Samuel's Pick-Pocketing Surprise - 4 Sweet Dreams My Beagle (Adult)

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#5 of Samuel

Once again this chapter is available in two versions marked Clean and Adult. The only difference is that the Adult version has an additional yiffy scene between the main characters one of whom is a pup. This scene is not highly critical to the story and you will not miss out on anything important by reading the clean version.

Oh who am I kidding, you probably came here straight from chapter 1 when I told you there wasn't going to be any yiffy stuff in chapters 2 or 3. So lets get on with the show.

When last we left our canine duo Samuel had left Kuenia at Mr Clyde's restaurant. You know the place, it's on the south side of the city square, you know, where that cute Bilby works. Well anyway Samuel left Kuenia there so the Dingo could meet up with Mr Clyde and try and sell the wombat one of the canine's stylish suits. In the mean time, the beagle headed back to his old street home in the basement of an old building to retrieve his worldly belongings and take them back to kuenia's shop which was to be his new home. The simple journey leading the young beagle to wander down memory lane in the process. Oh and who could forget that silly teenage ram who tried to punch Samuel's fist, using his large ovine testicles.

Now lets get back to the city square, I can see Samuel coming, and I don't want to miss anything...

Samuel's Pick-Pocketing Surprise Chapter 4 - Sweet Dreams My Beagle (Adult)

As Samuel approached the restaurant he spotted Kuenia and Mr Clyde sitting at the same table he himself, had been sitting at for breakfast that morning. The Dingo and the Wombat seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely, as Mr clyde was slapping the table in hysterics at something Kuenia had said. Kuenia spotting Samuel through the window gave the pup a quick wink before turning back to Mr Clyde and saying something that caused them both to get up from the table and head for the door. In the mean time Samuel had sat down under a nearby tree and was waiting patiently.

As the front door to the restaurant opened Samuel could here the cheerful voice of the wombat float over to where he sat "Tuff balls indeed, on the rare occasion a customer requests testicles I will have you know they are cooked to perfection, tender and juicy."

"I don't doubt it Warren." Kuenia said to the wombat before raising his voice and calling Samuel over "Samuel can you come here please Mr Clyde wants to talk to you."

Samuel reluctantly got up and walked over to the two adults, his muzzle down submissively and his tail coming close to being shoved between his legs. The young pup very unsure of what was about to happen.

"Good after noon Samuel." Mr Clyde said gently "Kuenia here has been telling me what a great help you have been to him today."

Samuel lifted his head slightly to look at the older marsupial's face, this was not what he was expecting at all.

"I am glad you've finally got yourself a good honest job and I am happy to let the past be behind us now. Just as long as you pay your bill and don't help yourself to anymore food without asking, you will be welcome in my restaurant again."

"The day you ate those Truffles I was really mad at you, and ready to hang you up by your ears. I probably said some things I shouldn't have, so I would like to apologise for that. So as long as that sort of thing doesn't happen again, we wont have a problem. Now what do you say, is it a deal." The wombat finished by extending a paw to the pup.

Samuel took a second as what the marsupial had said sank in, then extending his own paw, shook paws with Mr Clyde and saying "Yes Sir, it's a deal."

"Good pup, that's what I wanted to hear." Mr clyde said before turning back to Kuenia and saying "It's been a pleasure meeting you Kuenia." extending his paw for the Dingo to shake this time.

"The pleasure is all mine Warren." Kuenia stated giving the wombats paw two firm pumps before releasing it, adding "I'll see you on Friday, at 10 o'clock."

"I'll be there. Thanks for stopping by Kuenia, see you Friday." Mr Clyde said patting the dingo on the back. Kuenia stepped out into the street beside Samuel, as the Wombat slipped back inside the restaurants door.

Kuenia placing a paw on the beagles shoulder hastened Samuel off in the direction of the tailors shop. After they had left the square and were out of site of the restaurant kuenia leaped in the air and yelled "You little beauty" taking Samuel by surprise, who looked at the older male as if he had gone completely insane. Then grabbing the beagle pup by the arms Kuenia pulled the pup into the air, swinging the young canine around in a circle saying "He ordered three new suits, and he wants them made out of a material I have been trying to get rid of for ages. Samuel your my little good luck charm, this day couldn't have gone better."

Samuel smiled, his tail wagging happily at the compliment, as kuenia returned the beagles orange clad paws to the ground once more. Samuel then said "Kuenia, thank you for clearing things up with Mr Clyde, now I can visit Shelly without having to worry about running into him."

"After some of the things Warren told me you have done in the restaurant to get free food, I'm a little surprised I pulled it off too. However believe it or not the wombat really seems to like you deep down, so it didn't take to much to bring him around." kuenia said grinning at the pup.

"So did you manage to get all your stuff back to the shop Ok?" Kuenia enquired.

"Yes thank you, as I said I didn't really have that much." Samuel answered and as he did so the pup decided, that while Kuenia was in such a good mood he would ask the Dingo the questions that had been playing on his mind.

"Kuenia, how come there are so many beds in your house, did you plan to take some pup home today when you left this morning." Samuel asked sullenly not really sure he wanted to know the answer.

Kuenia laughed "Good heavens no, the house came fully furnished. The fur who had the shop before me, had a wife and two joey's and they decided it would be cheaper to buy new furniture where they were going than ship the stuff they had to their new house."

"Oh, cool!" Samuel said somewhat relieved at the answer being so obvious and logical, continued "I was wondering, if you maybe could, um, if you could please, um perhaps make me some new clothes, these ones are not very good and..."

"Of corse I will, I couldn't have my delivery pup going around in anything that didn't look the best, now could I?" Kuenia interrupted Samuel's obviously nervous question, noting a visible sign of relief spread over the younger canines countenance.

Kuenia placing a paw on the beagles shoulder brought him to a stop turning the pup to face him. "Samuel, it seems to me that you have been stressing out over a few things, I know a lot has happened today, and your still unsure if you can trust me or not. Or if I will kick you out on the street again." Samuel hung his head and was close to tears as Kuenia's words had struck close to home and the way he had been feeling on and off throughout the day.

"Samuel, look at me" Kuenia said quietly, the beagle raising his tear filled eyes to look at the older male canine squatting in front of him "I will make this really clear for you. I know you have had a rough life at times but I give you my word I will never intentionally do anything to hurt you; you will be welcome in my home for as long as you wish to stay. I can say this because, I have seen the way you interact with others and the respect you engender from them. While you are with me I will make sure you have clean clothes on your back, food in your tummy and a soft warm bed to sleep in at night. You should never worry about asking me a question, I don't guarantee you an answer, but I will never get mad at you for asking. In return I would ask you to be polite and respectful towards me and my clients. If however a client is disrespectful to you, let me know and I will take care of it for you. I will also expect you to do some chores around the place, but it will be nothing you wont be able to handle. Now, is all that acceptable to you?"

Samuel through his arms around the Dingo's neck and whispered "I love you" into kuenia's ear as the pup burst into tears. sobbing uncontrollably with happiness.

Kuenia was a little taken back by the pup's statement. He hadn't been sure exactly the reaction his little speech would provoke, but an affirmation of love was about the last thing he was expecting. Kuenia rubbed the pup's back scritching his neck fur as he replied "I love you to Samuel!" Kuenia knew this wasn't completely truthful, but it is what, the pup needed to hear. Besides the dingo had no doubt that it wouldn't take long for the fondness he had for the youngster to turn into true love for him.

"Hey now pup, your making my suit all soggy." Kuenia said with a smile trying to turn the beagle sobs into laughter.

"Oh sorry, Kuenia." Samuel choked out as he released his hold from around the dingo's neck.

"That's ok, I've been wanting to see how this fabric handles salty water, so I am really quite grateful to you for your contribution of nice salty tears for my research." The dingo said with a wink, a smile plastered across his face to show he was joking.

"Yeah, right!" Samuel said taking the handkerchief kuenia was now offering him. After wiping his eyes and blowing his nose the young beagle went to hand the now rather damp piece of material back to Kuenia.

"Tell you what, why don't you keep that, at least until wash day anyway." the dingo suggested not taking the handkerchief from the paw extended in his direction.

"Oh, ok" Samuel said looking briefly at the hanky before shoving it into his pants pocket.

Kuenia reaching into his jacket pocket pulled out the now all to familiar, pile of fabric samples and extracted two squares, one a slightly lighter blue than the suit kuenia was currently wearing and the other a bright purple colour.

"Samuel, I've got plenty of these two materials, which one do you like better and I will make you some hankies of your own?" Not that the dingo was going to let on, but What the pup was really selecting was the colour of his brand new suit that Kuenia was going to make for him at the first opportunity that presented itself.

Samuel glanced over at the two fabric samples saying "I like the purple one better, but can I have some hankies in each colour?" Samuel said hopefully. The beagle looking completely happy once more, belying the tears that had covered the pups face mere minutes before.

"You really do have loud tastes don't you?" Kuenia said with a chuckle as he looked down at the bright orange shoes on the pup's paws. Then answering the young canine's question "Yes, you can have some Hankies in each colour."

"Kuenia can we go and get my food from G's place now?" Samuel said eagerly.

"Where almost back to the shop Samuel, lets drop all this stuff off first." Indicating the brown paper wrapped package and the two bags of food that was to be there tea. "Then we can go back to G's." Kuenia replied, he didn't really feel like walking all the way back to the felines apartment, but he had promised the pup and Samuel seemed so much brighter now, he didn't want to disappoint him.

All this became mute though, as they turned the corner into crofts street and Samuel saw a Tortoise shelled cat standing outside kuenia's shop holding a bag. "Hey it's G!" samuel called running to the feline.

"Did you forget something Dog?" George asked passing the bag of food to samuel.

"The rest of my breakfast! Thanks G." Samuel said gratefully.

"Thanks for returning the food G." Kuenia concurred "he's been grumbling about leaving it behind on and off for a few hours and we were just about to drop this stuff off and go back to your place for it. I hope you haven't been waiting long?"

"Oh about 5 minutes, I had to go out anyway so I thought I would drop it off." George said.

"Would you like to come in G." Kuenia said as he fumbled in his pockets for the keys to the shop.

"Sure, but I can't stay to long." George replied.

"I could have sworn I had my keys in that pocket..." Kuenia said before he noticed Samuel swinging the Dingo's keys from a claw in front of him. "Looking for these?"

I hope you haven't been up to your old tricks young canine?" George said reproachfully.

"NO!" Samuel replied sounding quite indignant.

"It's ok, G. I gave him the keys, I just forgot." Kuenia reassured.

"So there!" Samuel said poking his tongue out at George before turning to use the keys to open the door and go inside.

"Sorry Dog!" George called after the beagle who was dashing through a door at the back of the shop.

Kuenia removed the keys from the door lock where samuel had left them, returning them to his pocket and indicating with a paw that george should enter.

"This place looks like it could have some real potential" the feline said to kuenia.

"I still have a bit of work to do, but with my little helper here, I am sure it will be rocking in no time." Kuenia replied, nodding at Samuel who had just reappeared carrying three plates containing roughly equal portions of food comprising the remains of his breakfast and the two doughnuts divided into three pieces.

"It looks like you will be rewarded for your good deed" Kuenia said as the two older furs gratefully took the plates offered to them.

"Hey G, do you like my new Shoes, Kuenia bought them for me from Geena." Samuel said cheerfully interrupting the older furs conversation as he happily raised a foot paw for the cats inspection, his tail moving to counter balance the pup as he wobbled on his other leg.

"Groovy, Dog" George said grinning at the beagle who seemed to be happier than George could ever recall seeing the pup before.

Samuel who had quickly wolfed down his food as usual, turned to Kuenia and asked "Can I show him" the pup reaching for the package wrapped in brown paper.

"Wash your paws first!" Kuenia said firmly not wanting paw prints all over the pristine fabric.

"Ok!" Samuel said sticking out his tongue at Kuenia before disappearing out the back of the shop again to wash his paws.

"You really have done wonders with that pup, he seems like a whole new dog since he has been with you." George said quietly to Kuenia.

"Frankly, I think he has been just as good for me as I have been for him. I have simply offered him some stability and kindness. In return he has shown me what its like to have fun again." Kuenia stated smiling as the beagle rushed back in with water dripping from his paws.

"I meant dry your paws too!" Kuenia exclaimed stopping the beagle in his tracks with a screech as the dogs new shoes skidded on the well polished floorboards.

Moments later the beagle was back again and showing the dingo his paws enquired "Happy now?"

"Very good" Kuenia replied and with that the beagle tore the package open to reveal the fine black material which would be made into George's dinner Jacket.

"See I told you Geena could find anything." George said to kuenia as he gave Samuel a smile.

"She did even better than that, this material is an even higher quality weave then the sample I showed you earlier." Kuenia told George delighted with his luck in acquiring such fine material with which to work.

"Cool." George said "I really look forward to seeing the finished product, but alas I really have to go now if I am going to make an appointment with a fur I am meeting in the square. I don't suppose you would be able to help me finish this." George said offering his plate containing the as yet untouched piece of doughnut to samuel.

"I think that can be arranged" Samuel said as he gleefully accepted the plate.

Well I'll catch you two furs later, and thanks for the snack." George said as he made a move towards the door.

"No. Thank, you, G for bringing the food around for us to eat." Kuenia said as he accompanied the feline to the door to say goodbye.

"Bye, Dog" George called.

"Gug-Bye, G." came the muffled reply as the beagle pup attempted to speak with his mouth full of doughnut.

Turning from the door Kuenia looked at the pup and said "Right you, it's time for a bath, while I put this stuff away."

"Nope, can't have a bath now, I've just eaten and that means I have to wait an hour before getting wet." Samuel said grinning.

"Is that right?" Kuenia said dubiously "I thought it was just swimming you have to wait an hour before doing after you have eaten."

"Oh, no, you can't even get wet or you will drown instantly." Samuel said trying his best to sound completely serious but failing dismally.

"Do I have to get in there with you, to get you to bathe?" Kuenia said approaching the pup as if he was going to pounce on the youngster.

"You wouldn't dare!" Samuel said looking shocked and putting some distance between himself and the larger canine.

Kuenia could see this was not going to be easy and didn't really feel like chasing the pup around the shop after the long day they had both had, so decided on a bit of reverse psychology to try and resolve the situation.

"Fine you put the stuff away and I'll have a bath." Kuenia said heading for the bathroom to turn on the water.

"Ok." Samuel said putting the various bits and pieces into draws and on shelves.

"Great!" Kuenia thought to himself, "Not only did that not get the pup to the bath tup but now he wouldn't be able to find anything tomorrow when he needed to start work on George's and Warren's clothing."

After turning the taps on in the bathroom to fill up the bath, Kuenia walked into the kitchen. Picking up the knife Samuel had left sitting on the bench after he had used it to divvy up the remains of his breakfast a few minutes earlier; the dingo cut 2 reasonable sized pieces from the freshly made quiche charley had given them. Placing the remains of the quiche and the bag of apples into the icebox Kuenia started the fire for the oven and slipped the slices of quiche inside.

Kuenia then headed back to the bath which by now was almost half full of lovely warm water. "This water sure looks nice!" Kuenia called out still hoping to encourage the younger canine to come and wash himself before they sat down for their meal.

With a sigh kuenia decided that he might as well get himself clean and then worry about the pup later. Undressing, the dingo lay his suit carefully over the back of a chair sitting in the corner of the bathroom. Turning off the taps the muscular sandy coloured canine gingerly dipped a paw into the water in an almost dainty manner. Finding the temperature to his liking, the dingo slipped completely into the large tub. Leaning back Kuenia rested his head on the end of the bath savouring the way the water gently lapped over his fur and soothed tired muscles.

Kuenia was on the verge of drifting off to sleep when his sensitive ears picked up a creaking floorboard close by, the sort of sound that could only be made by a youngster up to something and trying to be quiet about it. Slowly he opened an eye just a crack, which allowed him to confirm his suspicions. Step by carefully placed step, creeping through the bathroom door was a beagle pup carrying a large metal bowl, that based on the way he was moving must contain a fair amount of liquid. kuenia took a brief second to consider the situation. Since no steam was evident rising from the bowl he deduced the contents were not hot and based on the impish look on the pup's face would most likely be quite cold.

Biding his time, Kuenia waited till the young male was almost to the edge of the tub, before springing up into a sitting position raising his arms and letting out a loud GARRRR!!!

Samuel taken completely by surprise, at the unexpected turning of the tables, almost jumped out of his fur; tipping the bowl of cold water all over himself, as he instinctively jumped back in shock.

Kuenia burst into raucous laughter looking at the bedraggled and rather soaked young pup, who was standing in a large puddle beside the tub the now empty bowl dangling from one paw, with a priceless stunned look on his young muzzle.

"Its not that funny!" Samuel said dropping the metal bowl on the ground with a loud clang and stepping closer to the tub, trying to work out what had gone wrong.

"Samuel we have plenty of water in here, you didn't need to bring your own." Kuenia said cheerfully as he reached out putting one arm around the pup pulling the young beagle over in a warm embrace.

Samuel now accepting that Kuenia had beat him at his own game started to laugh before saying "Yeah, I'll keep that in mind for next time. How did you know I was coming? I was being really quiet, I even took of my new sneakers so they wouldn't squeak!"

"You need to watch those squeaky floor boards in the hall." Kuenia replied.

"Ok, I'll remember that next time." Samuel said smirking at the dingo.

"Next time! Next time, I'll give you next time!" Kuenia said tickling the pup briefly before continuing "Well I guess it is a wise Dog, who endeavours to improve himself and learn from past mistakes I must say. However, it's now time for you to get clean" Kuenia suddenly grabbed the pup firmly under the arms and dragged the youngster into the tub clothes and all.

"Hey, what-cha doing?" Samuel exclaimed taken by surprise for the second time in as many minutes.

"Did you think, I was joking about getting you clean even if I had to get in the tub with you?" Kuenia said jovially "Now are you going to take those clothes off or am I?"

"Oh, all right!" Samuel declared admitting defeat as he started to unbutton his shirt, as he looked around the room and asked "Where should I put my clothes?"

"Just chuck them on the floor for now, I seriously doubt they will make it any wetter than it already is from you earlier efforts."


Samuel stuck his tongue out in response as he discarded the dirty wet shirt onto the floor beside the tub. Then standing he looked a Kuenia for a second then turned his back to the dingo in an act of modesty. Undoing his pants lowering them along with his underwear in one fluid motion bending over in the process. His tail slipped free from the hole it had been sticking through in the back of the beagles pants springing back slightly, which briefly revealed the young males tail hole and the small black sack containing the pup's two testicles swinging gently below it.

"Mmmm... Cute bum!" Kuenia said admiring the firm well toned rear of the young pup his physique now obviously explaining how the beagle was able to run so fast for his small size.

"Hey don't look!" Samuel said accusingly as he reached back to put a paw over his tail as he turned to face the older canine; forgetting momentarily that the front of him was naked too. Thus the dingo was presented with a fleeting glance of the young male's puphood who's pink tip was peaking slightly out of the end of his sheath. Before being quickly covered by two paws as Samuel realised what he had done.

"Hey, Relax Samuel, I didn't mean anything by it, I was just saying you have a nice body that's all. You have nothing to be embarrassed about, in fact quite the opposite should be the case. Besides you saw a lot more of me this morning as I recall." Kuenia said trying to reassure the pup.

"Yeah, I guess." Samuel mumbled not sounding very convinced.

Kuenia decided to take the initiative before he made things any worse by manoeuvring himself in the tub so that he was sitting with his back to the pup, his tail sticking straight out behind him between the beagles foot paws; who was still standing there, paws covering his maleness.

Squirting some fur shampoo out onto his arms and over his chest he quickly lathered up the front of his upper torso before passing the bottle over his shoulder saying "Would you mind washing my back please? I'll wash yours later if you like."

"Ok." Samuel said quietly. Stepping forward and taking the bottle from kuenia before squirting a large blob of shampoo onto the dingo's neck fur and down his back.

As the beagle began rubbing the shampoo into Kuenia's back the older male could feel that the pup was relaxing, as he worked the cleaning solution into the dingo's coat.

"Thank you Samuel" Kuenia said appreciatively as he lifted is legs out of the water one at a time to shampoo the fur on them as well. "Your paws feel so much nicer than the scrubbing brush I usually use to clean my back."

"Well I'm glad you think I'm better than a rough old scrubbing brush." Samuel said like the comment had been a great insult as he lightly dug his claws into the dingos back getting a slight grown from the older canine.

Samuel then reached for the metal bowl still sitting beside the tub and began scooping up water which he then tipped over Kuenia's back to wash the shampoo out. then using a paw he gently flattened each of the dingo's ears in turn to stop from pouring water straight down into them as he washed off the older canines neck and head fur.

"You know Kuenia, if you had ear flaps like me, you wouldn't have to worry about water accidentally getting in your ears."

"If I had ear flaps like you, I might not be able to hear cheeky pups sneaking up on me." came the reply as kuenia lowered his second leg back into the water having now with Samuel's help cleaned himself all over apart from his groin and around his tail. The dingo was a little tentative about washing his genitals, knowing full well that a combination; of the warm water, the young beagles massaging back wash and the sight of the very cute pup's well toned if a little skinny naked body, had left the Dingo feeling more than a little aroused and his member was just itching to come out to play in all his splendour.

Just then Kuenia's thoughts were interrupted by Samuel saying "Kuenia if you lift your tail out of the water I can wash that too if you like?"

"Thank you Samuel that would be kind of you." Kuenia said leaning forward so he was kneeling on all fours raising not only the dingo's tail but various other odds and ends were now dangling directly in front of the young beagle, who despite his own modesty earlier over kuenia seeing his genitals, didn't seem to have any problems when the roles were reversed.

Reaching out a paw Samuel gently rubbed Kuenia's scrotum asking in a slightly excited yet quiet voice "Do you want me to wash you down here as well."

Kuenia gasping a little at the touch, found himself no longer able to hold himself in check. His erection rapidly forcing its way out of his sheath, as breathlessly the dingo replied. "If you don't mind, I would love that samuel."

As Samuel reached beside Kuenia to grab the shampoo from where it had been left after kuenia had used it on his legs. The young beagle leant heavily on the Dingo's hind quarters to steady himself, as he started to over balance from reaching so far forward. The result of this was to cause the Dingo to thrust forward slightly. Kuenia felt his knot slip free from his sheath during the involuntary movement. The older male chuckled silently to himself as he realised the futility in even thinking, he could have concealed his rather large throbbing member from the younger canine, given their respective positions in the bath tub. At this point the whole thing was mute as his shaft bounced happily beneath him with every powerful beat of the older canines heart.

Samuel didn't say anything, but the speed in which he washed the older male's tail before moving on to what lay below spoke volumes in its own right. The pup gingerly washed around Kuenia's tail hole lightly tracing a claw around the puckered opening as he did so causing the older male to shiver slightly at the touch. The pup then moved quickly on diligently and much more slowly now applying the shampoo, to thoroughly cover Kuenia's testicles, his sheath that was rather scrunched up at the moment by the dingo's ample canine knot and last but the furtherest thing from least the throbbing member that bounced and pulsated under Samuel's gentle caress. The large thick shaft was periodically spurting precum from the tip and making it's owner moan in pleasure with every touch of the beagles paw pads, as samuel began rubbing back and forth along the sensitive flesh.

In the back of Kuenia's head he knew he really shouldn't be getting off on the pups tender touch given the young males age. However at this point the Dingo was beyond caring about anything, as he started thrusting his throbbing meat frantically through the pup's shampoo lubricated paws as he rapidly approached orgasm.

Thinking back to earlier in the day, Samuel realised that Kuenia was acting the same way he had just before he squirted that yummy sticky stuff, so pulled the dingo's penis back through the older canines legs to point back towards the beagle's wide open mouth. Kuenia let out a low growl of frustration at the change in stimulation of his shaft, causing him to temporarily lose his rhythm; before he changed his motion to now pull his knot firmly against the pup's grasping paw in a simulation of a tie. The older canine almost instantly returning himself to the peak once more, let out a loud howl, shooting several thick rope like spurts straight into the younger canines eagerly waiting mouth. Panting the Dingo let his back end collapse into the water, with Samuel still holding Kuenia's shaft pulled back between the adult male's muscular legs. "Thank you Samuel that felt incredible! You can let my penis go now if you like, I think it's probably clean now inside and out.

The beagle blushed a little under his fur as he released Kuenia's penis allowing it to return back to its usual forward facing direction once more; gently striking the bottom of the bath in the process, causing the dingo to wince very slightly. Kuenia Reached down to carefully run a paw over his own very slowly softening shaft rinsing any remaining soap off, before turning to Samuel "Ok now lets get you clean. Would you like me to wash your back?"

Samuel just nodded his head. As both males turned around to reverse their respective positions Kuenia couldn't help but notice the fact that Samuel's own much smaller penis was standing quite proudly on display, sticking straight up out of the pup's small white furred sheath leaving only the knobs still remaining inside the fuzzy sleeve. Kuenia decided that despite the pup's condition being perfectly natural if not expected from what they had just done. It would be best for now to pretend that the Dingo hadn't seen anything.

"Samuel if you soap up your arms first then give me the shampoo I'll get started on your back."

"Ok." Samuel responded, his mind racing as to what might happen if the Dingo offered to wash between his legs. It gave him a tingly feeling in his stomach and his own penis was sticking out of his sheath, although it wasn't the first time this had happened. It was the first time anyone else had seen it and Samuel was sure Kuenia had noticed, although the older male hadn't said anything. Samuel couldn't decide if he wanted kuenia to touch him down there, it had obviously felt good to the Dingo. However he was nervous, no one had ever touched his privates since his mum used to wash him when he was little.

It did not go un-noticed by the Dingo, the incredibly slow speed that the young Beagle was going while soaping up his arms. It didn't take a genius to guess what the pup was deep in thought about.

Kuenia decided to just continue to play it cool and not say anything for now and hope that, that was the right thing to do. As the last thing the Dingo wanted was to cause the youngster any stress. He would just wash only those parts the beagle asked him to wash, no more, no less.

"Almost finished with the soap there Samuel.

"Um... Oh yeah, here you go." The pup replied the question breaking into his thoughts."

"Close your eyes Samuel, so I don't get fur shampoo in them and I'll wash your head while you finish your arms and paws.

Kuenia gently massaged the soapy liquid into the fur of the beagles head and on both sides of the pups ear flaps. "You know Samuel, once you get all this dirt out of your coat, you have really soft fur." Kuenia said complimenting the young canine as he used the metal bowl to rinse off the beagles head once more.

"Well we can't all have scrubbing brush fur like yours, you know" Samuel said relaxing slightly about the odd feelings he had been experiencing about being washed by the Dingo.

"Why you cheeky little scamp, I'll have you know it's only wiry if you brush it backwards." Kuenia stated with a false tone of indignity. Grabbing the fur shampoo and squirting a large blob onto his left paw, the Dingo then rubbed his paws together and suddenly reached around the beagle. Taking care to stay above the pups still slightly protruding young member the Dingo started half scrubbing half tickling the pups tummy fur and up under his armpits. causing the pup to burst into giggles and splash water around everywhere adding to the already soak bathroom floor.

"Hey stop that!" Samuel yelled still laughing and squirming around under the Dingos ticklish approach to cleaning his torso.

Kuenia continued for a few seconds longer until he was sure he had actually got fur shampoo worked into all the area that he was tickling. Before saying "As you wish master Samuel." The Dingo then reached right over the top of the Beagle and grabbed the pups right foot paw, lifting it out of the water Kuenia quickly squirted it with the fur shampoo; before beginning to scrub all of the limb that was sticking out of the water paying particular attention to the pups paw pads saying "I wonder if you have ticklish paws?"

"Noooo!" Samuel shouted "Don't tickle my paw!" as he tried to lower his legs back into the water to escape the older male's attack on his ticklish paw pads.

"Ok." Kuenia said releasing the beagles leg and attempting to grab the pup's other leg. This time however, Samuel was prepared and tried to hold his leg down which only lead to the beagle being tipped backward as kuenia lifted the pups other leg up out of the water. Samuels head bumped hard against Kuenia's penis which although had soften substantially was still being held out of his sheath by the heavy gland at it's base.

The impact had taken both males by surprise and despite the momentary pain kuenia had suffered, he couldn't help but burst into laughter as he looked down at Samuel. The pup was laying on the dingo's lap with a large penis sticking straight up between the beagles head and his right ear flap. "Samuel I appreciate the thought but I was happy with you using your paws to clean me down there, you don't need to polish that with your ears." Kuenia said cheerfully grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh gross!" Samuel said trying to sit up, but having a great deal of trouble doing so since Kuenia still had the younger males foot paw held tight with in his grasp. The dingo seeing he had the advantage at that second decided to quickly clean the limb before briefly tormenting the poor pup with another tickle attack on his oh so sensitive paws.

However the tables were quickly turned very much in Samuels favour when a thought occurred to the ticklishly squirming young pup. "You better stop tickling me, or you'll be sooooorry!" and with that Samuel turned his head opening his mouth wide so that Kuenia's shaft was between his wide open jaws.

"Oh I concede. You win! You win!" kuenia said placatingly as he released the beagles paw. "Well played my young friend, it is fair to say I would like to keep that attached to me."

Samuel moved his head carefully away from the dingo's Caninehood before closing his maw and Grinning devilishly, pleased that his little bluff had worked to free him from the tickle onslaught. "That's a good dog." Samuel said mockingly as he reached up and playfully booped Kuenia on his nose.

"A Good dog indeed!" Kuenia said with a laugh while splashing water on Samuels tummy and over his chest taking the opportunity to rinse the beagle's front off while he was still laying in a good position to do so.

Kuenia could easily see that Samuel had completely lost his erection during their playful tussling in the last minute or so. Thus the Dingo thought it somewhat safer to ask the question that had been perplexing both males on and off for the last few minutes. "So now Samuel, do you want to wash the rest of you yourself, or do you want me to do it for you?" Kuenia could feel Samuel tense up for a moment at the question before he relaxed again reaching a decision saying quietly. "You can wash me Kuenia, if you like."

"if your sure Samuel, I don't want to do anything you don't want me to do." Kuenia said very gently tugging on the fur between the beagles large floppy ears, getting the pup to look up at Kuenia.

"No, I want to know what it feels like." Samuel replied with some conviction in is voice this time as he stared straight into the Dingo's eyes. Kuenia wasn't entirely sure Samuel was talking about just being washed, but the older canine still thought it would be better to ensure the pup receive a thorough bathing of his entire body; just to be sure he was completely clean from all of the dirt and grime the young male had picked up while living on the street. So he agreed to the pups wishes.

"Ok Samuel, hop up onto your paws like you saw me do before." Kuenia said smiling down at the young pup.

Samuel rolled himself forward so he was on all fours, but it was instantly obvious to kuenia that the position was less than ideal. As the pups much smaller size meant that the water was a lot closer to those things that needed to be washed, than it had been for the dingo. Which would make soaping up the young pup's fur much harder.

However Kuenia decided to deal with the issue when and if it became a problem. as he took the beagle's thin tail into his paws and massaged the fur shampoo gently into the long appendage. The Dingo paid careful attention to the tip which was changing colour like magic right before his eyes. After dipping it back in the water to rinse the shampoo off Samuels tail reappeared almost glowing with whiteness, compared to the dirty brown grey it had been previously.

"You have a really nice bright fur patten under all this dirt." kuenia said working the shampoo into the fur on the top of the beagles legs and around beside the young pups genitals without actually touching the equipment dangling there.

Samuel turned his head to look back at Kuenia saying unexcitedly "It's nothing special lots of beagles have those colours on their fur."

"Perhaps, but I like how they look on you!" Kuenia said smiling back at the younger male. "Now could you straighten your legs a bit the water keeps washing the shampoo off your legs before I can soap it in properly.

"You just want to look at my tail hole" Samuel said with a slight giggle at the crudeness of his statement, but complied with the request none the less.

"Yes well, as I keep trying to tell you I do like all of you and that includes you tail hole" kuenia said pressing softly against the small star for emphasis before lathering the small orifice with the fur shampoo as well.

"Hey!" Samuel jumped slightly "That is an exit only hole! Nothing goes in that way!"

Kuenia laughed raising his paws up into the air "I believe you, I believe you." however the pups statement made kuenia think of something. Reaching out Kuenia gently used his soap covered claws to spread the beagles tail hole open very slightly. Much to the Dingo's relief he saw no evidence that the pup had worms.

"What are you doing to my tail hole" Samuel almost shouted as he abruptly dropped his rear end back into the water, while at the same time turning to face the Dingo and moving his tail hole well outside of the older canine's reach. The resulting movement caused a mini tidal wave to splash over the edge of the bathtub onto the already soaked floor.

"Just seeing If I need to buy you some grancore leaves." Kuenia said apologetically.

Scrambling to his foot paws to glare at the larger canine face to face, Samuel pointed an accusing paw at the Dingo shouting indignantly "I DO NOT HAVE WORMS!"

"Samuel" Kuenia said quietly "I am very sorry if I offended you, you do know I only want you to be happy and healthy, don't you?"

"Yeah I guess so, It's just when you live on the street people just assume you don't care about looking after yourself. They just think, your covered in fleas and full of worms." Samuel said the anger draining from his voice only to be replace by sorrow.

"Oh my dear pup, I would never think that about you." Kuenia said pulling the small canine into a firm hug, "Can you ever forgive me for making you think that's what I thought"

"Yeah, I guess so. It's just I am so used to everyone assuming the worst I'm a bit touchy on the subject. Now can you let go a bit your squishing me." Samuel said pulling back from the hug slightly.

Kuenia let the Beagle go, saying "Oops, I guess if I'm not insulting you, I'm squashing the air out of you."

"Well I didn't say you had to stop, just don't squishify me." Samuel said now smiling once more, the Beagle had actually found the hug somewhat comforting.

"I will remember that for next time." Kuenia said returning the smile with the young pup. "Now there are still one or two things left to get washed, are you still happy for me to finish your bath or do you want to finish up yourself.

"You can do it, but no more sudden moves or poking claws where they don't belong. Got it Mr!" Samuel said in the best stern voice he could manage.

"Got it!" Kuenia said putting out a paw to stop samuel who had started to turn around again to resume his position on all fours. "you don't need to get back down again it'll be easier to get you finished off just how you are. And this way you can keep an eye on me, to make sure I don't miss behave again."

"Yeah, good idea, I do need to keep an eye on you. But it's a bit chilly just standing here with wet fur." the beagle replied giving a little shiver but other wise seeming happy once more.

"Then I better be quick then." Kuenia responded squirting a line of shampoo from the tip of Samuel's sheath down to his balls where he drew a circle around the furry orbs with the liquid soap.

Samuel squirmed "Hey that feels cold!"

"Well I better rub it between my paws then to warm you up again." Kuenia said as he started to gently massage the fur shampoo thoroughly into the fur of the Beagles small scrotum and sheath.

Samuel sucked in a breath at the older males touch but said nothing, just taking in the new strange feeling of someone else handling his immature and most private of puppy parts so lovingly.

Kuenia rolled each testicle around carefully in his paw, as he cleaned the fur covered sack that held the tender young purls. Before moving his attention higher to the slender fuzzy sleeve that concealed the Beagle's puphood.

The Dingo worked his paw slowly and methodically over the fur from the pups testicles up to the small slit at the end of Samuels sheath, where he wiped a tiny greenish drop of smegma from the opening. Before working his way down over the soft fluffy tube once more.

As Kuenia passed back over the pups lower sheath he could feel the unmistakable bulge of the Beagles knot starting to expand within its fur covered home. The Dingo noticed that Samuel had also started to pant quietly as the pink tip of the pups shaft poked ever so slightly out of his sheath.

"Samuel, are you ok, do you want me to stop." Kuenia asked not wanting to take things any further than the pup was comfortable with, given his extreme reaction over his tail hole being touched. However at the same time, being able to see the pups penis and knot would help to ease the Dingo's mind that the pup had no other illnesses hiding down there. As he had no real idea what the small pup had been through in his young life.

"Samuel who had been intensely watching Kuenia's large tan paws at work, looked up at the Dingo's face saying "It feels funny, but I think I like it."

"Ok then Samuel, but if you want me to stop just say so, ok?" Samuel nodded and with that kuenia gently grasped the tan flecked white furred sheath in his paw and pulled it carefully down and over the Beagles still slowly growing knot. The bright yet pale pink shaft emerging into view like a wombat stepping from his warren, unhurriedly yet without fear and with an unstoppable force to his movement.

The sight that stood proudly before the Dingo was pure canine perfection. The shaft swung downwards bending at the highly flexible point below the Beagles knot, no longer able to maintain the upright position it had been in without the pups sheath to give it assistance in such a lofty goal.

Kuenia with great care for the sensitive flesh took the pups member into his other paw and rotated it inspecting the small but still rapidly growing shaft in a meticulous manner, not completely dissimilar to what Samuel had done with the Dingos own penis much earlier that same day.

Kuenia could see some faint traces of dirt and slightly more smegma than could be considered normal, most likely caused from the dirt. However much to the Dingo's relief this part of his new young friends body was also quite healthy and with a quick clean would be as good as new.

"It's not as big as yours." Samuel said quietly as he noticed kuenia seem to be slowly looking him over.

"Are you kidding pup, for a dog your size this thing is huge!" Kuenia said reassuringly as he gave the pups knot a firm squeeze making the beagle gasp and his shaft pulse quickly three times within the Dingo's grasp. The pups immature young reproductive system trying to shoot lubricating liquids, that it would still be some time before his body would be able to start producing.

"Wow, that felt weird." Samuel said with a puzzled look on his face that almost made Kuenia laugh, as he squirted a small amount of shampoo onto his left paw. The Beagles knot having grown enough now, to perform the task of holding the younger males sheath back out of the way. Freeing the Dingo's paw to now rub the slippery cleaning solution all over the pups now periodically throbbing member.

With the aid of the unscented fur shampoo creating a frictionless surface the Dingo's paw glided effortlessly and smoothly up down and all around the young canines tender sensitive flesh. Kuenia ran his paw from the pointed tip right down over the bulb of the Beagle's knot and over the root of the young phallus, pushing the sheath back as far as it would go in the process.

"STOP!" Samuel suddenly cried out his legs shaking slightly. "It's starting to feel really really strange down there, sort of like I need to pee."

Kuenia letting go of Samuel's penis the instant the pup spoke "That means I must have been doing it right."

"What! You want me to pee on you?" Samuel said a little shocked, as his body was starting to relax returning back from the brink.

"Nope, but that feeling I am willing to bet doesn't mean you want to pee, but rather that you were about to cum." Kuenia said smiling

"But you said I was to young to shoot white stuff like you do." Samuel stated accusingly as if the Dingo had lied to him. "Besides that just felt to strange, I thought it was supposed to feel really good when you squirt that stuff?"

"Yes, you are to young to shoot the stuff, but obviously not to young to get the good feelings that go with it" Kuenia started "But it didn't feel good, it just felt, well I don't know." Samuel interjected.

"Ok I obviously didn't explain things very well. Let me try again, the strange feelings you felt are what happens before you would shoot white stuff. They get stronger and stronger like as you say you want to pee, but just when you think you can't take it getting any stronger your dick shoots out the white stuff from you balls and it's like an explosion of good feelings in your brain. Now in your case nothing gets squirted out because your balls aren't making the stuff yet, but you brain can still give you the feelings anyway. Does that make sense."

Samuel nodded his head but still looked quite dubious about the whole thing.

"Samuel, your all washed now anyway, did you want to just get rinsed off and go and have tea?"

Samuel looked at kuenia intently for a second then said "You swear, on your tail that it feels that good?"

"Yes, there is nothing else quite like it. But Samuel you are still young you have plenty of time to learn about this stuff, I shouldn't have taken this that far." Kuenia said a little guiltily.

"But I wanted you to do it." Samuel said a little confused, but also slightly worried that he might have missed out on something amazing if what the Dingo had said was true. After all it sort of made sense that if white stuff had to come out of you thing that it would sort of feel like peeing. "Kuenia will you do it to me again, please, I want you too."

"Are you really sure Samuel, we never have to do that stuff again you know." Kuenia said gently putting a paw on the pups shoulder looking into his bright young eyes.

"Please Kuenia."

"Ok but we shouldn't use fur shampoo again it can damage the skin if you use to much on that part of you." Kuenia used the metal bowl to rinse the remaining shampoo off the Beagles puphood including retracting the young canines sheath fully to makes sure no soap had been trapped inside the fluffy sock that might later cause irritation.

Putting the bowl down beside the bath once more, Kuenia gently pulled the pup closer, before leaning forward slightly to lick at the beagle's sensitive oval shaped testicles getting a slight giggle from their owner. The Dingo took each small jewel into his muzzle one at a time sucking tenderly on each fur covered orb in turn. The ministration causing the Beagle's member to once more return to full attention after it had soften somewhat during the last few minutes.

Kuenia having to really look up now the pup was standing right in front of him said "Now Samuel when you think the feelings are getting to strong let me know and I will do my best to turn them into the really good feelings, ok?"

"Ok Kuenia" the pup said nodding with anticipation as the Dingo took his entire young length knot and all into his long muzzle. The older male began running his wide canine tongue all over the young males shaft, bobbing his head up and down slightly taking great care to keep his teeth a safe distance from the meaty rod while suckling tenderly on the sensitive flesh.

Samuel with out really knowing why, took the sides of the large broad canine head in front of him into his small paws and began pushing his groin forward to meet the Dingo's head movement.

With the added heat around his puphood, the Beagle felt the strange feeling coming over him much faster. This time Samuel tried to not let it overwhelm him, but eventually it was all getting to much. He was about to try and get Kuenia's attention when the Dingo suddenly change what he was doing, like he had read the young pups mind.

Kuenia feeling the pup's body get more rigid and starting to quiver, let the Beagles knot slip from his muzzle, before increasing his suction on the slender shaft still left inside the warm moist cave. Using his large paw the Dingo pulled firmly behind the pups young knot, while at the same time applying equal yet opposing pressure to the younger canine's groin preventing the pup from being tugged forward and maintaing the strong tie like hold the Dingo was providing.

Samuel threw his head back and let out a strangled howl, as the pups first ever orgasm rocketed through the beagle's young body; making every nerve sing and dance as he collapsed forward over the Dingo's head.

Kuenia waiting a few seconds till the young canine's shaft had stopped jerking violently so as not to deprive the pup of any pleasure. Released the young males knot and helped Samuel to turn and sit back down in the water so the pup could lean back against the older males chest.

"So, what did you think?" Kuenia said placing a paw over the pups tummy while ruffling the Beagles head fur with his other paw.

"Ok, your tail is safe, you weren't lying, that was AWSOME!" the pup shouting the last word. "I can't wait to tell Gary about this stuff."

"Um, isn't Gary a little older than you?" Kuenia asked looking down at the pup's head.

"Yeah, So, he's only a year older?" Samuel replied tilting is head back to look at the Dingo.

"Well, I just meant he might already know if he's older and he has brothers."

"But, how? Do you think Geena and..." Samuel began

"No!, I broke the rules by teaching you this sort of thing at your age. However Pups and Joey's as they get older and start to make white stuff in their balls, they also begin to get feelings that makes them want to touch themselves down there. When they do, suddenly they find out what you just have. So you can be pretty sure Gary's brothers have worked it out already, so they might have shown Gary"

"Oh!" Samuel said a bit disappointed at the thought that the amazing new thing he had learnt about may not be new to his friend. Then he had a thought "If Gary knows about this stuff, why wouldn't he have told me about it then?"

"Samuel I don't know if he knows about it or not, everybody learns about it sooner or later anyway. But he might just know the rule that you aren't supposed to do things with those that are younger than you when they are a pup.

"Why would anyone make up stupid rules about this stuff. When it feels so great?" samuel said looking puzzled.

"Do you remember how you acted when I touched your tail hole earlier?" Kuenia said trying to work out how to explain this.

"Yeah, but you just surprised me. I didn't know what you were doing."

"Precisely, so because pups don't know about this stuff to do anything with them can be very scary for them. " Kuenia said hoping the Beagle was understanding what he was saying.

"Well that doesn't make any sense, if no one tells you about this stuff isn't it more likely to be scary?" Samuel said forcing Kuenia to rethink his approach because he couldn't entirely disagree with the pup's logic.

"Ok, so when you touch your self, or you want someone who cares about you to touch you. Things are usually fine because you want it to happen. However if someone touches you by tricking you or forcing themselves on you because they are bigger or stronger or they know about stuff you don't, than it can hurt and feel really bad. So, if Gary does know about this stuff, then he might not have said or wanted to do anything incase he hurt or scared you.

"Ok I think I sort of get that if you don't want to be touched down there it can be bad, but why can't pups know about this stuff." Samuel said still a little confused.

Kuenia could see he was getting nowhere fast just said "Well all I'm saying is if your going to talk to Gary about this stuff or try anything with him, just be really sure he wants to do things. So if he doesn't know about this stuff and doesn't want to do anything don't try and force him just because you think it will make him feel good eventually."

"Ok, but I wouldn't do anything to hurt gary anyway." Samuel said slightly offended at the Dingo's insinuation that he might force the joey to do something against his will.

"Fair enough, just keep what I said in mind before you start yelling about this stuff from the mountain tops. Because that is just not done in polite society. Ok?"

"Yeah. Ok." Samuel said smiling evilly before standing up and saying loudly "Here Ye, Here Ye."


Kuenia laughing as he got to his foot paws also, grabbed the young beagle around the waist picking him up and stepping out of the bath with the priceless and very squirmy bundle of fur. "What am I going to do with you young dog." putting the Beagle down gently so he would not slip on the wet floor the Dingo grabbed a towel and weakly threw it over the shorter canine's head, which currently had a tongue sticking prominently out from a tan and white coloured muzzle. "Hurry up and get dried so we can go and eat."

Samuel lifting the towel up said "Mmmm, food" as he licked his lips.

"You really are a bottomless pit aren't you" Kuenia said laughing once more, thinking this pup really was a ray of sunshine that had come into his life.

"Yep" Samuel replied as he enthusiastically dried his fur off.

When both canines were dry once more, Kuenia hung the towels up to dry, before picking up the dirty clothes from the floor and chucking them into a basket in the corner of the room.

"Aren't we going to get dressed again?" Samuel enquired as kuenia placed the lid back on the basket.

"What? You shy all of a sudden?" Kuenia asked with a lopsided grin before adding a bit more seriously "We're not going out again today, and in this house we don't put dirty wet clothes back on over clean fur. So we will wash your clothes tomorrow before you put them on again." Kuenia then continued silently to himself "with any luck, if I can get my act together you will never have to put those rags on again."

You just want to keep looking at my butt." Samuel said swinging his hips suggestively, his tail curled up and swaying gently as he tried to reproduce the walk he had seen Sue and Jilly use when they were trying to attract males, before he ran from the room with a yip as kuenia took a good natured swat at the young canine's rear end.

"Dream on pup!" Kuenia called after the beagle, "Now come into the kitchen our tea should be ready by now.

"Cool, food!" a naked flash of young canine shouted as he tore past the equally naked dingo as they both entered the kitchen to eat.

Samuel finished not only his piece of quiche but helped to finish the dingo's piece as well. Kuenia who had not been overly hungry after eating quite regularly throughout the day wondered aloud "Where do you put it all?"

The beagle who was currently licking his paws to remove any stray crumbs said happily "Hey, I'm a growing pup you know." Or at least that's what kuenia thought he said, the young males last few words being almost unrecognisable as Samuel yawned opening his mouth wide enough that Kuenia could see right to the back of the pups throat.

"You know, you really should cover that huge cake hole of yours with a paw when you do that." Kuenia said with a grin, getting a raspberry blown at him in response from the younger canine. "Well, I guess its time for bed then." Kuenia said seriously, trying to sound like a responsible parent.

"But I'm not tired." Samuel complained, only to be betrayed by his own body which chose that exact moment to make him yawn again.

"Well that may be true, but it is still time you were in bed. Its going to be a big day tomorrow, and it's time to get some rest."

Kuenia standing from the table lifted Samuel out of his chair and carried the pup to the toilet where he put the beagle down again and said "Now pee, then its off to bed with you."

"I can't just pee on command!" Samuel said doing his best to stall the inevitable journey to bed.


"Oh really, then let me help you." Kuenia said reaching down and before Samuel could say anything else. The dingo had retracted the pups sheath and was pointing the beagles penis at the toilet bowl; and gently began rubbing his paw pads over the tiny opening on the pointed tip of the younger dogs member, stimulating the urge for the pup to start urinating.

"Hey, what the..." Samuel started to say, kuenia releasing the pups small penis, when the beagle grabbed for his own shaft; as a stream of urine started to poor from his puphood. The younger canine was a little surprised and annoyed at how easily Kuenia had manage to trick his body into obeying the dingo's wishes.

"That wasn't fair" Samuel finally got out as the stream of urine had reduced to a trickle and came to a stop.

"What? You said you couldn't go, so I helped you go. What's the problem?" Kuenia said as if his actions were absolutely reasonable and completely logical.

Samuel just huffed saying "Yeah...but..." the pup not really being able to come up with any valid argument to dispute the Dingo's logic.


"Now lets wash our paws and get you into bed, I hope to have a surprise for you in the morning" Kuenia added noting the instant change in the pups demeanour at the suggestion of a surprise.

"What is it?" Samuel said curiously.

"If I told you that, it wouldn't be a surprise now would it? Now clean those paws and get your tail into bed"

Samuel quickly washed and dried his paws before dashing into his bedroom and leaping into bed, where Kuenia who was following the pup, tucked the beagle in saying quietly "Good night Samuel, sleep well and have happy dreams my precious young pup." Kuenia then kissed the beagle softly on his head between the ears.

"Hey Kuenia do you really love me?" Samuel asked quietly.

"Yes Samuel I do, but I'll love you even more if you go to sleep" Kuenia now was beginning to accept that yes he really did love this young pup more than he had first thought. The pup seemed to fill a hole in his heart that until today he didn't even know was there.

"Good night Kuenia" Samuel said yawning and closing his eyes a smile spread across his muzzle as he snuggled into the warm bed, drifting off to sleep truly happier and more content than he could remember being since his parents death more than two years earlier.

"Good night Samuel." Kuenia replied softly.

Samuel awoke early the next morning, to find a magnificent new bright purple suit with a light blue handkerchief sticking out of a coat pocket laying on the end of his bed. Ready for him to start his new life with the dingo, who was sleeping soundly in a chair in the corner of the room, not making it to his own bed after working on the pups new suit long into the previous night.

The end.

I hope you enjoyed Samuel's story. It may have only been a single day in the beagles life, but if this day had never happened Samuel would have undoubtedly ended up in jail and probably would have died long before his time.

Thankfully though, this day did happen and it was a day Samuel would never forget. Even years later when he married lucy (the seamstress Kuenia hired to help with the sowing) and had pups of his own. The beagle would still go to bed each night thankful for this one day that changed his life.


This snippet of Samuel's life didn't seem to fit in the story but I had to write it to give myself some closure on a few things so I have just whacked it on the end here.)

As Samuel turned into the quiet street distant memories of the past filled the thirteen year old beagle's head, he had been avoiding this street for years, never returning here since shortly after his parents death. The memories grew even stronger as he approached the door of a vaguely familiar house owned by an old female koala called Mrs Jackobe. Mrs J was his families land lady and lived next to his old family home. With the dress he was delivering in one paw, Samuel knocked firmly on the large oak door with the other.

When the door opened Samuel said "Hi Mrs J. long time no see!"

The old Koala let out a scream before grabbing the pup in a tight embrace that was squeezing the air out of the beagle. "Samuel, I thought, I thought you were dead."

"Well if you keep this up, I just might be." came the muffled replied from the teenaged canine who wasn't completely unhappy with having his muzzle buried between the ample breasts of the old female koala.

"Oh Sorry, please come in Samuel, How are you? Where have you been? Are you..." the old marsupial started to ramble eager to know everything.

Samuel raised a paw "If you've got some of those scones I remember so well, I'll tell you the whole story."

"Ah Samuel, still thinking of your stomach I see. Now let me look at you! You've grown up to be such a hansom canine, and look at those muscles, I tell you if I was seventy years younger I'd be all over you..." the koala said with a wink.

Samuel started to turn a nice shade of pink under his fur as he followed the older female into the kitchen.

After samuel had described some of the major mile stones in his life, from his time on the streets to meeting kuenia while intermittently stuffing his muzzle full of the divine tasting scones. Mrs Jackobe began to tell Samuel about some details of what had happened after his parents had been killed, including some information about the Fox and Rabbit that had looked after him briefly.

The Fox and the Rabbit had systematically gone about selling everything not nailed down from the pup's family home. The pair had even told the old Koala landlady that you samuel were so distressed that you couldn't bare to return to the house again, and wanted to make a clean start with them now that they were adopting you. Naturally I didn't really question this. "I really wish I had though, I greatly regretted not at least checking on you later, but those two charlatans where really convincing. I even waved the fee that would normally have to be paid for breaking the lease on your families home."

When I locked the door behind the fox after the last items of your family had been removed from the house. I asked the fox to tell you that "I wished you all the best, and your always welcome to pop around to see me for some scones and a muzzle wag any time you liked." Just like you used to do sometimes when I puppy sat you, when your parents had to go out.

As Mrs Jackobe was talking Samuel had just been sitting there somewhat stunned with tears starting to form in his eyes. When the old Koala stopped speaking he quietly growled "They didn't tell me anything!"

"When you never came around I just assumed you had moved away or just didn't want to see me." the elderly female continued. "However when I bumped into them a while later. The fox and his rabbit wife had another pup with them, and completely denied any knowledge of you. So I hired a private investigator a nice vulpine Tod to look into matters for me. What he uncovered was an elaborate scam the fox and rabbit were running, where they would pose as distant relatives to get custody of a pup. Since the authorities had not been able to find any other living relatives to take care of the youngster, they were usually happy to hand the pup over and the pair would then bleed the estate dry. Before dumping the pup in an orphanage and repeating the scam all over again."

The private detective had refused Mrs Jackobe's money once he had uncovered the truth saying "I'm embarrassed to even be the same species as this scum bag, the only payment I want is to get this sick bastard and his wife off the streets and behind bars." which is exactly what happened after the Koala and the P.I. turned the evidence over to the law enforcers.

Mrs Jackobe told Samuel "I tried to find you, but you just seemed to have disappeared. Mr Clark my vulpine P.I. tracked you to an orphanage, but it had been closed down for abusing it's young wards, and the only mention of you was that you had run away."

"Yeah it was a really nasty place, they would work us Thirteen hours a day and barely fed us enough not to starve. I think I actually ate better sometimes, while I was living on the streets than I did in that place." The teenage beagle spat out with obvious disdain in his voice.

Then smiling he continued "When I talked to Kuenia about that place and what went on there he got so mad. He stormed out of the shop even though it was eight o'clock at night, and went to see a judge who was one of his customers and the place was closed down the very next day. All the orphans were sent to other orphanages and kuenia and myself check on them occasionally to make sure they are doing ok. Kuenia has even been helping some of the older orphans get apprenticeships."

"That was you and Kuenia?" Mrs Jackobe said with astonishment.

Beaming with pride samuel said "Yep, though it was mainly Kuenia, my dad is really amazing. Hey, that's probably why your Mr Clark couldn't find me, Kuenia adopted me on my tenth birthday so my name is now Samuel Wangarra. Anyway Mrs J. you really must come around for tea, I'm sure Kuenia would love to know who you are, apart from a beautiful lady with good tastes in clothes and stacks of doe." the teenage canine said with a broad smile and a wink.

"Why you cheeky young pup!" Mrs Jackobe said with a mock rebuke of the beagle's flippant comment as she tapped Samuel gently on his nose.

Well that's all folks.

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