[YCH-01] Sex is a Work Out 2

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art - Elbestia

writing - Runa

Lethias - Lethias

Darryl - Psyphix

Krendius - FlecktarnWolf

Storm - StormGryphon

Xander - toshi120

Part 1 - https://www.sofurry.com/view/1237427

Part 2 - https://www.sofurry.com/view/1241812

In this story, 5 different guys each with different reasons for enjoying what comes to be at a nudist gym all have a go at one another! Lots of knotting, lots of gay anal, lots of interspecies and sizeplay and twink love.

In chapter 2, they return to enjoy a bit of massage work, but of course that's not what ends up happening!


"What a night!" Lethias declared as he stepped out of the showers, rubbing his ear frills with a towel. "I admit I wasn't expecting things to get that out of hand, but that was nice! We should do it again sometime but with a bit more planning." The large red dragon was walking alongside the hippogryph Ilorek, as the two were returning to the group of sexed-up work out fiends that was the reason Lethias wished to shower. He always enjoyed a full body wash after sex.

The group of Xander, Storm, Krendius, and Darryl all turned to look at him, a thin film of cum still soaking into Krendius' fur. Lethias wanted to invite him to shower, but felt it wasn't his place to tell others what to do. Instead, he looked over to Ilorek to see what plans he may have had for them all.

"We're thinking about doing pizza." Xander spoke up. His tiny body had a nice aura of musky smell to him, despite his miniscule stature compared to the massive Storm Gryphon and quite large Darryl. "We were wondering if you wanted to come. Figured it was a good carb load-up for the night, since none of us are done working out yet." The others nodded in collusion.

Lethias raised a single finger, but then balled his fist up as he crossed his arms over his chest, glancing over at Ilorek as if to ask him a question. "I'm not sure if I need to carb load for muscle mass. Ilorek here brewed me up a potion that will help me with some growth, and I'm not all that hungry."

Ilorek shrugged at him. "Nothing wrong with natural growth. The potion I gave you accentuates your natural growth, so pizza would be good and will help the process feel and act more natural, so there will be a lesser chance of complications. Besides, I could eat a panzerotti right now and there's a cute otter I'd love to meet."

Xander grinned and wagged his tail, happy to hear that, until Ilorek corrected him.

"Not you, Xander. I'm more into females." He then turned and pointed to a well toned otter with brightly colored hair wearing nothing but a tank top and gloves as she beat on a punching bag. "I've been keeping an eye on her since we got here and-"

"Wait, this is a nudist gym." Krendius interrupted. "If I've got to be nude, why can she-"

Darryl lightly pushed Krendius away, pressing down on his snout. "Breasts ya silly bastard. Can't be doing elaborate martial arts with tits flopping in your face. Chesty ladies are permitted to wear tank tops. Besides, I don't see the problem; she's quite the fine piece of tail."

"What about me?" Xander chirped at the taller canine. "I'm a fine piece of tail, too! Aren't I?"

Darryl grinned and slapped Xander's rump, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Indeed you are, but it's not quite the same. I've got Krendius here now to keep me happy when I need a friend."

"So you're not going to do your massage work on me?" Xander's shoulders and tail dipped.

"Of course I will, just not right now. Don't worry about it, man, As long as you have a rump to fill and I have a knot to fill it, I'm sure I'll give you the exotic treatment. Now, I'm going to-" He turned to wave at the female otter, but Ilorek shouted to her first.

"Hey, Miss Otter! We were thinking of going out for pizza, would you care to join us?" Ilorek called, waving high with the equine feathering on his wrist acting like a flag.

The otter stopped her kicks and grabbed the punching bag, ensuring it stopped swinging. "Where are you headed? There's a pretty sweet place down the way, make some damn good pizza."

Storm stood tall and let the feathers on his chest puff out to make him look even bigger and better built. "We're doing a carb load up, pizza dough. Chirpalicious!"

Lethias rolled his eyes at Storm's bravado. "Where's the place you had in mind? I don't know if they had plans, but I'd like to hear what you have to say." He was always polite, especially when meeting new people.

"It's called the Stoner's Grub Pub." She explained. When she saw the group's various reactions ranging from interest to disdain, she felt the need to clarify. "Don't worry, it's not a place for toking, but they sell munchies style stuff, pizza and wings and garlic bites and stuff, you know? One of the best pizza joints in the area. Where were you guys going?" She danced her way through the open floor's worth of various work out equipment to get to the group of males, and when she arrived she looked to be a slight bit taller than Xander while being a slight bit shorter than Krendius.

Darryl, stood tall to show off his body and sheath, which had a tiny little pool of his mess from his time with Krendius. "Well, we hadn't thought up an idea yet, but that sounds pretty sweet. I've been curious but a little too self-conscious to eat there, didn't feel right when working out, you know?"

She extended her paw to shake with all the others one at a time. "Not a problem. The name's Lexi, and I'd be happy to get a bit to eat with you guys. I saw what you guys did and I have to say, that's exactly why I come to a place like this."

And so the quest was written, after the first set of intense workout, the group of six males and one female headed to the Stoner's Grub Pub, where they would enjoy a lot of sausage on their pizza. The night wasn't over yet, and it could only get weirder from there.

"Alright, so that'll be three large pizzas, one meat lovers, one double meat stacks, and one deluxe but no olives, right?" The waitress, a tall and thin-necked avian asked for clarification. She had already brought out the drinks - all water - and was finally taking their order after they had argued for far too long about what to have on their pizza. All of them were now dressed in simple, rudimentary clothing, just enough to not look out of place but still so little that much of their fur, scales, and feathers could be seen.

It was Ilorek who smiled and spoke up. "Yes, that will be all, thank you. If you could bring us a pitcher of water, too, that would be outstanding. Thanks again!"

The waitress nodded and smiled back, jauntily hopping over to the counter so she could get them a pitcher of water. She seemed most attracted to Ilorek, but that might have been his avian heritage, since she was also a bird.

Around the three-quarters corner booth sat Lethias, Ilorek, Lexi, Storm, Xander, Krendius, and finally Darryl in that order, each squished in due to the relative lack of space, rump to rump.

It became quickly clear that there would be no way they'd be able to enjoy a whole meal while stuffed in such a small space, so Lethias stood up and motioned towards an 8-person table nearby that was currently full of occupants that looked to be packing up their food. "So would it be easier to maybe use this space? We'd each get our own chair that way."

Lexi grinned and leaned in closer to Ilorek. "Well, I'm not sure that's needed. I hate those hard chairs compared to how comfy it is here. Besides, with you guys eating pizza, I'm sure it'll be eaten up rather quickly." She then slipped her hand down under the table to gently rub at Ilorek's upper thigh, as nonchalant as she could while still managing to pull his kilt up.

Xander scuttled in closer to Storm as well, while Krendius remained close to Darryl. Xander glanced over to Lexi, noticing what she was doing to Ilorek before looking up to Lethias. "Well, I like it here, too. I dunno, maybe I'll just sit on someone's lap, save some room; I bet that will be much more comfortable than those hard chairs."

"Yeah, laps are good." Krendius added as he hopped up onto Darryl's and started to wiggle. "I'd rather stay here, if you don't mind."

Lethias looked around to each of them and shrugged, the table obscuring the vision down to each of the larger males' crotches where Lexi was rubbing and Krendius was grinding. "Well, I guess if you're comfortable doing that, it makes sense. I will be back in a few, I need to use the facilities." He rested his elbow on his hand, tapping his chin as he nodded. "Ten minutes, and I'll be here."

Storm offered a subtle bow in return with a salute. "At ease, my friend. We'll work out the seating arrangement while you're away. Don't worry, it'll be good." He reached his arm around Xander's tiny shoulders to slide down his spine and over his tail to lift up the rim of his little skirt. To Lethias, it looked like he was just being pleasant, but his huge fingers were teasing at the tiny otter's plump and tender rump, releasing some of the juices that were left in him from the gym.

"Alright, I guess you guys have this under control." Lethias turned and walked away, his tail stiff behind him and bending perfectly as he weaved through the tables and chairs of the pizza parlor to ensure he didn't hit anyone. He was quite the polite dragon.

In his absence, The three remaining pairs of partners shared glances with one another as Krendius wiggled his hips on Darryl's lap and Xander instinctively raised his tail to Storm's touch. Lexi, though seemingly bold at first, quickly grew bashful and pulled her hand away from Ilorek's upper thigh, not wanting to overstep her bounds. She was confident, but possessed an inner strength as opposed to the kind that made her bold.

Storm forced a few fingers into Xander and tugged, lifting the otter up off the seat for a moment before letting him go, the creamy mess coating his fingertips. He intended to eat with those fingers, so he brought them up to Xander's face. "Go on, clean up your mess." He commanded.

Xander did as he was told, licking and suckling the creamy mess from Storm's fingers.

"Good." Storm said as he patted his thigh. "Now let's get comfortable, shall we?" His other, free hand snapped his belt buckle open as he unzipped, revealing his fat, meaty sheath with his purple fleshed cock tip poking out the end.

It was low enough that nobody on the opposite side of the table could see it, but Xander was granted a clear view so he hopped up and bent over the table, skirt up with no panties on underneath.

While they were doing this, Darryl was leaning in close to Krendius' cheek, growling lightly while smiling and laughing a bit, his one arm - the one away from the edge of the booth where a waitress could see - tugging his pants down a bit to expose himself. He wasn't being aggressive, but he was certainly being brisk with his motions as he peeled his flesh back and rubbed it up between the fox's thighs. He gave Krendius a gentle ear nibble as he flexed his groin, slapping upwards at his balls.

Just then, as Xander had his rump and tail up and Darryl was grinding up against Krendius, the waiter came back with their first pizza in hand. In a stroke of luck, Xander's skirt was positioned in such a way that it not only hid the fact that he was naked underneath from the waitress but also obscured all vision of Storm's exposed sheath and member. She laid the pizza out on the table with a broad beaky smile. "Little cramped in there, sugar?"

Storm grabbed Xander's tail by the base and pulled it down, forcing his tender pucker to expand and slide down his member right to the knot in one fluid motion. He stared directly at the waitress as his cock got swallowed by otter tail hole. "Just getting comfortable. Fur, feathers, and padded leather feel a lot more comfortable than hard wood chairs." He grabbed Xander's upper thighs and held him there, ensuring the waitress didn't see it, not caring about whether he gave an expression of discomfort.

"Yeah, I'm not too fond of them, either." The waitress seemed completely oblivious as to what had just happened as she passed out a few napkins and plates to each of the people sitting at the table.

Darryl grinned up at her and leaned back, pulling Krendius with him so that the fox was nestled up under his one arm using his chest as a pillow. "Smells wonderful. When will the other two pizzas be here? Seems like it's a pretty busy place, is it like that most nights this late?"

The waitress stopped herself from leaving to answer his questions, keeping her around a bit longer while Storm and Xander grinded against each other and both Darryl and Krendius were getting comfotable. "Oh, another three to five minutes, tops. And yeah, seems like we always get a rush before midnight. Lots of workout guys from that gym down the road like carb loading. I take it that's what you are doing, too?"

Ilorek nodded and tapped his claw tips on the table, smiling as he gently reached over to Lexi's hand to subtly place it back on his upper thigh, telling her she was welcome to keep rubbing if she wanted. "Yeah, we're doing some science as well. Been testing out some potions and enchantments on a new brew, and enjoying a hearty meal is always good." He kept his hand on Lexi's sandwiching it between his palm and thigh while his fingers gently curled around hers. She clearly blushed at him.

"Sounds good! Glad to hear it. I'll be right back with your pizza, the chef is waving me over." She gape grinned and hopped away, disappearing behind the counter to go get them their food.

Her absence and the recently departed party of eight from the free-standing table gave Storm and Darryl all the privacy they needed to go ahead with their lewd actions. Storm held Xander tight to his lap as he started grinding his hips upwards, rolling and gyrating his knot as he forced himself in deeper, giving Xander no relief from the girth of his cock. Luckily, his rump remained tender and malleable from before, well lubed from the many fluids that had been pumped up into him. Meanwhile, Darryl had grabbed at the base of his knot after tugging his track pants down, aiming it up as Krendius pulled his down and lifted his tail. They had to be discrete, but Krendius proved how slutty and cock hungry he was by angling his hips just right and pushing down without Darryl's help.

Both of the tiny twinks - Krendius and Xander - were sitting upon the laps of their respective larger beasts, grinding and pushing down to swallow up each of the knots. Lexi was still idly rubbing at Ilorek's thigh, squeezing and tickling his fur there without ever actually reaching for anything.

They were all hidden under the table, and unless someone got to their knees to look, nobody would have seen what was going on between the six of them. This made it comical when Lethias returned to see Krendius and Xander both trying to be nonchalant with massive cocks wiggling and grinding their ways into them, knots still rolling and stretching them without popping all the way in.

"Howdy." He said as he sat down at the far edge of the seat. From there he could see Lexi gently caressing Ilorek's thigh, but nothing more. "How come nobody has taken any pizza? How long has it been here? If you guys don't want any, I'll take some."

Ilorek spoke up for the six of them, knowing that they were all a little busy and thinking with their wrong heads. "We were waiting for you! Well, you and the rest of the pizza. The waitress says she'll be here with the rest in a couple minutes. They're just getting comfortable." He pointed a thumb to Storm, Xander, Darryl, and Krendius. "Not a lot of room under the table."

"I told you the chairs would have been better." He said, still not realizing quite what was going on. "But if you are comfortable here I can't complain. Well, this is the meat lovers, so I'm going to take a slice if nobody else protests." He grabbed his plate and leaned over.

Darryl was about to say something as Krendius's rump lurched down over his knot, which popped into him with an audible schlicking sound followed by the faintest of guttural releases of air from deep within the fox. Lethias couldn't hear it, as he was grabbing a slice and using a knife to part the cheese from his slices and the others. Had he been paying attention, he would have seen the dumbstruck look of bliss upon Krendius' face.

Then, as the two canines were getting comfortable with a throbbing knot shared between them, the avian waitress came back, happily putting down both of their other pizzas and staying around just long enough to ask, "Will there be anything else before I'm on my way, folks?"

Storm grinned at her and raised a hand to wave her off. "That will be all for now. Perhaps in five or ten minutes, I'm sure you could bring us another pitcher of water, but aside from that I think we will be good." When she left, he used that other hand on Xander's shoulder in order to force the little otter's rump down even harder on his swollen knot lobes. As he expected, but Xander did not, the knot popped in with an audible squelch followed by a similar but louder grunt than offered by Krendius and Darryl. He looked over to Ilorek to nod in approval while glancing down at his crotch, as if to ask why Lexi wasn't sitting upon it while idly grinding his hips up into Xander as the otter balled his fists.

That was the very moment that Lethias came to understand what was going on around him. His eyes went dull as he looked around to each of them, his voice remaining low and quiet. "Are you guys...you know...tied up?"

Xander and Krendius both stuck their tongues out and nodded, shifting and struggling in place to get a more comfortable position as their respective knots tugged and shifted inside them. Despite being plugged with cock, both of them were trying their best to act nonchalant as Darryl and Storm both leaned back and enjoyed themselves.

Lethias took in a huge breath and shook his head, not sure how to react to that. He was not the type to show off in public and had only even done anything at the gym because the potion was removing some of his inhibitions - much like alcohol without the taste or other effects. Seeing that the four others in his party had decided to tie themselves together, he felt he was sort of trapped. If he left he would look like he was judging them. If he stayed, he would look like he was colluding with them, also naked and doing lewd things in a public place. Instead, he simply remained as close to the edge of the seat as he could, eager to stay as far away from the less courteous of his companions. "So, I guess since we've all come to know each other a bit better, we might as well share some info. What does everyone here do for work when not pumping iron at the gym?" He asked as he took a bite.

Krendius could be seen subtly gyrating his hips to roll Darryl's knot inside him as he grabbed at one of the double meat stack pizzas. "Well, it depends on the night. Sometimes, I like to dance for clients at the bar, but mostly I can be seen mixing drinks and bussing dishes to and from the kitchen."

Xander's eyes lit up as a wide grin gaped his maw. "Me too! I'm over at the Strap and Buckle! It's a pirate themed pub that has an exotic, high end bar that serves anyone. We also do rock and metal music on Fridays and Saturdays, which is pretty awesome. Where are you at?"

"The Fox and Fiddle! Uptown. Pay is so very good, especially if you get the ladies who don't mind spanking or the men who...well..." He paused as he waggled his hips on Darryl's cock.

In response to that, Darryl wrapped his one hand around Krendius' belly to hold him in place as he bucked into him, knot sinking just a bit deeper before resting and tugging against the violet flesh of the fox's tail hole. As he did that, he reached forward to grab a piece of pizza, only to have Krendius take it first and feed it to him.

Krendius turned over to Storm and Xander again before glancing over to Lexi. "Okay, so what do you do? You're a pretty small woman, I bet you are a model or something!"

Lexi blushed. "Well, it's nothing sexy like that. For the longest time I was actually an aviation mechanic, my small body and hydrophobic fur made me great for getting into the more tight locations in an aircraft to fix whatever was wrong. I was doing that by day while being a cage fighter by night until I realized I could make more money that way." She made a fist and grinned, showing her teeth.

Storm chirped at her. "That's actually quite sexy. So, after the fights, do you accept sexy post match massages? I'm sure you could find more than a few males who could knead the knots out of your muscles." He bucked his hips up into Xander before relaxing a bit, forcefully tugging his knot on the male otter's rump. "I'd be happy to help, too."

She blushed again and wiped her fiery colored hair to the side while glancing across Ilorek's body to see where Storm and Xander were tied together. "Well, I get offers a lot, but I'm not one to just sit on any cock, you know. I have to get to know a male before I do anything with them."

Storm's chest fluffed up against Xander's back. "Glad to hear it. We're getting to know each other now, aren't we? Personally, I find that intimacy is the best way to truly get to know another person, because for a brisk moment there are no barriers between you."

"No. That's not how I work, Storm." She briskly shut him down. "I mean, you're one sexy beast, but I care a lot about my body and, as much as I'm curious to experience a gryphon some day, I'm also aware that my body has limits. I don't intend to literally be ripped in half by that knot of yours." She pointed to Xander, then motioned to Krendius - both of which were tied to massive knots. "I don't know how they do it."

Ilorek spoke up before Storm could respond. "Well, I could potentially help you with that. I'm one of the lead chemists at the NoThEn Labs headquarters north of town. I brew potions and enchant them myself if you ever find yourself in a position where you'd like to try things you know you wouldn't normally be into. Including a potion that makes your skin and muscles much more malleable. Would that interest you, some time?" His golden eyes met hers and he smiled, a clear flirtation.

Lexi melted a bit, mind dancing around the idea of taking him up on that offer. She did in fact find the prospect of being experimented on in a safe environment to be quite enticing, but she wasn't ready to say yes to him so she simply snuggled up closer to him, hand on his thigh where he'd put it. "We'll have to think about it. For now, let's enjoy some pizza."

Lethias had just finished up his first slice when he tapped Lexi on the shoulder. "You know, if you're doing cage fight and need a massage therapist, I could help you out. I'm registered with the GMTs, Guilded Massage Therapists. I'm working on my certification for quads and-"

"Hun, I'm not interested." She interrupted, assuming he was talking about sensual massages.

"Are you sure? I would reconsider, I'm very good at what I do and limber muscles could really help with your flexibility and in some ways add to the torque of your punches and kicks." He insisted.

She shrugged. "Honestly, I'm not the kind to get in cahoots with someone for a massage, no matter how good they feel they are with their hands." Lexi was trying her best to let him down nicely.

But Lethias wasn't quite catching what it was she was declining him, at least not at first. When he finally did, he chuckled a bit to himself and grinned, tapping his muzzle while shrugging in acceptance. "Well, then don't get in bed with me. I'm offering you medically sound massage therapy, not elaborate euphemisms for fingering you. It's my job and I take it very seriously, I would never dream of taking advantage of a client. Plus, I've got a husband and I'm more into men than women."

"O-oh. Well I admit that I expected something very different." She paused to give an embarrassed whine. "I'll definitely give it a sleep and some thought before I make a decision, but for now I just wanna eat some pizza." She grabbed her second slice and started chewing.

Then, once their conversation ended, Storm took a big bite and gulped it down before leaning back and glancing over to Lethias. "Massage therapist, you say? I don't suppose you'd wanna lay your hands on me, would you?"

"That depends, do you have a deep tissue need for massage therapy? What do you do in your day to day life that requires limber muscles?" Lethias responded, genuinely curious and interested in potentially gaining a new client.

Storm puffed up his chest to look big and strong as his cock throbbed and pumped some of his essence deep into Xander. "Well, I'm the chief of police on the streets. I'm regularly flying patrol when I'm not in the vehicle or investigating crimes. I come here to limber up by sparring or working out or finding sexy guys like Xander here to help me relax a bit after a hard day's work." He used his beak to preen at Xander's brightly colored hair, tugging on it a bit while his hot breath tickled the otter's ears.

Xander shuddered, his tail pumping down and tender rump hole squeezing at the knot.

"Well, I suppose I could, but I worry you're mostly just looking for someone to stroke your-"

"I could do it." Darryl pitched in. "That's my job, too, and I'm not afraid of a bit of intimacy with my clients as long as they know ahead of time what's to be expected."

Lethias scoffed a bit. "I'm not afraid of intimacy, but I take my profession very, very seriously. I just don't want to risk losing my certification, especially not when I'm so close to getting my quadruped license. I'm sure you understand that, being a man of the law." He said to Storm.

"I do, and I respect you immensely for that, but I want something a little less official. I am looking for someone who wants to it for fun and in exchange for some sensuality after the fact." Storm turned to Darryl and grinned. "I think I found a stud who can massage all my knots."

Darryl nodded in agreement, timing his nods with Storm's. "Wanna go back to the gym, get naked and have my give you a deep tissue massage? I've been aching to use my skills in a more fun way on someone like you, and I think I can figure out a few ways to loosen you up."

"It's a date! Let's just finish up the pizza and we can go ahead with it. Lethias, Ilorek, and Lexi, will you three be joining us?" Storm asked, speaking for Xander and Krendius in their omission.

Lethias considered just leaving, but he was quite interested in going back to the gym since the food he'd eaten had given him the energy needed to do some more reps. Plus, if he was going to practice his skills on one not his client, he might as well offer himself to Xander and Krendius. In his mind, even Darryl was likely to need a proper massage after servicing the others. With all that in mind, he nodded contentedly. "Sure, I'd be happy to come along with you guys! Sounds like fun, as long as we keep work and pleasure separate."

Darryl stroked at Krendius' hair as he gave him a one-armed hug from behind. "Well, I'll keep my more intimate clients away from my job, but that won't keep me from working on them. No harm in keeping two different client bases, right?"

That did sound quite reasonable to Lethias, so he nodded in agreement. "Then I shall join you; I'm sure a fellow RMT will need someone to work on them, since I know I could use it." He paused to look over at Ilorek and Lexi, who had been silently chirping and whispering at one another, keeping out of the conversation. "Will you two be joining us?"

Lexi looked up and shook her head. "We've got other plans." She informed the dragon.

"Yeah, I got the data I need for the experiment. I'm gonna take Lexi here back to my place to show her some of my potions at work." Ilorek paused to contemplate what that insinuated. "Not, like, for sexual stuff, she's just genuinely curious about what I can offer her in terms of potions, and if it will help her in the cage."

The little otter woman looked up at him and raised an eyebrow as she once again pushed her hair to the side. "Well, I wouldn't promise no sex, but it's not part of the plans."

Ilorek blinked, then raised a hand to make a joke. "Check, please!"

Everyone chuckled at them, then spent the next half hour munching on pizza before packing up, paying the till, and heading out. Krendius and Darryl dislodged from one another with relative ease, given that Darryl's cock wasn't massively thick like the larger Storm's. Plus, canine ties don't tend to last as long as gryphon ties. Storm, on the other paw, forcefully yanked Xander off himself before hiding his still erect cock in the waist band of his pants and under his shirt, leaving the otter boi loose and dripping every step on the way out.

Ilorek and Lexi did in fact leave the group to go back to his place while Lethias joined the other for, his morbid and sexual curiosity getting the better of him. He had enjoyed their company last time, and this would be even better, he hoped. And, if he got to display his skills, he would be able to impress the others!

With that optimism in his mind, Lethias, Storm, Darryl, Krendius, and Xander all walked their way back to the gym with bellies full of pizza and minds full of a dozen esoteric fantasies about how they might better massage one another.

Their night was not yet over, even though it had already been eventful.

"Wow, everyone went home." Darryl observed as the sliding doors opened for them. "Good, nobody to come over and ask for a massage when I'm done with you." He rubbed his hands together and shook them off a bit, limbering up for what was to come. Behind him followed Storm, Lethias, Xander, and finally Krendius.

Storm seemed disappointed, however. "How will anyone get to enjoy baring witness to your skills or my strength if nobody is here?"

"Well, we'll all get to see that sexy bod of yours, and you did already show off with those squats earlier." Darryl countered. "What was that, five hundred kilos on your shoulder, plus Xander?"

The gryphon's chest feathers puffed out as he stood tall, proud. "No, just two hundred fifty; I can lift five hundred, but it's not ideal for squats. Glad you can see that in me, though."

Lethias stepped to the side and rubbed his snout with forefinger and thumb, eyes narrowed as he looked at Storm. "Is strength training really the sort of thing you should be focusing on as a police officer? I was under the impression that strength was more of a fire fighter's tool to lift things and save people, whereas police need endurance and cardio."

"I know how to do my job, Lethias. I've been doing well at it for the better part of half a decade; trust me, I have plenty of endurance. Ask Xander, here." He slapped the tiny otter on the shoulder, nearly knocking him over.

Xander regained his balance and held his arm, sore. "Yeah, he's definitely not the type to pace himself." He rolled his eyes. "Lethias, buddy, I'd absolutely love if you could help me out with this. Sitting in that cubicle at the pizza parlor really stiffened me up in more ways than one. Think you could help a fellow swimmer out?" His pupils dilated and he gave a puppy dog face, begging politely.

Lethias couldn't help but smile at him, unable to resist his charms. "Cool, that works. Come on, we'll go to the massage room away from all of these benches." He nodded to the side and cradled his arm around Xander to guide him over to the room next to the showers and locker rooms. There, over two dozen empty massage tables with white sheets were laid out in strips of six in a row.

With Lethias and Xander gone, Darryl pointed as his tail started wagging. "I suppose that means we should head that direction as well. I mean, you can stay on here on the work out benches, but I think I'd do a much better job on a proper table. More room for you, and more room for me if that's what it comes to."

Storm grinned. "I like the way you think. Can't wait."

Both groups quickly made it across the open room, past the work out equipment, and beyond the sparring ring to get to the massage parlor of the gym. During the day, a half dozen massage therapists would be hired by the hour for impromptu work on the clients for a hefty fee of sixty gold per hour. However, this was night time and only the five males were in the building aside from the night manager up on the second floor. They had the room to themselves.

"Alright, Xander, I need you to lay down on your belly with one arm out. From there, I will help you with your upper spine and shoulder." Lethias commanded, taking off his clothes in the process to once again be naked in the nudist gym.

Xander smiled wide and wagged his tail happily as he stripped down as well. He hopped up onto the table using a little stool, then flopped down face first with his muzzle resting in the padded window. His tail kept wagging until Lethias gently put his hand on it, pinning it between the otter's upper thighs.

"Now now, Xander, don't get too excited. I'm here to help you with your muscle tension, and as of right now that is all." Lethias rubbed his hands together to warm them a bit, knowing that warm hands were far more comfortable for his clients than cold hands.

"I'm just excited. I've never gotten a massage from someone as big as you." Xander chirped.

Darryl laughed from the next table over as he instructed Storm to lay on his belly as well. "I know the dragon's a bit larger than I am, but I don't presume he'll be that much different. We both abide by the same practices and regulations when it comes to our jobs."

"Okay, well I like dragons, you know? Let me have this!" Xander called back.

Lethias stepped around the otter's table to position himself at his head, sitting on a stool to get the right angle as he leaned in close to Xander, pressing his fingers and palms around his shoulder to get a feel for the tension and knots in him.

Meanwhile, Storm had finally burrowed his beak deep into the padded window and let his wings flop down over the sides of the chair, as Darryl had instructed. Krendius stood by and watched as his canine companion started kneading against the gryphon's wing shoulders and neck. He, too, was standing at the head of the bench, leaning over his patient to get the best angle.

Storm was lightly shifting his body, leaning into the kneads of Darryl's hands and palms to better feel the massage. While Darryl was working on him, he couldn't help but ask. "So do you do happy endings?"

Krendius laughed aloud from his spot sitting next to the table, but didn't answer for Darryl.

The canine was more than capable of debunking that myth with a chuckle of his own. "No, not when I am at work. I am a massage therapist, I had to go to school and work my fingers off to get to where I am and make the money I do. You're thinking of a masseuse. We're not the same thing."

"Wait, really?" Storm seemed genuinely surprised. "I thought masseuse was a short form term."

"Nope, we're entirely different yet similar things. We both use our hands to touch and rub our clients, but a massage therapist does so for medical purposes, that's why it's called therapy. A masseuse will pleasure you, by making you feel better and loosening up your muscle, but it's for pleasure. Plus, if you get a masseuse from someone looking for a tip, they'll give you a happy ending."

Lethias reached his one hand out to give Darryl a fist bump. "Preach it, brother."

The long, drawn out sigh from Storm told Darryl that this new information disappointed him.

"But don't worry, I'm not working." Darryl assured the gryphon as he pounded knuckles with Lethias, leaning in close so that his own sheath was seen right next to the padded face window that Storm was resting in. "My job makes such happy endings very thoroughly against the rules, but I'm not working so I'm sure we can finish up with a localized massage, one way or another."

Storm chirped a bit, relaxing his muscles again. "I'm glad to hear that. I'd hate to be in your position if you denied me after getting me all worked up with a full bodied massage!" He joked.

Krendius and Lethias both paused what they were doing for a moment to glance at each other and with Darryl. None of them could be seen by Storm, which was good because Krendius couldn't help but mouth the words, 'is he talking about rape?' To which Lethias shrugged and Darryl shook his head, hoping that he wasn't.

Rather than allow the awkward silence to spread and grow, Lethias got back to work by pressing down on Xander's shoulder to pull back on his arm, rotating it in the cuff to see if there were any weak points or sore muscles there. To his surprise, Xander was quite limber, and he barely felt any knots dotting his body. "You know, I do know a few folks who would likely be happy to use any part of their body to massage you, Storm." He suggested, not looking over to see the gryphon's reaction.

"Oh? Who might that be?" Storm chirped back, tip of his tail flicking around to nearly hit Krendius on the snout.

"I'm good friends with Ceylon, known her for most of my life, and have since before she got all that fame with the labs place she runs." Lethias explained, using his thumbs to tug on Xander's arm, giving a deep tissue stretch that would help him limber up even more.

Xander, hearing Lethias's offer, couldn't help but laugh on the table. "Are you whoring your friend out, Lethias? Sexy! Care to hook me up, too?"

"What? No I'm not whoring anyone out, I just know her well enough and I know she's got a thing for other gryphons and horses. I figured that, given her nature, she'd likely be pretty willing to-"

Storm chirped happily, waving his hand as Darryl was working on his opposite shoulder. "No, no, I get it! I'd love to meet this whorey friend of yours. If she takes a knot like Xander or Krendius, I'm sure we'll get along just fine. Who knows, maybe in my line of work I could find an excuse to interrogate her in her office."

Again, everyone went silent as they wondered if what Storm said was a joke or a real desire to abuse his power and take advantage of someone as an excuse to get his knot tied to someone.

It was Lethias who broke the silence, shutting Storm down while also trying to give him hope. "Well, I don't think that would be a good idea. Trust me, just ask her and....wait, what am I saying? Forget I said anything, she's probably too busy with her work to be bothered with random hookups." In truth, Lethias was shocked that he'd have said such a thing. Not only was he not the type to condone such wanton sluttiness, but it truly made him feel like a whore himself for trying to give her to Storm.

That wasn't like him at all, and this served as a subtle reminder of the serum in the gym's air.

Plus, a small part of Lethias wondered what would happen if the two of them actually did meet. The dragon was big, strong, and buff with naturally innate growth ademane in his system so he was no stranger to feats of strength and testing his limits, but he knew Ceylon was even stronger. She may have been smaller than Lethias, but she worked with Ilorek to make potions and was naturally gifted with immense magics that took her to the worldwide Magylimpics multiple times. If she wanted, all she'd need to do was touch Storm's dick and he would be turned into a hen.

The thought made Lethias chuckle a bit as he got back to his seat and returned to Xander's shoulders and neck, diligently working on his client while trying to not be distracted by the theoretical power struggles of his friend and friendly rival.

Darryl, however, was very curious about Storm's intentions, so he couldn't help but ask a few questions of the gryphon as he worked his way down Storm's back and spine, paying special attention to where his wings met his shoulders. "So, you're in law enforcement, how would you go about tricking someone like that into lifting their tail for you?"

"Well, it would be quite easy, I'd-"

"Can we not talk about stuff like this?" Lethias interrupted, clearly not comfortable with the direction of the discussion. Not only did he still feel guilt about nearly whoring his friend out, but now they were speaking of something that was purely immortal.

Storm just went on, thinking it was all for fun. "Oh you know how it goes, just say we're doing an investigation into poorly made or unregulated potions, ask for a private audience with her, then-"

Lethias growled, pulling a little too hard on Xander's arm as he did so. "Seriously, can we not discuss this? I'm really not comfortable with the idea of you taking advantage of a friend of mine, even if she'd turn you inside out if you dared to do so."

It was actually Xander who tried to assure Lethias that it was fine. "They're just joking, Lethias. I am pretty sure a cop - especially one in such a position - wouldn't dare actually plan to do something like that. Such a thing would get him fired faster than a...a...I don't know what sort of sly comment to make but let's say he would be fired pretty quickly." As he spoke, he sniffed at the air, taking in the light musk coming up from Lethias' crotch.

The group went silent for a bit as Darryl continued working on Storm's spine, having eased his way down to between the wings and tail base, the dip of the gryphon's back.

Sensing that he needed a better vantage over the larger male's body, Darryl hopped up onto the table behind Storm, straddling his one leg to give a sensual massage up his inner thigh, ending by squeezing at both the gryphon's rump cheeks. Storm moved a bit, but relaxed when it became clear that Darryl was still working on him. "I'm going to have to ask you to relax, sire Storm. If I'm to massage the knots out of your body, you need to let me explore your body one muscle at a time."

"Do your thing." Storm affirmed while still laying flat with his beak through the padded window. "And whatever you do, do it well or I won't come back to this parlor. Make me chirpalicious."

Darryl saluted, then facepalmed when he realized that Storm clearly couldn't see him. "Aye, sir. You just relax and I'll get these knots out of you." He leaned in close, wrapping both hands of the base of Storm's tail, squeezing and kneading at the thick musculature as he whispered to himself. "Then I'll be sure to put a few back in ya." Storm didn't hear this, so he kept working at the gryphon's hindquarters.

The canine used his powerful hands to knead on either side of Storm's spine, sensually stroke at his bum, gently yank at his tail, and eventually give a powerful massage to his upper thighs. Of all the muscles on the drake's body, it was his upper thighs that most impressed Darryl. He trailed his fingers over each of the muscle mounds, tracing lines in the grooves and tickling at the fur there before gently easing his fingertips in between the gryphon's cheeks to spread him and expose his pucker.

To Darryl's delight, Storm didn't clench or jerk in place!

This gave him an opportunity to see just how far he could go and how he could use this to his advantage. Lethias was still silently working on Xander, massaging and caressing the otter while occasionally whispering in his ear to get some guidance. Darryl enjoyed this division between the groups, because it left him more room and freedom to do what he wanted to his client with minimal interference.

He hopped over to Storm's other leg, straddling it while wrapping his hands around it's girth, using his thumbs and fingers to knead and caress the fur and flesh there. A distraction emerged before him as he glanced down between the gryphon's thighs to see Storm's massive, sweaty balls squished between the legs and tail. Still curious and with a sense of adventure in his mind, he reached down and grabbed a hold of them, noting how sweaty and moist they were as he ever so gently massaged them.

Storm could have reacted negatively, but all he did was slowly turn his head to look at Darryl, one eyebrow raised as if to ask what took him so long before gently laying back down.

Darryl grinned and slowly nodded, continuing his massage of the gryphon's upper inner thighs in between the faintest scritches and tickles as his fingertips teased at his fur. While he was exploring Storm's loins and nether regions, he made a motion for Krendius to pay attention. After a few random hand gestures, Darryl's fox friend went and got some massage oil lubricant from a nearby cupboard, tossing it to Darryl while still being silent.

"Now we get to the real deep tissue massage." He said to himself as he poured some of the oils into his hand. Once he had a thick puddle of it in his palm, he closed his fist to squeeze it between his fingers and then rubbed up between Storm's rump cheeks to gently caress at his plump rump hole.

Storm immediately whipped his head around and hissed. "What exactly do you think you're doing?" He asked with a snarl, lowering his tail to protect his assets.

Darryl stared right back at him and used his non-lubed hand to grab at the base of his tail and force it up, once again exposing the well lubricated, dark fleshed pucker again. "Storm, if you want me to give you the deep tissue massage you're needing, you're going to have to trust me. Now relax and put your head back down, let me do my work."

To his shock, Storm cracked a smile and gently shook his head, chuckling before laying his beak back down in the holster and raising his hips a bit, lifting his tail and spreading his legs out.

"That's a good gryphon." Darryl cooed at him, giving his rump a gentle smack as he peeled back his sheath and exposed every inch of his throbbing cock, partially engorged knot and all. He gave his length a bit of a rub, smearing the massage oil all over himself as he positioned his body behind Storm, aiming his cock tip directly at the gryph's rump hole. "Now, you might feel a bit of discomfort at first, but trust me you will feel refreshed." With that, he eased into the larger drake, sinking every inch of his bulging, veiny shaft into the plump and surprisingly malleable hole.

He wasn't sure if it was just the fact that Storm was big, or that he was a gryphon, or maybe the oil made him sensitive, but whatever the reason Darryl found that Storm's bowels were noticeably warmer than any others he'd ever had the pleasure of feeling. Hotter in temperature than any other canine, equine, or even dragon! The warmth and the comfort that came with it relaxed him even more than it did Storm, and he was able to lean into the gryphon's haunches until his knot popped right in!

As Darryl let out a long sigh and Storm cooed at the penetration, Lethias and Xander were having an equally fun time together.

The stress and the awkwardness that came from the while whoring out Ceylon debacle had finally dissipated from both of their minds, as the musk that was filling the air was proving to be overwhelming. Lethias had remained mostly sitting on the foot stool while working on Xander's upper back and shoulders, but that also meant that his crotch was right within the otter's field of vision. As such, Xander had reached out to lightly caress Lethias as a sort of thanks for the massage therapy he was receiving, getting closer and closer until he saw the glistening, ruby red tip poking out.

Xander couldn't help but reach around and give the dragon's member a gently rub, using a single finger to cradle it and stroke up and down the underside of the shaft. This coaxed more of it out, bit by bit, until Lethias was fully exposed and semi-erect. "I knew you'd be as excited as I am." Xander joked, wrapping his hand around Lethias and giving a tug.

"Well what can I say? There's so much going on that it's hard not to lose myself in it all." He responded, still dutifully kneading at Xander's back muscles. There never really was much to be done, as the otter seemed to have been in near-perfect shape, but that didn't stop Lethias from giving a slightly less intense, slightly more sensual massage. He, like Darryl, was often upset when people didn't recognize or respect the difference between a massage therapist and a masseuse, yet he was gradually letting himself give a massage instead of therapy.

The musk in the room, the gentle caress of his cock tip, and the fact that Xander clearly wanted more from him incited Lethias to get to his feet and gradually massage his way down the otter's body, emulating many of the same moves that Darryl had successfully pulled off with Storm: a far larger and more dominant seeming client. If Darryl could do it, Lethias could as well, he just needed the proper incentive and informed consent from his partner before he had the boldness needed to pull off a move like what he had in mind.

"If there's any touch that you don't enjoy, just let me know, okay?" He urged Xander, lightly kneading at either side of the otter's spine as he made his way down towards the base of his tail.

Xander chuckled a bit. "I'm pretty sure there won't be a lot you could do to make me uncomfortable; I'm quite enjoying this and I like where it's headed." Then, before Lethias even made his way all the way to his tail, he raised his hips and peeled his tail up high so that the tip was lightly dangling between his shoulder blades, pucker exposed. Unlike Storms, his was a bright pink and seemed to already be well lubricated.

Lethias chuckled to him as he worked his way around Xander's tail, rubbing and kneading at the otter's tiny butt cheeks before tentatively slipping both thumbs inward to lightly prod at his plump rump hole. "Does this feel nice?" He asked, rubbing up and down the inner cheeks.

To answer, Xander only raised his hips and moaned gently, wagging lightly while pushing back.

"Won't get a much better answer than that." Lethias admitted to himself as he used his powerful hands to pull both of the otter's knees in close. Though he wanted to make a massage related pun or joke like Darryl had, he didn't want to copy him wholesale, so he simply got up on the table and straddled Xander's legs with his fully erect member resting lightly between his thighs. He bent over Xander and used one finger claw to gently scritch and draw pattern's on Xander's back, coaxing each of his hairs to stand on end as his hips bucked upwards with his tender pucker tensing in anticipation.

Lethias couldn't help but use a finger to press it like a button, rubbing in circles to test the viscosity before touching it to each of his fingertips. This surprised him a bit, but wasn't one to fail to take advantage of such a nice situation.

"Come on, Lethias, I know you're up there waiting to finish me up, just do it already!" Xander whined, wagging his tail and rocking his hips from side to side as he glanced back, smiling.

With a shrug and acknowledged nod, Lethias agreed that it would be a foolish waste of time to wait. With that thought in mind and the clearest consent he could imagine, he grabbed at his cock with one hand and the base of Xander's tail with the other, his thumb guiding his tip directly into the otter's tail hole. He gave a gentle grind as he pushed down with his hand, forcing the tip of his member in with a pop.

Much to his delight, Xander immediately bit at his lip and pushed back, swaying to swallow up as much of the dragon's member as he could in one motion. His bowels clenched and squeezed at Lethias, massaging him by pulsing in waves, each pucker of his hole seeming to suck Lethias in deeper.

"Oh wow, that's very nice!" Lethias commented, complimenting the otter's flesh and muscle control. "Reminds me of someone else I know; not tight, but feels so snug!" He leaned in, pressing much of his weight down on Xander's body as he eased more of himself in as deep as he could go. Eventually, his muscled belly and chest pressed down against the otter's back, tail pushed to the side for ease of access.

Xander had no interest in talking, as the only vocalizations to come out of him were light otter chirps and purrs occasionally broken up by a moan or whimper of delight. Instead, he focused on leaning back and gyrating his hips, rolling his rump back against the swollen lobes of the dragon's knot.

Lethias was slowly building confidence as he grabbed a hold of the tiny otter's shoulder, using it as leverage so he could push harder and force his cock deeper. He wasn't trying to be cruel, nor was he hoping to tie with Xander against his will, but it was clear that Xander wanted as much cock as Lethias was able to give, and since he was a very generous dragon in that respect, he didn't dare deny him.

With the help of the added leverage and is weight, Lethias was able to slip his knot into Xander with a satisfying lurch and juicy squelch as the air was pushed out. Somewhat comical, but an inevitable part of good rump play.

Meanwhile, Darryl was ready to take his session to the next level. While he was lightly thrusting into Storm the whole time Lethias was catching up, he felt it might have been time to change the pace a bit. His knot was pumping in and out of Storm's tail hole with ease, given the massive size of the gryphon, and he felt that Storm needed to get off as well.

With that in mind, he motioned for Krendius to join him while also patting Storm on the haunches to get his attention. "On your back, sire gryph, we're switching things up a bit."

Storm pulled his legs up and rolled onto his back, one eyebrow raised as he got a good look at Darryl. His cock was already at full mast, drooling precum in tiny rivulets over the length of his shaft. "Oh, are we now?" He challenged. "I didn't know you were deciding this for me."

Darryl grinned and grabbed at Storm's dick, holding it in place as he motioned for Krendius to hop up, which the fox did happily, straddling Storm cowgirl style facing Darryl with Storm's cock held between the two canines. Darryl looked over Kren's shoulder to look directly in Storm's eyes as he responded. "I'm the massage therapist here, and if you want to continue to enjoy my benefits, you'll do as your told. I know that's not really your thing, but trust me on this one."

"Hmph." Storm huffed, eyes narrowing. "Okay, but just this one time."

"You'll want to have another go when we're done with you." Darryl assured him, then motioned for Krendius to rise up a bit and sit down on the cock that he helped guide into his friend. He looked directly into Kren's eyes before they shared a muzzle to muzzle rub. "This a bit more like it for you?" He asked, sniffing the air and sampling the scents that were still billowing up off the fox's body. Krendius was, to this point, the only one that was still crusty with the remnants of the evening's mess left by Storm, Lethias, and Darryl all.

Krendius blushed a bit and nodded, easing himself down on the gryphon's massive cock, wiggling and shaking his rump to slowly take in every bit of him. His rump was already tender and ruined from his many sessions, yet he still wanted more and could handle everything up to and including the knot in one eager movement. As each of Storm's lobes popped into him one by one to create a proper tie, Krendius allowed himself to relax and his own cock to slip out of his sheath.

Darryl grabbed at Krendius' member and gave a gentle stroke as his other hand cradled under Storm's knee and lifted up, easing into Storm's rump once again.

With all three of them together, Storm on his back with Krendius sitting on his cock and Darryl penetrating him, they all started moving in cyclical waves starting from Darryl and ending with Krendius accented by a gentle spurt of thin, fluid fox pre-seed. Darryl held his friend in close and gave him a gentle canine kiss - a lick on the cheek and muzzle - as he quickened the pace, pumping Storm's hole while urging Kren to start bouncing and bobbing on the knot as best he was able.

It wasn't long at all before they hit a tempo that quickly and steadily increased their pleasure until it was hovering at that plateau before climax, where they kept it as Lethias and Xander lead them.

The dragon and otter team were one step ahead, with the dragon's knot slipping gently into Xander with ease only to pop back out with the slightest of tugs. Both Krendius and Xander had been so thoroughly ruined that even the knots of gryphons and dragons pumped in and out of them like ridges or equine median rings. This was something that both of the bottoms loved, but it was also something that Lethias was finding he loved.

He spread his wings wide and moved his spine in waves, each thrust a sensual grind and a pump at the same time tipped by the throb of his knot and a pump of his own pre-seed deep into his backside. His pace and vigor rapidly grew with every motion until the massage table was starting to squeak against them, despite how solidly they may have been built. His knot popped in and out, splashing bodily fluids everywhere between them.

Given the fact that all of them had climaxed multiple times this day already, none were ready to finish, yet it seemed as though a chain reaction had begun with Xander, flowing all the way over to Krendius.

The otter grabbed at the table and shuddered in delight, entire body shaking and quaking as his tenderized rump flesh squeezed tight around Lethias, a gooey string of his own seed spattering on the white fabric of the table beneath him. Lethias felt this and pushed himself in as deep as he could, collapsing on the otter's back with his chest pressed down while his own cock throbbed and spewed his own seed deep into Xander's depths, hips bucking intermittently to accentuate his every eruption.

On the other table, Darryl found himself curling his toes in delight as Storm's tender rump caressed him just right, urging him to bite down on Krendius' neck as he slammed his knot in as deep as it would go. This made Krendius clench down, which in turn sucked and tugged at Storm's knot and began to coax the gryphon's seed from deep within him. The ejaculations coming from Storm also clenched his rump hole, tugging on Darryl while filling Krendius with even more seed than before.

Within minutes of each other, all five of the musky, masculine males had blown their load and were shuddering in delight, exhausted after an intense day at the gym, tied to each other on the two massage tables. Lethias and Xander were enjoying a gentle cuddle while Krendius and Darryl shared a hug, Storm simply laying back and enjoying that he was being properly pleasured by the others.

Many minutes passed, the silence lightly tainted by the huffs and whimpers of Krendius and Xander, a cute symphony of gentle pleasure to finish off the night.

It was Xander who spoke up, breaking the blissful trance of the others. "S-so should we meet here again this time next week? I've got a few...hngph....exercises I'd like to try out."

Every one of them paused to glance at each other, mentally categorizing their plans and schedules to determine if that was a viable option. It wasn't long before an accord was met.

"Yeah, I think I can make that work. Same time, next week!" At the Natural Strength Nudist Gym.