And Nothing Else Matters

Story by Pietus on SoFurry

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#15 of Slave Brand

Ah, fifteen!

I haven't got much to say really. It's been a while since I uploaded a chapter I guess? But I've been busy, sorry about that. I did feel guilty.

We've got a relatively nice chapter here, some calm, quiet. I knew this had to happen but wasn't sure where to put it. Had tons of fun writing it though ;)

There's a few themes in the chapter though I found difficult to navigate, hmm, if I remember I'll add something to the next chapter header about it. Because it was...interesting to work around it.

If you're reading this still, thank you! I promise it's starting to wrap up, haha, despite my inconsistent upload schedule :P Thank you so much if you do though, it's so awesome <3

Welp. Hope you enjoy xD

Fifteen: And Nothing Else Matters

Oderan leaned back in his seat on the high table, looking down at a troupe of performers enacting a show in the centre of the courtyard. They danced and sang, tossing up pieces of red confetti as a character in the charade 'died' by sword, the wedding guests all clapping and laughing as appropriate. The play was a popular choice, an easy crowd-pleaser for Akkedisian Nobility. It told the fictional story of a Tevarian wolf-knight, who had been challenged to a duel and subsequently embarrassed by a proud drake, all before the Tevarian King. Ashamed and outraged at being bested in 'fair combat', the Tevarian wolf shaved his fur off, covering himself head-to-toe in green moss so as to pretend at being Akkedisian. The play featured several short sketches about the wolf trying to get close to Godking Szaresh, who was never actually featured in the show - lest any actor offend the immortal dragon by poorly imitating his likeness. Oderan had never liked it much, he disliked how black and white it painted the two empires; even before he'd met his Albion.

Ah but the masses crave it. They do so love to be told how much better they are than others. He thought with a scoff, sipping at his dark wine. Urie Khasteer and Aileen had been married earlier that day, and were now in the process of displaying the two family's extravagant wealth by throwing a huge party for several dozen noble guests. Oderan was slowly working hard at getting drunk, if only so he could put the image of the two lizards mating out of his mind. He was of course seated on the same table as the 'happy couple', albeit a few seats from them. The closest positions were reserved for the heads of family; Lorric and Zakhar.

Oderan beckoned a servant over, requesting more wine. At least he had tried. Out of time and feeling desperate, he had gone to Aileen in the night a few days ago. He'd explained to her the terrible actions of the Khasteer dynasty.

"Lady Oksana, she has her male slaves beckoned to her bedroom like toys! Aileen please, I value politics as much as you, but this is insanity! This family is beyond indecent, you must see that." He'd pled. Aileen had laughed it off with a flick of her claw.

"Brother, if we condemned everyone that used their slaves so indecently_, then half this city should be swallowed up by the earth. I know you like being soft on them, but you've got to be less squeamish."_ She'd told him. "There's nothing you can say to stop this. And truly brother I wonder why you would want to. I'm about to propel our family into the limelight, to bring us both such influence and power like we've never seen. Where is your sense of ambition?"

_ "He murdered a slave recently, did you know that?"_ Oderan had visited the Khasteer house again, to speak with the little Tevarian slave there. Bailey had claimed he was not being overtly mistreated, although he had seemed cagey around the issue of Urie. Eventually Oderan had been able to pry it out of him that Urie had - only a few weeks earlier - flown into a rage, killing another wolf imprisoned there. "He killed him like it was nothing! I know they're slaves Aileen, and call me naïve if you will, but they are still living beings!" Aileen's face had gone very still at that, and she levelled her gaze to him.

"Oderan. Slaves die all the time." They hadn't said another word on the matter, and he was failing to convince himself he was content with that.

There's nothing I can do now. If she wants to marry a monster, let her. His final duel was fast approaching, and if all went to plan, he'd likely never see the city again. Anxiety gnawed at his stomach at the thought, and he tried to put it out of his mind.

"Oderan!" Lorric hissed, elbowing his nephew in the side. Oderan jolted back to reality, realising everyone was clapping; the show had evidently concluded. He smiled, giving a half-hearted response, letting the effect die quickly. "You didn't like it then?" Lorric asked, once the performers had left, replaced by musicians who began a light string number, allowing guests to chat with one another. Oderan shrugged.

"I've seen it before." He muttered, sipping at the wine. Below their high table, the majority of guests began to rise from their seats. Some began dancing near the musicians, while others simply began collecting more drink and mingling with one another. Oderan wondered at the deals and double-crosses being made down there.

"Odie! Oh my, Uncle can I be a bother and borrow him please?" Aileen said, suddenly standing across the table from them, her smile deceptively sweet. She had already changed from the traditional wedding dress, and now wore the tight, dark leather straps that custom encouraged. Her claws and horns were adorned by gems and ribbons. Lorric shrugged at the request.

"It is your day darling, of course you may." And he nodded to Oderan, who sighed, standing. Aileen's claw locked to his wrist as she tugged him down the stairs, wading into the crowd.

"You needn't look quite so happy brother; I mean honestly it's only a party." She said, all sweetness from before gone.

"Ah, I'm afraid my mind is elsewhere today." He mumbled, sipping at the wine again. A drop spilled over the lip of his glass and onto his finger, and he deftly raised the claw to lick it off.

"Intending to make a fool of yourself then? Because you're well on your way I see." Aileen shot back, nodding at the cup. She enjoyed this sort of thing too much. Oderan hated the way his sister saw conversation, like some kind of battle, where the objective was to completely dominate your opponent by making them look and feel small.

"It is a party, Aileen." He replied, refusing to get caught up in the tit-for-tat.

The reception was held in the Godking's Palace Gardens, and they congregated in the shadow of the domineering structure. Hearths warmed the inside, and the windows glowed like judgemental red eyes, staring down at them from above. Oderan wondered what exactly the Godking was busying himself with now, what toil of immortality he had to deal with this day. Did he even know they were there? Was he above even that?

"Well. I have a surprise for you!" Aileen said, yanking him to the side, still weaving through the crowd. Guests continually tried to congratulate her, but the young woman either brushed them off with a polite 'oh, why thank you', or simply ignored them all together. "And perhaps if you were to cease drinking, then you might actually get to enjoy it." Oderan snorted.

"I sincerely doubt I'll enjoy whatever it is you might have hidden away." He kicked himself as soon as it slipped from his tongue. He'd drunk too much, that was too far. Mercifully, Aileen ignored the remark, stopping as they rounded a pillar.

"Finally! I found you!" She said. Oderan looked, cocking his head at the dark figure Aileen spoke at, their back turned. His stomach dropped as a tall panther turned back, yellow eyes wide as he saw the two of them. Albion bid goodbye to his current guest and stepped forward, draping a hand before his waist and bowing deeply at Oderan and Aileen. It was a very formal gesture, and Oderan felt instantly uncomfortable.

He doesn't need to bow for me. The whole thing felt wrong already. He glanced at Aileen hesitantly, but she seemed to be perfectly calm.

"Lady Khasteer, Lord Sarrosum, what a pleasure it was to be invited." Albion said stiffly. He spoke in the Akkedisian language, but it was clear he would struggle to carry a conversation.

"And what a treasure it is to have you here in attendance!" Aileen replied, using Tevarian. Oderan noticed the twitch of his lover's tail, he saw the panther relax at the familiar tongue. "I'm so glad you came, truly." Albion smiled, and Oderan fought himself to remain impassive. It had been too long since he saw the panther, and he wished he could simply take him in his arms and kiss him. A cold knife twisted in his stomach at the thought that Aileen knew, that she knew about everything - and was simply toying with him.

"Of course." Albion replied. "Your brother is my most expensive customer, I could hardly risk scorning his beautiful baby sister." He said. Oderan bit his tongue; damn, the panther looked dashing. He wore a dark suit with silver buttons up the side, an embroidered spearhead laying on the breast. Aileen swatted at Oderan's arm.

_Don't trust her darling, please. _ He thought desperately.

"Well, Oderan, you're always going on about this magnificent weaponsmith, I thought you'd be pleased to see him here tonight!" Oderan shook his head, focusing.

"Of course I am!" He said jovially, reaching forward and clasping his claw to Albion's paw in a shake. It felt so familiar, but the forced formality gave it an unpleasant tinge. "I can't believe you trekked all this way! Wonderful." Albion grinned.

Don't let your guard down.

_ _ "I had to make sure my work was being cared for. I'm understood that the final duel of the year approaches, yes?" His voice was so deep, so smooth. It relaxed Oderan even if he didn't want it to. He nodded.

"Yes, an official date's not been set, but it will certainly be within the month. Ferei is an exceptional duellist, I hope the Immortal Odirium will bless my blade that day. It will be an honour to fight before him." He squared his shoulders slightly, and Aileen licked her lips.

"I've arranged for Master Rewson to lodge in the district while we wait. I thought it appropriate he might check up on your edges before the battle?" She said, grinning sweetly again.

I don't know how much she knows. But she knows something, or at least she thinks she does. He thought, meeting his sister's eyes.

"Too kind of you, truly." Albion replied.

"No, really, we insist." Aileen added. Oderan felt a shiver run through him. If things went...badly, with the duel, Albion would be here. He had always told himself that if everything went wrong, and Szaresh had him executed, then at least Albion would be safe, he would be alright.

Now, there were no guarantees.

Dare I still go through with it? Could we continue our lives in secret, truly?

_ _ He didn't know.

"Of course." Oderan forced himself to say. "We insist." Albion gave him a look, and he glanced away. He wanted so badly to tell the panther he was sorry, sorry for doing this, sorry for putting them in the position. But he had to remain stoic. There'd be plenty time later.

"Well." Albion began. "It was lovely to see you both, but I should release you to your evening. Have a pleasant night, and my lady, I wish you the best of health in the future." He bowed again, before turning away and disappearing once again into the crowd. Oderan felt like he couldn't breathe as they turned, heading again towards the centre of the reception.

"Just think." Aileen whispered, looping her arm around his. "Of all we'll be able to do with this city once you win the duel, and the Godking makes you his right hand. It'll be a true sight to behold."

"Yes. Something indeed." He replied.

Bailey held the food-stained shirt beneath the soapy water, growling slightly as he scrubbed furiously at the fabric. What in the Allgod's name had Urie _done_to the damned thing to get it so set in there? Morika would have his hide if it wasn't clean, and Urie himself would have worse. He worked in only his pants, shirt off, fur open to the warm afternoon sun.

He felt optimistic about the future. With the marriage going ahead even as he worked, Urie would be out of the house within a week, tucked away in some new resplendent manor with his bride, far from Bailey and Garrett, far from hurting them. Morika had been kind to them ever since...that day, and the Akkedisian duellist had even come back a third time, asking after Bailey's health. He'd made up his mind since that if this 'Oderan' came back a fourth, he would beg the drake to buy his slave right, and take he and Garrett from the Khasteer house.

He loved Garrett. It was a weird feeling, and he still felt odd saying it aloud. Until recently, he hadn't really realised that males even could feel about other males the way they felt about women, but he couldn't get enough of the gruff Akita. Every little touch sent excitement through him, ever cuddle or nuzzle at the end of a long day helped him to relax.

The only issue was everything below the waist. Bailey had told Garrett he listened in on the Akita's sessions back in Turin's camp, and Garrett had confessed that he thought about Bailey while doing it...and yet...several times since then Garrett had laid a paw on Bailey's thigh, or near his waist, and he'd freaked out. It felt too much like what had happened before, too much like Oksana's unwanted advances. The first time he'd burst into tears, and poor Garrett was left holding him as he sobbed. It was too scary, and he'd asked him to stop every time. He felt terrible, because on one hand he did want that. His body told him to be close to the Akita, and the closeness certainly excited him...and yet when they began, he felt sick to his core.

Time. I just need time.

He scrubbed at the shirt, exclaiming dramatically when the stain finally lifted, the dark red seeping out of the fabric and into the water. He quickly whipped the clothing out and carried it to the nearby line, folding it up over a wire and leaving it to dry. The soapy water he poured out into the garden, nodding to the work crew as he did. They gave him a wave back, although he couldn't help notice Garrett was missing from the group.

"Hey, Tram." He asked, gesturing to one of the yard workers. An azure-scaled Akkedisian stuck his shovel into the ground, leaning on it. He was also shirtless, and Bailey's ears burned a little at the sight. He wondered if they all knew he and Garrett were...whatever they were? "Do you know where Mother is?" Tram ran a claw over one of his broken horns, tongue sliding out over his lips.

"Hmm, she ain't out here. I guess try the kitchens? Haven't seen her in a while mutt, sorry." Tram shrugged. Although 'mutt' was a fairly nasty slur, Bailey was mostly sure the lizard wasn't using it in spite. He just knew Tevarians as mutts.

"Okay, thanks." He muttered, turning away and heading for the house. It was a surreal feeling having the Khasteers gone, knowing they wouldn't return until very late into the night. He felt like a weight he hadn't know was there had been temporarily lifted, and he could walk a little faster, a little taller.

Morika was indeed in the kitchen. He found her set up at a bench, cleaning some wine glasses.

"Bailey." She muttered, shaking her head. "What do you need then?"

"I'm done with the shirts is all, wondering what you wanted done next." Morika pursed her lips, turning and smiling sadly. She glanced back at the glasses, before reaching up above the countertop and fetching a dusty bottle of wine. She expertly uncorked it and filled half a glass, offering it to Bailey.

"Have you ever tried Nobility wine?" She asked, swirling the deep red liquid at him. He hesitated, unsure how to answer.

"It's...been a while I think." He finally said.

"Here." Morika said, proffering it further. "Have some. It's the one time I think you can." He nervously accepted the glass, worried he would somehow break it. He sniffed at the wine, flinching slightly at the smell. He closed his eyes, and sipped.

Before promptly coughing, shocked wide awake.

Was wine always He wondered, eyeing the drink suspiciously. Morika laughed, presuming it was his first.

"Yes, it's quite an acquired taste I hear. Not sure why they all drink the stuff honestly." She said, taking a sip of her own glass. Bailey smiled back, finishing the wine but not enjoying it.

Everything is so false for them. They drink what they don't like, pretend they don't hate each other, lie, cheat, constantly. Is there truly no honest way to live in this world?

"Look. There's quite a bit to be done but..." She glanced around them. "Why don't you go back down to the hall?" Bailey gasped, taken aback. Typically, slaves were not allowed to be in the hall during 'work-hours'. If they had nothing to do, they should be propped up against one of the walls, waiting dutifully on the masters. He wasn't particularly tired, but having the prospect of a nap in the day was an exciting novelty.

"Uh, are you sure?" He asked, looking around, as if expecting someone to jump out and chastise him. "I don't mind..." Morika waved a claw.

"It's fine for today. By the time the Master gets home, we'll be tucked away in any case. Besides..." She lowered her voice, despite the empty house. "They'll be too drunk to care anyway." Bailey smiled as she laughed, nodding.

"Alright, um...thank you?" He said, and she shrugged. He turned away, letting himself back outside and descending the steps, heading towards the hall. This would be nice. He did feel a little conspicuous, going towards the hall when everyone knew it was off-limits. But that wouldn't stop him.

He closed the door softly behind him, enjoying...the silence. The sense of alone. As a slave, there was always someone nearby. Even when he was technically alone, Bailey had grown used to always looking over his shoulder, assuming someone could see him - it was just safer. This...was a rare luxury.

In fact..._He thought, thinking back. _This might be the only time it's happened to me. He wanted to laugh.

The bedrolls the slaves slept on were all scattered across the room haphazardly, blankets and tiny worthless knickknacks left about. He made a beeline for the corner he and Garrett usually shared, pulling back the old sheet they'd hung up for at least the pretence of privacy.

He found Garrett there, back pressed against the wall, watching him with a soft smile. Bailey felt joy wash over him; it had been nice to be alone, but it was better to be alone with him.

"There you are." The Akita said gently, climbing to his feet. His paws wrapped around Bailey's waist as they hugged and he inhaled sharply, smelling the wolf. "Mhmm, it's good to see you."

"It's good to see you too." Bailey replied, squeezing once before releasing the Akita. Garrett took his paws in his own, and Bailey flinched as he felt over the spot where the Akita was missing fingers.

"How are you?"

"Yeah, good." The words died, and a moment of silence passed. The wolf looked at his Akita, taking him in. The sight of Garrett's tail, his ears, his eyes, they filled him with a swelling of warmth deep in his chest, the kind of thing he'd never felt before. The emotions that Garrett stirred in him were almost too much to process, and they manifested in a series of physical reactions; sweaty palms, a dry mouth, shortness of breath. He realised in that moment, for certain, how much he loved the Akita.

When did that happen? I must have missed it, you snuck up on me. He thought with a slight smile. After a second of hesitation, he made a decision.

Bailey pushed forward and kissed Garrett, taking the Akita by surprise. He gasped, stepping back slightly, back going against the wall. He relaxed then, returning the kiss, paws tracing up Bailey's shirtless front, arms wrapping loosely around his neck.

They broke apart, panting a little, still close.

"I've never done this before." Bailey whispered. His own paw slipped up beneath Garrett's shirt, fingers dancing across the Akita's stomach. Garrett shook his head.

"Me neither." Bailey laughed in response, and Garrett leaned in to kiss his neck.

"No, not even with women." He said.

"Mhmm." Garrett murmured. "Me neither."

"Wait." He giggled softly. "Does this mean we're both just guessing?"

"Ah, I have _some_idea, don't worry." Garrett whispered. Bailey felt a small panic rise as Garrett's paw traced slowly down his front, coming to rest on his waist, held just a few centimetres from his waistband.

"Slow." Bailey said, and Garrett nodded. He felt a stirring in his stomach, and sheath tingled as he hardened. Garrett retracted his paws, quickly pulling his shirt off. Bailey gasped slightly, excited further by the sight. His fingers pressed into the light fur of Garrett's belly, enjoying the softness.

"Here." The Akita reached slowly, his own paw grasping Baileys. Guiding, he led the paw down, slipping it beneath his waistband and into his pants. Bailey's breathing picked up, but he was determined to stay calm.

I want this, it's Garrett. I trust him. He thought, relaxing slightly at the mantra. He couldn't help but yip as his paw touched Garrett's cock, fingers closing over the warmth poking free of the sheath. The Akita sighed as Bailey tightened his grip, just feeling. It was warm, a little slick, hard but still somewhat soft. It felt like his own, but not exactly like it. As he traced a finger closer to the sheath he heard Garrett intake a sharp breath, feeling a pulse in his cock.

"That's good." He said, sounding a little out of breath. Bailey nodded, slowly stroking upwards, just letting his fingers explore. Garrett bit his lip, grunting slightly when he squeezed tighter. "Can...I?" He asked, paws on Bailey's waist.

"Ah..." Bailey said, pulling his own paws back. His face went hot. He was hard, he could feel it...he wanted it. This wasn't the same.

This is not the same!

"Yes." He said firmly, letting his own paws go to Garrett's neck. The Akita went slow, he traced first over the bulge in Bailey's pants, sticking to the outside of the fabric. He twitched slightly at the attention, surprised. "Okay, okay." He said, nodding. His fingers bit into Garrett's neck as the Akita shuffled his pants down, letting them drop around his ankles. He felt silly, standing there with his dick on display. That feeling of shame was quickly replaced with a breathless sensation as Garrett grasped his cock, an electric shock running right through him.

"Feels nice?"

"Ah, fuck." Bailey gasped, letting Garrett stroke him. "Yours." He said, paws fumbling at Garrett's waist. The Akita chuckled, shoving his pants down, so they were both completely naked.

"Here." Garrett whispered, pulling Bailey a little closer. He held their cocks together, fingers squeezing as they both trembled from the overwhelming amount of new sensations. Bailey leaned forwards, kissing the Akita.

"I love you." He said, and Garrett nodded. He pulled away slightly, wanting to play with Garrett some more. His fingers traced over Akita's cock, digits slipping inside his sheath and eliciting a soft gasp. Neither had their knots out yet, but damn this felt good. "I'm just gonna..." He began, getting down.

"Uh, are you sure?" Garrett asked, as Bailey got on his knees. Bailey felt surer than ever now. He felt in control, he felt safe. He nodded, now on eye level with Garrett's groin. He'd heard from friends in the past about this, and it just seemed the right thing to do.

Shakily, he put his paws onto the Akita's waist for support, leaning forwards and taking Garrett's tip in his mouth. It tasted...almost like nothing really. A little salty, but not quite like sweat...It smelled good, and he as he pulled his head back he let his lips trace over the sensitive flesh.

"Oh, oh Allgod-damn." Garrett breathed through clenched teeth. He was panting.

Bailey took it again, his tongue tracing down the length, exploring. Garrett's hips bucked slightly, and although it surprised him, Bailey stayed in place, tongue pressing inside the Akita's sheath.

"Ah, Bailey....shit." Garrett hissed, laying a paw on the back of the wolf's head. "That feels so good." He gasped, tiny grunts coming with his breaths as his cock slipped in and out of Bailey's maw. As Garrett grunted, huffing and moaning, Bailey let his paws wander. He cupped the Akita's buttocks, squeezing slightly. Feeling daring, his own cock now dripping with precum, he extended a finger and lightly slipped it into Garrett's asshole. Just the tip, but the Akita groaned deeply at it.

"Ah, ah..." Garrett gasped, and Bailey could feel the knot swelling in his mouth. He squeezed a little harder on the cock, just doing whatever felt right, whatever he thought _he_would like. Garrett's grip on the back of Bailey's head tightened, and he squeezed, suddenly freezing.

"Gah!" He groaned. Cum spurted into Bailey's mouth and he instinctively swallowed, surprising himself. Garrett moaned and whined as he bucked into Bailey's mouth, the shooting jets of Akita cum hitting the back of his mouth. Eventually there was too much, and a slight stream of the liquid spurted from Bailey's cheek. He pulled back, spluttering, wiping at his mouth.

He spat some of the stuff on the ground, grimacing at the odd taste. Above him Garrett was panting, still out of breath. The whole exchange hadn't taken very long at all, probably somewhere near three minutes, but they were both already tired. Bailey's cock was still hard, and it jerked slightly as he touched it, precum dripping from the tip.

"Wow. That was..." Garrett began, and Bailey nodded.

"Yeah." He said. Moving slowly, Garrett got down on his knees. He kissed Bailey gently on the face.

"Feel okay?" He asked, and the wolf nodded. "Keep going?" He nodded again. Garrett scooted back slightly, lying down on his back.

"What are you...?" Bailey began, but he was cut off.

"This is what I heard they do. The males other males." He explained, blushing as he raised his legs, exposing his ass. Bailey paled at the sight, suddenly out of breath. On his knees, he shuffled forward, a finger lightly tracing over Garrett's hardening cock.

"I'm uh...not gonna last long." He muttered sheepishly, and the Akita shrugged.

"So I just..." He started, feeling awkward again. Before everything seemed natural, like what he was supposed to be doing. Like this, he wasn't sure how to begin. He pressed the end of his dick to the hole, feeling a lot of resistance.

"Here..." Garrett said softly, spitting into his paw. With that paw, he rubbed at his asshole, pressing fingers into it and prying himself open. His other paw grabbed Bailey's dick, tugging him forward. Bailey mimicked the actions, spitting into his own paw and sliding it across his dick, getting the idea.

"Ready?" He asked, and Garrett nodded. Nervous, Bailey pressed the tip of his cock to Garrett's asshole, ears burning as he pushed it in, breathing heavy as he felt the warm tightness squeeze around him.

Garrett clenched his teeth, breath coming in sharp as Bailey slid into him inch by inch. He was breathing in big rasps, muttering slight nothings as he went. He could feel his knot swelling, and desperately wished he could hold on. He wanted this feeling to last forever.

"Uh." He gasped, swollen knot pressing up against Garrett's rear. "Fuck." He panted, and the Akita nodded. Garrett's own dick was hard again, and Bailey slowly stroked it, eliciting short whines of pleasure from the dog.

He pulled his hips back, sliding his cock out, then slowly pushed it back in. Garrett's breathing matched the thrust, and he winced as Bailey pushed in again.

"Does it hurt?" He asked.

"A little." Garrett admitted. "But it's good..." He said, Bailey again massaging his cock. His breathing was picking up, and it felt more natural now. He kept his hips going, back and forth, back and forth, working at a rhythm, more instinct than anything else. The knot was pressing there, and he felt such an urge to push it in. To be inside Garrett, fully, as much as he could. He picked up the pace, hips slapping against the Akita's ass as he moaned and grunted.

"Ah, Garrett..." He growled, leaning down, pace getting faster, that tightness in his stomach and balls increasing. It was coming soon; he could feel it building. "Ah..." He moaned, voice going higher.

"Cum inside me, please, please cum inside me." Garrett whined. Bailey could only nod, his paws stretching up and finding Garrett's, their fingers interlacing tightly. The Akita cried out as he slammed his knot inside and Bailey came. He felt the cum shooting out of his cock, filling Garrett's inside, whining as he did. Garrett came at the same time, less cum than before, but enough spurting out from the tip of his cock to paint Bailey's stomach.

Bailey kept thrusting until he felt he had nothing left to give, collapsing on top of Garrett, totally out of breath, huffing and puffing. His cock had gone mostly soft, but his knot was still swollen inside. They'd have to wait for that.

There was a second of silence, and then they both laughed.

"That was fun." Bailey said, licking his lips. Garrett nodded.

"Yeah." He paused. "I'm glad we did it. You're...all that matters me. The only thing." Bailey squeezed his eyes shut, nuzzling into Garrett's neck.

"You're all I've got. But also all I want." Bailey glanced up at the sheet, making sure it was still in place, just in case anyone happened to walk in. It would be so easy to just...fall asleep here, on top of his Akita.

My Akita. He's mine. He thought with a giddy jolt.

He kissed Garrett's neck again, and fell asleep.