Ebon, Chapter Four

After our meal I bid farewell to the two equines, and headed out of the restaurant. I walked through one of the larger apartment complexes in Davison, passing along the forest that bordered it until I came to a small path that wound through the...

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Mini Scene: A Lion, Vixen, and the Search for Better Scene Description

The room was bathed in a soft luminescent white light. The walls were padded, black, to ensure that whatever fun was had within the four walls, the sound remained there. In the middle of the room hung a metal pole, horizontal on its axis. Heavy rope...

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Dragoness on a Far-away World: Chapter 1 Page 1

All of this happened within the space of milliseconds and continued to play out as she made a sudden realization that would change the dynamic of the entire encounter. it was one of her kind, escaped from below.

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Dragoness on a Far-away World: Prologue

Fayr awoke to the lingering scent of burnt electronics, the acrid odor causing her to be wracked with coughing for a few moments. It was already dangerously hard to breathe within the flight deck of the crashed ship, and without a moments hesitation...

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Space Between Us - Chapter 5

He'd said he didn't, anyway, and jamey believed him, because decklan was extraordinarily honest for a former space pirate. not that jamey had met any other space pirates, former or otherwise. decklan hadn't minded because he just wanted to help.

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Space Between Us - Chapter 4

He made space beside himself and patted it. "come lay down." jamey moved obediently, arranging himself delicately on his back so that he was looking up at decklan.

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Space Between Us - Chapter 3

#3 of space between us sorry it took so long to get this chapter up here. the website down-time really threw me off. jamey the bear pilot's name was decklan.

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Space Between Us - Chapter 2

#2 of space between us after a violent encounter, decklan finds himself a bit too personally concerned with the pet named jamey...

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Space Between Us - Chapter 1

#1 of space between us decklan, grizzly bear and washed-up former space pirate, is too busy scraping out a living as a freelance pilot to worry about being lonely.

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Teaser: As Below, So Above

Teaser for: As Below, So Above by Mut He'd found the note clipped to Thomas's bunk with a magnet. It had been written in an urgent, passionate scrawl as uncharacteristic of the rat as the words. It spoke of sacrifice and redemption, temptation and...

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Dead Space Dissolution Chapter One: Lost in Space

Looking out the forward viewport we could see he was right, the pulsing silvery waves of shock space fading back into normal space. ahead was kreemar and in a high orbit around it was the solar spirit.donio snickered.

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Clipped Wings

Now unable to hold back their tears of joy as they saw you in the official space overall, bearing your name and crew-number proudly on your chest under the logo of the space-agency.
