Getting What He Wants

Story by devilmaycry on SoFurry

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Another short story I did for that cute bunny Huggles. This was actually a lot of fun to write and I'm thankful for him to let Devil and Huggles share a little bit of fun. As always, comments either good, bad, or just browsing welcomed.

Huggles belongs to himself @:

"Alright you lazy bastards, line it up," the burly bear yelled.

All the players on the field huddle together on the grass as the coach started talking.

"This is our final three games before the playoffs. If we can win all three, we can by pass the first round and rest easy."

"Who do we have last couple of games?" a ferret asked.

"Jamestown, Upton, and Cambridge."

"Those should all be easy games," a goat spoke up.

The bear eyed him before speaking.

"Easy game huh? Let me refresh your memory Charles. Our last games with all of them, we lost by three or more. So how is that easy?"

Nobody spoke up as the bear nodded.

"That's what I thought. We have the two best forwards in the league with Dennis and Huggles. There should be no reason to lose these games again. Agreed?"

Everybody nodded their heads making the coach smile.

"Good. Hit the showers and head on home. Good practice today."

Everyone headed to the locker room, idle chatter between them along with laughs. Huggles went to his locker and opened it, grabbing his towel and some body wash.

"Hey Huggles, we on for today?" a fox asked.

The lagomorph ears lifted before turning around.

"I need to finish my geology homework. I'm falling behind a little and mom took away my system."

"Damn. We need your Murdock skills. You know you have the best build for him. Your kill/death ratio is godly."

Huggles chuckled at that before heading to the shower. Turning on the water, he let it get warm before stepping under it. His short white fur clung to his skin as the warm water splashed his body.

"I still think that rainbow tattoo is cute," the fox said, washing down next to him.

"Its suppose to be," Huggles replied. "Thus the reason I got it."

Applying some body wash in his paws, Huggles washed down his red hair before rinsing it off. Once done, he went down his tone body, making sure to wash the family jewels and his uncut cock. His parents didn't believe in circumcising. And he was quite thankful for that cause the extra simulation was outstanding. Getting nice and clean, he dried himself off before tossing his clothes on.

"Catch you tomorrow Hugs," the fox said.

"Later Jones."

Grabbing his backpack, he headed out the double doors of the gym and to the parking lot where his mom was waiting for him. He got in with a huff before closing the door.

"Hey mom."

"Hey son. How was practice?" she asked sweetly.

"It was cool. Got a scolding from the couch for the upcoming games that we need to win."

"I see. You got homework?"

"Yeah. I'll take care of it when I get to my room."

His mom nodded as they drove home with idle chatter about various stuff. Pulling into the driveway, they got out and entered the house, feeling the cool central air hit their bodies. Huggles's dad looked up from his newspaper and gave a smile.

"There's the next soccer all star."

"Dad, I'm not that good. I just have good hand eye coordination," Huggles blushed.

"Which makes you good. I've been to your games and you outshine everybody."

"If you say so dad. I'm going to do my homework."

"Okay son. I'll call you for dinner," his mom said.

Huggles nodded, headed up to his room. Walking in, he was greeted to his collection making him smile. He was a heavy collector of manga and comic books. He had various posters of different heroes and villains all over his wall as well as models that he made from sets. On the side wall was a large bookcase with tons of books and manga which took forever to collect but he did it. Tossing his bag on the desk, he flopped down on the bed, staring at the ceiling and letting his mind wonder.

"Let me get my homework done and over with."

Reluctantly, he got up and went to his desk and started on his homework. Time flew before he heard his mom call him.

"Dinnertime Huggles."


He marked his place before heading downstairs to the smell of eggplant casserole and potatoes. He took a seat as the family said grace before digging in.

"Playoffs are soon mister. Are you guys going to make it?" his father asked.

"We should if we win play like we have been the last couple of days," Huggles replied, taking a forkful of eggplant casserole.

"Good. I have high hopes for you to go pro and make the mega bucks so I, er, me and your mother can retire."

"Nice try dear," his mom said making them laugh.

Since they were in a good mood, Huggles might as well ask them.

"Mom, dad, can I go to the club tomorrow night since its Friday?"

They looked at each other before him.

"You know how I feel about clubs son," his father spoke up.

"I know. But I haven't done anything wrong in them."

"One condition."

"Name it."

"You do your homework before you leave."


"And you're back no later then eleven."

Huggles nodded at the terms as his parents smiled. Dinner went by fast as he had his fill before helping with cleaning up. Once that was done, he went back upstairs and finished where he left off. Having done that, he let out a yawn before crawling in the bed and passing out.


The bell chimed signaling the end of class. Huggles gathered his books before heading to his locker.

"What's good Hugs?"

He turned to see Jones standing there.

"Hey Jones."

"We going tonight? I heard its techno night which means glow sticks and raves."

Huggles laughed at that.

"Yeah. I got the parents okay as long as I do everything they ask."

"Cool. I'll be by around seven with Henry to pick you up."

"I'll be waiting."

Jones gave a thumbs up before heading to class. Huggles followed suit as the day sped by fast. His mom picked him up as they headed home.

"Remember our deal Huggie?"

"Yes mom. I'll get started as soon as I get home."

"Good boy."

They made it home as Huggles went straight to his room, but not before stopping in the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of pop. Plopping his backpack on the floor next to his desk, he took a seat and started on all his homework. Around six forty five his phone on the desk rumbled as he looked at the text message.

"_ Heading your way. B ready." _

"Homework almost done but need shower."

"_ Then hurry your fuzzy ass up." _

Huggles chuckled at that before putting his phone down and finishing the last bit of his homework. Once done, he grabbed some undergarments and took a quick wash off. Drying off, he tossed on a belly shirt that matched his red hair along with a skirt. He loved to dress up in this kind of attire when going clubbing. Smoothing his hair out, he added a stud in each ear before folding them half way to the front. Looking in the mirror, he gave a smile before hearing a car pull up on the sidewalk. He headed downstairs and grabbed his keys, opening the front door.

"I'm gone mom and dad."

"Be back before eleven Huggles," his dad said.

"I know," he said, closing the door.

He hurried to the waiting car and hopped in the back seat.

"Looking hot there," Jones chuckled.

"You know it. Now lets go. Hit it Phil," Huggles said to the doe driving.

They made it to Club Hot as the doe pulled into the parking lot. The line was long as the bouncer was checking Ids. Once he checked theirs, he opened the doors as they walked in. The heavy bass rocked their ears as the strobes lights flashed different colors onto the crowd of people on the dance floor.

"Let's make our way to the bar," Jones yelled over the music.

They nodded and made their way through the crowd to the bar. A polar bear was serving drinks as he looked at them.

"Three shots of Tequila," Jones said.

The bear nodded, powering the drinks as the doe paid. They each grabbed a glass before taking it hard. Coughing ensued for the next couple of moments before they chuckled.

"All right. Don't get into trouble and have fun," the doe said mixing into the large crowd.

Huggles and Jones looked at each other before the crowd.

"You hunting tonight Huggles?"

"You know it," Huggles grinned.

"Anything in particular?"

Huggles rubbed his chin. He had his fair share of girls sure, but nothing could beat the feel of a hard cock ramming into him and abusing his prostate. Having a hands free climax is a thing of beauty.

"Maybe something cute and rough that has a nice, thick knot to keep me plugged up for hours," Huggles smiled, licking his lips.

"So something canine then huh? Why not try me?" Jones grinned.

"I said thick knot. Apple sized not cherry," Huggles said with a wink.

"Low blow," Jones said, slapping Huggles ass making him meep.

Huggles smiled before giving him a two finger salute and slipping through the crowd. Few people grinded into him which he responded by fondling them lightly. He could easily pass as a girl in the lightning as he danced a little bit. His eyes never stopped looking until he spotted his prey.

"Bingo," he murred.

He made his way over to a table where a lone wolf was sitting, nursing a drink in its paw. Huggles slid easily into the seat in front of the wolf and smiled.

"Well hello there wolfie. What brings you to Club Hot?"

The wolf's teal eyes looked up at Huggles before shrugging.

"They have the best Barbadian rum in town."

"Heavy drinker?"

"No. I'm still in school."

"Really? Where do you go?"

"Senior at Lincoln Tech."

Huggles eyes went wide at that. He went to the same school as him but never crossed paths.

"You go to the same school as me? How come I never see you?"

"My classes are all on the third floor."

"Ahh, that explains it."

The music changed to a slow beat making Huggles grin.

"Care to dance with me wolfie?"

"I don't dance really," the wolf said shaking his head.

"Come on. Just one dance."

Huggles reached over and trailed a single finger on the wolf's hand making it twitch. The wolf looked at him before the huge crowd. He shrugged his shoulders before downing his drink in one gulp.

"One dance."

Huggles blue eyes lit up at that before smiling and standing up, grabbing the wolf's paw and pulling him into the crowd with a startled yip from the wolf. Getting in the crowd, he threw the wolf's arms around his waist and got into the beat, grinding slowly into the wolf's waist.

The wolf regained his composure before picking up the rhythm, paws roaming Huggles firm stomach making him moan. The wolf stood about a foot taller as Huggles reached around with one paw and gripped the wolf's ass getting a growl.

"And what do you think you're doing?" the wolf said with a slight, husky growl.

"Just grinding to the music wolfie. I like to be up close and personal," Huggles said, squirming a little feeling the claws of the wolf dig into his skin a little.

"Sure you do. But just be warned, I'm not easy to get."

"Won't stop me from trying."

Huggles grinded harder and finally felt it. The lump in the wolf's pants was big and made him shiver with anticipation. He just had to snag a feel. He moved his left arm from the wolf's behind and circled around to the front. Just before he hit the gold mine, the wolf grabbed his wrist.

"Naughty bunny," the wolf said with a growl and a nip of his ears.

Huggles melted from the bite, his ears being his one weak spot.

"Like I said, I'm not that easy. Thanks for the dance."

He felt the wolf's arms leave from around his waist making him whine a little. His embrace was so firm and gentle. He had to find him again. Plus, he loved a good challenge of people playing hard to get.

"Game on," he grinned, licking his lips while dancing some more.


Monday morning found Huggles in his class just before the lunch bell rang. Gathering his things, he went to his locker where Jones was waiting for him.

"What's up Trix?" he grinned.

He hated that nick name cause of the cereal Jones liked to eat.

"You know I hate that name."

"But it suits you cause of your tattoo."

Huggles rolled his eyes at that before tossing his books in his locker and grabbing his next subject books.

"You find anything good Friday? I was too out of it to ask that night."

"Sure did," Huggles grinned.

"Really? Did you get a name?"

"Nope. But he does go to this school. His classes are all on the third floor."

Jones looked at him before nodded his head.

"What does he look like?"

"A wolf from just looking at him. His fur was black so the only thing that stood out was a white tattoo on his right shoulder. But I would know his voice and his eyes."

They passed by the gym to see lots of people gathered around.

"What's going on here?" Huggles asked.

"I think they're having some kind of tryouts for the martial arts club."

Huggles watched the large crowd before he saw something familiar.

"Wait, I think that's him."

Jones looked at who he was pointing to before laughing.

"Forget about it Hugs. That's Devil. He's way to hard to get."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because even I tried, and I'm a fox. Who wouldn't want a fox?"

Huggles took another look at Devil before heading to his class. So his name was Devil huh? A fitting name. Probably is one in bed. Once all his classes were done, he went to the locker room to change for soccer practice. He said hi to all his teammates as they joked and laughed away. Getting changed into his uniform, he followed them out to the field where the coach was waiting.

"Alright you fairies, I want a warm up lap around the field then we'll begin practice."

Everyone nodded, stretching out before beginning their jog, Jones right by Huggles.

"Check it out. Your mark is in the stands."

Huggles looked to the right to see Devil on the bleachers with a few other people. He watched as two girls gave him a piece of paper, blowing him a kiss before leaving. Huggles had to bite back a growl as Jones chuckled.

"Looks like your mark has other marks."

"Shut up Jones. I'll get him. You'll see."

After their run, they huddled together in the middle of the field as the coach started talking. Huggles attention was mostly on Devil as he was reading a book and drinking some water.

"Hey Huggles, you want to repeat what I just said?" the coach asked.

"That we need to kick ass and make the playoffs."

The coach chuckled before shaking his head.

"More or less. Lets get some practice in."

They went through various plays and scrimmages until all the players were pretty much dead on their feet.

"Good job today. Hit the showers, go home and get some rest."

Everyone groaned, moving their bodies to the locker room. Huggles hopped into the shower next to Jones and washed off.

"Man, coach was a beast today," Huggles said.

"No kidding. I'm hurting all over. And not in a good way. But I noticed your mind wasn't in it today. Could that have anything to do with a certain wolf in the stands?"

Huggles blushed before looking at Jones angrily.

"No it doesn't. I just had and off day is all."

"Sure you did."

Huggles ignored him as he continued to wash off. But Jones was right. He was distracted just having Devil there. A huff escaped him as he turned off the water and dried off.

"I'll catch you tomorrow Hugs," Jones said heading out.

"Later foxy."

That left Huggles all by himself as he got dressed. Tossing his stuff in the lockers, he closed it and let out a yell of surprise when he turned to see Devil leaning on the wall.

"Christ Devil. I want to live for awhile you know."

Devil just grinned before walking towards him. Huggles started to shiver as the wolf drew closer, taking note of his features. His fur was black all around except the patch of teal that covered his chest, ears, and tip of tail. He wore a simple blue vest, chest exposed showing his abs that looked tight. Matching slacks covered his legs which came closer.

"That wasn't your usually performance. What happened out there?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you played like shit. Don't tell me I distracted you?"

Huggles blushed before crossing his arms and puffing his chest out.

"Of course you didn't. I was just off my game."

A yelp of surprise came out of his mouth as he got slammed against the lockers. He looked up to see Devil's muzzle just inches away from him. His scent was strong making his head spin with want.

"You aren't fooling anyone," Devil said, voice barely audible. "If I let you, you would kiss me right now, wouldn't you?"

Huggles couldn't help but nod weakly, his blue eyes transfixed onto Devil's teal.

"Like I said at the club, I'm not that easy."

"And like I said, I like a challenge," Huggles whispered back.

Devil showed his teeth in a predatory smile.

"Then game on little bunny."

Devil lingered a little longer before pulling back and leaving the locker room. Huggles let out a breath he didn't know he was holding before sitting on the bench with shaky legs. Looking down at his groin, he was painfully hard, a dark spot appearing in the middle and growing bigger. He gave a smile before smoothing his hair.

"Game on indeed Devil. A game I'm better at."


Huggles sat in his free period, fingers drumming on the desk. That encounter in the locker room was playing over and over in his head like a bad record. He couldn't help but rub two out when he got home. Those teal eyes were so captivating that he could stare at them and never get bored.

"He's not going to win. I've won more times with people playing hard to get."

He excused himself to go to the bathroom and headed down the hall. The gym doors were open as he passed them before stopping and coming back.

"All right, next two people will be Devil and Harold," the roo said holding a clipboard.

Devil stood up and walked into the large circle alongside a puma. Huggles watched from the door as they bowed to each other before taking a stance.

"I want a good clean sparring match. Are you two ready?"

They both nodded as the roo smiled.

"Good. Begin!"

The puma went on the offense with swift attacks. Devil stood firm, countering everything with precision as everybody looked on and cheered a little.

"Wow, he's good," Huggles said to himself.

Devil saw an opportunity and took it, taking the puma legs out from underneath him. Harold flipped up quickly before growling.

"How come you're not attacking? You scared or something?"

"No. But if you want me to, I'll start."

"Wise ass huh? I'll show you."

Harold growled before coming at Devil again. Devil smiled before going on the attack this time with accurate shots to the body before an expert arm drag knocking the air out of Harold. All the students clapped, even the roo.

"Impressive Devil. We could actually win this year with you on the team."

Devil walked over and held out his paw to Harold. Harold let out a grunt but accepted it and got pulled to his feet.

"Damn dude, were you just playing with me?" he asked.

"No. I just picked up your pattern really fast. You have good moves, just need a bit of more practice and polish."

"Gee thanks," Harold said, rolling his eyes.

"All right good job. I'll have the final cut on who's on the team tomorrow. Head to your classes and good job to everyone."

Everybody headed out the gym chatting with one another. Huggles hugged the wall, waiting for Devil. He came out last with a fennec arm in arm.

"You are pretty bad ass Devil. How about some private lessons at my house one day?" the fennec cooed, wrapping her long tail with his.

"Do I get paid for these private lessons?"

"Very handsomely," she murred, leaning up to nuzzle his neck.

Huggles felt the fur on the back of his neck stand up. That was his wolf, his mark. Devil turned to see Huggles against the wall, fists balled making him grin.

"Well hello there bunny."

The fennec turned to see Huggles also before smiling.

"Hey, you're the star soccer player for our team aren't you? Huggles if I remember correctly."

"Yeah, that's me."

"Wow, two celebs in one day. How lucky am I? Well I better get to my class. Here's my number Devil. Call me and we'll start those lessons."

She tickled his chin making him murr softly before leaving. Devil watched her leave, eyes transfixed on her long, happily wagging tail.

"Now that's a hot piece of ass right there," Devil grinned. "Wouldn't you agree?"

Huggles didn't say anything making Devil chuckle.

"Jealous much are we?"

"No, I'm not," Huggles said, calming down before smiling. "Cause I know in the end, you'll be mine."

"Cocky. I like that. But its lunch time for me. Catch you later."

He gave a two finger salute before walking off. Huggles didn't want to admit it, but he was jealous. But this battle is far from over.


It was game time as Huggles heard the crowd from the locker room. He grabbed his uniform out of the locker and slid it on along with his shoes. The coach was at the dry erase board and talking to all of them.

"All right ladies, this is game one of three we need to win. So we're going to go out there and kick some ass."

He wrote the starting line up on the board. Huggles was surprised to see he was not starting.

"I'm going to try something different. You're probably mad at me Huggles for not starting you, but a little change never hurt."

"I've got no problem as long as we kick their asses," Huggles replied.

"Good. Just remember, Carlos is their main star. Shut him down, and the game is ours."

Everyone nodded as the coach smiled.

"Alright, let's head out there and kick some ass!!"

All the players cheered before hustling out the locker room and onto the field, getting a huge ovation from the crowd. Huggles sat on the bench along with the reserves and watched the game with Jones.

"Think we'll win?" Jones asked.

"We should. I can tell already they are messing up," Huggles replied, watching the game unfold.

After about ten minutes, Jones tapped his shoulder.

"Look behind you, fourteen rows from the top."

Huggles looked up and spotted none other then Devil. He was watching the game alongside a horse, husky, doe, and that same fennec from before.

"So what?" Huggles huffed angrily.

"I figured you'd be angry that girl is molesting your prize."

"Don't care. Need to focus."

Jones grinned as he looked at him. He loved seeing Huggles angry about not getting what he wanted.

"He really is getting to you huh?"

Huggles looked at Jones before taking a glance up. That fennec had her legs on Devil's lap, her head under his chin as he held her close. His small, red cotton ball tail twitched angrily. Their eyes met as Devil gave at toothy grin before a thumbs up.

"He's taunting me, the jerk."

He jumped when something hit his arm. Looking over, he saw the coach with his arms folded.

"Get up and get in there."

Huggles nodded before jogging out onto the field, replacing the skunk who gave him a high five. Once he was on the field, he became a whole different person. He drew circles around defenders and made on point passes. All his frustration he let loose on the field as the crowd cheered him on. He even made a highlight play by jumping in the air with a spinning kick that rocketed past the goal tender. Devil couldn't help but smile as he watched Huggles play like should. At the end of the game, they won easily four to one. They were cheering in the locker room as the coach settled them down.

"Now that's what I'm talking about. That's what I want to see every game from here to the championship. Huggles, you were a demon out there. I don't know what happen for you to play like that, but don't stop."

Huggles blushed as everybody patted his back.

"Grab a shower and head on home for a well earned rest."

Everyone nodded, grabbing a towel and hitting the showers.

"Damn dude, what the hell happened out there?" Jones asked, washing down.

"I just needed to focus," Huggles replied.

"Sure you did. I think you just needed to vent your frustration."

"Call it what you want."

Jones just chuckled as he turned off the shower and got out.

"I'll catch you tomorrow man."


Huggles stood in the shower, letting the water cascade down his body. He still couldn't believe he let Devil get to him like that. He was suppose to be the one playing the mind games. A sigh escaped him as he turned off the water and got out. He lingered for a bit at his locker, still trying to figure out how to get to Devil. If he could get to him at all.

"There has to be something."

He let out a sigh before getting dressed. Heading outside, he saw his father waiting by the car, a huge smile on his face.

"Here's the superstar now. Fantastic game out there son."

"Thanks dad."

"Keep playing like that, and you'll have colleges knocking down your door to get to you."

Huggles smiled as his father put the car into gear. Just as they were leaving, he spotted Devil leaning on a car, lips locked together with that fennec. His heart sank at that. Maybe Jones was right. Maybe he should just give up. But dammit, he wanted Devil so bad.

"What's wrong son?" his father ask, glancing at his from the side of his eyes.

"Nothing dad. Just want to go home."


The weekend hit as Huggles sat in his room, manga book in his hands as he read. He didn't want to do anything today. His body just wasn't in it. The phone on his nightstand vibrated as he reached over for it.

"_ Club Hot tonight?" _

Huggles looked at the phone in thought. Should he go to the club and try to ease his mind?

"Okay I guess."

"_ You guess? You never turn down a chance to go to the club." _

"Not feeling it. Can go without me if....."

He never got to finish as the phone rang.

"What's wrong Trix?"

"Nothing," Huggles said softly.

"Jesus dude, has Devil really gotten to you that much? Just let it go and find someone else."

"I don't want anyone else. I want HIM."

Jones chuckled on the other side.

"I don't know what to tell you then Trix. If it seems impossible, just let it go. Now get some clothes on and let's hit the club."

Huggles tried to respond but Jones hung up before he could. He looked at the phone before placing it back on the nightstand. He did manage a small smile before getting up throwing on his club attire. Looking in the mirror, he fixed his skirt along with his hair before hearing a beep from the driveway.

"Huggles, your friend is here," his mom called from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm coming."

He hopped downstairs, giving his mom a hug before exiting. Jones was waiting outside next to Phil's car.

"You ready to dance your worries away?"

"I'll try," Huggles said.

"There is no trying. Its either yes or no Trix."

"Yes then."

Jones grinned before hopping in the car. Huggles followed suit getting in the back as Phil took off. The club was jumping as people stood in line waiting to bust a move. After showing their ID at the line, they walked into ear busting bass.

"Drinks?" Phil yelled.

They both nodded and headed to the bar, grabbing a shot of Tequila each. Having done that, Phil left them and disappeared into the crowd.

"Look Hugs, there are plenty of people here that would love to ride that cute ass of yours all night long. Just go out there and do what you do best. I'm sure you'll strike gold."

Jones gave him a couple of pats on the shoulder before heading to the dance floor. Huggles watched him before leaning on the bar. There were many people, but none of them had Devil's.....aura so to speak. But since he was here, might as well mingle with the crowd. With a smile, he joined the mass of people on the floor. It didn't take him long to get into the beat as he moved gracefully.

Movement caught his eye as he turned to see that fennec girl dancing up a storm. He didn't see Devil anywhere so he decided to have a little chat with her. He danced over, wrapping one arm around her waist making her jump before turning her head to see him as she smiled.

"Well hello there Huggles. Come to dance with me?"

"Something like that."

She grinned, wrapping her long tail around his waist and grinding into him. He had to admit, she was good looking as the subtle smell of perfume wafted through his nose.

"I saw your game. You were pretty awesome."

"Thanks. Even though I don't know how you saw anything when your eyes were undressing a certain wolf."

She giggled before turning around in his grasp, her auburn eyes looking into his blue.

"Yeah. Devil does has a way of catching your attention."

"So I noticed."

He was going to ask a question before Devil appeared with a smile.

"I see you found yourself another dance partner Violet. Should I head home?"

"Of course not wolfie. Two is better then one."

Huggles frowned a little when Violet left his embrace and clung to Devil. Devil ran his paws up and down her mid section making her shiver and moan.

"That should be me dammit," Huggles thought angrily, putting on a fake smile.

He could only watch as they bumped and grinded into each other. Hell, if they didn't have any clothes on, they would be probably close to climax. Violet leaned up to lick Devil's neck making him growl softly. Leaning down, he bite her shoulder gently making her mouth open in a silent yell. That was pretty much all Huggles could watch as he stopped dancing and went to the bar. He put his head in his hands and let out a shaky sigh. Jones came up to the bar laughing away in the arms of tiger. He saw Huggles and excused himself before walking over.

"Hey there Trix, what's good?"

"He won," Huggles said softly. "I can't get him."

Jones looked at him, smile fading.

"I tried to tell you Hugs. But you wouldn't listen."

"But I'm better at this. What went wrong?"

"Nothing went wrong Hugs. You did your best and came up empty. Time to move on and claim somebody else."

Huggles blue eyes looked at Jones before back at the bar counter. He took a deep breath before letting it out.

"I guess your right. Best to take my lost and learn from it."

"There you go," Jones said before letting out a yip as the tiger grabbed him from behind and licked his neck.

"You still owe me a dance," the tiger growled.

"You got it stripy. Once this is dance is over Hugs, we'll head home."

Huggles nodded, watching Jones get carried off onto the dance floor laughing away. Getting up, he squeezed his way through the crowd to the bathroom. Stepping to the urinal, he undid his fly and let loose, a sigh escaping him. He went to the sink to wash his hands, looking into the mirror and saw Devil leaning on the door.

"Violet can dance can't she?" he grinned.

"Big whoop," Huggles huffed.

That got a laugh out of Devil as he walked closer.

"Are we admitting defeat, little bunny?"

Huggles gritted his teeth before turning around and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Fine, you win okay. Happy now?"

"Very," Devil grinned.

Huggles let out a huff before heading to the door. Before he could open it, Devil turned him around and pinned him to the wall getting a yelp of surprise.

"What is your....mmph," Huggles started before his lips were locked with Devil.

His eyes were open wide in shock before closing and kissing back with as much passion as he could. Devil broke off much to Huggles dismay, his mouth slightly open and panting slowly.

"My victory prize. See you later bunny."

Huggles watched Devil leave before reaching up and touching his lips. He could still feel the fire that went into it making his knees weak. A small smile crossed his face.

"Victory prize huh? I guess I can live with that."


"He did what?" Jones said at lunch.

"He kissed me," Huggles said with a smile.

"And he called it a victory prize?"

Huggles nodded, gulping down some soda. Jones scratched his chin in thought.

"So Devil is going out with that fennec Violet?"

"Looks like it from what I saw on the dance floor."

"Bummer. Well, I'll know you'll find somebody else. In the meantime, you know we have Upton coming up. Better get our A game."

"I know. I owe that bastard Grant a ton for that last game."

The bell rang signaling the end of lunch as Huggles cleaned up his mess. Grabbing his bag, he headed out to his next class. He took a seat and let his mind wander, letting what the teacher said go through one ear and out the other. Getting through that class, he had a free period and decided to go to the library to relax. Finding a seat, he tossed his bag on the table before letting out a sigh. His mind replayed the kiss over and over. That just made his want burn hotter.

"Dammit, why did he have to kiss me?"

He let out a frustrated sigh. Normally he'd be reading some Charlie Brown or Tintin books, but he didn't feel like it. Maybe he'd go see the martial arts club practice for a bit. Grabbing his bag, he left the library and headed for the gym. Once he got there, he found it void except for the roo who looked at him.

"Don't you have class son?" he asked.

"It's my free period sir," Huggles replied.

"Oh. Shouldn't be wandering the halls then. What are you doing here?"

"Was hoping to see the club practice."

The roo chuckled at that before walking over.

"Well you just missed them. Were you going to join?"

"Oh no," Huggles replied quickly with a blush. "I'm only good at soccer. I would do horribly at martial arts."

"Never know until you try. If you change your mind, come see me. Name's Tony."

Huggles blushed but nodded his head and headed back to the library.

"Well that plan was a bust. Maybe I'll just take a nap."

Back at the library, he took a seat before placing his head down on his arms. It didn't take long for sleep to hit him as he passed out. The next thing he knew, his ears were being pulled making him jump.

"Wakey wakey Trix," Jones said with a smile.

"Dammit Jones, don't do that," Huggles growled.

":Sorry. But if I didn't wake you, you would've slept through the game."

Huggles eyes went wide as he looked at the time. It was close to four meaning he missed his last class. He groaned as Jones chuckled.

"Crap. I missed my last class. Hope it was nothing important."

"Probably wasn't. I passed by and saw everybody chilling. When I didn't see you there, I figured you'd be in here."

Huggles gave a stretch before grabbing his bag.

"What time is the game?"

"In three hours."

"Okay. That give me time to do my homework in the locker room. Come on."

They headed to the locker room and sat down on the bench, going through their homework. Huggles's phone rang as he dug it out of his pocket.


"_What happened son? I was waiting for you outside but you never showed,"_his mom said.

"Sorry mom. Fell asleep in the library. But I'm in the locker room doing my homework before the game tonight."

"Good. We'll see you tonight at the game then."

Huggles hung up before tossing his phone back in his pocket. They continued doing their paperwork until laughter caught their attention as their teammates started to file in.

"Hey there bunny," their goalie, a horse said with a smile.

"Hey Stanley. You going to deny them tonight like every girl you try to date?" Huggles grinned making everybody laugh.

"Says the person who got turned down by a certain wolf," Stanley shot back.

Huggles looked at Jones who just shrugged with a sheepish smile. The coach walked in soon after and clapped his hands getting everybody's attention.

"Alright people, this is game two. I want exactly what happened before to happen today. We'll go with the same line-up as last time. We have about thirty minutes before the game starts so do whatever you need to in that time frame."

Huggles could start to hear the crowd file in. A knock was heard on the locker room door as the head referee came in.

"You guys all set?"

Everyone nodded their heads.

"Good. Play it safe and have fun. See you out on the field."

They watched him leave before the coach spoke up again.

"We'll have fun. After we wipe the floor with Upton."

"Yeah!!" the players cheered.

"Alright, lets go out there and kick some ass!!"

All the players cheered before heading out into the field to the sound of the loud crowd cheering. Upton was already on the field warming up and doing their stretches. Huggles took a seat on the bench as the ref blew his whistle signaling the start of the game. The game was pretty evenly matched as both sides played excellent defense. A time out was called by Upton as they called in their subs.

"Huggles, get in there!" the coach yelled.

Huggles got up off the bench and jogged onto the field, stretching his legs out when an Upton player walked over to him.

"Well well, if it isn't Huggles the hopeless."

Huggles tensed when he heard that voice and turned to see a collie smiling at him.

"Grant? I thought I heard somebody with no talent."

Grant growled at that.

"Guess I'll have to put you in your place tonight."

"You can try. When I'm doing circles around you, try not to faint," Huggles grinned.

"Humph, we'll see."

The ref blew the whistle calling for the game to start. Stanley tossed the ball in as Jones received it and brought it down field, making smooth moves to avoid defenders. He passed it to Louie, who was very good at squeezing through defenders with his small rat body. Huggles managed to lose Grant and made a sprint towards the goal. Louie made a crisp pass in the air as Huggles jumped up with it. With a quick spin, he kicked it hard as it whizzed past the goalie and into the net making the crowd cheer as his teammates patted him on the back.

"You got lucky. But you won't get lucky twice," Grant growled.

"Says who? Just try and stop me," Huggles grinned.

The game pressed on, both teams tied at two a piece and only five minutes left in the game. Jones had the ball as he traveled down the field. The defense was coming down harder on them as the passes couldn't be to far or it would be stolen. Huggles managed to slip from Grant and made himself available for a pass. Jones saw him and made the pass. Grant took this chance and decided to take Huggles out. Just as Huggles received the pass and turned around, Grant did a baseball slide and connected hard on his ankle making him yell in pain and fall to the floor.

"What the fuck man!?" Jones yelled rushing over and shoving Grant.

That started a bench clearing rumble as all the refs blew their whistles. All the coaches managed to pull their players apart as stability was managed. Huggles was helped off the field, a few tears in his eyes. The trainer looked at Huggles ankle to see it swollen large. He touched it gentle making him yelp.

"Crap. That asshole did a number on your ankle. It's pretty badly swollen. You won't be walking or running anytime soon."

"How long are we talking about?" Huggles asked.

"At least a week or two. Be lucky he didn't break it. I'll take you to the hospital to get it wrapped up."

Huggles looked over to see Grant giving him a wave goodbye. A snarl escaped him as he tried to get up but fell right back down on the bench in pain.

"Relax man. We'll kick their asses for you. Just get yourself better," Jones said with a smile.

Huggles looked at him before sighing and nodded his head. He got helped into the locker room where his parents were waiting for him. His mom rushed over and hugged him making him blush.

"Are you okay Hugs?" she asked.

"I'm fine."

"That bastard should be expelled for doing that. He did that on purpose," his father added. "Come on, we'll take you to the hospital. The doctor is waiting for you cause we called in."

Huggles nodded before getting helped to his parents car before heading to the hospital.


"You need anything Hugs?" his mom asked looking at him.

Huggles was on the bed, his right foot in an ankle cast and laid straight out.

"Nah, I'm good mom. Just pissed at that asshole for doing this."

"It was a low thing to do I agree. But you guys won in the end."

"Yeah. But I should've been in there," Huggles said angrily.

"What's done is done. The school knows what happened and is sending somebody over to bring you your homework."

"Is it Jones?"

His mom shook her head no.

"No. Jones had to help his parents out so its somebody I never heard of. But he was nice enough to do this for you."

That made Huggles confused. Not many people would volunteer to do that. The doorbell rang as his mom got up off the bed.

"That must be him now."

Huggles's ears perked up as he heard the door open and his mom thank whoever brought his work to him. Footsteps approached his door and he blushed madly at who appeared.

"D...Devil!!? Wh....What are you....doing here?"

Devil just grinned before holding up a small folder.

"Silly rabbit. I brought your homework."

Huggles's heart couldn't stop beating fast as Devil walked in and took a look around. Luckily, Huggles kept his room clean. He squeaked out a thank you as Devil handed him the folder.

"Nice room. I see you're a big manga fan."

"Yeah. I like to collect them," Huggles said softly.

Devil walked over to the shelf on the wall and examined the figures on them.

"Wow, you got the limited edition Gundam Wing suit from the first season. Impressive."

Huggles's ears perked at that. He didn't know Devil liked this kind of stuff.

"I didn't know you knew about things like that?"

"There's a lot you don't know about," Devil said, looking through his manga collection.

Huggles looked at him as he flipped through some pages.

"Why are you here Devil? To rub your victory in my face?"

"No. I'm here to give you your homework and see how your doing. I heard about what happened to you."

"Yeah. That asshole tried to take me out of the game for good."

Devil placed the book he was reading back on the shelf before walking over and taking a seat on the bed. He lifted Huggles leg up on his lap making him meep.

"What are you doing?" Huggles asked.

"Trying something. My mentor taught me how to heal most injuries through pressure points," Devil said, undoing the cast.

Huggles couldn't help the shivers running through his body as Devil felt around his injured ankle. He dug his finger into the sheets, suppressing moans as Devil looked at him.

"Hmm, pretty interesting."

"What?" Huggles asked in a whisper.

"Nothing. Just talking to myself. Okay, you might feel a little discomfort, but trust me."

Huggles nodded and watched as Devil felt around again. Finding what he was looking for, Devil applied pressure to an area making Huggles grit his teeth in slight pain. He did it a couple more times before stopping and smiling.

"All done. How does that feel?"

Huggles couldn't respond, his eyes glazed a bit as he panted. Just Devil's touch alone got him so hard it was painful. A snap of fingers brought him back as he looked at Devil.

"I said, how does that feel?"

"Oh," Huggles blushed before moving his ankle and finding no pain what so ever. "I don't feel anything. Wow, thanks Devil."

Huggles got up and did a few careful steps just to make sure. Sure enough, his ankle felt like new.

"Maybe you should do your magic touch to my dad's back. He would pay you for it," Huggles chuckled.

"Happy to help a friend," Devil smiled before his phone vibrated. He pulled it out of his pocket and read the text message. "Looks like I'm needed at practice. I'll catch you tomorrow little bunny."


Devil stopped at the door and looked back at him. Huggles stared into those soft teal eyes making his knees weak. Then he remember that he was already taken.


"Nothing. Thanks again."

Devil gave a smile before leaving. Huggles let out a sigh as he sat back on the bed. His scent was still in the air as he inhaled deeply, cock throbbing hard and demanding attention. He was just about to close the door and take care of it when his mom came in.

"What a nice young man he was. Why can't all boys be like him?" she said before looking at Huggles as his cast was gone. "Where's you cast?"

"Don't need it. Devil fixed my ankle and its good as new. See?" Huggles said standing up and jumping a few times.

"I see. Then you'll have no trouble going back to school tomorrow then?"

Huggles pouted playfully and gave her sad eyes.

"Couldn't I stay out one more day?"

"Nice try after that little display. Do your homework and come on down for dinner."


"Damn dude, after that hit Grant did, I wouldn't expect you in school so quickly," Jones said at lunch.

"I have Devil to thank for that. He did something to my ankle and said something pressure points. Whatever he did worked wonders. Which reminds me," he said turning to look at him. "How did he get my address?"

Jones looked away, ears folded in a blush.


"He asked why you weren't here yesterday and I explained what happened."

"Why did he do that?"

"Don't know. But I was about to bring your homework when my dad called and said I had to help him with the garage clean up. So I asked Devil if he could bring your stuff to you."

Huggles chuckled before finishing his lunch.

"Well I guess that's okay. But next time give me a heads up. I was so flustered that I couldn't think straight."

"Let me guess, you were so hard it hurt huh? Do you think he noticed it?"

"I hope not," Huggles blushed. "But yeah, last night I couldn't stop myself from pawing off. Came three times cause his scent was still in my room which helped me."

Jones laughed at that before cleaning up his mess.

"I'll catch you later Trix."


Huggles watched him leave before heading to class himself. The day flew by quickly as Huggles was out on the field doing a little practice by himself. He called his mom and told her that he was doing a little practice just to freshen up. His ankle seemed almost brand new as he twisted and turned on the field. Whatever Devil did was awesome. Getting an hour of practice in, he headed back to the locker room and wiped the sweat off.

"Shower time," he said happily.

Stripping quickly, he went into the shower and turned on the water, letting it get the right temp. Once it did, he walked under the stream as it rained down on his body. A soft moan escaped him as he washed himself down. A yelp escaped him as somebody pinned him to the wall. He got turned around as his lips were locked again with somebody. Once the water and soap were out his eyes, he saw Devil standing under the stream with him.

"D...Devil!? What are you...."

Devil placed a finger on his lips making him go quiet.

"You win little bunny."

Huggles looked at him with wide eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you win our little game."

Confusion hit Huggles hard, body squirming as Devil ran his paws up and down his sides slowly.

"But what about Violet?"

"Violet was only using me to get back at somebody else. I went along with it cause I owed her a favor."

Huggles's smile couldn't be bigger then what it was now. He won! And now that he had him, he was going to use him to the fullest. He reached up slowly and placed a paw on his chest, fingers scratching the tuft making Devil murr.

"How lucky I am."

"Yes you are little bunny. I would've taken your friend Jones, but I had my eyes on you for a while now. I watched you practice everyday, shaking that cute body of yours and tempting me to just run down onto the field and rape you where you stand," Devil growled.

Huggles had to shiver at that, feeling the growl through his fingers. He leaned up and locked lips again, tongues lashing out for dominance. They broke off panting heavily as Huggles eyes were glazed over. He trailed his paw lower and finally got to fondle that dark sheath Devil had making him murr softly and hump into his paw.

"Mmm, you're a big boy," Huggles murred, licking his lips. "May I?"

"By all means."

Huggles gave him another kiss before slowly going to his knees, face to face with the object of his lust and desire. The tip was poking its head out as he gave it a lick. The salty pre coated his taste buds making him crave more. He took the tip in his mouth, sucking slowly and coaxing more of that wolf meat into his nursing mouth. Devil groaned, feeling himself getting more aroused by the second before becoming fully erect. Huggles released him with a slurping pop before admiring his handiwork. He could see the veins throb and push pre through the tip as it got washed down the drain.

"Very big boy indeed. I'm going to have fun with you."

"Me first," Devil growled, standing him up and pinning him to the wall.

He dug his claws into that slim frame, nails teasing the skin making Huggles moan. He didn't care who heard him. He had what he wanted right in front of him and was not going to waste a single second. He whimpered feeling Devil bite his ears softly.

"Sensitive aren't they?"

"Yes," Huggles whined.

Devil went further south before grasping that bunny cock making Huggles suck in a breath. Devil let out a murr, feeling how hard he was just from the touch he applied.

"Mmm, you've been wanting this for a long time huh?"

Huggles nodded, hips pushing into Devil's paw.

"How many times have you thought about me while jerking off?"

"Too many times."

"And I bet when you finished once, you had to go again?"

Yes," Huggles moaned.

Devil grinned before moving his paw back and forth, using the water and Huggles non stop pre to help with the friction. He moved the foreskin back and forth increasing the pleasure and making Huggles knees weak as he leaned on the shower wall. Devil took pleasure in seeing Huggles squirm, moan, and become putty in his grasp. He leaned over and buried his nose against Huggles's neck and inhaled. Even through the wet fur, he could smell his arousal which was very high making him growl and bite down softly.

"Ahh," Huggles moaned, pleasure coursing through his body.

He kept his eyes close, still thinking this was a dream. But the smell of wet fur and arousal was no dream. He felt Devil stroke him faster, making sure to squeeze the tip. All Huggles could do was pant and moan feeling Devil service him. That great feeling was coming faster then he thought possible as he tried to hold back, biting his lip and balling his fists. Devil grinned feeling Huggles clench up and try to stall the inevitable.

"Going to blow your load little bunny?" Devil murred.

"I....don't yet. But....your paw"

"Good?" Devil finished.

Huggles nodded, letting out a sigh of relief when Devil slowed down his strokes.

"That's the whole point," Devil murred softly into his ear.

Then with a smile, Devil sped up his strokes. Huggles eyes went wide in shock. That was his limit. Clenching his teeth, his body went rigid as his cock spasmed wildly in Devil's paw.

"Oh god," Huggles moaned loudly.

Devil watched in rapture as long strings of cum shot forth from Huggles's cock tip. He couldn't believe the distance it traveled as they hit the drain and got washed down with the water. He murred happily, making sure to milk every drop from his prize. Once the flow ebbed down to a trickle, Huggles collapsed against the wall. If Devil wasn't there holding him up, he would've hit the floor.

"Now that was impressive. A thing of beauty really."

Huggles managed to get his senses back, moaning softly. His glazed eyes looked up at Devil before smiling.

"That was a dream come true."

"I bet it was as hard as you fired away. But let's get out of here and someplace drier."

Huggles nodded as he turned the water off. They went to the benches, Huggles climbing into Devil's lap and kissing him deeply, arms around his neck. Devil reached down and gripped that firm ass of Huggles making him meep and giggle.

"I know what you want Devil," Huggles moaned, eyes half closed. "You want to hammer me senseless huh?"

"In more ways then one."

"Then lets not waste anymore time."

Huggles slid off his lap before laying his back on the bench. Devil looked down at him, a growl in his throat. He looked so damn adorable like that. His cock was still hard and sticking straight up in the air, pre trickling down the shaft. His red hair was splayed out behind his head as he held his spread legs underneath the knees. Devil licked his lips at the sight, a predatory growl coming from his throat making Huggles shiver.

"What a tasty looking treat laid out for me. Maybe I'll sample the goods."

"Sample away sexy," Huggles purred, eyes filling with lust.

Devil grinned before inching closer, running a single claw on the inside of Huggles thighs making him moan. Leaning down, he ran his muzzle over Huggles damp chest, licking some of the moisture off.

"Tasty," Devil growled as he went lower.

His nose touched Huggles erection making him squirm from the slight cold. He trailed his tongue around the shaft, collecting some of the residue of his previous climax. Spending a few minutes doing that, he went lower, sucking on the white fur covered balls and murring, sending small vibrations through them making Huggles groan and leak more pre onto his stomach. He finally reached what he wanted as he saw that pink puckered opening twitch in anticipation. He glided his tongue over it slowly earning a groan from the body. The scent coming from Huggles made Devil growl before lapping hungrily, coating that hole with saliva.

Huggles body was on fire. All he could do was moan out loud like a bitch in heat. A loud gasp escaped him as Devil's tongue invaded his insides. It moved in his body like it always been a part of him. He couldn't take it anymore. He needed to be fucked and now.

"Take me Devil. Your driving me crazy," Huggles whimpered.

Devil withdrew his tongue with a chuckle, smacking his lips nosily.

:You want it badly don't you bunny?"

"Yes. I want it so badly."

"Then I guess I can give you what you want."

Devil sat up before pulling Huggles closer, his pointed tip prodding the saliva covered hole. With a grin, he slowly pushed in earning a gasp as he pushed through the slight resistance. Huggles let out a loud, proud moan from start til he felt his hips flush with Devil. Devil let out a growl feeling the tight walls threaten to rip his cock off.

"Mmm, tight little bunny," Devil panted with a growl.

"Better believe it," Huggles panted before opening his eyes and looking at Devil. "All that playing I do ain't just for show."

"Glad to know. But for now, this," Devil said punctuating with a thrust. "Belongs to me right now."

Huggles words died into a moan as Devil started thrusting slowly into the bunny underneath him. Each full hilt was followed by a gasp or grunt from the either party. Huggles arms were getting tired as he dropped his legs around Devil's waist. He trailed his paws up and down his chest before reaching one paw down to his cock and slowly begin pumping it in time with Devil's thrusts.

The sounds of their bodies connecting along with the loud moans echoed through the empty locker room. If someone were to enter right now, they would know what was going down as the place was heavy with the scent of sex. But that wouldn't stop them. They were both too far gone in the pleasures one was giving the other. Devil growled, beginning to push harder as he gripped Huggles tighter.

"Oh yeah, I'm going to fill you good little bunny."

Huggles only moaned in response, his paw never stopping its movement. But for some reason, Devil didn't want to finish like this. So painfully, he stopped thrusting and pull out getting a whimper from Huggles.

"" Huggles panted.

"Not like this. Turn around."

Huggles nodded before sitting up and getting off the bench, turning around and bending forward, paws planted on the bench and rear up in the air as he wiggled his hips and red tail playfully. Devil grinned before moving behind him, moving his paws up and down Huggles back.

"Now to finish what I started."

Devil found his mark easily making Huggles groan being filled again. He gripped Huggles waist before plowing that tight hole with vigor. This angle was better as he had better leverage and able to plunge deeper. Huggles was in heaven. He was getting rammed by the wolf he wanted. He could feel his cock flopping back and forth, pre dripping like a leaky faucet onto the wooden bench below. He wanted to paw off, but he had to keep his grip on the bench from the power Devil was giving him.

"Harder Devil," Huggles moaned, pushing back into him.

Devil growled at that, nails digging into skin. That tight hole was squeezing him harder, making his knot form as it popped in and out of Huggles's passage. Huggles felt is and was right about the size. It would fill him just perfectly when fully enlarged.

"You want this knot naughty bunny? You want me to fill you up and plug it good?"

"Yes, oh god yes," Huggles replied back.

Devil's hips went into overdrive, smashing his body repeatedly into Huggles. That bulbous gland expanding and it was getting harder to thrust all the way. Huggles puckered opening was beginning to spread wider, making him wince in pleasurable pain as his tongue hung out his mouth and drool dropped onto the bench mixing with the puddle of pre. Devil switched from speed to power, pulling back til the tip was the only thing left in that snug hole before ramming back in.

"Yes," Huggles growled, pushing back with every power thrust. "Fucking knot me you beast."

Devil snarled at that before his teeth found purchase onto Huggles's shoulder. Soon Huggles's opening finally gave way with a slurping pop that echoed through their ears. Devil whined, feeling the tightness surround him. Huggles eyes went wide as that large knot entered him. And it was big. His cock throbbed angrily when it entered him, waiting to let loose its life giving essence. Devil's paw left Huggles waist and pulled him to his chest, thrusting as much as the tie would allow him to.

"Fuck little bunny. I'm going to fill you up."

Huggles was going to respond, but Devil stuck two fingers into his mouth. He sucked on them greedily, tasting the pre Devil scooped as his eyes closed from the intense pleasure. Each jab hit his prostate making his body shiver and squeeze Devil harder. Soon, he couldn't take it anymore. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he thrusted his hips in the air, cum spewing forth and landing with a splat on the bench.

Devil felt those anal muscles tighten up to the point he almost blacked out from pleasure. He locked his hips and came hard, ears folded and tail rigid as he held Huggles close. Huggles felt every squirt coat his tunnel as he shivered heavily in complete ecstasy. Soon the ride was over as they both panted softly.

"Just as.....I....imagined it," Huggles moaned.

"Everything you hoped for?" Devil asked.

Huggles wrapped one arm around Devil and wiggled his hips, earning a whine from Devil as his knotted cock was tease.

"That and more."

Devil smiled before nuzzling his neck happily with a murr making Huggles giggle. They were content in each others arm, kissing softly and roaming their paws over each other before Devil chuckled.

"Think we better get out of here."

"Why?" Huggles asked.

"Cause the wrestling team will be here soon. And this won't look good."

Huggles sighed before nodding his head.

"At least take another shower with me?"

"Planned to," Devil murred, nipping Huggles ears making him squirm.


Huggles sat in the locker, the final game before the playoffs. If they won, they could by pass the first round and be ready for the second. The coach walked in as everybody quieted down.

"This is our last game of the season. You guys played your heart out all season long and I'm thankful for that. But I won't be satisfied until we are holding that championship trophy."

All the players cheered at that.

"Now then, the starting line up we had the past couple of games have worked so we'll stick with it. Now let's get out there and kick ass."


All players got up and jogged to the field. Huggles and Jones were the last to leave when something grabbed Huggles making him yelp. Jones turned around to see Huggles giggling as Devil nuzzled into his neck.

"I told you about doing that Devil," Huggles giggled.

"Sorry. Force of habit," Devil murred.

"Hey, what goes on here?" Jones asked.

They looked at him before smiling.

"Isn't it obvious foxy?" Huggles replied.

"But what about that fennec?"

"Just a friend I was helping out. This is the real prize," Devil said.

Jones chuckled before shaking his head.

"I don't see how you got him and I didn't?"

"Like I said before foxy," Huggles grinned before turning around and kissing Devil. "I always get what I want."