Street - Part 3

#3 of inkerman street a leisurely saturday is not quite in store for our stag, as his quiet time is interrupted by the returned stag.

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Fighters in the streets, lovers on the sheets

**It was a warm summer night. Dojo and Coal Paw had just finished their harsh training. Dojo was wearing his white kendo outfit with the red belt, Coal was wearing her black kendo outfit with a belt that matched her eyes. Both covered in sweat and...

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