Changes of the eclipse: Chapter 5

** Well Im proud to announce I have uploaded my fifth chapter for my first story ^^ Feel free to state your opinion, good or bad about my...

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Eternal Door: Miracle Maker Part One

They had no good reason, she knew that, they were just bullies at school. every school had them, this was completely normal. she was poor, so they held dominance over her, that was how it worked. which was fine...

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chapter 2: how to have an interesting day

Marc was like your average high school bully, but way worse. he led a gang of bullies that called themselves the "bully coordination cult" or the b.c.c. for short. to get in you have to beat up a kid, kick him while he's down and steal their wallet.

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Hybrids Among Us Chapter 3

You did the right thing standing up to a bully. it's not the way i would have gone, but we're all different, right?" she said. i coughed up blood. "yeah. and i guess my way get the shit beat out of me." "watch your language. we're at school."

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Hybrids Among Us Chapter 2

So get ready for the hurtful comments and bullying tomorrow." i said. "dude, tomorrow's saturday." she said. this time, she picked up a rocket launcher an killed me. "oh yeah. get ready for monday then." i said.

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Writing Prompt, Week 1: Standing Up

Brian stumbled back, his stubby legs scrambling to recover from Terry's shove. He glanced up, scared and angry, to see Terry looming over him, his jerk friends flanking him to either side. Well, maybe looming was an exaggeration - Terry wasn't that...

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Bravery - Chapter 2 On the edge

_How could I possibly shoot so fast? Was that because I was too nervous?_ I was musing this question which had been confusing me many hours. The worst thing was that whenever I thought about it, my blood surged to my penis. That was especially not...

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Stung 5: Logic

(Two Years Earlier) It was one o'clock in the morning, and they were at it again. Logic typed as silently as he could, hoping that they wouldn't realize he was still awake and come in. He lay in bed silently, his 5-year old laptop plugged into a LAN...

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The Biography Of My Maker

Nivek was strong physically, willful, determined to teach bullies a lesson but at any cost.

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Spotted The locker door closed quietly, accompanied by a small, nearly silent sigh. The young white stoat looked carefully around himself, grateful that he didn't see any of the faces that usually meant trouble, or at least moderate discomfort. He...

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The Love they Shared Part 3

"another bully came up in my school, named ryan, tall gorilla. same situation, bullying me for the fun of it. i talked some smack to him and he pulls a knife on me outside. i blacked out and when i woke up, his face was all slashed up!

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Closet Love Chapter 1

I wake up gasping for air, it was that same dream, that same reoccurring nightmare. It happens every night: my parents kicking me out of the house, being outted at school, getting beat up in the Burger King parking lot. The exact same nightmare every...

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