Into the Unknown-Chapter 2
In front of him sat a finely dressed human female about 5' 6" 200+lbs because of the slight swell in her mid-section indicating that she was pregnant. snapping a salute after he came to stand in front of the desk. "lt.
Anyanetta's Foal
Anyanetta trotted around her paddock, the canadian horse currently pregnant with a larger than usual foal. as canadian horses were rare, anyanetta was given a job of breeding.
Coon Fandango 2: The last one to know...
pregnant? but... that's impossible!_ "hey you!" _snap!_ the crack of the whip and the sound of the guard bearing down on him quickly brings treel back to reality, and he hurries to shoulder the basket and run towards the long rows of grape-vines.
cindy 5-it's time
"you have to get me pregnant first." sam laughed and kissed her deeply.
Guilty of this Love
"Guilty of this Love" is a fiction story. Any similes with reality are mere coincidence. Adult Text & Content: If you are under the age of 18, or easily offended by sexual content (i.e. - explicit in nature), Between Men & Women/ Men or Men/...
The Wizards Foes
Jakie for her part kept quiet, having found a hobby in watching as joseys pregnant belly grew before her very eyes. it wasn't until late one day when josey actually tried to stand up and stretch her sore legs that she realized she couldn't.
Gary the dragon
Being gravid sucks in some ways: there's the male impotence, for one thing. getting a huge belly is another side effect that you just learn to live with. then there are cramps, aches and pains like the ones that probably woke me up...
Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 24
Proud heart still refused to use the rainbow rescue beam this far into her pregnancy, even with assurances that it was completely safe, so she was flying down with sage heart bear and life heart unicorn, who had left their twin children meek and wild
Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 23
Chapter 23: Baby Boom, True Heart and Noble Heart True Heart lay outside on the grassy hill that overlooked the landing site of the Great Fox, white and yellow flowers tucked into the base of her long wavy pink and purple hair that spread out...
A hippo's third birthing experience
That is when he realizes he could get pregnant and that this would be his third time being pregnant. though he is quick to shove that away, hopeful to not have that happen. he has enough babies to take care of.
A male hippo's inital birthing experience
Takes his smartphone from out of his right pocket with his left hand, quite the predicament and feat to do considering the current events going on with his body currently, he dials for the local ambulance and explains to the driver on the line "sir, i am pregnant
intertwined. part two
A few hours later, the pacing starts. Fuyuhiko's showing the characteristic restlessness that tells Peko, from all the reading she's been doing, that active labor is probably close to starting. Mainly, he's going about the nest, pacing the perimeter...