Cumdump Pup's Con

One black skinned pup was more horse than pup and with the added sheath it felt like a grapefruit when he knotted me.

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Kennel Training

"a good rubber pup, an obedient rubber pup, a loyal rubber pup..."

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ancient wolf

Once upon a time two nine tailed fox's find a twenty tailed wolf pup almost frozen in the snow. the nine tailed fox's placed the wolf pup in there den to get and find out his name. pup said my name is fireball.

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in a wolf's body: chpt 13: Alexi and Morgan's adventure in homosexuality

Get off of your sister" "yes dad" the pup pulled his dick out of his sister's tight folds. autumn walked off annoyed and undignified. "morgan-" "i'm sorry dad! i just wanted to prove that i'm not gay!"

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Wolves of Hope: Freedom Trails

Just as a trap begins to snap its cold, steal jaws shut, sora bowls the pup out of the way. alice shudders in fear, but is otherwise unscathed.

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A Life Worth Living - Epilogue - When It's Nine in the Afternoon

A Life Worth Living - Epilogue - When It's Nine in the Afternoon Here is the epilogue. After weeks and weeks of beautiful build up, here it is, the ending I've had embedded in my mind for months, finally down and complete. If you've gotten as far as...

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Saving the Species Ch. 8 The Naming

Linda smiled as she wrote all the names on their respective collars and said "now, which pup to which collar?" rathnal picked up the one male pup, "well, this would be talyn," he said, placing the pup next to linda.

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Niveus and Dragonlord

You know how there is always that one person who just doesn't fit in due to their heritage? Well, in my school, that would be me. My name is Niveus, I'm 10 years old and attend public school. I live with my mother, father, and at times my older...

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Through the Horizon: Expansion and Revelations

Dasher laughed and sat back as he said, "then wash your pup and lets get him clean and dressed and fed. after that, we will put him to bed and i will begin teaching you the fine points of raising your new pup."

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The Game Of Coyote: Chapter 1 (Preview)

As I surround myself with my environment, the cold, rotting cell didn't seem like a huge problem for me. I gave a quick chuckle as I learned the way of the people in the Jigolow jailhouse for the criminally insane; i could overhear the guards speaking...

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The Alpha Male's new Pet Chapter 2

He licks his pup's nose and says, "yes my child it will hurt maybe more." he says as his paw moves under her tail rubbing her tight tailhole as he grows more erect under the young pup. mmm why don't you lube daddy's cock up."

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