Part 2: My Favorite

Story by Kandi_Specopsfox on SoFurry

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Part 1: Raising Ru...

Part 1: Raising Ruby

Part 3: A Binding Love

Part 4: We Are One

Part 5: Sapphire


"Mornin' sleepy head!' Ruby said with a big warm smile spread across her face. She had obviously been waiting for me to wake up for some time now.

"Morning," I responded groggily still half asleep, "what are you so excited about?" I asked trying to hide the fact that I knew, I had been trying to stay up all night waiting, but I suppose I fell asleep in the process.

"Ha! You can't fool me mister, today we go into the woods together to your favorite special spot! Just like you promised!"

"Alright you got me, just a bit longer though...." I yawned again

"Comeon lazy! We're going now! The sun is already up! What did you do, stay up all night?!" with that she gently bit one of my ears with her teeth and gave a little, but clear tug.

"Ok, OK I'm up!"

"Comeon lets go!" she yelled and began to jump around, as if on ecstasy or some hyperactive food. "Comeon I'm ready"

"Oh yeah? Well then, last one to the river is as good as a water pokémon!" and with that to encourage her some more I took off running, but Ruby was much faster than me, naturally and with the fear of being called a water pokémon, ugh!

"You cheater!" she yelled half laughing half panting, "You took a head start!"

"You still won didn't you?"

"That's not the point! The point is that...."

"Going out you two?" my mother asked as she approached from the side of the cave.

"Yeah!" we chimed together

"Just be careful and be back by sundown or your father will have to go and find you!"

"OK mom!" I replied and satisfied she left us.

"Good," I said in a maniacal evil scientist voice, "now you are mine! Muhahaha! Follow me if you dare and if you truly care." Ruby giggled and followed me into the woods. As we entered I felt an odd feeling of joy, of just pure happiness and the gayness (not M/M gay) of being alone with Ruby, Her life in my hands.

"Thanks for bringing me into your fav part of the forest, Earl" Ruby said, blushing a bit

"No problem, I love being with you. Besides, how am I supposed to enjoy something if I don't share it with the one I love?"

"Ooh that's so sweet of you Earl. Well I love being with you too, I mean, we have so much fun together, I couldn't ask for a better best friend, and savior! So hey I gots a question for ya'!"

"Well what's the question? I'm sure I can handle it."

"When I first arrived here, what was everyone else thinking they were going to do with me, cuz from what I hear, everybody wanted me as their own, but up until recently they have all seemed to hate me. Were they going to eat me or something?"

"Hmmm... that a hard one." I wondered why she wants to know, but I suppose I would want to know as well. "I have a few theories. Mom or dad would have probably eaten you. If Franklin got you he most likely have challenged you to a death fight so he could win and further his path to his evolution, after all he has never killed anything before and a lot of times that is what pushes them to evolution. Now Susie, well I have no idea what she would have done, probably something similar to what I have, she would make you a playmate or something. Now what Margo might have done, and this is what I think dad planed for me to do with you, was mate with you. Simply mate with you at your expense for his pleasure. I would never do that, I see you as more than a sex toy I can play with and use whenever I want, I see you as a friend and as a living creature, not some slave but a partner."

"WOW. That's a lot of thought. Wait, what about Selma? What would she have done?"

"to be honest I haven't a clue. As you have seen she is very secluded and often quite cruel. I'm sure she would have tortured you or simply made you her private mirror to complain to and vent at, and to have somebody tell her that she is nice and perfect. Something along those lines."

"Geez... that sounds worse than a sex slave! I'm so glad you saved me from all that Earl, I am forever in your debt!"

"there is no need to be, you have paid it off with your friendship. Ah, here we are, the hot springs and waterfall!"

"Wow......" Ruby awed with her mouth open. You couldn't blame her for reacting in such a way, it was quite a breathtaking and beautiful sight. I loved how the springs seemed to have an almost calming trance to them, making all the world's problems just melt away and fall down the waterfall and disappear down the stream.

"well, what are you waiting for!" I exclaimed looking at the still open-mouthed ruby, "you go ahead in and relax first, I'll go next."

"Ok, thanks." she said and headed through the rocks into the springs. As she entered the hot springs I had the odd urge to watch her, so instead of fighting, I watched her.

"Hey," she yelled and giggled, "No peeking!" Ruby scolded me half covering herself, but I did notice that she purposely left some parts uncovered.

"sorry!" I shouted. She walked into the water swinging her hips from side to side in a very cute and sexy manner. damn I thought, I've never seen her swing her hips like that before! what a sight!

WHAT AM I THINKING I told myself, I am this poor animal's protector and friend. I just need to lie down and wait for her to finish, then I will go in. I closed my eyes and tried to picture my future with Ruby....

(foreshadowing here so pay attention!)

She and I running side by side, running for miles for no reason at all except to enjoy the breeze in our faces, the warmth in our hearts and the joy of the other's company. All we would do is run across the open plains with grass growing up to our knees, we would run and play and laugh and be happy. All in the world was perfect, when Ruby stopped running and looked back at me and yelled,


I heard the shrill scream that broke my dream come from the springs followed by a deep voice that said,

"go ahead and scream girlie, nobody can hear you when you wonder into the woods all by yourself."

My first thoughts were that I was I pokémon whom was stronger than I. But that thought was quickly cast out, Ruby was in trouble, and it didn't matter who or what I had to fight to save her.

"back off her ass-hole!" I growled as I jumped into the hot springs. I saw that Ruby was up against a large rock, a Houndour towering above her, pinning her down to that rock, his penis hard and resting at the base of her tail hole, the tip ready to be inserted to the tight hole it longed for.

"I will cut you into as many pieces as I can, now get off of her and fight before I simply kill you where you stand!" the one thing dad had taught me and Franklin was to fight a fair fight, but if the other cheats, then it is up to you to use your best judgment. If the Houndour refused to stop, I would kill him without a fight, but he got a warning so it is fair.

He looked at me, then he licked Ruby from the base of her tail on her back to the top of her head the entire time watching me. My fur rose as he did this, really pissing me off.

He said to her, "I'll be back for you when I'm done with your boyfriend" loud enough so I would hear it. He then pushed himself off the rock and began to circle the springs, watching me as his large penis was still out, pulsing, wanting something more after that almost intercourse, and it would not rest until it was satisfied. I realized I could use this to my advantage, make the thing he planed to use for pleasure his major source for pain.

Free of the Houndour, Ruby ran towards the rocks near me planning to hide.

"Ruby, stay where I can see you, there might be others hiding out there."

she quickly obeyed and jumped onto a rock that was safe from surprises and where she could watch the battle.

I then examined my opponent, the Houndour. It was bigger than I was, that could be bad, also it was in the 2nd of its 3 evolutions, I was in my first of 2 and I don't know which is more powerful, though I expected he was so I would not be caught off guard. well, at least it's not a Houndour. I thought, one of them would just rip me to ribbons. I had an advantage though, I had Ruby's safety to worry about. We were both of fire element, so no help there, the main opening I saw was his still large, still red, still pulsing penis.

He lunged at me, mouth open wide, I dodged and grabbed his tail. I pulled him back to the ground, he yelped and turned towards me. I let his tail go and tackled the thing. I hit his side and we rolled into the water biting and clawing at the other. He worked his way on top and had me pinned down.

"I want the girl, but if you want some first, I'll gladly give it!" he snarled and he began to rub his now limp but exposed dick against my stomach. I couldn't help it but my own member began to poke out.

"Heh. You seem to like it, so quit struggling and take it!" he yelled, his dick hard again and now warm against my fur. I wasn't enjoying the situation but my penis showed itself. Mine was bigger than his, he growled at the sight of it.

"you ready kid?" it was a rhetorical question.

he moved his warm throbbing flesh against my own, it felt so good, but it was so wrong. "you like that huh? well I hope your ready for more!"

He laid down across my entire body and put his face close to mine. He slid his warm shaft down across my own and inserted just the very tip of his member into my tail hole. Then out of nowhere he kissed me.

Ruby gasped loudly and yelled to me, "come on Earl, kill him! I know you can do it!"

"Stay out of this girlie, you're next!"

Ruby shrunk back down at this and I yelled back, "Stay back Ruby there is nothing you can do. I will still kill him"

"Shut your mouth loser, your not going anywhere nor killing no-one" with this he attempted to kiss me again but I turned my head so he kissed my cheek. when he missed, I quickly swung my head the opposite direction, with the small hope that my jaw hitting his head would be enough to do something. As it hit, it just pushed his head and made him looked more pissed. "fine, no more Mr. nice rapist!"

He pushed his firm member into my tail hole. It was quite painful at first, I had never put anything up there before, so I cried out in pain. he began slowly, and after the first few times of in and out it began to feel good. he slid his penis continually in and out, he soon began to pick up speed, increasing the rate at which his member entered my body. it was great, his wet member sliding in and out of my tail hole, the contact so pleasurable, and he rubbed his body against my own as he humped me. This was also very good, it added to both my and his pleasure. As he continued he began to mate me with faster intensity and shoving his penis deeper down my hole. As he did so, he did as complete pleasure for himself, and it was hurting me terribly, and I remembered that I was being raped a pokémon that wanted to kill me and rape Ruby. He then took a rock and used it to restrain my hand from moving so he had a free paw. he used this to reach down and grab my own hard member. He began to rub my shaft up and down, but he grasped it quite tightly, not bothering to conceal his claws but rather let them draw blood from my penis.

"Ow, Ow!! You low cheating bastard! Get off me and fight like a man you dirty pervert!" I cried.

"I thought I told you to shut your fucking mouth!" with that he tightened his grip around my member causing it to want to go limp from pain, but his holding it was keeping it from sinking back. Just as I was wondering how long he would be doing this for, would he get off and fight once bored or simply kill me while screwing me, when something happened. Some warm, sticky substance came squirting out of his penis and far up my tail hole. He seemed to enjoy it because he gave a long sigh and had a satisfied look on his face and gripped my penis even harder than before, but he just held it there, no longer massaging it.

"That's a good boy," he said with a smirk on his face, "but I'm afraid that it is time for you to die, and don't worry, I will take good care of your bitch over there!"

"Get away from him you freak!" Ruby screamed and attempted to knock him off of me. It didn't work, he was too heavy but his penis slid out of my body as he attempted to hit Ruby. In that instant I lunged forward tipping him backwards and I bit into his penis with all my might. The sound that followed is not one I shall never forget, nor shall I ever repeat. Screaming and swearing he backs off, and as he did I jumped on top of him and put my jaws around his neck. Let's see how you like it, I thought as I shoved my own dick up his tail hole returning the 'favor'. It did not take long for my member to release the same white stuff into him as he did to me. As I was 'cumming' I twisted and snapped his neck, killing him. I dropped back in exhaustion, as Ruby rushed over to help me.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, he got what was coming to him, how are you?"

"I'm ok, thank you for risking your life for me Earl, its impossible to describe how thankful I am."

"I would and will never let anything bad happen to you if I can stop it."

"Thanks." she whispered, and she went about cleaning me, pretending as if the cum that covered member was normal, I expected her to not want to even touch it, but she cleaned it instead. Watching Ruby care for me like this made me realize the truth, Ruby was the one, my favorite creature in all the world, and i loved her.

Note: no they did not have sex. They will next time, don't worry, they will many times. :)