Tails of Power - Descent into Darkness

Story by KitFox on SoFurry

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#3 of Tails of Power Universe

By popular demand, and with much misgiving, a Tail of Darkness.

Okay... I had a lot of people asking me to write a story about the Dark Kitsunes. I really didn't want to. I mean, seriously, folks. These things are EVIL. We're not talking about cute, fluffy, but make you cry evil. We're talking hatred, torture, murder... VERY nasty stuff!

If you like the joy in the Tails of Power universe, you DON'T want to read this. I can't begin to throw enough disclaimers on this thing. The first of which being that the strength of disturbing imagery in this has prevented me from going back to edit and correct anything. I'll be blunt: -I- don't want to re-read it myself. Thank you.

Regardless, here's the deal:

I, the author, have written this due to popular request. This has been dragged kicking and screaming from my mind with the full skill that I give to all of my writing. I do however believe that no sane and sentient being should be subjected to this without proper forewarning. I am not responsible for any emotional trauma, waking nightmares, visions of horror, or readers waking up in the middle of the night screaming in a cold sweat. I am also not responsible if this story is taken by any country's military to be used for psychological torture purposes (However I will press my copyright rights in that event).

This story should NOT be read by anybody who is not of sufficient mental age to handle exceptionally disturbing concepts. By law, this is at least 18 in most areas. By sanity, I'd give it a few extra years if I were you. Do not read this if you are disturbed by any of the following: Animal abuse; Animal torture; Animal mutilation; Extreme violence; Sexual violence; Snuff (Killing in sex); Extreme torture; Extreme Lesbian rape; Disembowelment; Hatred; Gore; Murder; Cussing; Skinning alive; Bestiality; Disembowelment of still-living cats for insane magic rituals; or small fluffy bunnies.

If you prefer to skip this bit of darkness, click here to go to the next story instead.

For those of you who called for this, enjoy. And may whatever diety or higher power you believe in have mercy on your soul, entity, existence, or lack thereof.

Tails of Power

Descent Into Darkness

"You promised me her soul and energy. You lied, Selina." His voice was full of spite as he paced back and forth across the room.

"If you want her that bad still, then go take her, you fool." She spat back at him. It always bothered her when he paced, but she wouldn't let him know it. Damnit, he had three tails now, why wouldn't he stand like a decent civilized Kitsune? Cheap jackass! "You know she has six tails now, and two niners helping her, along with her six-tailed new mate! I'm not a fool to go after them myself, Thomias. Now stop bothering me! I'm trying to track something important!"

"You could have helped me when she was getting the damn necklace back from the squirrel! She only had two then, and I had two. If you helped me, I could have consumed BOTH of them!" The black fox stopped pacing and sat down, staring at her angrily. Well, at least he wasn't pacing, but still, use some energy and become humanoid, you little cheapskate! She could try to overpower his mind and force him to, but with him having three tails now to her four, he'd be much more likely to notice it. The balance of power was not over double in her favor anymore. She would make due with being humanoid herself.

She sighed, exasperated. Her charcoal-furred tail swished in annoyance as she looked at him. She straightened out a whisker that had gotten itchy. "I told you before, if I helped you, -I'd- get credit instead of you, and that wouldn't help me at all. It would just be wasting power for nothing. Now SHUT UP! I can't concentrate with all your yapping! Don't forget who helped you get your second tail in the first place, you little twit." There was a thread involved in this recent fiasco. Where was the damn thing? This could be important!

The fox growled, responding with distinct acerbity under his breath, "And got me started off with one to begin with, just so you could have your fucking fun. Literally, goddamn perverted bitch."

Her ear twitched. She heard it clearly regardless of his quietness. She snapped. Only his four pawed traction and swift reflexes saved him from the destructive bolt of dark energy she flung in his direction, but he was pretty sure the tip of his tail was singed. He dashed behind one of the random pieces of furniture that occupied the room. Not that it would help. This room existed fully in null space by her will. She could change it with a twist of a thought, or boot him out of it if she saw fit.

The chair he was hiding behind didn't vanish to allow easy traversal of deadly energy. After a while of silence, he cautiously peeked out. No blasts of death awaited him. Selina was concentrating intently on something. Hmmm... Maybe he could defeat her now? No... He was learning more about the power spread between tails. The relative power was the sum of the count of tails. So he, being three-tailed now, thanks to his work with the squirrel and time with Selina afterwards, had a relative power of six. One tail's power plus two tails' power plus three tails' power. But she was a relative power of ten. He was not even two thirds of her power. Bad idea to challenge her. For now, at least.

"Ah HA!" Selina finally exclaimed. "Ooo... What a deliciously deviant diversion," she purred. "I thought I smelled darkness from that event. Hmmm..." She turned her attention back to the little fox. He cringed, hoping not to be attacked again.

She grinned at his fear. Good. Stay afraid, little one. He would not be getting a fourth tail too soon. Not until she had her fifth at least. As soon as she gathered enough power, and found a suitable concept for her fifth tail. "It seems that this Jackie woman has turned from the light, and is wallowing in darkness now. Plus a good part of her darkness comes from her hate for that new six tailed Kitsune. This could work out very well."

He brightened, "Ooo! So I can consume her darkness and get more power?" He kneaded at the floor with his front paws, a greedy glint in his eye. "She sounds delightfully tasty already."

Selina shook her head. "No... I think this calls for a conversion." She caught the look of dismay in his face at the potential for more competition, and grinned to herself again. "Don't worry, my precious pet. Even after that affront, I would not replace you with her. I seriously doubt that she could replace your delightful cock."

He caught himself before snorting in disgust. Was that all that Selina liked him for? Damn sick vixen. But as long as it kept him getting more power, he'd be fine. Power and sex, always a good combination. "So.... What do we do? I've never seen a conversion before. Didn't think you had that much kindness in you."

She glared at him with a look of malevolence on her face. "Don't get confused between kindness and proper use. We will watch for the proper moment, and then approach her and try to convert her." She sneered at him, then put on a mocking sweet attitude, "I hope you can stomach mounting somebody besides me, cutie."

He nodded to himself mentally. It was all about getting power. Sex was a bonus, but power was the big thing. He steeled himself, hoping she didn't still want to blast him, and headed over to watch with her for now.

* * *

Jackie was fuming. She had had a perfect life! That wonderful man who gave her anything she wanted, even if she had to put up with his obsession with animals and desire to live out in the middle of nowhere. She had figured she could convince him to move somewhere sane when they were married. Almost two whole years she put up with that crap, knowing she would win out once the marriage was legal. Hell, even if she couldn't stand him, she could file for a divorce the next day and get half of everything he had anyway.

Then suddenly he changed... His devotion waned, and he started taking those trips out into the forest. She followed him, but all he ever did was go out to stare at that fox in the field. She had no clue what was going on. Was he turning into some sort of sick animal pervert or something? But all she needed was the marriage license, and then she'd be set for life when she was able to shred it.

She shouldn't have fought with him that day. But the whole thing was driving her insane. She should have just gritted her teeth and dealt with it, but she was getting tired of being ignored. And she was sure that medallion was worth something.

Then that seriously freaky animal thing. All those animals attacking her! Unacceptable! That vixen... Oooo... Jackie saw red anytime she thought of that creature. They could tell her it was all in her mind, but she knew better.

And of course that was the biggest problem. After she left, she had plotted and prepared, ready to go back and make things right, one way or another. But when she woke the next day, everything was different. All her thoughts and memories were a jumbled mess, and she had to work hard to make sense of them. The apartment she was in was hers, she was pretty sure of that. But how had she possibly lived there for years?

She spent a day getting her thoughts and memories in order. What was apparently her work actually called her even, wondering why she didn't show up. She tried to sort things out, and was getting more and more angered at the situation as she went. It couldn't all have been in her head! Not that much detail!

The next week, she spent talking to people, piecing things together. Many of the folks she talked to became worried. Her confusion was very sudden to them, she had been fine up until that night. She did her best to try to fit into her forced new life, but she couldn't contain the seething hatred she felt. This had to be that vixen's fault. She just knew it! Wrecked her life in more ways than one! Magic of some sort! Had to be! But she couldn't tell that to people.

The library didn't mind too much that she spent hours there researching myth, magic, and all sorts of things of that sort. The book store was thrilled that she was such a prolific customer all of a sudden. She had no idea what she was looking for, but she would find it, so she could make those animals... and especially that vixen... pay for it.

"Okay, Jackie, you have to calm down..." She was talking to herself. "You can't read the entrails if your mind is not clear, and the spell will break if the damn thing dies." She referred to the book again. What kind of bullshit was this anyway? Well, fuck it. If it found the answers she needed, she'd be set.

She looked to make sure the candles were still burning, and double-checked the book to make sure they were placed around her and the table properly. She looked at the pissed off cat that was bound to the table, its neck and all four paws and tail tied crushingly tightly to the surface with crimson silk ropes. The damn cat was still yowling its discomfort, unable to even twitch. Well, like the book said, she just needed it alive, not comfortable. She referred to the book, and growled. Screw the damn yowling.

She grabbed for some of the spare silk cloth that she had used to cover the table, and the next time the abused feline's mouth opened, she stuffed a large wad in, gagging the cat and muffling the yowls. The cat hissed, trying to bite at her, but she used the back of the handle of the knife to stuff the cloth in further until she was certain it wouldn't come out. She wasn't sure if the cat would keep breathing though, so she had to be fast.

Setting the book on the table beside her, she incanted precisely as the book phonetically told her to. She placed the blade against the cat's lower chest, and pressed the tip in, ignoring the fact that the muffled yowls turned to abject pain and terror. Turning the knife blade up beneath the skin, she pressed it further down into the cat's belly, trying not to cut anything inside. Then in a swift motion, she drew the knife up, opening the poor creature like she would normally do the envelope of a letter.

She gave one last glance at the book, but she knew she needed to work from memory. No time otherwise. The cat struggled feebly now as she reached in with her fingers, tugging its innards out to drape across its orange fur and leave blood trails upon the white silk cloth beneath it. She stared intently at the blood and parts, looking for the patterns. She could find them, then figure out what they meant, right?

The cat's breathing became severely labored as it lost more blood, and she became more frantic. The book said this would provide the answers! Or at least the beginning of them. But she couldn't see anything special. It was a fucking sliced open cat with its guts spilled across her table in the candlelight! DAMN THIS BULLSHIT!

Her vision went red as she snatched up the knife that lay beside the suffering tom. She vaguely remembered gouging his eyes out with the tip of the blade before stabbing him repeatedly, slicing him until his struggles ceased, then cutting him up more. She had hazy thoughts of her attention turning to the stacked cages of forest animals... squirrels, rabbits, birds, non-poisonous snakes, lizards, even some raccoons. She didn't remember much after that.

* * *

She woke the next morning to sun shining through the window onto her face and discomfort in her hands. She frowned, opening her eyes. It smelled horrible here! Then she looked around. Feathers, fur... blood everywhere. Mutilated animals of all types. Not a single one of the dozens of creatures she had collected remained alive. Why did her hand hurt? Right... Some had bitten her. "Fucking animals," she muttered, wondering how she was going to clean this mess up.

Her head snapped up as she heard a male voice chuckle, then mutter, "Ironic. That's still on the agenda."

"Who's there?" she demanded, grabbing for the knife. She looked around, growling more as she noticed the light from the window fading. More magic to piss her off? Playing with her life again? To hell with that!

"Now, now. We're not here to cause trouble. We want to offer to help you. After what that light Kitsune did to you, you deserve help to get revenge." Jackie snapped her head around to look at the intruding woman, spinning in place and holding the knife in front of her.

"What the fuck are you talking about?! How did you get into my apartment?" Jackie demanded of the nude woman. Damn! Jackie was not bad looking at all, but this woman made supermodels look insufficient in the beauty category.

"I am Selina... I came to help you gain the power you need to take your revenge on that Light Kitsune who wrecked your life." The woman looked around distastefully. "What a mess. All this anger taken out, and not even on the two who ruined you. What a pity."

Jackie sneered, "What the fuck are you talking about? Light Kitsune? What if I told you to go away and leave me the fuck alone before I put this knife in your gut? What then?"

Seline smiled as if she hadn't a care in the world. "A Kitsune is a fox with power. That vixen you remember is a Kitsune. We all meddle with people's lives to some degree. If you are chosen for power, you just hope to be on the side you desire. And I know that you desire to pay that Jennifer Kitsune back for what she took from you." She grinned. "As for the threat, I would simply laugh at your knife, and leave. You can't hurt me, mere human. But with me gone, you would never be able to get your revenge."

Jackie digested the words, one thing having caught her attention. "We? Are you saying you're a damn fox too?" She clutched the knife more tightly, fury building in her.

The woman smiled. "Of course!" she said merrily, her features melting away and leaving a dark-furred humanoid fox behind, tail flagging side to side behind her. A second fox stepped out of the shadows beside her, much darker of fur and sporting an obvious package between his legs, though he stood somewhat shorter. "We both are," she grinned.

Jackie stared, clenching the knife. "Fucking ANIMALS!" she snarled, leaping across at the vixen and bringing the knife down into her chest with a satisfying squelch. The response was not the scream of pain and the collapse that she expected though.

The vixen's hand shot to Jackie's throat faster than the human could see. Jackie let go of the knife and clutched at the hand as claws dug into the side of her neck and she was lifted from the ground. She felt the blood running wetly down her neck and shoulders from the claws, cooling as it flowed, and she hung in terror, her feet dangling off the floor.

Selina yanked the knife out as if it were a playtoy. There was not even a mark where it had sunk into her body to the hilt. She smiled beatifically at the human. "Didn't I mention that you can't hurt me? Don't begin to think that means I can't hurt you." Her claws dug in deeper, her fingers feeling the heavy pulse of life being crushed beneath them, the flow of blood growing.

Jackie clenched at the furred hand that gripped her like an iron vice, the sharp pain of the claws making her woozy. Seline examined the knife, ignoring the human. "Hmm... Nice and sharp. It would slip into your gut so easily. Can you imagine how it would feel to you if I were to slice you open, reach in, and play around with your insides? Can you imagine the excruciating pain you would experience?" Jackie thought of the cat, but was still unrepentant.

The knife was dropped casually to the floor as the vixen leaned close to Jackie's face. "You can use your hatred to do that to that Light Kitsune who stole the world from you..." Jackie was deposited back on her feet, blood flowing freely from the side of her neck, and stumbled. The vixen's hand suddenly covered the puncture wounds, and relief flowed into Jackie's body. "I can kill you, indeed... But I can also help you."

The pain was gone and the furred hand left. Jackie felt her neck, and found no sign of a wound. Selina smiled again. "Now, do you still want us to leave? Or do you want the power you need to get revenge on her?"

Jackie stared at this creature, hatred boiling inside her. A word, and they would both be gone. But this offer intrigued her. Revenge... That would be good. "What do I need to do?" Jackie finally asked.

Selina smiled, and the other Kitsune positively beamed, staring lecherously at Jackie. "You must give in to the darkness within you," the vixen cooed. "And you must give in to the beast within us. Undress."

Jackie frowned. Some of the books she read on magic had spoken of magic within, that clothing would block. But this was somewhat abrupt. But she needed this power. She needed to get her revenge. She would play along as long as things went her way.

She took off her shoes, undid her belt, and as things followed, she soon stood naked before the two fox people. She couldn't fail to notice that the male was now leering with more avarice, pink beginning to peek from his full sheath. She bared her teeth at him in a snarl, turning her attention back to the vixen. "And?" she demanded.

Selina smiled, "Get into a comfortable position for Thomias to mount you. Trust me, you will quite enjoy it. He's -very- good at being a fucking animal... literally in the fucking sense. You even get the honor of being the first he gets to mount in a humanoid form. He only recently gained his third tail and the ability to not be a normal fox. Of course, if you prefer him to be a little fox, he can do that too. Or if you're feeling really generous, you can take him one way first, and the other way after, and tell me which way is better." Thomias helpfully shifted forms during this to show off his four on the floor form, then back to his humanoid form in a heartbeat.

Jackie simply stared. This bitch wanted her to have sex with this animal?! Selina glanced at her sharply and retorted, "Vixen, not bitch. A bitch is a female dog. I am a female fox." She tilted her head slyly. "And you can still tell us to leave. Your choice. We aren't required to give you power. But if you want it, you will be fucked by him. He happens to like doggy style best, but I like facing him on my back better. Your choice on that too, either way."

Jackie scowled. She wasn't a prostitute! But damn... This wasn't money... this was power... this was actual real true power... the vixen had taken the knife and not been hurt at all. A bit of sex from her, and a lot of power for her? And then finally revenge. She was a fast learner. She could play this game. It was simple enough.

She looked at the male... Thomias? She felt revolted as she saw his cock slip further from his sheath. An animal... she could play, but she'd be damned if she was going to look. She found a space devoid of carnage and dropped to her elbows and knees, lifting her ass high in the air and displaying herself to the damn animal.

She felt him move in behind her, and saw the vixen's legs move in front of her. "Oh, it's not completely simple, dear. You need to cum. And when you do, I can pull your life thread from the tapestry, and you will become a Kitsune from Thomias's power. So do try to enjoy yourself. I'm certain you will. Like I said, he's very good at this."

Selina looked up across Jackie's back sharply. She shook her head. "Oh, now, Thomias... That isn't very nice. You should ask first."

Jackie was about to demand to know what was up, when her thoughts were interrupted by a warm tongue dragged fully up her pouting nether lips. Her words were cut off before they started and she let her front half slump. Don't look, she told herself. He's humanoid, but he still has a fox head. And damn that tongue feels good!

It wasn't long before Jackie was quite wet, not just from the spit on the tongue, but from her own fragrant juices. Selina had taken up a comfortable position to watch, playing a perfect voyeur for the show as her clawed hand dropped between her own legs to rub herself. And by now, Jackie had fully forgotten about the chiding that Selina had done to Thomias.

The tongue left her, and she grumbled at the lack of stimulation. Then she suddenly found out what Thomias had been chided about. The paw that fell onto her back to lift up a male body was decidedly not a human hand. But before she could react, two paws slipped around her waist, forelegs holding her tight as the fox pulled himself closer.

Jackie tried to pull forward, away from this act that disgusted her, but the fox was simply pulled along with her. She cried out in outrage and disgust as the tip of his cock lodged against her flesh and he thrust home, driving himself into her in one swift motion. This was more than she was willing to take! Her mood quickly diminishing, she tried again in vain to pull away.

"Get off her you fool!" Selina snapped. "You already have your tail of spite. You're not helping things!" A sharp smack to the fox's nose from Selina got him off Jackie with a small whine, and Jackie collapsed, panting. It had felt good physically, there was no doubt about that, but mentally? GAH!

Jackie rolled onto her back, glaring at the fox who had already turned back to humanoid form. "That was a nasty trick. You want me to cum, eh? You'll take me from the front, you'll treat me properly, and you'll beg my body for me to cum. I may not be able to hurt you, but if you pull a trick like that again, I swear I'll find a way or die trying."

Thomias grinned at Jackie as he rubbed his smacked nose. She took note of this, filing the information away for later. "Feisty," he murmured. "I like... Fine, human. You will receive the full pleasure of my intent." He concentrated for a moment. Jackie lay in shock as his features melted and reformed into an absolutely handsome human man.

She spread her legs with a lick to her lips, and reached for his hair as he went down on her. He jerked his head back. "It's illusion. You would touch a fox." She snatched her hand away. Ahh well. Look but no touch could still work.

He returned to between her legs and his tongue began to work its magic once more. She couldn't imagine any human tongue being this agile, but she still had no problem. She was soon writhing in pleasure, her legs spread wide as she ached for his body.

He felt her desire and lust, quickly moving up until his body hovered over hers. His cock looked human, but she felt the slightly tapered tip of his foxhood as he slipped himself between her folds. She gritted her teeth, still pissed off to be fucked by an animal, but she wanted that power. She needed it!

It took only a tilt of his hips and he was deep inside her. She was amazed by the difference in size and cried out in ecstasy as he drove deep within her body. His knot was already beginning to swell, though it made little more than extra tightness for a human's anatomy.

Her hands fluttered over his back. She wanted to grip him, to claim him, but she was afraid to break the illusion. Then his chest brushed against her bouncing breasts, the lush fur slipping across her nipples. Damn it! That felt good! Fuck it all, live for the moment!

Her legs flipped up to clasp around his waist, hooking over the back of his tail. Her arms grasped his body and pulled him close, the full fur of his chest mashed against her bare skin, much to her delight. She felt him drive deeper, his nature belied also by the whine as he felt the pleasure too. And she saw as Selina interrupted her own twat-twiddling for long enough to slice a rip in reality, reaching through it shallowly before tugging a darkly shimmering thread through to dangle from the hole.

Selina saw Jackie looking and grinned as her paw returned to her own sopping snatch. "This is your thread. When you cum, I yank it, and you become a Kitsune." She moaned as the show was getting particularly good and she found an especially sweet spot on herself to rub. "Do... feel free to last a while..." she panted, her tongue lolling.

Jackie had to look away. That face almost ruined the moment. But she could feel the heat building in her loins, and oh, how she wanted that power. The fox driving so deep inside her, filling her with his heat, she was definitely generating pressure fast.

Jackie spent a while concentrating on the pleasure, letting it grow, when she noticed a strange sight from her mostly-closed eyes. She paid close attention, keeping her eyes slitted so as not to give her awareness away. Selina had paused in playing with herself, and was examining the thread, looking upset about something. Thomias was watching her intently as he thrust, giving a glance down to see that Jackie still had her eyes closed in rapture before returning his attention to Selina.

Selina looked at him and shook her head, then made a slitting motion across her throat. The male fox nodded, and began to thrust with more vigor as Selina went back to enjoying herself. "I can feel you tightening around me," he murmured to Jackie. "Cum for me! Feel the power!"

Jackie could see that Selina was no longer even paying attention to the thread. She seethed as realization came to her mind that they were about to renege on their part of the deal, but her body would not back down. She knew that Selina had no intent to tug that thread at the proper moment, and that her death was now on the agenda. She was furious, but her lust left her powerless to stop it.

Her loins tensed as she began to cum powerfully, and she threw a glance at Selina, expecting the vixen to notice and death to fall upon her swiftly. But the vixen merely continued to stare lustily and play with her own cunt, and the fox grunted and thrust harder into the tightness she was providing him, unable to feel her rhythmic clenching around him since he did not stay still long enough. She had always been a quiet popper. She felt rage now. There had to be some way to...

A glimmer caught the corner of her eye. The thread that dangled from the rip in reality dropped lower, then fell to the ground, loose. She felt a surge of power and knowledge, and realized that both of them were oblivious. Selina was simply waiting on her scream or his indication that she had cum. He was waiting on the same.

She felt her shape changing to a humanoid vixen, but she -was- a fast learner. With a twist of her mind, she harnessed her new power just in time to stop the change, putting on a mask of humanity. She began to play as if she were closer to cumming, making more noise to satiate the other two while she thought fast.

Her mind ranged further now and touched that of the male. She read his thoughts. The female had seen the power she was forming and was afraid. They were going to simply kill her as a human and consume her power for their own benefit. The fucking traitors! Deception, lies! God damned ANIMALS! Well, two could play at that game. She knew what they were capable of. She knew everything they were thinking. And she learned quickly what she could do.

Jackie found a good false pleased voice. "Oooo fuck me! Damn! You can turn into an animal!" she moaned. The apparent human above her grinned lecherously and his illusion of skin melted away, revealing his humanoid fox form. His form shrunk rapidly, his forelegs clenching around her hips as he thrust with greater abandon. He swiftly reached his own peak, thrusting deep into her as his shaft bucked, his hot cum spraying her insides.

She gasped wholeheartedly as she felt another change in herself, more power and knowledge flowing into her. Well, this was getting better and better! Her mind worked her new power into her plans in an instant, and she prepared for all hell to break loose. Namely, she was about to be all hell.

With a sneer, Jackie squeezed violently against his back with her legs, hearing a satisfying crunch as his lower back broke cleanly. Her power clamped onto his form, locking him into it. He had less power himself this way, as compared to a humanoid form. He yelped loudly in pain as his hind legs collapsed, his pleasure turned into agony in an instant. Jackie knew that the other vixen was alerted, but not certain what was going on yet. She was no threat either way.

"I told you, you fucking animal, that if you changed into this form to fuck me again, I would find a way to hurt you. I said you -can- turn into an animal. Ability to do something is not the same as permission to do something." Jackie hissed into his ear. Selina was trying to make sense of what was going on, but knew something was wrong. Jackie didn't leave time for the vixen to react though.

She extended her newfound power, a dark mist forming around the distressed fox. He whimpered and writhed in terror as the mist surrounded him, unable to break free of her grasp. From his throat exploded the most horrifying scream a fox can possibly make. Laced with his power in a desperate cry for help, it rippled the very fabric of reality. Selina jumped up, ready to aid him, but was too late. His scream cut short as Jackie's legs released him and his skin was torn from his body from nose to tail, leaving a bloodied body to drop to the ground behind as the power whipped it up into the air. Selina's eyes followed the fox pelt, widened in shock.

Jackie extended her power to the de-pelted creature, and with a twist of her mind, his existence ended. She felt not only his energy flow into her, feeding her thirsting powers, but also a new universal power present itself to be welcomed by her mind. Her horizons broadened, her capabilities extended, and she felt close to being satisfied.

The pelt was finally released by the energy, dropping straight at the black vixen who caught it in a clawed hand, staring at it. Then Selina glared at the human. "What have you done?!" she demanded. "He was mine damnit! I worked so hard to nurture him and use him! And he fucked like nobody's business! I don't know what you just did, or how, but you will pay for this, you insolent human!"

Jackie smiled. Selina was only a four-tail. Even another four-tail could hide their nature from her, though a three-tail could not. The lash of dark power that went sailing in Jackie's direction was caught like it was a feather-light child's play ball. Jackie examined it curiously, then dismissed into nothing with a flick of her mind. Then her own bands of power reached out to grab the protesting vixen and heft her into the air, spread-eagled and being slowly stretched.

Jackie walked over to the suspended vixen as that poor Kitsune gasped in pain. The newer Kitsune eyed the trapped one like a cat trying to decide how best to pounce a mouse. Or perhaps a chef trying to choose the best cuts of meat. Ahhh... She was far too fast with that wretched three-tail. This, she would enjoy.

"H-h-how?" Selina gasped around her pain, the whites of her eyes showing as she tried to see Jackie walking around her.

"Your tug loosened my thread too far. It fell on its own when I came. I have Tails of Greed, Hatred, Deceit, and Revenge," Jackie cooed as she felt the vixen's pelt. Quite soft, more so than the male's. They would both be lovely for her.

"B-but I have four tails! You sh-shouldn't be able to... gah! d-do this to m-me!" Selina protested, gritting her teeth around the pain as her shoulders and hips popped from the strain. Tears flowed freely from her eyes now. How delightful, thought Jackie.

Jackie stopped in front of the vixen and turned her back, looking over her shoulder. "Oh, how dreadful. Well, there must be a reason. Oh! I have it!" She walked over to the table in the dimness, her power vaporizing the silk ropes that held the mutilated remains of the cat. She picked up the bloody string of cat and carried it back to hold up in front of Selina. "How about a Tail of Torture..." She smiled and reached down to pick up the fox pelt. "...and a Tail of Murder?" She dropped tossed the cat carcass aside and draped the fox pelt over her shoulder, blood still dripping from it down her skin. Then she released her own form, shifting instantly back to her full humanoid Kitsune form, spinning to show off her six Tails of Darkness.

Selina gasped, crying out in dismay at the sight. "No! B-but we helped you get that power!" she pleaded.

"You were ready to destroy me and consume my energy," Jackie spat. She reached up and tapped the vixen's forehead sharply. "You cannot hide your intents from me, bitch." She put on a faux happy cheery attitude, "Oh, sorry... Vixen."

She reached down and retrieved the knife that lay nearby, examining the blade. "Hmm... Nice and sharp. It would slip into your gut so easily. Can you imagine how it would feel to you if I were to slice you open, reach in, and play around with your insides? Can you imagine the excruciating pain you would experience?"

Selina wailed, feeling deja vu at this moment. But the similarity to the past quickly ended as the knife slipped into her skin just below her navel. She screamed out her pain as the knife sliced her open from waist to sternum, freeing her intestines to sag from their rightful place.

"You couldn't imagine," murmured Jackie conversationally as she took a length of intestine and tugged on it, eliciting a shriek from her captive. "You are weak, and you could never gain more tails." The knife blade was slipped through skin to tickle a kidney and another howl of anguish filled the air. The air began to stink of urine as the suspended vixen let go her bladder, and a sickening crunch sounded as a shoulder was pulled from its socket, dislocated by the force still being exerted.

"You thought to use me for your own ends... You sought to own me... And when you feared the power I might gain, you planned to destroy me before I gained it." Jackie draped a loop of intestines around her neck, acting like she was wearing fine jewelry. Her claws came up and found the start of that loop, slicing five openings along the entire length of the loop and spilling the malodorous, half-digested contents from them. Selina was gasping in agony, unable to scream any longer due to the sheer weight of the pain.

"You made me afraid. You hurt me. And then you healed me and saved my life. Why should I not do something similar for you?" Jackie asked, looking up in sympathy at the vixen. Selina gazed at her hopefully, her eyes glazed over. Some respite was obviously begged for.

Jackie's gaze hardened though. "I'll tell you why, vixen. Because I am not as weak as you! Oh, I will heal you, trust in that. I will heal you enough to keep you alive, so you can feel more pain!"

Jackie had an inspiration. A grin crossed her face. "In fact, I have a LOVELY idea. You really are quite the sex fiend. You kept him around mostly to toy with his cock. Hell, you didn't even expect him to get a third tail! So I will make this simple deal with you. You will continue to be stretched, and your guts will hang. And I will pleasure you! The question, of course, is whether you will cum first, or whether your arms and legs will be ripped from your body before that."

Selina whimpered in renewed distress as Jackie poured enough healing energy into her body to repair much of the damage that threatened to kill her. With the healing came renewed agony as nerves that were previously over fired and overwhelmed gained an improved ability to register the pain. Jackie smiled at the new scream that echoed through the room. "And when you cum, I will let you die. It is that simple. So, cum for me baby, and do it quick, because I don't know how you'll feel with no arms or legs. And I do so love your pelt. I wouldn't want it to be ruined." Selina screamed again as her other shoulder was wrenched from its socket, and a hip popped alarmingly.

Jackie ducked between the suspended vixen's legs and began to apply her tongue to the fur there. The bitter urine only served to fuel her hatred and desire to kill this thing. A quick twist of power created a two-foot-long super-vibrator, tuned to incite pleasure of the utmost degree. Turned on, its length was thrust into Selina's body with no regard for the limits of her depth. Hell, she didn't need anything above her vagina to feel pleasure anyway.

Selina screamed further as her uterus was pummeled by the blunt instrument and was left suspended between the agonizing ache and the explosive enjoyment that both vied for the neural pathways. Jackie began to really put her back into thrusting the oversized dildo in as a hip popped out of its socket, stretching the skin and muscles there. The abused uterus ruptured, herniating swiftly as the vibrator buzzed past and infringed on internal organs that were already abused.

Jackie simply pushed the vibrator further until it was lodged to its hilt, the tip pressed strongly against Selina's diaphragm and restricting her breathing. Jackie attacked the suspended vixen's clit first with her tongue, then with sharp teeth, taking dark joy in the renewed outcries of distress as it was bitten off. The magic from the vibrator was doing its job, the vixen was close to cumming. Another series of pops signaled the detachment of several tendons in Selina's arms and shoulders, and the abused vixen screamed again.

Jackie finally ducked out from beneath the vixen and the bands of power dropped her down until her feet touched the floor. Jackie leaned in to bite a chunk from her ear, leaving blood flowing freely into the tears staining her face before she whispered, "I can feel your mind... You want to cum. You want this to end. You have all the physical feeling you need, even with the pain. You just lack the necessary mental pleasure to push you over the edge."

Selina broke into rasping sobs as Jackie played with the tooth-torn remains of her clit. "K-Kill me!" she barely managed to gasp.

"Ahh... Not until you cum, my pretty," Jackie scolded, playing a claw over an exposed liver as another tendon tore in the vixen's shoulder. "And you need a happy thought to do that. A pleasing thought."

Jackie watched Selina's mind with amusement as the tortured Kitsune tried to pull out memories of her time with Thomias, or anything to please her. More pops as a shoulder blade gave way. Jackie frowned. It would not do to have the pelt ruined!

Jackie ran a fingertip across the torn ear, healing it fully and to a painless state. A tease of the relief she could give, but would not. The bands of power that stretched the vixen tightened more painfully and Jackie leaned in to whisper again. "I have your happy thought. I have your peak right here." She took Selina's chin in her hand, claws digging in to force it up, to force Selina to look into her eyes. She savored in the agony she saw there.

Jackie smiled and murmured, "Know this, vixen: For all the hatred I have shown you, it is not even a candle to the flame of hatred that I bear for the other Kitsune, Jennifer, or her new mate, Todd. Your suffering is nothing compared to what theirs will be."

Selina's eyes widened, then the import of the statement broke through the haze of pain. Mental pleasure flooded through her body and she was wracked with a glorious orgasm battling the agony. Her body tensed against the bonds that held her as she cried out her satisfaction.

Jackie nodded. The bonds broke and Selina was dropped to the ground, unable to do more than lay limply. Jackie squatted beside her and healing energy flowed copiously. Organs righted themselves and the evil vibrator of doom vanished into nothingness, allowing the tear to close. Fur became clean and lush and thick as the terrible gash in Selina's belly drew closed, and soon all of the pain was gone. Only the afterglow of the pleasure remained.

Selina raised her head, tears flowing once more as she gazed up at Jackie. "Thank you... Thank you for letting me live! Thank you for healing me!" She clutched at Jackie's hand, crying into it before Jackie stood, slipping her hand away.

Selina began to get up, but felt herself restrained by power. She pushed against it more, but it closed constrictingly around her body. She cried out in panic, and Jackie chuckled. "Your thanks are uncalled for. I simply wanted a pristine and undamaged pelt." The power slid beneath Selina's skin and stripped it from her in a heartbeat. The scream of misery that filled the air lasted only a moment before being cut short by a surge of power as the four-tailed Kitsune's being was extinguished and she was destroyed.

Jackie basked in the inflow of energy for a short time before reaching down to retrieve the two dark furred pelts. She had descended so far from where she once was, into evil itself... And yet she relished in the power it gave her. There was much to do, and much to learn before she could get her revenge against Jennifer and Todd. But hey... She had always been a quick learner. In a flash of dark energy, she was gone.

* * *

From the shadows, a pair of amber eyes surveyed the scene as a new reality in the tapestry of life was already taking hold. Darkness faded and bloodstains bled away from reality, leaving behind a bright and cheery apartment owned by a young man, an intelligent computer programmer. The eyes vanished for a moment as their owner blinked. If one looked closely into the shadows, they could see a lighter region of a medium-grey humanoid figure. But no eyes looked that way, only the eyes that figure bore.

The creature retrieved the life thread that still lay on the floor, though no mortal could ever sense it. With that one tug, balance was closer now.

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