In Fertile Fields, The Gryphons Mate 1 of 2

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art - foxra

Writing - Runa

Dracasis - Dracasis

Ceylon - Runa

(Disclaimer: All characters in this story are of adult age; the main character is a dragon, and thus hits puberty at a later age, hence her behavior and development being barely mature but her age being adult)

In this story, young Dracasis - a female farm working dragoness - soon discovers and accepts that a life lived on a farm of dairy cows has led her to have a natural desire for breeding beasts and pregnancy, so she embarks on a quest to get to know the feral neighbour gryph a little better.

Part 1 -

Part 2 -

In Fertile Fields, Gryphons Mate

The smell and feel if spring had recently blossomed on Dracasis' family farm, a dairy that focused on both the milk of bovines as well as the less common but stronger tasting milk of the ulokar. Given that the breeding season usually happened in autumn and spring with a gestation period of about 40% of the year's total length, it would soon be time for most of the pregnant cows of both species to be giving birth.

It was Dracasis' favorite time of year, every year, for once the cows gave birth, it would once again be breeding season to fill their wombs with calves for early autumn, and the cycle would repeat itself. This bridge between one pregnancy to the next was, without doubt, the busy season on the farm.

To most people, being busy on a farm was stressful and time consuming, hectic and dangerous. While all of those things were certainly true, Dracasis - or Drac, as she liked to be called - found it to be inspiring and rewarding. Sure, she didn't have time to spend with friends or anything like that, but she found that her time was best spent cleaning up or feeding or making friends with their livestock. After all, cows and ulokar were far better companions than the people at school.

Still young and on the cusp of henhood yet still a teen, Drac was entering into an important time in her life where she could chose to go off to school or continue the family legacy on the dairy farm. Though her parents - and many of her hatchmates - had insisted there was more to the world than the farm for her since she liked to write and study language, she just couldn't pry herself away from the simple life. In her mind, writing came easily so she didn't need to go to some fancy school to learn how to better communicate.

Furthermore, she had also recently blossomed into a young hen, and was starting to discover the many things that gave her different kinds of pleasures, be hey spiritual, emotional, or physical. Experiencing the cycle of birth, life, and mating as their many cows grew and propagated their bloodline excited her in a way few other things had, which was yet another reason she had decided she was never going to leave the farm. Working in the fields and tending to the livestock was both exciting and fulfilling, two elements to her chosen life she couldn't fathom abandoning.

That's why, when her other siblings couldn't be bothered to do their chores, she had no problem picking up a shovel and picking up where they left off. Literal wheelbarrows of poop to clean up? No problem. Grab a shovel and a wheelbarrow. Cows need some hay? She was short yet stout, so grabbing a few bales was easy. Fields need rocks picked out for a better hay or straw harvest? She could do that for hours on her own as long as she got to enjoy the rural landscape in peace away from the hustle and bustle of most of her classmates or siblings.

She had accomplished a sense of zen, and wasn't willing to give it up for anyone. Eventually, this farm would be hers and she would run it as she deemed fit!

Sounded like a dream.

Luckily for her, school took a one month period off in spring and a one month period off in autumn, since many students were needed on their farms, so she had plenty of free time to go about her life mucking stalls and tending to the livestock.

One of the earliest memories she had was sitting on her dad's lap as he told her a story that somehow twisted itself into a cautionary tale about keeping cows happy to make sweeter milk, and eventually meat when the time came. Though it wasn't exactly the most compelling of tales, she took it to heart and kept it close to her soul for the many years after. That's why she could often be found in the barn, singing and talking to her cows while they each stuck their head out from their individual stalls to eagerly await food.

A happy cow made the best milk.

"Abbie, how are ya? What about you, Booner?" She trilled a song to them, brushing by and giving each of them a bit of a rub on the neck before dropping a disc of hay before them in the feeding trough. "Callo, Deaner, and Eusch, I hope you are all having a wonderful day. I can see your bellies look like they're about to pop! Fiffe, Garla, and Hutel, No babies for you, not this season, but that's fine. We still love you." She paused to pat each of them on the haunches, only to have one of them lift a tail and start loudly pooping. "Well, how rude. I'll come back to you, okay Garla?"

After returning to the wheelbarrow with the hay, she swayed a bit, dancing to the song in her head before grabbing another bunch of hay discs to go to the next cows. "Ithia, darling, you have my heart, Jeiid, my soul, and Kurim, you have my, uh...time I guess. Sorry, I'm not good at thinking up songs off the top of my head. Doesn't stop me from trying, does it Laylis? Moo and Noo, twin cows, both with twin calves! We expect the world from you, but you won't disappoint. You either Othel and Pewnie. So many cows, so much....poop." She paused to look back, another cow relieving itself. "Dammit Callo! Hold it in next time!"

Rather than leave it, she immediately padded her way, stomping her heels each step before eventually getting a shovel and a bucket. Upon returning, she cleaned up both piles, then sprayed them away with a hose before returning where she left off, still lightly singing to herself under her breath. "My QueenBae, you and Ronnie and Salthine can all go lie down. You're all lucky I put in so much work to keep your stalls clean. You too Torney. Especially you, Torney." She glared at the particularly large cow, gravid with an equally huge belly since she was pregnant. She was known for leaving the biggest poops, so Drac paused a moment to see if she dared to do so before moving on. She didn't, so Drac smiled and kept walking.

"Uniffe, Volka, Whiskers, Xenia, Yoon, and Zebra! Enjoy your meals, the lot of you! I have to go and do some other chores, then I gotta go deal with our other residents if my sister Huile didn't finish feeding them." She had done a complete loop, thirteen cows on one side, and thirteen on the other, each with their own disc of hay to munch on, which would last them the night. This was something that needed to be done twice a day, with Drac's father doing it in the morning and one of the sisters doing it at nigh.

Content with a job well done, she wiped her hands clear of straw dust and shut the light off, leaving only her lightly glowing emerald eyes illuminating the dark at her end before slipping out through the sliding barn door.

Day was fading into evening by this point, and Dracasis had only one chore left, the easiest but most time consuming. She was to do a north perimeter check, ensuring that the electric fence was on, no damage had been done, and there was no evidence of wear and tear. Given the sheer vastness of the farm, doing this often took the better part of an hour before dinner was served, right as the sun would go down.

With that in mind, she headed west, along the tall fence that divided the cow and ulokar sides of her farm with a wide, two-lane pathway big enough to let two tractors to pass one another. The entire west half of the farm was dedicated to four massive hay and straw fields, with the cow areas and barns closer to the house. These fields wrapped around in an L-shape around the cow fields, right to the road. This gave the cows a buffer between Drac's property and Ilorek's Ranch to the north.

She was obligated to walk every bit of fence lining the cow field, and then redo it around the wheat, hay, and straw field - at least her half. She had quite a long time to go, testing every fence post and surveying every one of the knots in the fence. Fine with her, she got to be alone with her thoughts, as much of her chores afforded her.

"Skies above it's a gorgeous day." She said to herself as she walked along the narrow path between the fence and the edge of the field of waist-high hay, dragging her claw tips along the leafy tips as she glanced down to the opposite side. The sun was on the verge of setting, blanketing the entire field in a gentle orange glow while casting shadows far. While out here, Drac couldn't help but think about how excited she was that calving season would soon be upon them, and what that meant for her.

The birthing process was quite messy, but that didn't bother her. Birth was the first and most important part of life, so it wasn't like the mess bothered her, but she did find that her interest in being present was changing into something different. What was once a mix of curiosity and a desire to help had shifted in tone to something almost sexual to her. Birth happened after sex and pregnancy, so to her those things were intrinsically linked, and were therefore inherently sexual. Others didn't feel this way, of course, but she couldn't shake the bonds between each subject that had formed in her mind.

Drac certainly wasn't stupid, she knew exactly why her views of such things had changed over winter. She had experienced her first clutch of eggs, having laid the batch halfway through winter to be disposed of at the corner of the field. She was a dragon hen, now, with needs and desires that were particular to her life's journey to this point, and her interest in such things had shifted from the innocence of a hatchling to that of an adult.

Sure, she still respected and revered the work and dedication needed to uphold a farm amidst a cycle of birth, life, sex, and more birth, but she also took a more intimate interest in the process now that she herself was blooming into a young yet sexual creature herself. The environment in which she was raised seemed to fast-track her desire to be bred, herself. She wasn't ready to be a mother, of course - she was still too young and inexperienced to care for dragon hatchlings, but the thought of being gravid with a clutch of eggs that she could put the same time and dedication into that she put into the farm appealed to her.

Much as her desires were taking over, she still had a chore to do, so she kept at the perimeter fences until she reached the north end, where she was met with the two-story tall hill that separated her dairy farm from Ilorek's ranch. She never did know why the hill was there, but it was clearly built or constructed as opposed to natural, so it had a reason. This hill perfectly encapsulated the ranch on three sides, the only part not bordered with a high wall being the opposite end on the north that lined the Golden Lakeshore Forest and a small gap where his driveway met the road.

And every time she got to this part of her patrol, she hopped the fence and climbed to the summit of this tall hill to see if it was there to hide something. Bit of a task, given that the hill was so steep it was almost akin to a cliff.

She had vaulted over this part of the fence so many times there was a divot where no grass grew, one she'd formed over the winter every time she'd snuck a peek to the fields of Ilorek's ranch. After a quick stretch and a cracking of her neck, she ran at the fence, leaping up, spreading her wings to catch the slightest bit of air, then pushing off a fence post with her hands and flipping over to land in a pile of scales and claws in the dirt.

"Omph!" She grunted as she impacted the dirt, chin forming a tiny hole. After spitting out and exhaling deeply, she got back to her feet to dust her scales off before climbing up the steep cliff before her. Over time she'd formed a perfect set of steps and ledges for her to ascend, so she followed that and was quickly atop the summit of the mound of dirt.

After glancing back at her home to see if anyone was out looking for her, she immediately fell to her belly and crawled forth, cresting the horizon to get a proper look at Ilorek's ranch.

As usual, the ranch was full of dozens of different creatures each in their own pasture, a patchwork of fences forming patterns across his property in much the same way an old haphazard quilt would be designed. Each of the dozen or so individual fields housed a different type of creature, separated by gender and age. One pasture for mares, and one for stallions. One for ulokar cows, and one for bulls. Deers and bucks, dragon drakes and hens, as well as a few gryphons.

However, the one that had come to interest Drac the most was the majestic looking white and black gryphon drake that was nestled in the far southwest corner of the ranch, all alone and away from the other creatures. She had come to know that his name was Ceylon, since she had asked Ilorek herself one time when she had been caught catching a peak of him being used as a stud for a hen during last summer's breeding season.

He had wings, but they'd been clipped to keep him from flying, and though he could easily hop the fence, he didn't do so. Was it fear? Admiration? Or just good training? Drac didn't know for sure, but it was something she thought about every time she came to get a good look at the magnificent beast.

Like every other time, Ceylon was simply pacing in the field, occasionally spreading his wings as a show of dominance when he got close to a fence and saw a feral dragon or one of the stallions. She had been watching this bird for a long time - years by this point - and ad always wanted to get to know him better, but had been cautioned by Ilorek that Ceylon was not safe to be around. The gryphon was territorial, aggressive, and nippy, so it wouldn't be good for a young dragoness such as herself to get too close.

As a teen, Drac had a slightly rebellious streak in her and she had no interest in heeding the warnings given to her by the elders around her. She knew that Ceylon was nice to her, as she had stood up next to the fence many times to give him a bit of a stroke and a pet, and he never displayed any signs of aggression towards her, he just cooed and trilled and rubbed his cheek against her.

Maybe her presence would calm him down from his typical dominant behaviour.

"Hey! Cey!" She called out, waving as she stood atop the hill. She wasn't sure if he could hear or if he would respond, so she jumped up and called again. "Ceylon!"

The gryphon turned to face her, glaring with wings angled in an aggressive pose at first, at least until he saw her. Instantly, his body language shifted and he grew soft, head up and ears perked with wings folded neatly on his back as he trotted across the field towards her. Drac noted this and happily hopped down the incline of the dirt hill to land on the ground next to the fence, where she waited for him.

Though this drake had one bad reputation, Drac was bold and used to dealing with much larger four-legged beasts, so she had no fear in the presence of such a big gryphon. She wasn't stupid, she knew that as a predator with claws and a sharp beak, Ceylon had far more potential to hurt her if he so desired, but he never once made so much of an angry move towards her, at least not once he recognized who she was and what she wanted.

She leaned up against the second rung of the tall fence, leaning in as Ceylon hopped his way towards her. When he met the young dragoness, he lowered his beak in between the slats on the fence to rub and nuzzle her cheek, attempting to preen at the feathers and fur that wasn't there. The attention made her scales tingle, each one standing on end like a furred beast floofing up to stay warm. Drac giggled a bit as she leaned in and scratched at the underside of his chin.

"Good boy, good drake." She cooed at him, smiling all the while as her wings spread out behind her. "They feeding you well?"

Ceylon sidestepped and shuffled until his flank was up against the fence, his long tail swishing and coiling out behind him. Drac knew this meant he wanted a belly rub or a nice flank scritch, so she met his haunches and gave him a bit of a rub, one hand on his belly and the other on his hip. His weight leaned into her as he started grinding his flank on the slats of the fence, purring and lightly nipping at the wood with his beak as his wing slid up and wrapped over the fence post.

Then, as she was giving him a rub, a thought crossed her mind. A naughty thought. Cautious, she looked around to make sure nobody from Ilorek's ranch was out, and nobody from her family had scaled the dirt mound to come looking for her. When she was sure she was alone, she slipped her fingers down Ceylon's belly to prod at the soft-furred sheath, curious to see if she could coax his penis out; she'd never seen gryphon genitals, so she was curious. Purely curious. Yeah. That's what she had to tell herself to not let that teasing swell of guilt and concern overtake her.

As her fingertips touched the meaty flesh of his sheath, she couldn't help but give it a gentle rub. Looked and felt much like a horse's sheath, with the boy parts tucked away completely inside, but with fine fur lining it right to the end, which reminded her a bit of a dog's. It was also so very wet, literally dripping.

Sensing he may have had to pee or something, she pulled away and rubbed her moist fingertips on the fence, leaving a series of three smear-streaks of his essence. However, as she did so she got a powerful whiff of the scent emanating from her digits. At first she winced, finding it to be pungent and quite overpowering, yet she couldn't help but sample it again by pressing her fingers to her snout once again. Though the fluid never stopped being musky and dirty-smelling, it was growing more and more compelling to the point where she felt a familiar tingle in her loins. Only the faintest of feelings, but it was clear and obvious that smelling him was putting a series of lewd thoughts in her mind.

Her heart started beating rapidly, her breaths growing deeper and deeper with every inhalation as she glanced back down under his belly to see that the mauve-colored tip of his member had poked its head out. The conic tapered end of it had a series of tiny little barbs each glistening with the moisture of his fluids dripping off the end. Drac's maw gaped open as she imagined how unpleasant that must feel to girl gryphons, to have those tiny spines catching on her lady bits. It made Drac thankful that she was a dragoness, and dragons had only ridges and nubs, no spines or anything crazy like that.

Though she remained hesitant with a swell of adrenaline coursing through her body, she couldn't help but reach back in under the fence to lightly squeeze and caress his sheath, giving it a bit of a tug to feel the rest of his member still slumbering within. "Wow, you're one lucky stud." She said under her breath as she leaned in closer to peel the skin back. As she did so, more of his member popped and lurched forward until a knot slid out in one sudden motion, the skin tightening around the base to hold him there as the member bobbed and swayed, the tip leaking a series of drops of fluid.

As she sniffed at the air, she quickly assured herself that Ceylon was not peeing. No, he was clearly aroused, likely by a nearby dragon or gryphon hen. In her mind, she told herself she wasn't going to do anything drastic or stupid, especially not in the middle of the afternoon where anyone could accidentally see her, so she coiled her fingers around his shaft just once and pulled away, leaving a gooey trail of slime from her fingertips to his penis. "Sorry buddy, but I gotta go." She said to herself as she turned to walk away, feeling more than a little guilty about the lewd thoughts that had briefly flashed through her mind.

However, as she went to leave the gryphon, Ceylon whimpered at her and clawed at the fence, his front talon slipping through the slats to catch the scales on her haunches, puncturing her skin and slashing her open in three short gashes.

"Aah! Hey!" She called out in pain, using her tail to whip at his talon as she leapt forward, landing on her side in the dirt and grass.

In response to her outburst, Ceylon reared up and flapped his wings, hopping back before lowering himself to the ground with rump up in a playful position, beak agape and ears up. He wasn't trying to hurt her, he was trying to play!

Drac got back to her feet and brushed herself off with her clean hand, preferring to not lose the musky yet pleasant scent that he'd left on her other hand. "I can't stay mad at you." She apologized, wincing as a warm shot of pain burst out from her haunches. "But I have to go, some chores need to be done, but I'm sure I'll see you again." She chirped at him and gave him a tentative pat on the cere before turning to hop away, deftly climbing back up the dirt mound with her clean handto leave him there, alone. She had things to do, but she wouldn't forget about him. Maybe next time she'd catch some rodents to feed him or something.

And as much as she hated to admit it to herself, the pungent aroma of his cock juices were making her heart flutter, and she didn't immediately know why. They were different species, his pheromones shouldn't work on her or vice versa. Or, at the very least, as a sentient dragon she should be above such feral and carnal influence.

With those thoughts in mind, she couldn't help but smile, the fantasies of her gryphon friend formulating in her. The steady throb of pain coming from the slash marks in her haunches only farther excited her as she thought about being utterly ravaged. No matter what she did or what she thought on the way home, investigating the fences and making sure no damage had been done, she couldn't get her mind off that gryphon and his massive member, and the wafting of his aroma emanating from her palm made things progressively worse. If nothing else, she had that to remind her of her brisk yet exciting encounter.

"Could you pass a bowl of those bug crisps?" Drac asked her father. They were eating dinner together after sundown, a delicious meal her mother had made with steaks and chops and ribs and everything else, but Drac liked the bug chips. Crisped up, seasoned, and full of protein yet still delicious. In fact, all of her siblings loved the bug chips, all twelve of them that were also at the table. Of her siblings, she was the third oldest - second oldest now that the eldest had left.

"What do we say?" Her father - a stern drake - demanded. He was the head of the household, a much larger male with the same forward raking horns that Drac possessed, but they were much larger and accented by a fork at the end. "In this house we say please, don't we?"

Drac hung her head in shame, a perfect position to get another whiff of the gryphon musk that was still clinging to her hand. "Yes father. Could you please pass the crisps?"

He nodded, a deep but pleased growl emanating from his chest. "Indeed I may." He grabbed the bowl and passed it down the line towards her. "So how was your day? Has Callo shown any signs of advanced pregnancy or is she still on the verge of giving birth?"

"She's getting pretty close. Should be another week at most, might be tomorrow." Drac said as she sprinkled some of the crisps on her plate, many of them landing directly on the massive Ulokar steak in the middle.

"I'm so proud of your progress, Drac. You've been taking to your extra responsibilities well. I am confident you are the dragoness to take over the farm once your mother and I have retired. That is, unless any of you want to contest that." He joked, pointing his fork to Drac's other siblings. All of them shook their heads and waved him away, too busy eating to get involved in the conversation. Not uncommon for dragons.

Drac smiled, a wash of pride filling her. "Yeah, ever since Y'shondra left for the city, it's definitely been more work but I've been happy to pick up the slack." She started, then paused to twirl her fork on her plate. Blood and juices from the steak turned her plate into a soup with the help of the floating bug crisps. "Can I take my meal to my room, please?"

A look of concern washed over her father as he sniffed at air. "Are you alright? Is there a boy?"

"Oh, yeah I'm fine, no boy though. I just, I feel like I'd like to be alone tonight, if that's okay." She gave a genuine smile and nodded, assuring him that she wasn't upset or worried.

He nodded. "Well, you're grown now, so that's your decision. If you don't want to sit around the table with any of your family, then that's fine by me. Teens will be teens." He cocked a grin, curling at the corners of his maw as he looked at his wife. "Young hens, right? Honestly would be simpler if there was a drake, right?" Like all fathers, he thought he was funnier than he actually was.

Everyone laughed gently as Drac took her plate and left the room, eagerly rushing up the stairs before closing the door behind her. She didn't find his jokes funny, but the rest of the family seemed to laugh every time. Still, he wasn't wrong. Her swirling emotions would be a lot easier to deal with had she been pining over some cute dragon boy.

Since coming back from the fields, Drac had remained in a constant state of excitement, her loins aching and her tail twitching in desire. She needed privacy if she was to cool herself off, but she didn't know how. A theory popped up that the musky aroma of Ceylon had been driving her into her need since she was also going into her second season and was susceptible to such stimuli, but she still didn't think that she should be affected by a feral gryphon.

"Well, if I don't know the answer, I'll do what I always do, search the net." She slid her plate to the side and turned on her computer, finding immediately that the proximity of her hand to her snout made the aroma even stronger than before. Given this sudden and intense scent, she couldn't help but shudder a bit as she wrapped her fingers around her muzzle to take in a long and deep inhalation.

The musk invaded her very being, curling her toes and making her wings flutter out behind her. Drac was no fool, she knew exactly what this was, yet she wasn't prepared for adulthood, not yet. The more she smelled and the more she thought about that gryphon drake, the more tender and swollen her loins became. The only reprieve was when her computer finished booting up and she could concentrate on doing her research.

Upon opening a browser, she got a notification from her mother on her email, saying that she was there if Drac needed to talk. Very kind of her, but Drac was more independent than that and didn't like confiding herself to others, especially not with such a potentially embarrassing topic.

Again, she just wasn't ready for this in her life.

So she did the only thing she knew how to do when faced with a problem she couldn't solve instantly, she started browsing. Problem was, her search queries weren't getting her the results she was looking for. Searching for 'gryphon musk' just got her some weird sex product seemingly designed for avians. 'gryphon and dragon anatomical compatibility' naturally got her to interspecies porn - some of which she lingered on a bit longer than she initially had planned. There were a few other searches, but she kept returning to this one site that specialized in gryphon and dragon interspecies porn, thus finding herself lost in the abyss of the net.

It wasn't until she thought to simply ask in the search bar, 'can feral gryphon pheromones affect sentient dragons?' that she got what she was looking for, or at least close to it. This search led to a report given by a local university that had done research into interspecies pheromones and apparently had linked the effectiveness of the scents directly to how successful interspecies breeding was. Since gryphons and dragons were so close together, pairing them could result in a successful breeding 40% of the time, one of the highest and most successful rates of any two species.

"So that's why I'm so turned on by his musk." She mumbled to herself, once again bringing her hand up to sample more of the scent. "Well I guess that's not so bad."

Satisfied with her search results, she closed the tab and went back to the video site, the one she'd left open in a hidden tab in case anyone else came in. Up to this point she'd never really been all that interested in pornographic material - she lived on a farm with breeding cows and ulokar her entire life, sex to her was just part of the cycle of life and not something for pleasure - at least not until she'd blossomed into a mature hen. Now, sex and breeding were on her mind all hours of the day and even her once-mundane chores were giving her feelings of intimacy she hadn't endured before.

Exhausting, but not unpleasant.

Not only was she enraptured by the thought of being bred, her body screaming for a drake to come along and impregnate her, but she couldn't get her mind off Ceylon. That powerful gryphon drake was so well built, with a thick and muscular body, powerful wings, and a cock as big as her entire forearm! Luckily for her and her species, their skin tended to stretch to accommodate a partner with ease, so she wasn't too worried about that even if she was under-developed under the tail.

The thought simmered in her thoughts for a while before she came to realize there was an actual wet spot on her wooden seat, a horizontal strip of moisture in between her thighs. Somewhat embarrassed with herself, she blushed and covered her snout with her paw, which only applied the drake's still-lingering scent directly to her nostrils. Such an intense wave of aroma made her squirm, one eye twitching and wing flicking out behind her.

Drac couldn't hold back any farther! She wanted that gryphon, and needed to bring that fantasy to life! The solution, at least at that moment in time, was to flip through the pages on the website to find a pair that vaguely looked like her and Ceylon, and she would imagine herself in that position. Closest she could get was one where a purely white avian mounted a red dragon, so she shrugged and clicked through the video with her clean hand as her musky hand kept at her muzzle, eagerly sniffing at her palm every time she drew in a breath.

After finding the spot in the video where the gryphon started to mount the dragoness, she let go of the mouse and keyboard to slip her hand between her thighs, knees parting and tail lifting so she could focus on the gooey moisture of her slit. The moment she touched herself, she felt a light chill emanating from her ventral scales right up her belly, resulting in the lightest of self-chirps.

Very unlike anything she'd felt before. She'd masturbated a few times, but never with such a vivid and intense fantasy at the forefront of her mind. This was far more intense, her flesh more tender and soft than before with her cloaca dripping a viscous fluid she hadn't produced the time before. Didn't take much to realize that the gryphon's musk was doing that to her, yet she had no problem taking advantage of this, with her palm still rubbing up tight against her muzzle.

She started breathing more heavily as her fingers walked in motion, peeling back her ventral scales to slip into her candy-pink flesh, a gentle squelching sound emanating from under her as she kept her glowing emerald eyes trained on the screen in front of her. Drac's focus was aimed square at the point on screen where the gryphon's cock kept pounding at the dragoness' vent, tiny spurts of fluid splashing and spraying out in all directions. She was making this deep rumbling sound, biting her lip gently amidst each one of the gryphon's thrusts, so that's what Drac started doing.

At least until she heard some shuffling going on outside her room in the hall. Instantly, her chest seized up and a blast of adrenaline coursed through her as she plucked her fingers from herself and licked them off in a hurried panic.

A brief moment passed where she actually kind of enjoyed the taste of herself before she was able to exit the window and open up some random tab she had set aside about some of the games she liked to play.

Though she had prepared for a random parental invasion of her personal space, nobody came through the door and nobody did so much as knock. The sounds kept up outside her door, but it was getting late and it wasn't uncommon to have her brothers or sisters playin' around before going to bed. Regardless, she didn't want to risk being caught in such a sexually exposed position no matter how much the thought excited her.

Well, it only excited her if her father was the one to find her. He was exactly the kind of drake that she needed right now, and given his dominance over the farm and the family, Drac did figure he would likely be as aggressive with her as any gryphon would. And unlike most races, dragons didn't find inter-familial relations to be taboo, so Drac had no qualms about such fantasies.

Still, the tingling pleasure remained trapped in her loins, aching to be released in a glorious orgasm. She knew that it'd be an hour or more before her siblings would eventually head to bed, so she was stuck with a constant threat of invasion and that would not do. If she planned on enjoying her conjured fantasies, she was going to do it properly.

After shutting down her computer, she slipped off her chair and cautiously tiptoed her way across the rugged wooden floor to shut her light off, making it clear to anyone else in the house that she was not to be bothered. Sure, she couldn't keep watching that delicious looking video of the gryphon and dragoness, but her own memories and the scent on her palm could take her to the places she wanted to go while she was in bed.

Content, she hopped up and rolled up under the covers, glowing green eyes glancing over at the door to the hall with vested interest. Her lights were out and she had comfortably snuggled up under her blankets with her knees up and legs spread to make a little tent, so if someone did walk in all she had to do was casually roll over onto her side and hope she wasn't distracted by her own pleasure.

Perhaps a bit too cognizant for someone her experience, but Drac was no fool.

Minutes passed with her frozen in place, one hand squeezed tight between her thighs as she waited for someone to ruin her day. When nobody did, she slowly started to rub at her ventral opening, maw gaped open and eyes fluttering shut to focus her thoughts on the avian fantasy within her. All of her fingertips kept pressed hard against the soft flesh of her opening, prying open her ventral scale to rhythmically rotate her digits inside.

Drac's pleasure built up slowly, with it bringing her to a throbbing and steady grind against her own fingers. She kept the palm covered in gryphon musk up against her hand, barely out from under the blanket as she walked her claws against the softness of her flesh, her spine undulating and shifting in waves to better clench and squeeze around her digits.

However, no matter how much work she put in she couldn't quite hit that pleasured plateau that would have her loins explode. She just couldn't get to orgasm. Even with her powerful farm-girl hands curled up inside herself, she couldn't quite hit the right notes in the right order that would bring about her climax.

Eventually, she had to concede that, no matter the fantasy, she just couldn't quite finish herself off, at least not without something else inside her. That's what she needed, and what she wanted. Drac's loins hungered for cock, even if it was a fake cock. Sadly, she didn't have any toys or materials she could use to pleasure herself and all the animals on her farm were cows of the bovine and ulokar variety.

Their farm may have been populated by females, but the neighbor's ranch was brimming with all sorts of studs and drakes; most notably an amicable gryphon that seemed to like her company.

Had she been fully awake and lucid, not plagued by the rationality-obscuring lust that had been gradually building in her, Drac would have known that making a midnight visit to the neighbor's pastures would be a stupid idea, but her loins where thinking for her and at that time it seemed like it was truly the only thing she could do to get this desire out of her head.

With great reluctance, she gave up on her desire for self pleasure as she rolled onto her side, pressing a few buttons to adjust her alarm, then pulled the blanket up to her chin as she grinned to herself, waiting for slumber to overtake her.

She didn't even finish her steak and crisps.

Sleep didn't come easily to her, but given that she'd settled down early, she still ended up dancing off to the land of dreams hours before the rest of her family. Drac was, of course, plagued by an ever-present desire that manifested in her partial lucidity by subconsciously drawing her hand back down between her thighs in a series of attempts at self pleasure. None went anywhere and she barely even realized that she had been doing it, at least until her alarm went off and she was jerked awake by the light beeping.

Her sudden movement made her claw lightly poke at her tender flesh, the resulting pain drawing a wince and barely held back yip. "Good job, Drac." She said to herself as she threw her blanket off her body and fumbled around at her alarm clock. The dim emerald glow of her eyes ensured she could see around her room with ease.

The alarm said it was 1:50 AM.

"Perfect." She said to herself as she swung her legs around to the side of the bed and hopped off. Though her estrus desired had somewhat calmed, her mind was still very much trained on the thought of being ravaged by a gryphon; she even seemed to remember faint wisps of her dream that was loosely based on this exact thing.

Her room remained dark, but her eyes gave just enough glow to let her see relatively well. Luckily she had some foresight and decided to grab her sunglasses from atop her computer monitor - the ones she used to mask the glow of her eyes. If anyone was out there in the field or woke up, they didn't need to see her eyes from so far away, it would be a dead giveaway to her intentions. Her sunglasses would maintain her stealth alongside her darkly colored scales.

She was a regular ninja.

Luckily she didn't have or need anything else, so she slid open her window next to the computer as carefully as she could, certain to not make any noise that could alert her presence to her parents or siblings. One centimeter at a time, she gently eased the glass pane to the side before poking her head out to contemplate her path out. She was right next to the massive garage, which had a ladder next to it, so she could easily sneak out that way if necessary.

With tentative hesitation, Drac slipped out feet first, holding onto the ledge as her hind claws and tail found the shingles of the garage roof. There, she was able to crouch down and sneak her way to the other end where the ladder was leaning, as it always did. The moon was nearly full, thus illuminating the landscape with a gentle blue light, but that didn't really worry her, as she was the perfect color to disappear into the foliage or barn if she so needed it.

Though she had barely thought out the plan ahead of time, she was formulating a string of contingency plans every step of the way. If anyone saw her here, she thought she heard something. If she made it out by the barn, she heard something in the barn. If she ended up out in the fields before someone saw her, she was just being a silly teenager who was being rebellious. Finally, if she got caught over the hill and in one of the pastures next door, she would just say she was, uh, helping?

"Might want to think of something better, Drac." She said to herself as she gingerly sneaked past the large blue tractor tires, cautiously poking her head out from behind to make sure none of her family had heard or suspected her escape. Once she was sure the coast was clear, she padded her way down the lane way to get closer to the twin barns and the path that separated the two halves of the barn.

It wasn't until she'd passed the sliding door to the cow barn that she really began to have some hesitation in her. Was this really a good idea? Was the risk worth it? If she actually made it all the way to the gryphon pasture, what would she even do? Would she have the intestinal fortitude to go through with anything. What did she even have planned? Sure, she had fantasized about lifting her tail to Ceylon, but she knew the reality of the situation wouldn't actually allow such a thing, especially not with her being so young and fresh.

That hint of self-doubt nearly turned her around, as she stopped in her tracks to contemplate just going back to bed. With no true plan aside from the general desire to explore and the litany of excuses she'd concocted, she didn't really think this through. Oh, and the glasses to hide her eyes, she'd thought of that at the last second, which was another reason she probably shouldn't be exploring past midnight.

"Just get to the pasture, we'll decide what we're doing then." She said to herself, giving her the psyching up motivation she needed to push forth. Her own second voice was right: Drac didn't know if Ceylon - or any of the other gryphons - would even be there, so there was no point in getting all worked up over what could prove to be nothing. No, she just needed to take that first step and decide what to do later.

That was future Drac's concern.

With renewed vigor, she pressed her still faintly musky palm to her snout and took in a deep breath, sampling the waning scents that drove her to this personal quest of hers. The delectable aroma urged her to continue, as she needed more of it on her to enjoy and over the course of the evening the impact had waned.

She passed by the pathway around the fields, lining the fence all the while until she hit the end of her property where the forests started, then she turned and made her way to the great mound of dirt that separated her property with Ilorek's ranch. Like before, she ran at the fence post and vaulted over, landing square on her feet before climbing up the path she'd set and the little footholds she'd dug into it.

Unlike last time, however, she was having a bit of difficulty finding her footing, as it was very dark out and the moon was on the other side of the mound, casting a shadow over her side. In time she did make it to the summit, where she immediately fell to her belly, eager to hide her presence until she was prepared to make it known. Her sunglasses were masking the glow of her eyes, but she felt it might be a good time to take them off, because she didn't see Ceylon in the pasture and she knew that if his keen eyes saw the glow of hers, he might come over to say hi.

The preceding winter had given Drac plenty of time to train the gryphon to react positively to seeing her distinct emerald eyes, because she sometimes brought food for him and would always give him a nice long scritch along his flank and under his wings. Over time since her first heat, she'd been gradually getting closer to him, expressing her affection in different ways short of actually doing anything sexual with him. At least until this day.

After months of lightly fantasizing, her desire hit its peak and here she was, laying on her belly with her glowing eyes dotting the horizon of his pasture, hopefully coaxing him to come closer. She couldn't see him at first, but that was mostly because her eyes were better trained for day time, and even in the dim glow of the moon she had a hard time seeing far into the field. However, she did see a white-looking smudge trotting towards her that soon came into focus. Before long, she made out the broad shoulders, perked ears, long tail, and folded wings of Ceylon.

A swell of happiness and anticipation washed over her as she started to get nervous. This was really it, she was about to be alone with the gryph in the field, and nothing could stop her from exploring to her heart's content. Now that she was actually there, she was starting to get nervous. Could she actually go through with this? What did she actually want out of this encounter? Did she plan on getting bred? Could she even handle such a beast? The still-throbbing feeling of the gashes on her haunches told her that maybe she was in over her horns.

Too many questions, and not enough answers. In a brief moment of anxiety and panic, she turned to go back to her own property, realizing just in time that this was a mistake. As she went to slide down the dirt, she got another faint sniff of the musk on her hand followed by a chirping from Ceylon. He wanted her there, and she just didn't have the heart to leave him alone after teasing him with her presence.

If nothing else, she owed him a bit of a rub. It would be cruel to train him to expect certain affections and not follow through, so she gulped heavily and crawled back over the mound of dirt to meet him.

Ceylon was sidled right up next to the fence, with his head leaning over the top rung and extending out to meet her. His beak was agape and his ears were perked, a classic show of acceptance and happiness.

Drac knew that he would never purposely hurt her, so she stepped forward into the range of his beak and cradled his chin with her palm, gently rubbing and scratching at his neck as she did so. The adrenaline surged again and her loins throbbed as she felt his body heat against her fingers, a calm reminder of what she planned on doing. Could she do it? Should she? What if her actions led to Ceylon expecting such attention every time they met? Hopefully this gryphon was smart enough to not associate her presence with any sort of sensuality - at least not to the point where he demanded it - but at the same time she kinda wanted that. The thought of being held down and forced to breed time and time again by a powerful beast made her whimper in delight as the fantasy took over.

The gryphon could sense her anxiety and anticipation, so he leaned into her and trilled, gently nuzzling at her cheek with his cere as she continued to rub at his neck and chin. Like before, he lightly pecked at her neck and shoulder, dragging the tip of his hooked beak down her spine as if he were preening; an instinctual action.

Her breaths were heavy and quick, each exhalation stoked in a shudder of anxiety as she tried to build up the courage to take the next step. The scent of his musk had marked her all day and left her in a state of unyielding desire, and now that she was there and prepared to take that next step, she was finding she lacked the courage to act.

"It's okay, Drac. He loves you, and he won't hurt you. Nobody's out, it's the middle of the night. You've got this." She said to herself, then repeated it thrice before leaning in past his beak to rub her shoulder against his neck. Her tail was flicking out behind her as she reached through the slats of the fence to lightly tap at his shoulder. Given his position, his rump end was too far away from her and not lined up with the fence, so she couldn't reach very far.

Eager, she reached out to tease at his flank as far as she could go, forcing her upper body through the top and middle boards to get as close as she could to his haunches. Her maw was open and tongue was hanging out, the forked tip dripping some drool as her anticipation built. The closer she got to his drake-bits, she more buzzed she felt. At least until she felt the hook of his beak nuzzling under her tail to tease at her cloaca.

Drac froze in place, eyes wide and toes curling into the dirt as her back arched and her tail lifted up partially against her will. She wasn't actively trying to do lift her tail, it just kind of happened and she couldn't be bothered to resist. As his beak prodded at her, she felt her ventral scales naturally peel back amidst a light tugging of her muscles that exposed the tender flesh within.

This lasted for mere seconds before she lost her footing on the soft grass and dirt, falling face first onto the ground inside the pasture. Ceylon sidestepped away from her, leaving her in a heap with her tail up and haunches in the air. Rather than get up or move, she stayed frozen in place, silently hoping that Ceylon would take another step. She was presenting, after all. He did slip his beak under her tail to give a gentle lick to her vent, but she panicked and aborted the plan as she felt his front talon on her haunch, claws digging into her scales on the opposite side he'd sliced her open.

She jumped to her feet and took in a deep breath, walking in a circle before diving back to the fence, ready to give up on the whole endeavor. Just as she got one leg over the fence plank, she was apprehended by Ceylon as the gryphon nuzzled up under her arm from behind. He was cooing and trilling at her, like he was begging her not to leave.

"I can't leave you like this." She said, pulling back from the fence and turning to give him a hug. She went to speak again but was cut off by her own thought process as she glanced down his flank to try and get a proper look under his belly, hoping to see that member of his. It was dark out, so she had a hard time seeing in the shadows, so she slipped down his body with her hands gingerly pressed up under his wing to keep an establishment of touch as she moved. Much to her delight, Ceylon stood in place and didn't make any farther moves to shift away from her or flee.

He clearly enjoyed her presence and company, and she was happy to reward that trust with a nice little massage.

Drac made a play of a massage as she walked the fingertips of both hands down around his flank to curl up under his belly, eventually touching at the finely-furred area next to and in front of his equine-like sheath. Like last time, she was able to get a feel for his package as she gave a gentle squeeze, coaxing a twitch from Ceylon that made her tense up. Was he going to kick? To bite? After pausing, she saw that he wasn't going to do either of those things, but he was going to swell against her palm, cock growing in the sheath to slip out and moisten her palm.

Another wave of desire and anxiety surged through her as her mind shifted into a wholly different gear. This was really going to happen, she was really going for it, and Ceylon seemed to be into it as well. One brief glance over to the ranch home and back to the wall of dirt separating their properties gave her all the confidence she needed to continue. She got down to one knee and shuffled her way underneath him, curious and eager to see what he had to her, cradling the protruding length of gryphon cock in her one palm as she squeezed and peeled back his sheath with the other.

Once again, she felt the throbbing of his heartbeat in his growing member, tiny spurts of his mess trickling down her wrist that she leaned in to lick up with one long lap of her tongue up her forearm. The flavor made her wince a bit at first, as it was bitter and salty, yet it had an appeal that couldn't be denied. Perhaps it was the wafting aroma of musk hovering in a cloud under his belly with her that was tricking her into complacency, but whatever it might have been she found herself eager to give another taste, only this time from the source.

She leaned into him, peeling back the sheath to expose every inch of his length up to and including the knot. Once she saw those six lobes of throbbing gryphon member, she wrapped both her hands around it and guided his tip towards her open maw and her outstretched tongue, ready to sample him one more time.

Then, in a powerful lurch forward, the gryphon bucked his hips and angled his back, wings descending to touch the ground on either side of her as he stabbed her right in the nose. A tiny spurt of his slimy precum splattered over her snout and almost got her in the eye as the knot began to swell in her palms. She was almost knocked off her knees, and would have been had she not been holding onto his knot. In turn, the grip she kept on him seemed to be exciting him well beyond her ability to keep up, as the knot was swelling to thrice its girth, so big she couldn't touch fingertip to heel on both hands together.

"Whoa, whoa!" She called out, a hint of worry and concern in her voice as she struggled to keep a hold of his member while he bucked. While opening her mouth to speak, she got a shot of gryphon seed right on her tongue, the flavor shooting down her throat as it did so. Though Ceylon kept idly bucking his hips, Drac went into a sort of trance, licking her lips and gulping lightly.

The sensation and taste was odd, as it was truly unpleasant for a split second - as it had been when she licked it off her wrist - but that didn't stop her from wanting more. His seed was bitter, salty, and thick, but she couldn't help herself from gaping open her maw once again with tongue lolled out in front of his spewing member. Every buck and every throb of his cock spurted another gooey strand of his essence in a web across her snout, occasionally getting into her maw as she moved her best to collect as much as she could. Her palms remained wrapped around his knot lobes, thumbs up the underside between the elongated pair there and fingertips digging into the crevice between the four on top.

Naturally, her grip on his knot ensured she was able to feel every powerful throb of his member a split second before it erupted onto her, even allowing her to feel the fluttering heartbeats that kept his girth as thick as it was. Eventually, she stopped twisting her head and open maw to catch his seed, and instead wrapped her lips around the tip, instantly regretting it as she felt his barbs jab at the flesh of both her tongue and muzzle.

Still, she couldn't help but close her eyes and ease her head forth, slowly enveloping his length to the back of her gullet. Within seconds of wrapping her lips around his tip, his aggressive bucking slowed to a stop, and he simply remained above her with back arched and cock throbbing every few seconds. He was tamed, like he'd buried his shaft in a gryphon hen or mare. Good for Drac, too, as she was starting to get worried he'd step on her or do something aggressive. She didn't know everything she needed to about gryphon mating habits, but she knew dragons - or at least the feral kind - could be absolutely brutal with their hens, with their biting and wrestling and clawing at the hips.

Drac wasn't sure if Ceylon was just being gentle because he was trained well or if it was because she was under him fully instead of him having to mount her, but she was thankful and couldn't help but shudder in delight as she felt his member throb on her tongue, depositing one gooey load after another directly to the back of her throat, giving her an opportunity to swallow each one in sequence.

For a brief moment, she felt like a proper adult. Sure, she'd blossomed into a mature yet young dragon at the cusp of winter, but she felt like a proper hen, now. She had been bred - in a manner of speaking - and now she knew that Ceylon would likely look to her for this kind of attention the next time he saw her. On one wing, she felt that such a relationship could be detrimental to the both of them, but on the other wing she just didn't care. After having a taste of him for the first time - or any beast, for that matter - she knew fully well that she would certainly make an effort to try again.

After giving him another few suckles, coaxing a series of alternating thin and thick strands of cum to splash against her gullet, she slowly peeled her maw off his member with his barbs catching on her tongue a few times before he fully emerged from her lips. His wings remained almost to the ground, like he was hiding or protecting her, and that made Drac even more excited to have shared her experience with him.

Her chest, muzzle, shoulders, and belly were all covered in the gooey strands that Ceylon had left on her, and she felt like she needed to clean herself off but couldn't bring herself to do it. The glorious mess came with a powerful scent that billowed up around her, encapsulating her in a cloud of aroma that kept her moist and dripping, so much so that she felt like she was ready to turn and lift tail for this majestic beast. At least until she saw a flash of light lancing across the field close to the house. It was a flashlight of someone out in one of the nearby pastures!

Drac's chest tightened up and her throat clenched as her eyes went wide, a look of panic on her face as a burst of adrenaline exploded into her.

Without thinking, she stood up straight and hit her head on the underside of Ceylon's wing, giving him the faintest of parting scratches on his shoulder and flank before patting his beak and darting away, practically diving between the fence posts to scale the steep mound of dirt. As she bolted across the peak of it, she grabbed her glasses that she'd left there and tripped over her feet, tumbling down the side to land on her back on her side of the dirt wall, coughing as the wind was knocked from her lungs. Bits of dirt landed on her from above, some of it getting in her mouth.

Given the relative safety of her side of the dirt wall, she didn't feel so inspired to get up, so she laid on her back until she regained a steady breath before wiping herself off and getting back to her feet. There, she slowly hobbled her way back along the pathway between the fence to her field and the dirt wall, lightly extending and folding her wings individually to make sure they weren't broken.

When she made it back to the house area, she had to once again put her glasses back on to ensure that nobody could identify her by the glow of her eyes as she trotted from barn to the garage where the ladder was propped up. She was a little sore, so ascending the ladder was a little stiff and painful, but she did manage to make it back to her room and close the window behind her, the finishing touches on her little adventure having been put behind her.

One problem, though; once she was back inside an enclosed room, the smell of gryphon seed and musk quickly filled the area, percolating in the air and bathing her in the combined aromas of her own desire and the arousal that his member had spewed all over her. She'd been scented by the gryphon, marked as her with the powerful musky odor of his masculinity, and she couldn't be any happier.

Though a desire remained within her to have more, to be properly bred by him and filled with all his knot had to offer, the fatigue and exhaustion that came from the constant coursing of adrenaline through her veins and the rapid heartbeat that came from nervousness had finally caught up to her and she was certain she was about to pass out. She was sore, she was throbbing in all the right ways, and she was smothered in the essence of gryphon drake.

Drac couldn't think of a better way to end her day, so she crawled up onto her bed and slipped under her covers, the warm air and musky scent billowing up around the edge to apply the aroma to her dirty, mucky snout. With a grin and a contented trill, she slipped her hand up between her thighs to prod and play with her sopping wet ventral scales, only to roll over onto her side and fall asleep, wrist twisted and fingers resting within her swollen folds.

She would be tired in the morning, but that was future Drac's problem.