Princess' Plaything

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Warning: Contains non-consensual sex between an adult zebra and an underage lion.


Even though he was trained to instantly obey a command, it still took the young lion a few seconds to snap out of his spell. While being told what to do and obeying instantly was everyday life for a slave, the surroundings and the people issuing the orders weren't. The guards had brought him from the stables into the palace proper, where the lion had never before even dreamed of setting foot! Now he found himself in a vast chamber made of pink marble containing several pools filled with crystal clear water, all of them empty except one.

It was the sight of two young females lounging on the broad steps of one of those pools that had struck the boy dumb. One was an impala, her hornless head proclaiming that while noble she wasn't closely related to the royal family, while the other was a serpent with a head crowned with a panoply of brightly colored feathers. Both were only two or three years older than the thirteen year old lion, but nevertheless carried themselves with a commanding air befitting the princess' ladies in waiting. The reason the lion was only now removing his ragged clothes was that neither female wore anything apart from their jewelry.

The guards that had led him here and stepped back to flank the door didn't seem affected, standing as stock still as any statue. There was a joke among the lower ranks of the slaves, that the Palace Guard were the only beings capable of always being on the look-out but never seeing anything, although looking at the two well-armed men didn't make the young lion want to laugh.

"Well don't just stand there, come over here and get in the pool!" the snake said, her voice high-pitched and slightly sibilant. The two seemed in a good mood, despite his awkwardness and the boy thanked the spirits for that. He'd received beatings when he failed to obey a higher-ranking slave in a satisfactory fashion, he didn't even want to imagine what would happen if he displeased a noble!

As he approached the impala wrinkled her pretty little nose and the serpent girl made a sour face after flicking her forked tongue out. It made the youth realize he was approaching two young ladies still stinking of the stables. He was about to stammer out an apology, his panicking brain trying to remember the proper way of addressing the noble born, something he was taught but never before had to do.

The two ladies tittered, speaking briefly in a tongue the lion didn't understand. He knew the nobles had a secret language that they used to speak with each other in the presence of slaves and servants. While he was certain he was being the discussed, the boy consoled himself that at least they didn't sound offended, although their tone seemed mocking.

"Well come over here cub, and step into the pool." The impala girl said. The lion's feet shuffled forward, even though his mind couldn't comprehend their orders. They wanted him to get into the water with them!? He slowly descended the marble steps, both because the cool water was a slight shock after being in the noon heat just minutes before, but more worried that he had somehow misunderstood them and that any moment now the two young ladies would scream for the guards to punish him for being so presumptuous.

The scream, when it came, issued from the young lion's own throat when a pitcher of the cool water was emptied over his head, to the apparent delight of the two girls. As the serpentine femme dipped the pitcher in the pool again, while the other approached the boy with a brush and soap. After his fur was soaked, the two began to wash him, giggling and speaking in their shared tongue.

"Please, my Ladies, I apologize for coming before you so covered in filth, but there's no need for you to sully your hands! I c-can wash myself..." the youth tried to sound as polite as possible as he stammered out the words, very aware that two young women were running their hands over almost every - ah! - make that every inch of his body.

"I'm sure you could..." the impala spoke sweetly as deftly and diligently soaped his fur "...but we are to make you presentable for our Lady." She finished, and the boy decided she must consider his rear end to be particularly unpresentable considering how much attention she was paying it. Seconds later it dawned on him what she was talking about, shocking him much more than another pitcher of cold water being emptied over him.

Princess Iltani! King Aqhat's only daughter! The lion couldn't believe he was going to be led into her sacred presence, seeing how he wasn't even allowed to touch her horse (although he did have the 'privilege' of mucking out the noble steed's stall). He couldn't imagine what a princess of the realm would want with the likes of him.

Still, after a very thorough bath the lion's fur was dried, brushed and sprinkled with rosewater before the shaggy beginning of a mane on top of his head was combed and another guard came by to escort him away. And while he understood that he couldn't be led into the princess' presence in his dirty rags, he was nevertheless surprised to be led along the palace corridors completely naked. Still, they seemed to be making their way along the servant's passages and the slaves walking them acted like they couldn't even see him as they went about their tasks.

A few twists and turns later and they stood in front of a large door that the guard escorting him knocked on before standing stiffly to attention. It was opened by a pretty young feline in a white cotton dress who took the stunned lion's hand and led him inside, giving the guard a nod before closing the door again.

As he was led in, he was amazed by the opulence of the princess' suite, the gold-flecked marble hidden here and there by lush carpets and silk drapes, drawn aside to reveal a garden terrace with a small fountain in it's center. The princess herself, however, was inside, lounging on a pile of divans flanked on one side by a young cat-girl much like the one leading him in, and on the other by a massive dour-looking zebra male.

Once his eyes settled on the princess, he found himself struck by her beauty. Even though she was a female, the gazelle's head sported a set of long onyx horns, the majestic ringed protrusions marking her as royalty more than any crown could. The horns were polished to a sheen, with several gold rings set into the grooves. From those hung gossamer-thin pennants of painted silk that trailed down past the stunning doe's shoulders. Her hair was as black as the markings running from her eyes to her muzzle, and painstakingly braided into a dozen or so tight rows.

While her ladies in waiting could be likened to budding roses, their mistress was clearly on the verge of full bloom. Her dress was of the same white cotton as her chambermaids', although hers was decorated with swirls done in gold thread and was tailored to hug her shapely form. A young noblewoman like her would normally already have a child nursing from those ripe breasts, but rumor had it that the princess had a great many suitors, both domestic and foreign, and that the king had not yet decided which was most deserving of her hand.

All this the boy registered in a few brief seconds, before remembering where he was and who he was looking at. He had no idea what the etiquette was in these situations, so he fell to his knees and touched his forehead to the floor, arms stretched out in front of him as he awaited the princess' pleasure.

"Ah, you're finally here! Isi, Ava, you may leave now." She spoke, her honeyed voice ringing out over the tinkling of the fountain. After an almost simultaneous 'Yes, your majesty.' The two cats quickly left the room.

"On your feet, boy, the princess wants a good look at you." That voice was defiantly not honeyed, the dispassionate rumble no doubt coming from the zebra standing at the gazelle's side. The lion stood up on shaky legs, holding his hands in front of his crotch, his cheeks burning at the notion of exposing himself to the king's daughter.

"Hands at your sides, boy." The striped behemoth spoke again, his voice betraying a slight annoyance. The zebra was wearing leather armor, the cuirass molded in the shape of a hard muscular torso, with overlapping bands of the same material covering his shoulders and a skirt of hard leather strips falling to his knees. More to the point, he was wearing a short curved sword at his hip, and the only people allowed a weapon in the presence of royalty were the Palace Guard - the elite soldier-slaves, hand-picked and trained from childhood to fight and die to protect the royal family.

"Don't frighten the boy too much, Aradus, he's already trembling like a leaf." The princess spoke, and although the lion kept his eyes downcast, he was certain he could feel hers roaming over him.

"He's awfully quiet. What's your name, cub?"

"T-Theo, your majesty." He stuttered, remembering how the doe's handmaidens had addressed her.

"Ah, so you can speak! That's good, this wouldn't have worked with a mute. Hmm, Theo. Pretty enough name, for a slave, but then you are quite a pretty little thing."

"Thank you, your majesty."

"You will speak when spoken to." Aradus practically growled, glaring at the terrified boy.

"Oh ease up Aradus, this will get terribly tedious if I have to say 'You may speak' every time I want the boy to open his mouth. Besides, look at him!" she said and Theo could feel the weight of two stares on him now "He's terrified to even be in my presence. That's a far more honest form of obeisance than simple adherence to protocol. When's the last time you trembled at the sight of me?"

"I can't recall, your majesty." The zebra replied, his voice once again dispassionate.

"A pretty little boy, with a pretty little name... You know, when my girls told me they'd found a suitable boy mucking out the stables I was sure they were playing a joke on me. But looking at you now I would never guess you were just some lowly mule-minder."

"Thank you, your majesty." Theo said, although the mixture of compliments and belittlements seemed a bit strange to him.

"As well you should. Now then, have those two told you why I've summoned you here?"

"No, your majesty. They just made me presentable and sent me along."

"Hmm, I was sure from the way you're trembling that they'd spoiled my surprise. Oh dear, oh dear, then you're in for quite a fright." The princess said, her amused tone of voice doing a poor job of putting Theo at ease.

"Oh don't worry, you're safe enough. I dare say there will be some pain involved, but as long as you do exactly as I say, you will leave here unharmed." She said, the boy trying not to wince at the mention of pain.

"Oh, and speaking of speaking, you are never to utter a single word about what transpires here. If anyone does ask you, answer that you were summoned by the princess, and dismissed by the princess, and that if they believe they have a right to know more than that, they should ask me directly. _That_should curb any further curiosity. Now, look at me." She said, and Theo slowly looked up, his hazel brown eyes meeting hers. They were bright green, made even more striking by the black fur outlining them, and even though there was a sparkle in them, the young lion could find no kindness.

"There's a good slave. I want to see your face when you hear what's about to happen. But first, a question: are you a virgin, Theo?"

"W-what?" the boy asked, surprised by the blunt inquiry.

"Have you been fucked?" the doe asked, not even batting an eye at the vulgar expression.

"N-no, your majesty."

"Good, I was hoping you're a virgin. I am to, although most certainly not by choice. But custom dictates that a new bride of noble birth must_be a maiden, so until my father, in his infinite wisdom, _finally decides who I am to marry, I must remain chaste." Iltani said, sipping a glass of chilled sherbet while the boy in front of her listened with apprehension "So I find myself in the flower of womanhood without the means to fully satisfy my womanly needs." The doe bemoaned her fate mock-theatrically writhing on her divan in a manner that made the nervous young lion blush even more.

"It certainly doesn't help that this strapping hulk is sworn never to leave my side except for those occasions when I join my indeterminate husband in our shared bed. He's quite an amazing specimen, you know, but tragically incorruptible. On the plus side, he obeys every order without question, as long as it wouldn't endanger me to do so. For instance - Aradus, disrobe for me."

"Yes, your majesty." The huge guard said, immediately beginning to undo the clasps holding his armor together. Once his breastplate was off, Theo noticed his actual chest was much more impressive than the molded leather, a few scars marring the striped pattern. His sword belt went next and once the armored skirt was off the young lion caught a short glimpse of something massive swinging between the stallion's legs before looking back at the princess, who was smiling wickedly at the sight of his discomfort.

"You see how cruel fate can be? I have to remain chaste, knowing that this..." she said, extending a hand and running it down Aradus' swiftly dropping ebony shaft "... is always within reach." Theo noted that the zebra didn't move an inch as he was fondled, and his face remained a mask except for a slight tightening of his jaw muscles.

"However, I'm nothing if not creative. I've learned that I can get myself some relief if I get someone to put on a little show for me. I could very easily get some slave girl in here and have Aradus rut her senseless. In fact, I'm pretty sure Isi has been sneaking a peek at him every now and then. But the thing is, the sight of another female doesn't really arouse me. Maybe I'm a little jealous. It's difficult to come to terms with the fact that I, a princess of the realm, am denied something a common girl can get just by bending over. So why should I watch one of them writhe in bliss, impaled on this magnificent tool, while I stand to the side, making do with my hand?" Iltani went on, squeezing the now hardening shaft for emphasis.

"Now boys, they are a different matter. They don't want the cock, in fact they'd prefer what's between my legs than this studs, but I can still order them to present their little rears and watch them squirm while they receive the fucking of a lifetime. And that is where you come in, little cub. You are going to get on all fours, lift that tail and take every inch of this stallion inside your little boy-hole. Aradus will then begin rutting you until he's emptied those big, heavy balls inside your little body which, dutiful soul that he is, won't happen until I've had _my_fun." The princess finished, her voice holding no malice, in fact sounding quite cheerful as she outlined the impending rape to the boy.

"As... as you wish, your majesty." Theo mumbled out past a lump in his throat.

"Good slave! Now come over here and get on your knees." The delighted princes said as the lion walked as if in a trance. Aradus, still betraying no emotion stepped in front of him, his fully dropped but still limp shaft swinging between his powerful legs.

"Now since Aradus here always plays hard to get when I order him to mount a boy, you'll have to play with him a bit to get him fired up. Just put your hands on his cock and... well, you work in the stables, so you've probably washed stallions before. A few loving strokes and it will be as stiff as the rest of him. Meanwhile, to show you that I'm not entirely wicked, I'll help you prepare to take that monster." She said, getting on her knees behind Theo and picking up a small porcelain jar.

Theo had indeed had to wash a stallion's member every now and again, and although the zebra's shaft was comparatively smaller, he was never expected to take one inside him before. He took hold of the heavy organ, noticing it firm up little at his touch, and began to rub and stroke it with both hands. The stallion it belonged to was looking straight ahead, his expression unchanged. As the jet black shaft began to rise, the boy gasped, feeling something slick prod between his cheeks.

"Good boy. Keep working that cock while I get you loose and slippery back here. You'll be grateful later." The princess cooed before slipping a single digit inside the lion.

"Thank you, your majesty." The cub said, still stroking the zebra-meat while the doe behind him violated his tail-hole. She was using some sort of oil so it wasn't painful, but the sensation of her finger sliding in and out of him felt strange in a way Theo couldn't describe. Coupled with the feel of the stallion's throbbing shaft in his paws and the musky scent coming from the flared tip, the young lion felt overwhelmed. The princess' guard was still standing at attention and looking at the wall in front of him, although his shaft was now almost fully erect and the fall and rise of his chest betrayed his heavy breathing.

"Good work, Theo." The gazelle behind him said as she slipped in a second finger past his clenching rectum "Now have a little taste. That always breaks his stoic mood."

The head of the shaft had now risen above Theo's own, so he had to bend it down a little to get the tip level with his muzzle. He extended his tongue and tentatively slid it along the blunt head, the stallion's shaft squirting something clear and musky into his mouth as he did. Although strange, he found he didn't really mind the taste, and was thankful that Aradus was meticulously clean. Looking up, he noted that the guard's nostrils were now flaring, and the shaft was twitching in his hands as the zebra's abdominal muscles flexed.

"Ooh, so hard so soon! You're a natural, Theo. What do you think of my guard's cock now that you see it in its full glory?" the princess asked, still pumping a pair of fingers in and out of the little lion's now messy tail-hole.

"It's - ah! - big, your majesty..." the boy said, still struggling to process the sensations coming from his bottom. He noticed his nostrils were flaring now, the musky smell of the zebra seeming strangely attractive to him.

"Well, that's an honest answer. And I must say I admire your enthusiasm. Most boys say that it's too big. Well, seeing as you're that eager to please your princess, I won't make you wait any longer." The doe said, pulling her fingers out of the cub's ass and wiping them on one cheek.

Iltani rose gracefully and stepped to the side of the cub, towering over him as she shrugged her dress off. The diaphanous garment slid off her, pooling at the soft carpet under her feet and leaving the gazelle naked except for her jewelry, the silk streamers hanging from her horns, and the mischievous smile gracing her muzzle. Forgetting himself, Theo looked up at her, his mouth hanging open as his eyes drank in the sight of her shapely legs, curve of her hip and the swell of her perfect breasts riding high and proud on the doe's chest.

Rather than reprimand or strike him for his presumption, the princess smiled wider as she cocked a hip and thrust her chest out slightly, and the boy realized she was just taunting him, showing him what it's like to have something you lust for so close, yet decidedly out of reach. So engrossed was he in the spectacle that he didn't even notice the zebra had moved, getting on his knees behind him.

"Hands on the floor now, little cub, it's time for you to be this stallion's filly. And don't be shy about describing in vivid detail what that thick stud-spear feels like as it claims your boy-pussy." Iltani said, syrup dripping off every syllable.

She knelt down on a divan next to the two slaves and Theo could smell the oil and hear the princess rubbing it all over the zebra's cock. He tried to get his panting under control knowing that any moment now he would feel that inky-black flare pressed against his tail-hole. The slick sounds stopped and the boy gasped as a strong hand gripped his tail by the base and lifted it out of the way. As if he wasn't exposed enough, he felt a different pair of hands grip his cheeks and spread them open, giving the stallion an excellent view of his glistening pucker.

He didn't admire the view long before nudging his tip between the boy's cheeks and pressing it firmly against the virgin opening. Theo could feel his body clench and tense on reflex, refusing to admit the intruder in spite of the fact that he had no choice. The blunt head was pressing as hard as it could, the tip spurting against the boy's already lubed pucker, but the opening refused to stretch far enough to let the stud's cock in. He wasn't sure how long it lasted, but at one point the zebra seemed to ease the pressure and the boy relaxed, figuring he'd decided there was no way he could fit inside the cub. The moment he relaxed the stud behind him gave a sharp buck and Theo squealed like a girl as the head of his shaft plunged into his ass.

"Mmh, I do love to see a boy lose his virginity. How does Aradus feel, Theo?" the princess asked sweetly, hands still gripping the lion's cheeks.

"H-hurts..." was all the young slave could get past his clenched teeth. He had taken beatings before, but the pain of the stallion's surprise penetration was like nothing he'd ever felt before.

"Well, it always hurts the first time, or so I'm told. But if it's any consolation you do look beautiful with your little boy-pussy clenching around that big, black beast. Now let's see that greedy little whole swallow the rest of this stud..." she said, and Aradus dutifully began to push more of his cock in at a slow but steady pace.

"This is going to happen whether you like it or not, so relax and make it easier on yourself." The stallion behind him spoke while pushing his rod deeper into the boy's no longer virgin ass.

"Oh, you always say that, you striped softy. I think it might be amusing to see a slave put up a struggle for once. I'm sure the sight of you fucking a boy into submission would be most entertaining..." the princess said, trailing a hand slowly up the young lion's spine.

"As you say, your majesty." The zebra replied, although he seemed reluctant to put on such a show without being forced or ordered to.

"A pity this lion seems to be too tame to bite. Isn't that so, cub?"

"Ye-ah!- yes, your majesty..." the boy yelped, fighting for breath as the throbbing cock pushed it's way further inside him, rubbing him strangely as it did.

"In fact I'm sure he will kneel there, docile as a lamb, while inch after thick inch is plunged up his little boy-cunt, trying to stifle his squeals as he is fucked mercilessly until another male pumps his seed deep inside that pliant rump." The gazelle spoke, her voice taking on a warm, contemplative tone.

Theo risked a glance to the side and caught the princess' gaze. She smiled at the sight of his expression, her right hand toying with the stiff nipple of one perfect breast while the other slid down to the creamy fur between her thighs. Despite her harsh predictions, her zebra guard kept up a slow but implacable pace and the cub realized that once he relaxed and did his best to take deep breaths, the pain became more of a severe discomfort. And somewhere deep inside him he could swear there was something responding to the throbbing cock invading his ass, to the point that he could feel his own member swell slightly in its sheath.

Just when Theo felt like he couldn't take any more he felt the zebra's hips touch his parted cheeks and the heavy black sack press against his small fuzzy pouch. Those strong hands moved to grip his waist and the striped stallion let out a grunt as he held himself hilted in the boy. There came a happy clapping from the side, the princess' gold bracelets jingling as she paused her own gratification to applaud the two slaves.

"Good boys! Now come on, Aradus, don't keep your girl waiting. I know you want to fuck the little slut, I can see your shoulders tensing!" the doe teased.

"As you wish, your majesty." The zebra grunted, obeying his princess' command while ignoring her accusation.

The equine shaft was slowly pulled out of the prone cub and Theo noted that its withdrawal wasn't nearly as uncomfortable as the insertion. The boy bit his lip, not even sure what kind of noises he was stifling as that thick pulsing mass rubbed against his insides, but when the stallion's medial ring slipped past his pucker he couldn't stop himself from gasping. However, once the thing was two thirds of the way out, the zebra hilted himself again in one smooth stroke. It didn't hurt as much as when it was first forced in but the young slave still cried out, only this time it wasn't just from the pain. The stallion set a steady rhythm, grunting as he fucked the lion impaled on his cock.

"There you go. You know, Aradus, despite your apparent reluctance you don't seem to have a problem breeding a young male once you feel him wrapped around your cock. And yet all of my advances are courteously rebuffed. Is it that you prefer the sight of a naked boy kneeling in front of you? Do their winking little tail-holes excite you more than what's between a woman's legs?" the princess teased, running her hands over her body as if to prove a point.

"As you *ugh* say your majesty..." the zebra replied, grunting as he bred the lion's stretched hole.

"Hmm. You know, I like to tease my grumpy guardian, but he's a lot smarter than he'd have me believe. For instance, he knows that if he had accepted one of my many offers I could have just gone to my father claiming he'd raped me." The doe spoke in a sing-song voice even as she openly stroked herself to the sight of the two mating males.

"Then, while he was waiting for the headsman to sharpen his axe, I'd already be deliriously happy bending over in front of his replacement. Without a pesky maidenhead and long as I made him cum outside me, I could let him fuck my brains out until my father found me a suitable match, or my legs fell off, whichever happened first."

As she finished her little musing Aradus gave a few particularly strong thrusts, his hips slapping the lion's cheeks as he remembered the times the princess had all but thrown herself at him, knowing he couldn't touch her. As he cried out at the sudden pain, the boy realized the princess had said that in order to rile the stallion and make him give her a better show. Mercifully, the zebra seemed to come to the same conclusion and resumed his earlier pace. The devious doe didn't appear to mind, seeming to delight in her stoic guard's temporary lapse of self-control almost as much as the sight of his cock violating the young slave, and her own hand pumping vigorously between her legs.

Apart from those few savage thrusts, it seemed to Theo that he now taking the equine cock much more easily. The pain was gone, the discomfort soon eclipsed by an amazing sensation, one that was almost enough to make him forget the humiliating position he was in, playing a 'filly' for his princess' amusement. He was feeling things he'd never felt before, every movement of the hot, throbbing shaft through his insides seeming to rub him in such a way that he wanted more. His pucker still clenched every now and again, but instead of trying desperately to keep the mammoth shaft out, now it seemed like it was hugging the stallion's rod, desperate for more of those sensations. It seemed to be having an effect on the zebra as well, the cock inside him twitching and jumping whenever his ass would tighten around it.

"What's this?" the princess said, sounding genuinely surprised as she bent down to take a look under the cub. It was then that Theo realized his little barbed shaft had left his sheath, and just when he thought he was as embarrassed as he could be he blushed again as even more of his young body was exposed to the princess' hungry eyes.

"Oh my Gods... You're enjoying this! You delightful little pervert!" the gazelle beamed, her voice equal parts joy and arousal.

"I've seen plenty of boys take a fucking from Aradus here - the brave ones, the screamers - but I've never seen one become aroused by being mounted like a female! It must truly be a spectacular cock swinging between those striped tree-trunks if it can turn a boy into a panting slut in so short a time." She continued to mock the poor youth, but her breathing was becoming somewhat labored, her arousal seeming to outweigh her surprise at Theo's predicament.

"You know, I should be furious with you. I had specifically told you that I didn't want to watch somebody enjoy a cock as long as I wasn't allowed to. But this is just so deliciously deviant! Tell you what - if you can come just from having a male fuck you, like a proper little slut, I will forgive your disobedience." The doe said half-jokingly, but one look at the terrified leonine face told her that he'd taken it quite seriously. If the naïve slave had bothered to listen to the tone of her voice rather than her words, he'd know she was anything but displeased. To make matters worse, the boy had no idea what the gazelle was talking about and what exactly she expected of him.

Through it all Aradus continued to pump his hips, his now glistening shaft sawing in and out of the feline's stretched pucker. Theo wasn't sure what was expected of him, but he knew by now that the princess was savoring his humiliation, so he moaned without restraint as the equine cock claimed his ass over and over. Despite the shame he felt at being bred on display like a farm animal, he was enjoying this on some level, and something was definitely building.

"Tell me, little slut, how does it feel to have my stud's cock inside you?" the princess asked, her hand vigorously rubbing the top of her wet slit.

"Ah, it's... big..." the boy moaned out in response.

"I can see that, what else?"

"It - ah! - throbs and... twitches and keeps rubbing... something inside..." Theo alternated between talking and panting as the stallion drilled him with abandon, still silent but all traces of reluctance forgotten as he fucked the boy with everything he had. It dawned on Theo that he wasn't properly addressing her majesty, but one look at the gazelle's flushed face told him she either didn't notice or didn't care.

"Mmh, you should see how pretty your ass looks with that ebony rod pistoning in and out. Does it feel nice as you are making it sound?" she almost hissed the last part, tweaking a rock-hard nipple as she did.

"Y-yes, princess!" he cried. In truth if it wasn't for the way it was happening, it would probably have been the best experience in Theo's entire life.

"You don't want it to stop?" the gazelle continued to tease.

"No!" the word had left the boy's mouth in an instant, before he'd even had a chance to consider. When the stallion had first penetrated him, the lion would have jumped at this opportunity to beg and plead with the princess to stop him, but now it didn't even occur to him.

Iltani grinned from ear to ear, a particularly wicked thought entering her head. She felt very close to a glorious climax herself, and knew just how to fan the flames a bit higher.

"Well then, I think you should ask Aradus, nicely, to keep going..." she said, trying not to laugh.

"Yes, please... breed me - Ah! - fuck me... I need... I need..." the lion trailed off, arching his back and thrusting out his abused ass to drive the point home. He wasn't sure what it was he needed, but he felt something was close and he would say anything and do anything to reach it.

The gazelle bit her lip, her sparkling green eyes drinking in the sight of the two males as the stallion started pounding even harder, gripping the boy's waist firmly and pulling him back to meet every thrust. This is the first time it occurred to her to have a boy beg Aradus for more, and it seemed to genuinely spur him on. The old softie must really dislike taking an unwilling boy. Still, he did as he was told, and that's all the doe needed from him. And speaking of needs...

"Come on, Aradus *hmpf!* fill your little filly up!" she managed to say before she felt her insides clamp up around her fingers and her cunny gush into her hand. Through the haze of orgasm, she held her eyes glued to the two as the stallion grunted and gave several sharp bucks, making the boy squeal in delight and his little cock bob between his legs.

"Ah! Princess... it's growing!" the boy cried out as the equine cock mushroomed up inside him, ready to erupt inside the little lion's ass.

"Good boy! Now *huff* take it all!" the princess panted as she rode out her climax, delighted that the boy had remembered to describe what was happening to him. His cry as the first jet of zebra spunk shot inside him was music to her ears, and every whimpering moan that followed, signaling another spurt of stallion milk, only added to her pleasure. She was surprised to suddenly hear a high-pitched squeak from the young lion, and when she looked between his legs and saw that neglected little cocklet shoot a few streams of pearly white kitty-cum she found herself coming again along with him. Pinching her little button she gave a triumphant cry as her second climax wracked her body, the most intense one she'd ever felt.

She fought to keep her eyelids open, panting like a bitch in heat as she savored the aftermath. The sounds the slave boy was making seemed as feminine as her own as the equine shaft inside him slowly softened, drooling the last of its seed into the boy's twitching ass. She gave another delighted moan as the flared head of the zebra's shaft slipped out the little lion, showing a still gaped pink pucker dripping with the stallion's spunk.

"Well, that was a wonderful interlude but now I think shall retire to my bedchamber. I'll be dining with yet another potential fiancée and I need my beauty-sleep. Aradus, summon servants to get the boy cleaned up and to take care of the mess you two made on my rug. Also tell Ava and Isi to wake me well before the evening meal so I have time to make myself presentable. Ta-ta!" she said, her tail swishing behind her as she strolled out of the room.