Blew Up

" are we gonna do this again?" Thunder asked. The blue furred canine stood over the plant dragon as he stood on a plush bean bag chair with nothing but a pair of boxer briefs on. Sai crossed his arms; the muscled wolf glancing over a few of...

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The apartment was filled with the sounds of the guitar strings being plucked. The wolf lounged on the couch, feet kicking the armrest as he practiced on the bass. He didn't feel like studying over the break and he had a day off from work. Quite frankly...

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Man, he really needed to clean this place up. The male husky stepped into his house; the place looking like a tornado ran through here. It was a small one room, one bathroom place for the so called 'bachelor' that he was, but it was really just so he...

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Quadruple The Fun (Part 2)

"I thought I asked you to change me back after that whole...thing." "Hey, in my defense, I did. But I also wanted to do one more thing with ya!" Kaji grinned at Thunder, patting one of his cheeks. The eastern dragon looked un-amused as the two...

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Quadruple The Fun

"Thunder, Thunder, wake up~" The eastern dragon stirred around, reaching for his mysteriously missing blankets. The breeze from outside danced across his body. His bed and window weren't this natural feeling...Something felt off. The dragon finally...

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"P-please, I beg of you!" The poor tiger backed up against the wall in a panic, his face stricken with fear. He tried to grab for anything he could throw at the figures in front of them; a lamp, a few books, though all of it was useless. The impending...

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"Ugh, my aching head..." Quazy rubbed his head, the sound of his voice catching his attention. He groaned and twisted underneath the sheets of his bed, his groaning sounding rather different. Everyone recognized their own voice at some point, but the...

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