Chromatic Problems: Part 1

Story by Rasvimirthirisk on SoFurry

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#1 of Chromatic Problems

Part 1 of a Dungeons and Dragons themed encounter between a Metallic dragon and a Chromatic. Things work out nicely.

Vrax traced one of his claws across the medallion. It was a skillful job by the artist. They had managed a quite impressive job, for a mortal. The four figures engraved on the glittering silver medallion were immediately recognizable, though Vrax mostly just cared about the figure of the small, robed elf in the back. Underneath the figures was engraved "Vincent of the Emerald Band, Neverwinter will forever remember your service." Lord Nasher's signature was scrawled underneath the inscription, obviously some sort of template.

The medallion was pretty tiny for him in his natural form, of course. It was still hard to believe that he'd actually managed to save an entire city! With the help of the rest of the Emerald Band, but he'd certainly contributed the most. It was so exhilarating, pretending to be a mortal. Life and death struggles every day, fighting to beat off orcish invasions, foiling the plots of a mysterious overlord. The only mark on their record was that they still were no closer to figuring out just who that overlord manipulating everything was. Whoever it had been, they'd obviously fled when the band of adventurers had gotten close to them.

Still, things in Neverwinter had calmed down enough that it was time to put some...personal affairs in motion. Each of them had something to do, Vrax most of all! It was time to get his lair back in order and get to the important issue of breeding. He needed to go about finding a mate, or at the very least a female who'd be interested in siring some of his young. With his fresh new adventuring stories and the various pieces of loot he'd picked up, he wouldn't have too much trouble with that! It had just been a few years since he'd been back to his lair, so he'd have to make it presentable first.

Stretching himself out, he took a quick look around the frozen forest he'd settled down in to rest. Vrax was a handsome dragon in the cusp of his manhood, the glittering silver scales along his body looking like slender mithril chain-mail more than the heavy armor plating that other dragons would have. Vrax's features were graceful and aerodynamic, lacking any of the silly spikes or horns that other dragon-kind possessed. Plenty of strength as well, though in a package that was more like a fencer than the brutes that other dragons tended to be. All in all, quite the impressive male. Flexing his wings briefly, he carefully set the medallion back inside the pouch that contained the various belongings he'd gathered adventuring. He'd need to keep them well preserved for when it came time to go back to pretending to be a mortal once more.

Being in his natural form, his mind naturally wandered to thoughts of dragonesses. The draconic lust that came naturally to him had been somewhat dulled in his elven form, so the rush of arousal coming from his thoughts of breeding naturally caused his body to react. Healthy male hormones made the slit swell, the tapering length of his shaft pushing out into the open before long to expose his arousal. He grumbled in annoyance at that, it would make flying difficult...and it wasn't like he had hands anymore to help himself out. Just one more reason that he had to find a female quickly, though. His shaft was pretty impressive, at least in his opinion.!The slender tip was perfect for stretching a female out, thickening to an impressive width at the base, the dark gray shaft having a few ridges coating it to help stimulate a female's pleasure as well. He couldn't wait to use it, as he'd been somewhat pent up lately. Sex in his elf form just wasn't the same, and he needed to satisfy all those lusts he'd been saving up.

He sighed in annoyance, and tugged the ties on the pouch shut with his teeth, The bag was pretty safe hanging from his maw while he flew, and that way he could dump it quickly if he got into any sort of combat. Not that he expected any, who would dare challenge a metallic in his home territory? He then stretched his wings out once more to take flight. It had been so long since he'd flown that it was a rush of pleasure to feel the icy cold wind of the north against his scales. He'd missed this. His old lair was a few hours flight from Neverwinter, in the peaks of one of the nearby mountains. Far enough away to keep curious adventurers away, but close enough that he could slip back into city life whenever he grew bored. The perfect location.

Scanning the horizon, he eventually located the small cave that was his lair. He'd been needing to work on it for a while, but had just been putting it off again and again, in favor of sneaking out and fighting evil. Still, it was time to actually put some work in it, or else he'd never attract a female! Though the closer he got to the cave entrance, the odder things looked. There was a dark red light coming from inside his lair, though he couldn't make out many details. Just being able to see inside the lair was a warning sign, since he'd blocked it off with a boulder before leaving.

Vrax grumbled to himself, probably some of the surviving orcs had fled to his cave. Either that or a family of trolls had moved in. He wasn't sure which, but it was their bad luck that they'd run into a cranky and somewhat hungry dragon. He'd just have even more work to do cleaning up the mess they undoubtedly had made.

His musings were cut short by a sudden roar and rocked him in the air. He reflexively dove down to the snowy ground to avoid a sudden shadow of movement atop himself, hitting a snow embankment with a shower of snow in every direction. His no longer graceful form slid to a slow stop as he fought to twist himself over once more onto his feet. That's when he saw him, finally.

Whereas Vrax was aerodynamic, graceful, and handsome; this massive male seemed the opposite, Large and bulky. His scales reminded the silver dragon more of a heavy, ponderous fighter in full plate mail. Likely just as clumsy as one too, though those scales looked worn and battered from plenty of fights in the big male's past. He possessed a line of spikes that ran down his back, and ended with a brutish and spiked snout. Several horns jutted out from his head, two twin pairs sweeping backwards and then an additional two pointed up. He looked exactly like all the tales he had heard of evil dragons, and icy tendrils of fear gripped him as he realized just how much trouble he was in.

His first instinct was to flee. After all, he was no match for this; and undoubtedly the chromatic had handled tougher foes than Vrax! Sweeping his tail around and folding his wings behind himself, he just started to dart for heavier tree cover. With enough luck he could blend himself in with the snowy forest. Only too late did he realize that his gleaming silver scales were actually doing little to conceal him from sight, the bright metallic glinting of the sun against his scales giving him away even with heavy tree cover. The crashing of trees behind him quickly told Vrax that his attempt to flee was not going very well, but it was too late to change his mind now.

The trees in front of him suddenly burst into flames, a large cone of fire coming down from the sky. The snow covered trees cracked and shattered from the sheer heat contained within the Chromatic's breath, the fiery trees forming a natural barricade that stopped him from going any further. He quickly came to a stop, just barely managing to smash into one of the toppled piles of flaming wood. This was exactly the wrong thing to do, and he cursed his instincts. He could have simply barreled through it, but now he was vulnerable and not moving.

The large chromatic dragon came down from the sky. Unbalanced from his awkward standing position, Vrax was easily targeted. The huge form of the Red barreling into him from above, knocking him to the ground, the impact hard enough to actually knock him over and onto his back, pinned under the huge creature. He gazed upwards in terror. In all his adventures, he'd always been the skillful sorcerer, and wasn't used to actually being this close to the enemy. He usually had a big fighter with a shield to keep himself a healthy distance away from danger. Now he was alone and beaten. He was still alive, though! Realizing that the Red had very clearly held back and not used his claws, though the idea of what an evil creature like this would want with alive prey was a bit...worrisome.

The prospect of being taken alive by a Chromatic did not make Vrax feel the slightest bit better about his situation, especially since the Red seemed to be savoring his victory over himself. Showing his teeth as he gazed over the form of the prone dragon underneath him.

"And what do we have here?" His voice was exactly what Vrax had expected, deep and with an underlying rumble of amusement. The terror in his mind only grew, he knew he was being played with. The Red was toying with him, like a cat with a mouse. His glowing red eyes focused on Vrax's own for a moment, before flitting over to the pouch that had fallen forgotten to the ground upon his impact with the Silver.

"I think we should take a look, shouldn't we?" The voice continued. One claw reached over to hook around the ropes that secured the pack, lifting it without ever moving from his position on top of Vrax. The other fore-paw tugged it open and dumped Vrax's possessions out onto the snowy floor of the forest. His robes, wand, wooden staff, even the spell-book he usually used when pretending to study his magic. But worst of all was the necklace, and the Red's eyes gleamed as he looked over the medal. "Ah, not what I was expecting to find, but a very pleasant surprise. Vincent, is it? I was wondering where you were hiding. I'd heard rumors about some sort of adventuring band that helped stop my orcish army. But I didn't imagine that one of them would be the very same dragon whose lair I took for myself!"

His eyes flashed in anger. "I spent a lot of time and effort on those orcs, you know. Only to be foiled by some do-good-er metallic and his mortal minions. I had just started my plans to find your band and teach you a lesson. This saves me some trouble. You alone should be enough to keep me amused for some time, I've never had a Silver before. Should be quite the trophy." As he spoke, his claws trailed down Vrax's underbelly. The massive and heavy hooked claws stroked across his slender scales, taunting him with his helplessness. The scales along his belly were softer and more vulnerable than the rest of them, leaving him perfectly vulnerable for whatever horrid revenge scheme the Chromatic had in mind for him.

"But no worry. I can take my revenge on you in all manner of ways. I wondered whose lair that was, and knew that someone would be coming back for it eventually. Lucky me, now I've got a matching slave to go with it." The prospect of being taken as a slave, as distasteful as it was to his draconic pride, nonetheless sent a thrill of relief through Vrax's mind. A Red probably wouldn't torture a slave...most of the time. He felt ashamed at how happy he was to know he'd be taken alive, but at least it meant that he'd be able to escape eventually.

The Red continued to think out loud, his heavy claws traced lower as he did. And that's when Vrax saw it, the heavy blunt head of the Chromatic's shaft was beginning to slip free of his slit. He was getting aroused by this? Just his luck to get caught by a gay dragon, he had a sudden sinking feeling as to just he was going to in for. Tail instinctively shifting to try to cover over his hindquarters, mostly attempting to hide the tight ring of his rear from the big male. Not that it would do much good once he actually went for it.

"I imagine I'll still get the rest of that adventuring party of yours. What are they called, again? The green company? Something like that. But as long as you do a good job of keeping me happy, they'll be safe from my clutches. And I know a Noble and Heroic dragon like you wouldn't dream of sacrificing their lives to escape from me.. So there's a simple warning for you." His eyes flashed red at the threat, and Vrax cowered under him. No chance of escape there, or else this one would be immediately taking it out on the rest of his friends. He had little choice but to go along with his sick amusements for now. Mentally preparing himself for the pain that was sure to come.

The Chromatic continued to taunt him, using his claws to drag across the scales of his underside, making Vrax stare at the stiffening cock between the red's hind legs with the sick knowledge of what was coming. "I'm Zaraz, by the way. Though you'll be calling me Master, unless you want punishment." He said in a teasing tone of voice. "But enough time wasted, lets move to the main event."

Instead of doing what he expected him to, and immediately mount the poor silver's virgin rear; instead his massive form came down on top of him. The heavy body pinned him down against the cave floor, warm scales pressed right up against Vrax's smoother ones, and very quickly he understood what was going on. The red dragon's hindquarters were intently pressing right up against the genital slit of the Silver's body. Not needing much pressure there before he almost immediately understood what was going on. Body reacting instinctively, beginning to thicken and swell with blood. Was this chromatic actually raising his tail for him? What was going on? He didn't know what the others plan was, but every instinct and hormone in his body was screaming at him to suddenly submit to the drake's whim.

"! I'm into females!" He protested, his mind revolting against the lust that was rushing through him. Sure, he was going to be the one humping the Chromatic, but his mind still tried to protest at the very thought of this. The very idea of stuffing his cock inside another male was disgusting, though it only seemed to make the cock between his hind legs throb more. Unable to convince his body of what his mind told him so fervently. The scent of aroused male heavy, no doubt the red could smell it as well.

"Of course you are. Luckily for you, I don't care what you prefer. I happen to need a toy that can give me what I need. And since I can't find any real males around, you'll have to do." He taunted, sharp teeth only inches away from Vrax's neck. The heat given off by his body only seemed to grow, insistently beginning to press down along the tip of his stiff cock. It took little time at all for the big drake to line himself up properly, his hind legs shifting to get himself in just the proper position and then forced his hindquarters down right on top of Vrax's throbbing cock-head. The tapered tip of the shaft easily started to spread out the surprisingly tight ring of the big male. Though the red didn't seem to want things gentle, his hindquarters hammering downwards, surrounding the silver's cock in the heady warmth of his incredible rear.

Vrax cried out, the initial feeling of penetration was absolutely beyond anything that he'd ever felt before. He'd had some fun with some females too, but nothing like this. The red dragon's nature was easily felt from just how hot his tight passage was around the silver's shaft. The heat was almost overwhelming as he rammed himself fully down, taking in every last inch of Vrax's shaft without obvious effort, only a grunt of pain as his insides were stretched out to fit around the thick rod of the silver's length. The smack of the red's stretched anal ring slamming down onto the base of his cock signaled the fact that he was fully inside his new "Master". The dominant dragon tensing up his muscles to greedily squeeze the cock-base of his new pet. Milking the shaft with a few possessive squeezes of his obviously skilled body. This treatment had an obvious effect on him, his shaft pulsing in the tight grip of the walls, leaking a steady amount of the silver's cool pre into his walls.

The red's entire weight was resting on his underside for the time, his hindquarters pressed right up against Vrax's slit to ensure the full length was buried inside of him. He held his position for a time, though quickly started to roll his hips. The upwards motion quickly arrested to send the heavy flanks slamming back down onto Vrax's cock, impaling himself again and again with each of his movements. He could feel his cock plunging into the deepest parts of the red's body. His aroused shaft grinded in against the pre-slick walls as the dominant male above him began to ride his body.

As for himself, he was lost in confusion and lust. The sheer amount of dominance that the male above him was showing while he rode his cock like a female was impressive, and his obvious skill in taking Vrax's cock made it difficult to resist him, especially as pent up as he was. His eyes closed, gasping from the effort, and attempting to stop himself from immediately blowing his load into the volcanic heat of the red's warm walls. He attempted to imagine an eager dragoness on top of him instead of Zaraz, only to find his imagination dashed with each grunt and heavy male groan that came from the form above him. He definitely wasn't gay, of course. He was the one penetrating! That meant he was still into females. The rationalizing thoughts rushed through his mind, trying to justify enjoying having sex with a male.

"Lasting longer than I expected you to, little pet. We're going to make sure you're trained even better." The deep voice taunted him with each thrust of his hindquarters. Each thrust now beginning to ache a little from the sheer amount of weight that smashed into his underside, though it was a welcome trade-off for the amount of pleasure he was getting! Every movement brought the full length of his tapering shaft inside. Wider base spreading out his Master's inner walls with a shudder from the big red, each time he pushed himself now it stretched his inner ring just a little more. Obviously angling his movements so that Vrax's cock grinded up against his prostate, pleasuring himself more than he was pleasuring the Silver, though it's not like Vrax needed much motivation to blow his load, anyway! It was everything he could do to stop himself, at the current rate.

He could feel himself rapidly rush towards the point of no return, and cried out a warning to the male above him. Gasping out something in a soft whimper to help warn him. It didn't make the red slow down at all, though. His movements grew less controlled, shifting himself in just the right way to make Vrax give him the pleasure he needed, and eventually the red just erupted. His thick ebony cock pulsed between his hind legs, angled in such a way that the potent draconic seed just stained the underbelly of his new pet. A massive flood of the stuff coming in lazy pulses..marking his scales with the sulfur-like scent of an aroused red dragon. Not to mention staining poor Vrax's snout in it as well, forcing him to taste another male for the first time, though it was...oddly nice.

The knowledge that he'd just made his lover cum was enough to drive him over the edge himself. A weak little moan escaping his lips as his cock pulsed inside the warm grip of his Master's body, though it seemed that he had already seen it coming a long way away. The red rammed his hindquarters down one final time, plunging the shaft right back into his passage to let it stain his insides. Vrax's cool seed staining the insides of his new Master in shot after shot. Sticky ropes of the stuff clinging to every part of his walls, staining his bowels with the cool stickiness of his silver pet.

The Silver sighed and sagged down to the ground, pinned completely underneath his Master, the weighty rump of the dragon resting fully on Vrax. After his own climax, he seemed to have worn out the Red, who sprawled atop his body with his full form, ensuring that he had little chance of slipping away...not that he'd want to now, with his satisfied and drained shaft plugged deep inside a new lover. Even after that orgasm, his shaft only softened ever so slightly inside his owner's passage, natural draconic libido ensuring that.

"Not bad for a first try. Now...lets try round two." His new Master said, grinning down at him. Vrax groaned a protest, but was in little shape to resist, or even to say no. His arousal stiffened back up to full hardness only seconds after Zaraz began to tense up again, his volcanic heat squeezing his shaft once more, the cum-slick walls of his insides pushing back down to grind into him.

Vrax groaned and settled in for a long night.

Vrax's first sensation on waking was an aching between his hind legs. His poor shaft had been milked again and again by the greedy Chromatic until he'd been screaming for his Master to stop. After collapsing from exhaustion, he'd been dragged off to the Red's lair. His former lair, of course. Though had been too oblivious from his exertion to even look around. His shaft was aching between his legs, though his hormones were already beginning to betray him once again. Rock hard and out of it's slit; his shaft was slick and sticky with the traces of his seed from last night, the metallic scent of his seed filling his senses.

Finally he managed to glance around the cavern. It looked like one of his old chambers, though everything looked a There was trash scattered across the large smooth stone floors. What looked like rotting carcasses, various sorts of weapons, and other messes. He wrinkled his nose in disgust at what his perfect lair had been turned into. Though this didn't look like the Red's work. He'd have wanted it in the best condition possible! The walls, which had previously been engraved with glowing silver artwork, only faintly glimmered. Claw marks dug deep into the walls that were unmistakably his new Masters.

Rolling back over onto all fours once again, he reluctantly rose back up to a standing position and took a closer look. There had been a fight here, or several fights. Difficult to tell. He knew where to get the answers to his questions, though and quickly headed deeper. He'd woke in what looked like one of the guest chambers he'd made. Where the Red would be wasn't really difficult to figure out, though. Some draconic instincts were too innate to second guess. Most every cavern that he headed into looked much the same. Scattered with trash, discarded weapons and various other sorts of refuse. It did get a little bit cleaner as he approached his old bedchambers though. It had also served as his hoard, because what dragon didn't want to sleep on top of a pile of treasure? His instincts proved to be correct when he lumbered around the corner to find his old sleeping chambers.

The chambers looked a little renovated since the last time he'd been there. The pile of treasure that had been his own had grown visibly. The main difference was that the piles of silver that he'd preferred had had lots of gold added to them. Jewels and valuable stones, magic items. All sorts of things that Vrax hadn't bothered to collect were almost haphazardly scattered across the massive chambers. The cushions that he'd added to form a more elegant touch long gone. There was one small area that was cleared of the treasure though, a massive map of the surrounded areas, with particular attention paid to Neverwinter. What looked like tiny chess pieces were scattered about the map, though many of them had been shattered it appeared.

Currently, the massive red dragon was looming over the map, one chess piece balanced in an over-sized clawed grip. Looking closely, it seemed vaguely familiar to Vrax. Orcish features on the tiny piece carved in a way that was suspiciously familiar. Zaraz turned to look at him with a smirk, amused by his presence. He lifted up the figure in his claws to show him.

"Look familiar? Warlord Gron was one of my best minions. Then he had an unfortunate run-in with certain band of heroes, if memory serves me correctly." The figurine quickly crunched under increased pressure from his claws, crushed into a small pile of dust. He seemed to be taking amusement in taunting Vrax, though the dark look on his expression reminded him of the danger he was still in.

"Oh, uh..right." He had trouble looking directly at the Red now, the memory of blasting that particular Orc flashed through his mind. A well placed lightning bolt had finished the green-skin off. Though Jerome hadn't stopped complaining about his aim ever since. The Dragonborne had been a little slow to get out of the way when he'd blasted Gron. "I think I remember something like that." He murmured under his breath, trying not to piss off the Chromatic any further than he already was.

Zaraz seemed amused though, letting the dust of the figurine scatter on top of the board, only to pick up another. This one was much more familiar, a handsome looking elf in wizard's robes sent a shiver through Vrax. He'd gotten a good description of him from someone, it was an uncanny likeness of him. "But now I've managed to get another prize, lucky me. Your lair is a little worse for wear, though. But you've gotten here just in time to help fix it up. I had to fight a few troll tribes that had decided to squat here in your absence. You really should have set better defenses." He mused to himself, though mostly seemed to enjoy explaining how stupid Vrax had been.

The figurine was placed back down onto the board, and another picked up. This one a very odd looking human. "But you scattered my orc army and killed all my tame orc warlords. That leaves me in a rather bad position. I don't have many options left. Though luckily I do happen to have a few contacts in the Cult of the Dragon. Mostly for insurance, you understand. I'm sure they'd be happy to help me conquer Neverwinter just as much as the Orcs. Though their price would probably not be very pleasant for me." He shuddered, and so did Vrax. Disgusting cultists with an obsession over undead dragons sounded like the worst possible sort of ally. He didn't realize what his Master was talking about until he shifted slightly to his side though.

The Red shifted his flanks backwards, hindquarters lifting up slightly. His muscular tail lifted upwards to better expose himself to his Metallic pet. And that gave Vrax a very good look at the slightly dark ring of flesh hidden there. Looking like it was slightly stretched from last night, a long trail of draconic seed oozing down along his scales there, something that made his own cock throb between his legs. Almost immediately remembering the ecstasy that he'd been semi-forced to have the other day.

"Though I'm sure you could help...distract me. Come here, pet. If you do a good enough job, I might be convinced to delay my plans for your little city until tomorrow." His voice was cool and amused, though the look he gave Vrax with his tilted head was full of obvious lust. The shaft between his hind legs throbbed with need once again in response. Already recovered from the other day, at least mostly. The need to breed the heavy Red flanks was almost overwhelming. A strong surge of lust making him powerless to resist it.

"Of..Of course, Master." He stammered, moving to mount the larger form of the Chromatic. He was clumsy with his excitement, leaping up onto the back half of the Red to awkwardly drape himself along the warm scaly form. Giving off so much heat compared to his own cooler body that it was a turn-on all in itself. Not to mention how it felt when his rod nudged underneath his Master's tail. He probed at the pucker, finding it still slick with the traces of his dried seed from last night. Using that as motivation to immediately thrust inside. He let out a shudder, whimpering from the amazing feeling once more of spreading out the surprisingly snug passage around his shaft. Tapering tip helping to spread it out for the thicker cock-base. He didn't let himself stop until his form smacked loudly into the flank of the big male. Not needing to worry about being too rough with this partner at all.

"Good." The voice came, and he could hear a bit of strain in the Reds' voice. "That's it. You can go harder than that. Faster. Fuck your Master, I want to see how well a pathetic little slut like you can hump." His voice came with a strained grunt, though immediately his body tensed up around Vrax's shaft. Gripping it in his hot oven of a body, tensing up to squeeze his shaft like a vice. Almost enough to make him blow his load right there; and if he hadn't had multiple loads milked out of him already just the other day he probably would have, though he managed to resist the mounting pleasure enough to begin pounding his Master's rear.

His thrusts were quick and frantic, his fore-paws clinging to the large flank, gripping the scales in order to get enough leverage to continue his pounding motions. Humping greedily at the tight grip of his Master. Eager to blow his load once more inside of him, even as he hissed in approval. Though even with the full force of his lust, it didn't seem like enough for Zaraz. He grunted and hissed back at him, meeting every one of his powerful thrusts with a backwards movement of his hindquarter, grinding their slits together with a sound that was quite distinctive. He closed his eyes to focus entirely on what he was doing. The throbbing shaft between his hind legs already drooling more pre. Each thrust helped to drench and smear his pre across his inner walls once again. Helping to lubricate up his Master, though the slicker and wetter sounds that came from that lube only seemed even more embarrassing to him.

His Master seemed to approve, at least. Grunts and groans came from him each time that he stabbed himself into the depths of his body. The tapering length pushing deep, letting his thick cock-base grind in against his ring. Stuffing the thickest part of his shaft inside again and again. His increased arousal from the forceful mating only served to make him barely pull out with each of his thrusts. Short little stabbing motions repeatedly hammering the thickest part of his base right through the Chromatic's tight ring again and again, stretching it and making the big male groan from the feeling. It was quickly getting to Vrax, and he found it increasingly difficult to hold himself back from the urge to paint his Master's innards with another layer of his draconic cum.

Finally he couldn't hold himself back anymore. Squeezing his fore-paws around the Red's flank, he made jerky little thrusting movements, stabbing himself in again and again until he was past the point of no return. Roaring his pleasure into the air, his cock buried once more into the molten heat of his owner's body. He momentarily thought about biting down on him, though even in the depths of his lust he knew better than to try that. Instead he just kept his shaft buried fully inside his form. The cool length of his shaft pulsing, firing ropes of his metallic seed deep inside his owner's bowels once again. Staining his insides with another layer of cum, marking him once more. His orgasm seemed to go on forever, and by the time he finished he sagged down against the heavy flanks, having to continue holding on just to avoid collapsing to the ground, totally exhausted. And even as he did that, the tight grip of his muscles only seemed to tense up further, gripping his weakly splattering member to try to milk even more of his seed out.

"Not bad. But I can see you're going to need a lot of endurance training in the future. No matter. Now, lets get ready for round two." Vrax groaned, but just clung to his Master's flanks desperately, thoughts of escape long gone from his mind. His only thoughts now of how best to withstand his greedy new Master's desires. He could always escape later, after all. Just needed to lull his new Master into a state of complacency. That was it.

-End Chapter 1