Dalarian Lessons: Dedication

Story by Sen32 on SoFurry

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#3 of Dalaran Lessons

Dalaran Lessons: Dedication

Swiftclaw knew what he had to do. He placed his palm on top of the fallen seed. The essence of the start of life, we all come from a seed, planted in some form, and then it grows and thrives. His palms glowed, and he began to press the seed into Cain's body. The green essence of life poured out, into the body of the mage. His heart began to beat once more, as life ran its course at full force. It seemed to happen immediately as Cain's eyes opened, and he shot up, gasping for breath. Swiftclaw taken back by the sudden revival of the human, he let out a small cry. Cain fell back into Swiftclaw's arms, and coughed. His wounds still stung, as he was weak from the hunter's strike.

"Cain! You're back!" Swiftclaw said as he scooped up the human, and hugged him gently, he buried his wet face into Cain's chest as he wept with joy. Cain managed a weak smile, and just rested his cheek against the Tauren. After a brief moment, Cain coughed once more. Swiftclaw tried to manage his powers to seal the wounds in the mage's back, but simply had no more energy left. He let out a soft sigh, and set him down gently. "We need to get you to a healer, Ratchet is not far from here; we must hurry,"

Cain just blew his whistle, and his tiger materialized under him as he fell forward into the saddle. Swiftclaw mounted his kodo, and led Cain's mount to the goblin town. He was happy that his mate was once more alive, but he needed to keep it that way. He wanted nothing more than to simply hold the human, but he knew that his embrace wasn't going to make his wounds fade. It was a short trip, as they took the back road and made it to small town. They dismounted and Cain fell over once more, Swiftclaw hastily picked him up, and headed towards the hut of the closet medic. He cried out for help, but it seemed many of them were out elsewhere. 'Of all the times,' he grumbled to himself. He was tempted to state he was willing to pay anyone, but the goblins would just swarm them claiming any of their half baked inventions could save him, or take a limb off, but still would cost him his gold in the end. He made his way over to the docks, in hopes anyone of the many fishermen could help. They all seemed to be more focused on their bobbers than the dying mage that was in a Tauren's hands.

The boat docked, and the passengers began to depart, some seemed to look at the Tauren in disgust, and others laughed, wondering what kind of joke this was. It wasn't until a Draenei priest set foot onto the docks and saw the druid with the dying human, she walked up and set her staff on the ground. "Oh my, how did this happen?"

"Hunting accident..." Swiftclaw said, not wanting to give away any unnecessary details.

"Hmm, well let me see, light be with you," she said as her hands glowed, and in a powerful surge of blinding light, the force, blowing dust in every direction away from the pillar. Cain's wounds closed up immediately, and his paleness faded instantly. His flesh was full of life once more. His pale skin faded to a soft tan, and his eyes opened wide as he brushed his dark hair out of his sight. He smiled, and stretched, feeling great. His body actually glowed, as it was surrounded by a soft, misty light. Soon her divine aegis faded and Cain stood up on his own, and brushed the dirt from his robes.

"Thank you so much, I really needed that,"

"You're welcome, good to help those in need,"

"Indeed it is," Swiftclaw said as he gave his thanks to the Draenei.

"How can I ever repay you?" Cain asked her.

"Oh don't worry about it, it was nothing,"

"Such skill and power, that is definitely something!" Swiftclaw said.

"Wait, you speak orc?!" Cain said as he realized she was indeed speaking the common language of those around them.

"I know, surprising, but I am known as Challenger Damella, you can call me Da for short,"

"Challenger? You're a champion of the arena?"Swiftclaw asked.

"Yes, quite a name too, in the arenas, you tend to pick up what the crowds are shouting at you, though for awhile, I strangely got partnered with an orc, he was quite a fighter,"

"I bet, how they love battle, but what brings you to the Barrens?"

"I've decided to take a break from the arenas, and try to focus more on my duties,"

"Ah, well you stick around him long enough, you'd probably find you'd fulfill more than your duty would call for," Switclaw said as he rubbed a large hand into Cain's already messy hair.

"Oh come on," said the human.

"So young, and yet I sense so much potential," Damella said.

"So I keep hearing, but I don't see what's up with...what the hell?" Cain said as he looked at the wall next to the bank. His hand shot out, and a piece of parchment from the wall flew forth to him. It was a wanted poster of his face, 'Warning, by decree of Grand Magister Terroh, Prophesized to bring great destruction to all of Azeroth. Wanted, dead or alive, preferably the latter,'

"My Shu'halo, you weren't kidding about this, prophesized to bring great destruction, what great destiny awaits you?"

"I don't know, I really don't care at this point,"

"You have such a careless disposition, perhaps if you showed more promise in your attitude, you could be great,"

"I ran away from the last people who told me that, promised if I ever saw them again, I'd kill them, you saved me, so don't push my thanks,"

"Cain, please don't stir the hornet's nest," the druid said, putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Swiftclaw, if you're with this human, I only hope your wisdom rubs off on him,"Da said.

"So, you don't want the reward, nor do you care about some prophecy?" Cain asked Damella.

"Not really, I said I had a duty to fulfill, the light had brought me here, and you are the first I've healed since I've stopped my quarrels in the arena, I've made many allies and even more enemies, people can be such sore losers. If this prophecy had any solid hold, I don't think I would have been here, saving a being who would destroy everything." Damella's logic was sound, and she was quite sensible. Cain smiled and shook her hand.

"Well, if you feel that duty calls, would you take on the challenge of helping me?"

"What quest could you be on?"

"One that keeps me alive,"

"Fair enough, I think I've just found the new challenge I was looking for,"

"I thought you said you came because of duty," Swiftclaw said, starching his head.

"Duty is indeed my reason, but it doesn't mean a girl can't have fun with it," she said, giving the bull a wink.

"Well welcome aboard," Cain said, before the image of a great hammer landed above his head, stunning him.

"You, rogue mage, come now!" cried a loud voice. Charging towards the small group was a paladin, raising his seals as his light shone bright. Cain blinked and Damella dodged to the side, Switclaw shifting and dodging the opposite way. "You shall not escape me!"

"I swear, I never get a break," Cain said as he threw a freezing bolt at the paladin. His light wavered as his body surged with cold. His movements soon became unhindered as the light formed a hand above him, freeing him from all binds. Cain was not impressed as he just blasted him back with an expanding ring of fire. Dazed, the paladin cried forth for his mightiest protection, and rendering him virtually invulnerable. Cain frowned as his spells washed over his shield, and Swiftclaw's razor sharp claws did nothing to the shield of light. Damella simply raised her arms, and every energy in the area dispersed in all directions. The paladin's grin soon faded as he realized his protections had failed him. It was a simple claw to the back, and a series of missiles slamming into his chest plate that knocked down to the ground, motionless.

"That's him in the poster!" cried another voice.

"Get him!" screamed another as they joined together. The three heroes gathered together and stood guard around the human. The mob slowly grew in size before they decided to charge together. Arrows and fireballs flew at them, but Cain had managed to get his hands on a rune of portals from the vendors who hastily tried to close shop before trouble came prowling.

"Get inside!"Cain cried as he forced open a portal, and they all ducked inside and vanished before the crowd could overwhelm them. The glowing portal sealed itself up, and faded out of sight. The crowd looked at the empty spot where they once stood before dispersing back to their business. Miles and miles away, three figures appeared into sight in the top floor of the Dalaran welcome center. Many other beings faded in and out at the portal grounds, no one really took notice as the Draenei, Tauren, and Human appeared.

"Wow, that was close," Cain said as he wiped his face.

"Indeed, I guess the fates finally found me a worthy task," Damella said as she dusted off her pure, white robes.

"Amazing, this is the city of Dalaran?" Swiftclaw said.

"Oh yes, it's quite grand," said the Draenei.

"Eh, it's was home to me once, but now that I think about it, I really wish I knew more portal spells."

"I think I have just the thing, if you can hide here for a while, I'll return shortly," Damella said as she walked down the stairs outside.

"I'd show you around, but I don't think I should be seen anytime soon," Cain said to Swiftclaw. The Tauren understood well, and gave him a small hug before hiding the smaller human behind him. They waited for Da to return, and when she did, she produced a small orb that seemed to contain swirling smoke. She handed it to Cain.

"Here, take this, it is known as the Orb of Deception, activate it and no one should recognize you," she said.

"Alright, hope this works," Cain said as he clasped the orb, he felt the magics it held within it, and soon called to it, adding his own energy. In a puff of smoke, he felt no change, but the other two stood back, as there stood a rather rugged looking, slightly ravaged orc in robes.

"My, you certainly look...different," Swiftclaw said.

"As long as no one will recognize my face, I'm good,"

"I don't think that will be a problem," Da said as she stifled a giggle. They all walked out into the streets of the magical city. Swiftclaw felt like a child compared to all the towering buildings and people flying high above on carpets, drakes, and whatever means they wished to. He smiled, but frowned when he saw a sign that said 'Flight on the streets of Dalaran is strickly prohibited!' He wanted to shift into his flight form, but had to find the landing first. Still so many other wonders struck the druid as he took in all the sights. He felt Cain's hand grab his as he pulled him away.

"Come on, big guy, we got some things to do," Cain said as he led the bull over to the bank. Cain withdrew a few goods, and made his way to his housing quarters, he was stopped at the door, as they told him to simply, "Go away," he was about to press the subject before he remembered orcs don't really study magic in Dalaran. Damella however, had better luck convincing them to get inside, with a few adjustment to her robes, that revealed a bit more flesh. The guards were very willing to oblige the priest, and let them inside the building. Cain went straight for his room, and gathered what he could. Da and Swiftclaw waited in the lobby. On his way back, Cain stopped outside of his master's study. He heard someone talking inside, and stopped to listen.

"It was the best decision, if we lose our champion, then it's better to see him off dead."

"Magister, I know that you had put a lot of faith into him, but can you really condemn him just like that?"

"He is lost to me, words are wasted, you've seen the prophecy yourself."

"I have, and I still think we may have misunderstood it's meaning,"

"What part of great destruction to all of Azeroth could you possibly misunderstand?"

"It never says he does it."

"No but he will lead to its cause, you know better than I of what he's capable of...wait a moment, I believe someone is at the door, why don't you come in?" said the voice as he activated the circle in front of the doors. Cain, in a split moment, counter acted the circle and undid its magic before he could be transported. He ran down the stairs and met up with the other two, just grabbing them and running for the doors. The doors slammed shut and they turned to see Grand Magister Terroh and Mithel appear at the top of the stairs. "Intruders! Who let these people in here?!" he cried.

"Master, let me handle them," the Blood Elf said as his body was soon encompassed by shadows. "No one spies on the Kirin Tor,"

Cain decided to flee than to kick their asses again and reveal who he was. "Swift, get the door, Da, back me up!" he said as he watched Mithel drop down from the balcony.

"You think you can stand against me orc?" he said as he raised his palm, channeling dark magic. He heard him whisper the words, and suddenly every nerve in his body was on fire, pain shooting through each segment, pulsing with his heart. The pain did not last long as Damella dispelled the dark magic, and shielded Cain. The shadow magic had a hard time eating through the Da's shields as Cain walked up to the elf and punched him across his shadowy face. Normally such a strike wouldn't do much to his misty form, but concealed was an arcane blast that knocked him into the wall hard. Terroh was commanding more for assistance, and at that moment, Swiftclaw slammed into the door with a full force of his dire bear form, breaking it opened, and they ran.

"We have to get to the landing!" Cain shouted as they ran down the streets, pass the trade market. Soon more robed figures were upon them. Their magic was held back by Da's protections, and Cain's wards. They tried to freeze the druid, but he easily shifted forms out of any snare, and the three ran to the archway of the flight master's landing. All sorts of mounts were present at the landing, and they moved through the thick crowds of travelers. They didn't have much time as Cain grabbed Damella and Swiftclaw's hands and jumped off the ledge. They both looked at him like he was crazy as the dodged a floating rock. They all fell towards the forest grounds below them. Swiftclaw trusted Cain, but out of habit, shifted into his flight form and flew next to them. Cain cast slow fall while Damella levitated down, before the hit the ground. They all landed safely and looked back up at the floating city.

Cain's disguise had faded during the fall. They had to run before their pursuers could catch up with them. Damella made a loud call to the skies, and a snowy hippogryph floated down from the skies. Cain called out to his own flying mount, and a large shadow cast over them, and there sat a drake of shifting colors, dark and azure. Cain mounted his twilight drake and they flew off into the skies.

"I don't know where else we can go," Cain said as Swift glided next to him.

"We can head to the Argent Tournament grounds, even though the Lich King has fallen, it still stands as a beacon against all of the remaining scourge forces,"

"Squawk," Swiftclaw agreed. The three turned, and flew north into Ice Crown.

The tournament grounds were still quite active even after the fall of the Lich King. Members of both factions enjoyed the friendly competition, especially since their lives weren't on the line constantly. They landed near the large Argent Crusade tent. People shuffled back and forth, and they were tired. Damella looked around, and grabbed a nurse's tabard, and found an empty tent. She ushered in Swiftclaw and Cain. She looked around, and put up a 'Do not disturb" sign. A wandering paladin stopped by, and Damella quickly shooed him away, "Please, these soldiers fought hard against the scourge, give them a moment's rest, if you're wounded I can tend to you," she said as the dwarf was more than happy to let her sooth him with the light.

Cain let out a long sigh. "Damella is such a blessing to us, I can sense her dedication to her priestly duties is very strong, but at the same time I trust she will keep our secret."

"Indeed, the Draenei appears to be a very kind soul," Swiftclaw said as he sat down on a cot that easily kept his weight. Cain sat down across from him, they finally had a moment of peace. "Cain, you seem...distracted,"

"Yes, I am, very. You see before we were chased out of Dalaran, I overheard Terroh and Mithel, they were talking about some prophecy, and though they never outright said it, I knew they were talking about me,"

"You don't believe that you're going to cause great destruction do you? Cain, I don't think you would ever destroy anyone that didn't have it coming,"

"I don't know, I just...don't feel right," Cain said as he got up and sat next to the Tauren. The bull wrapped an arm that draped around Cain's shoulders like a large mantel. Cain leaned in, and rested his head on the Tauren's chest. They both signed in unison.

Damella came back inside, and looked at the two, a small smile etched into her face, "Alright guys, I think we can lay low here for a while," she said, then just stood in the door way, watching the two.

"What?" they both said.

"Nothing...well, actually, are you two...you know," she started, leaving her words hanging in the air.

Cain looked at Swiftclaw and squeezed his larger hand. The bull looked down, and stared long into the human's eyes, finding all the reassurance he needed. "Yes, Da. We are mated,"

"Yes, it's true, and I don't care what the rest of the world things, just like all this prophecy nonsense."

Damella smiled, and closed the curtain behind her. "It's alright, I see you two definitely share compassion, and there is nothing wrong with that. Some of the strongest arena teams I've fought against, had such fury and skill, some of the best I've seen. All of them were lovers, whether they are the opposite or same sex, they had the heart and soul of each other to keep them up through the harsh world of professional dueling. I respect them,"

They smiled at her, then back at each other. "I'll leave you two alone, I'm going to secure another tent. I've spoken to the healer that owns this tent, he was glad for the break," she said before leaving through the curtain. They both stared at the curtain for some time before they settled down together on the cot.

"Things seem to be getting better," the bull said as he rested an arm across the human's chest.

"I could care less, I just need some peace and quiet,"

"Peace perhaps, but I don't think things will be quiet," Swiftclaw said as he scooped an arm under Cain's head and pulled his lips into the Tauren's muzzle. The two shared a long kiss. Night was setting upon the tournament grounds, and soon the clatter and noise outside settled into the silence of night. Cain smiled, and held the bull's much larger head in his arms as he studied his features. He could feel the energies resonate with one another, and he could care less what Swiftclaw was, all he knew was that he was in love with the creature that held him tight. They looked into each other's eyes, as if they were searching for something, but just finding their own reflections break into a soft smile.

"You're so adorable," Cain said as he rubbed his nose against the bull's. The druid blushed underneath his dark, brown fur and just held Cain's head as they kissed again. Their passion grew as Swiftclaw ran a hand under the front of Cain's robe, feeling his slim chest. Cain relaxed as the bull's soft caresses eased his rigid muscles. The mage's mind was floating above his body as he closed his eyes, and continued to kiss the Tauren.

Swiftclaw broke the kiss, and tugged on Cain's robes. They fell into a small pool as the smooth material flowed like liquid off the bed. Cain's exposed chest and legs were then ravaged by Swiftclaw's wandering hands. His cloth breeches were slipped off, leaving the human completely naked. Swiftclaw slipped out of his leathers quickly, partially shifting parts of his body to make it easier. Cain moaned softly as he was tossed upon the bull's strong and broad chest. He lay on top of the bull, as strong arms embraced him. He kissed his mate once more. In heavy breaths their tongues came out and danced with one another. Cain could feel his passion burn. His hardening member slid across the soft belly fur of his lover, eliciting a long moan.

The mage was turned over once more as the bull flipped him on his back, and pressed his hand against his chest. Cain let out a small gasp as he felt the druid's muzzle brush across his crotch. Sniffing and rubbing his lips around his stiff malehood. Without warning, the Tauren opned his muzzle and engulfed the mage's cock into his hot, wet mouth. Cain let out a deep moan and pumped his hips forward on reflex, but the strong hand kept his body from moving as the druid restrained him. Almost agonizingly slowly, the Tauren suckled on the mage's throbbing member, nursing it as one would a bottle. Cain just wiggled his hips as he wanted nothing more than to hump into the hot muzzle. His rough, long tongue pressed against the tip of the human's cock, licking firmly and slowly. Cain shivered as he felt pleasure jolt through his body. The Tauren was driving the mage to the brink of climax as well as insanity the way his skilled muzzle teased and licked his throbbing cock.

"Oh gods," Cain sighed as he gripped the sheets on the cot. The Tauren could no longer ignore his mate's needs as he pushed his muzzle deep into the human's crotch, and sucked hard. That was all he needed before he arched his back, and exploded into in to the druid's muzzle. His vision went white as he came hard into the druid's muzzle that eagerly drank it down. When Swiftclaw opened his eyes, he had to immediately shut his eyes again because Cain was emitting a pillar of blinding light.