Cyn Part 9

Story by Voltair on SoFurry

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#9 of Cyn

Okay. Commentary time. Here's the deal; Semi-final chapter. Thats pretty much it. Enjoy.

Cyn lied, miserable, locked within a large cell. Will? Dead. Left on the ground at the cathedral, his own sword driven through his body. Elrin, the one who killed him and caused this disaster paid the price. He was also dead, left at the cathedral. Cyn hated him for what he had done, causing Will's death. If he hadn't given her the full powers of an Arcane Drake, none of this would have happened. As for Ryan? She hadn't seen him since the male Arcane Drake attacked her, and she lost consciousness. All she could remember was Ryan's screams of agony as she lied under the might of the male Arcane Drake's magic, falling out of consciousness. There was a difference between her and him when it came to being awakened. She actually wanted to hold herself back; a part of her was still there. Meanwhile, this male already had the intention of harming others. The awakened Arcane Drake powers just made it worse. As she looked through the bars of her cell, surrounded by bleak grey stone, she heard footsteps heading in her direction. "Hello, beast." A young girl with a long braided pony-tail said, rounding the corner.

"You! Your that girl that steered me to that creep the first time!" Cyn growled, recognizing the girl almost instantly.

"What's wrong? You missing your human friend? The master told me all about it. So sad..." the girl said with as much sarcasm as she could, angering Cyn.

"I hate you." Cyn said, glaring at her. "I wish you and your master would just crawl off and die!"

"But sweetie... I just wanna be friends with you!" she said, giving a fake sad look to Cyn, before busting into laughter. "The master wants you as his mate. Willing or not! I came here to make sure you were health enough for his highness."

"His highness? More like lowness." Cyn growled, rolling her eyes.

"Please speak Lord Quetzu theway he is meant to be spoken to! With respect and dignity. After all, he rightfully can rule this world now!" she said with a smile.

"Quetzu? So that's what his name is." Cyn said, thinking to herself. "Listen, if Quetzu wants to mate with me, tell him he can shove his tail down his throat and choke on it!"

"Feisty till the last. By the way... I just figured I'd show you something." The girl said, walking away. She returned with a wheeled table, covered in cloth, something hidden under the blankets. "You see, the master wanted you to suffer. He wants you to wish you were dead. I am here to do that."

"Whatever you have, I promise I will break out of here! Cyn growled.

"Fine. You say that now. Anyways, I got to go." The girl said, uncovering the table, and walking out. What Cyn saw was absolutely horrifying. A dead human body and a red Arcane Drake's body lied on the table. Will and Ryan.

"WILL!!! RYAN!!!" Cyn screamed, gripping the bars of the cage. This was truly the most horrifying thing she could imagine. This male, Quetzu had to be the most evil thing to crawl the earth. Seeing the one she loved, and the only one of her kind she considered herself close to lying there, lifeless tore her apart fiber by fiber. She wanted to wring Quetzu's neck. "Ryan... Will... What am I supposed to do?" She asked, dropping to her knees. "He has taken everything I cared about, and is now preparing to do the same to the rest of the world. What can I do? I'm completely powerless."

"That's not anyway to talk." A female voice said from the cell beside her. "Quetzu thinks he is unbeatable... but there is a way. Another Arcane Drake at full power could beat him."

"But we would need another dragon." Cyn said, looking through the bars of the cage. She could see an emerald green face looking back at her; another female Arcane Drake.

"How do you know this?" Cyn asked the female.

"Simple... I have been here for about a month. Quetzu was talking about our kind, and said that it'd be great if I ruled beside him. He told me about the power, and about how he needed to find a dragon."

"I watched him kill the only dragon I ever knew. That's how he got the powers." Cyn said, lowering her head.

"Those two... are they your friends?" The green female asked.

"My mate and my friend." Cyn said, lowering her head.

"You are lucky to have mated with a male of your kind that wasn't evil like Quetzu." She said, smiling.

"No. My mate was Will... the human." She said, breaking into tears.

"You mated with a human?" The girl said, confused.

"He saved me from some hunters." Cyn said, sniffing slightly. "He got himself in trouble... wanted by the law, just to help me. He traveled by my side, fought against Quetzu. He never gave up on protecting me." Cyn cried, tears now rolling down her cheeks. "He even took down a dragon to protect me... and gave his life trying to save me. He was the only one I could ever truly love."

"I'm so sorry." The female said, lowering her head. "He sounds like the perfect mate... if only you two had been the same kind." She said, tears forming in her eyes. That's win it hit Cyn. Her dream was to bare Will children. She couldn't do that. She could never swim with him in the lake. Never watch the sunset. Never again wake up, her head on his chest, and his arms around her. That was all over... and it was all because of her and Will accompanying Ryan to Drangual. Elrin caused all of this... and now he was even dead. All she had left to take her anger out on was Quetzu.

"What's your name?" Cyn asked, looking at the female.

"I am Elmeera." She responded, looking at Cyn.

"I'm back!" The red-headed girl laughed, walking back through. "Listen, I need to move you into the same cage. Lord Quetzu needs space to put more prisoners. With a wave of her hand, Cyn appeared in Elmeera's cell. "Anyways, expect some new cell mates tonight. Lord Quetzu is going to clear out the kingdom of Ariis." She laughed, walking out of the room.

"Well, at least we have each other to entertain." Elmeera said, smiling at Cyn. Cyn noticed scars all over Elmeera's neck, shoulders, and thighs.

"He mates with you a lot, doesn't he?" Cyn asked, feeling bad.

"I'm used to it." She said, sighing. "It isn't pleasant, but at least it's better than sitting in this cell." Elmeera said, giggling. "So, do you mind if I do something?"

"Uh... what would this something be? Cyn asked, looking at the Drakeness.

"Well... I'm in heat right now. Quetzu wants me to lay his eggs. However, if I can satisfy myself as soon as possible, I may come out of heat, and Quetzu won't even know I was in heat." She said, looking at Cyn.

"But... how often does he mate with you?" Cyn asked.

"Often... but I just came in heat, and he usually only mates at the beginning of the week. It's Wednesday." She said, smiling.

"So what were you going to try?" Cyn asked, clueless.

"Nothing..." Elmeera said, rubbing up against Cyn. As Cyn tried to step away, she was forcefully pushed onto her back.

"What are you doing?" Cyn cried, trying to struggle as the female sat on her chest, her tail resting near Cyn's head.

"I wanted to see if something feels good... and you're my test dummy." She giggled, lowering her muzzle to Cyn's un-swollen slit. Running her tongue acrossed it. She felt Cyn shift her weight under her rump.

"St-stop..." Cyn growled, trying to lift the female off of her with her front paws. A wet spot formed on her chest where Elmeera's butt rested. As Cyn tried to push her off, the female's tongue penetrated Cyn, causing her vent to slowly swell from arousal.

"Not yet, Cyn. I'm not done." Elmeera said, licking across Cyn's slightly swollen clit, causing her to let out a feral purr.

"Stop... Elmeera... Please." Cyn begged as the tongue licked her. Cyn's breath quickened, and she could feel her body beginning to crave the warm, soft, wet tongue. Don't.... Please...." Cyn asked, closing her eyes. She had been under so much tension that she hadn't gotten to mate with Will since the first time. Her body was so tense... her soul was so heavy. Pushing her vent against the tongue, she snapped out of her trance for a few seconds, and uttered "Please don't do this."

"What's wrong, Cyn? We're both stressed out. We both need relief. Do you not want to calm yourself so that you can think more clearly?" Elmeera asked, causing Cyn to look up at Will lying on the table with Ryan.

"No. I'm sorry." Cyn said, mustering the strength to shove Elmeera off. As Elmeera regained her balance, she looked at Cyn. "I'm sorry. My body is Will's. I love him too much to do this. I admit, it did feel nice, but I won't relax until this is all over." Cyn said, looking at Elmeera. "You can lick yourself for pleasure, but I can't partake.

"Alright... Sorry." Elmeera said, walking over to a corner of the cell and laying on her back. Gently, she began licking herself, murring, and tickling her clit. As she pleasured herself, Cyn sat down, eyes closed, thinking about what she could do. She had to break free. She had to stop Quetzu.

"I know what I'm going to do." Cyn said, a determined look on her face. "That girl that comes through here... I'm going to tell her I'm in heat. Just play along, okay?"

"Mmph...." Elmeera moaned, looking at Cyn to acknowledge her. Thinking, she suddenly stood up, and tackled Cyn, pinning her and rubbing her vent to the blue Drakeness.

"What the... heck are you doing?" Cyn growled, trying to push her off.

"Cyn, you need to look and smell like you're in heat to convince her. I am, so I'm going to make sure you smell like me... and I'll make you aroused so that you at least are a little swollen." Elmeera said, smiling at Cyn.

"You just don't give up, do you?" Cyn said, slightly enjoying the sensation. She didn't want to admit it, but Elmeera knew what she was talking about, so she slightly relaxed herself, letting the other female work.

"Girls, the boss wanted me to check on you guys." The red-headed girl's voice echoed from a little ways away.

"Elm... get off! She's coming!" Cyn cried in a panic, trying to push the other female off.

"It's so good... I can't stop now..." Elmeera murred in a heat-stricken trance.

"My, my.... What do we have here?" The girl said, rounding the corner, and inhaling the scent. "Seems that somebody is having fun!" She said, looking at Elmeera.

"I... I'm the one in heat." Cyn said, looking up at the girl. "She's just helping me relieve myself"

"Interesting." The girl said, waving her hand. Instantly, Elmeera was teleported out of the cage, and re-appeared bound in chains.

"What are you doing with her?" Cyn growled, running to the bars.

"The master said that she was a little... rebellious to him last time, and that she needs punished. He is aroused. " The girl said, looking at Cyn. "Don't worry... I'm sure you'll get yours tonight. When he hears that you're in heat, he'll probably be ready to join you in the cell.

"No! Take me! I need him!" Cyn pleaded, crossing her back legs to try and seem more convincing.

"See ya!" The girl said, waving her hand, and vanishing with Elmeera in a flash. As the disappeared, Cyn's eyes turned and focused on the corpses of her mate and her friend.

"This is what it must feel like to be in Hell..." Cyn said, looking at them. A shiver of shock shot through her when suddenly, Ryan's hand twitched.

"Ow..." Ryan said, slowly opening his eyes.

"You're alive!" Cyn said, tears welling up.

"Cyn? What happened?" Ryan said, laying stiff. "What the hell? I can't move!"

"Apparently, Quetzu, the Arcane Drake that captured us, thought you were dead, and brought you here to torture me." Cyn said, looking at him.

"I think I was dead." Ryan said, gasping slightly. "That freak put a death curse on me, and everything blanked out."

"Wait... my curses didn't affect you before, right? Maybe the curse didn't work properly, and you were revived as a result!" Cyn said, smiling slightly. Her heart sank as the thought of Will still lying there hit her.

"So... what do I do? My body is stiff." Ryan said, slightly lifting his head. "Wow! I can move my head!"

"Of course! I bet that, since you were dead, your body just stiffened up. I'm sure it will work again. Just wait a little bit." Cyn said, looking at him.

"Cyn, we don't have a little bit. Quetzu said that he was going to put a death curse on all mankind, then raise them as his undead minions." Ryan said, looking at Cyn.

"He can raise the dead?" Cyn asked, thinking. "I wonder if I could do that?"

"Cyn, Quetzu has the Arcane Drake abilities awakened. You don't. There is quite a difference." Ryan said with a sigh.

"No. When I had my powers awakened, it wasn't like I gained powers. It was like... something in me increased. I think that I should be able to wield some of those powers. They just won't be as strong." Cyn said, closing her eyes.

"So you think you can raise the dead?" Ryan asked, slowly sitting up. Looking at Will's corpse, he sighed. "Poor kid... why'd you have to go?"

"Ryan, that red-headed girl... she smells sort of strange. I think she's an animated dead body." Cyn said. "If Quetzu raised her before he had the full Arcane Drake powers, then I must be able to, too."

"But wait... are you going to awaken Will?" Ryan asked, struggling to his feet.

"It's worth a try." Cyn said, entering a meditative trance. As she focused, Ryan staggered slightly, trying to regain his balance.

"What is going on here?" The red-headed girl yelled, running into the room.

"Great! Now what?" Ryan said, as the girl entered the room.

"A male Arcane Drake? This is inconceivable!" She cried, her hand forming a glowing ball of energy.

"Uh... Great..." Ryan said, desperately trying to back away. He was still practically numb, and could barely walk.

"Lord Quetzu thought you were dead! I better dispatch of you before he finds out he was wrong. After all... the master must always be right." She said, hurtling the ball of energy at Ryan. Suddenly, somebody dashed between her and Ryan, and sliced the energy ball in half, causing a burst of dust to roll down the halls. As the dust dispersed, Will stood before her, sword ready to strike.

"What the?!? How did you?!?" the girl exclaimed, backing up.

"My name is William Monterro. You imprisoned my master. Prepare to die." He said, stepping closer to her.

"No! This is impossible! Master Quetzu is the only one who can raise the dead! How did you get up!" she cried, firing another blast at Will, who easily blocked it with his sword.

"It worked?" Cyn said to herself as Will drew closer and closer to her.

"No! No! Get away!" She yelled, firing several energy blasts, which will deflected.

"You have mistreated my master. Your master cursed the good people of Drangual with a death spell. Who knows what else you've done." Will said, pointing his sword at her.

"Master! I will not fail you!" She cried, in a last ditch attempt to strike Will. As she tried to hit him, he knocked her down with his hilt, and pointed the sword at her.

"Master, should I execute her? She is obviously under a form of mind control." Will said, looking pushing his sword closer.

"Whitefire!" Ryan cried, breathing a blast of bright white flames at her, incinerating her. "There. Now she can't be resurrected." He said, triumphantly posing. "I'm almost back to full power!"

"Master... what is your bidding?" Will said, cutting the locks on the cage. "Do you wish to engage Quetzu?"

"Will... please stop referring to me as master." Cyn said, stepping out of the cell.

"Cyn... he's not completely himself. He's an animated corpse... a puppet that follows your orders. Everything he knows is from your own mind. Not his." Ryan said, sighing.

"So in other words... he's just a brainless minion who responds to my thoughts..." She said, looking at him. Her heart sank as she realized this, knowing that Will was really gone.

"Anyways... what do we do now?" Ryan asked, looking at Cyn.

"We need to save Elmeera. Quetzu is probably mating with her as we speak." Cyn said, walking past him. "Come on! I know what she smells like. I'll trace the scent! As the party ran through Quetzu's castle, they eventually found themselves in the throne room... the place where the first met him. Chained to a metal table, Elmeera sobbed in agony as her body dripped blood. Quetzu had been carving flesh from her feminine organs, and was chewing on the flesh, blood dripping from his muzzle. Cyn and Ryan could only gasp in horror at the site. Elmeera, seeing them, smiled at Cyn before fainting.

"Elm!" Cyn cried, rushing at Quetzu, letting one paw fly. As she attempted to hit him, he vanished, and reappeared behind her, sinking his teeth into her neck. As Cyn screamed in pain, Ryan hit him with a fireball, causing him to lose his grip. Will followed suit by unleashing a full swing at the Arcane Drake, who vanished, and reappeared near the exit.

"You can't win..." Quetzu laughed, spewing fire. As Cyn attempted to dodge, he swiftly attacked her with a head-butt, knocking her unconscious on the floor.

"Damn..." Ryan growled as both her and Will's bodies dropped, since she was the one he was bound to.

"You are as good as dead, you red-skinned freak!" Quetzu growled, lunging at Ryan. Ryan swiftly rolled out of the way, and waved his paw, unleashing a wave of fire, which caused Quetzu to stagger. As the Arcane Drake recoiled, Ryan tackled him to the floor, an lunged for his throat. Quetzu kicked him with his back legs, flinging him into the wall hard. As Ryan struggled to his feet, he was suddenly bound by some kind of magical force.

"You can't beat me..." Ryan gasped, trying to break the bonds.

"I already have." Quetzu laughed, pinning him against the wall magically.

"Release him... immediately..." Cyn growled, slowly rising to her feet.

"Oh, and you think you can stop me?" he laughed, looking at her. "What could you possibly do?"

"Quetzu... because of you, the entire world is in danger. I will protect it." Cyn said, walking closer to him.

"Ah, but need I remind you that I am only wiping out humans, dragons, and such. You needn't worry about our kind's survival. We will be the dominant race!" Quetzu said, looking back to Ryan. "If you all pledge allegiance to me, then I will allow you to live in my new world."

"You can't do this! Quetzu! How will killing everyone solve anything?" Ryan gasped, trying to struggle free.

"Need I remind you of the tyranny you have face because of humans." He said, looking at Cyn. "You lived your life in fear. You were always running for your life. Only one human ever truly cared for you... and he's dead. Killed by a dragon! Don't you want your vengeance on the dragons for taking him away? On the humans for trying to kill you?"

"If anyone needs to die, it's us!" Cyn said, standing up. "I was the reason Will died." Cyn said, looking at Will's body on the ground. "I couldn't control myself..."

"Cyn! You did manage to control yourself! You managed to prevent yourself from killing, or using death curses. You even undid the curse!" Ryan said, looking at her. Glancing at Quetzu, he said, "Come on, Cyn! We can beat this guy!"

"Right." Cyn said, spewing fire at Quetzu, who, to dodge, was forced to release Ryan. As Ryan regained his footing, Cyn leapt on Quetzu, rolling him across the floor. "Quetzu, give it up! Relinquish your powers!"

"If I did that, one of you would get it. Face it, that power can't just go away. If you end my life, You get my powers! You'll go mad!" Quetzu laughed, before kicking Cyn off and rolling to his feet. "As if I'd actually let you."

"Listen, Quettle Corn, you piss me off." Ryan growled, his eyes glowing with fire. "You and your super-stinky death curses are done for! Even if I have to take on the powers myself. I think I can handle it."

"Quettle Corn?" Cyn said, looking at him "Anyways, Quetzu, you have done far too much to be forgiven."

"Go ahead! Hit me with your best shot!" Quetzu laughed black fire surging from his body. "I WILL INCINERATE ALL OF YOU!!!" With that, Cyn and Ryan rushed at him, Ryan ablaze with brilliant flames. As Ryan neared him, he swung his paw, sending a wave of fire at him. As Quetzu attempted to counter with his fire, Cyn swiftly leapt on his back, and dug her claws in, biting him on the neck. "BURN!!!" He screamed, igniting with black fire, engulfing him and Cyn.

"Cyn! No!" Ryan cried, trying to get through the intense black flames. Meanwhile, Cyn stayed clamped onto Quetzu's back.

"DAMN YOU!!! LET GO!!!" Quetzu screamed, increasing the power. The resulting blast of fire thre Ryan across the room, but Cyn stayed clamped on as her skin began to blister and crack from the intensity. "No.... let go..." He gasped as Cyn clenched her teeth harder, the taste of Quetzu's blood filling her mouth as intensly as the first time she ever bit him.

"Cyn!" Ryan cried as the black flames burst into a blast of black smoke. When the flames dispersed, Cyn staggered over top of Quetzu, who lied on the ground, neck bleeding profusely.

"I... can't... move..." Quetzu groaned, his neck broken from Cyn's jaws.

"You... did it!" Ryan said excitedly. "Are you alright? You're burned badly!"

"I'll be fine. We have to finish him off. He's focusing a healing spell." Cyn said as Quetzu focused, his body beginning to glow.

"Fine. Let me handle this." Ryan said, smiling. "Just finish me off before I go completely berserk.

"No. Ryan." Cyn said, Turning toward Quetzu. His blood is already starting to influence me. I too, if left unchecked, will go mad. I must do this." Cyn said, raising her paw. She had never killed anyone before, so this made her feel very nervous.

"Healing... Urk!" Quetzu gasped as Cyn's claws buried deep into his skull. As his body fell limp, Cyn began glowing with an intense light.

"Cyn! What?!? No!" Ryan cried, running toward her. In flash of intense energy, Ryan was forced back as Cyn's eyes began glowing with an intense light.

"Cyn, please! I don't want you to die. Please relinquish your power!" Ryan cried, stepping closer.

"Mortal, my power is far beyond yours in magnitude. You cannot order me to your whim!" Cyn growled, stepping closer to him. Suddenly, Will's last words flashed through her head.

"Cyn... you are beautiful...... and..... no matter what...... happens...... you must keep going...... or I could never forgive myself. I...... love you....."

"I must... keep going." Cyn murmured, closing her eyes. "Will sacrificed himself to save me. If I threw that away... then that means that he died in vain."

"Cyn?" Ryan asked, looking at her.

"Ryan... I think I understand what I must do. I cannot control this power for long... but maybe I can use it to fix things." She said, walking over to Elmeera, who was still unconscious. With a touch of her paw, the emerald-colored Arcane Drake's wounds healed.

"You can heal wounds?" Ryan asked, stunned.

"Before he died, Quetzu attempted to heal his wounds. If he can do such a thing, maybe he can heal curses and such. I have to try." She said, focusing, an intense energy surging through the room.

"No! Cyn! What is you can't handle the power! I've heard of mages using too much power, and destroying themselves in the process! Trying to fix that many people could do the same to you!" Ryan cried, putting his paw on her shoulder. "Come on, Will sacrificed himself to save you. He wanted me to protect you. Don't make me fail him!"

"Ryan... Quetzu put a death curse on thousands. Maybe I can fix that." She said, as he body began glowing. "Power within me, a call upon you to come forth. To restore life to the lifeless, taken so cruelly in this battle against evil. Those whose blood was spilled pointlessly, and those who were taken by the shadows."

"Cyn... please reconsider!" Ryan said, trying to snap her out of it.

"I hereby relinquish the powers granted to me to bless all those affected by the cruel tyranny of the evil Quetzu, and by the dragon, Elrin. Heal their wounds. Lift their curses. Restore their souls!" She cried, as light engulfed them all.

"Cyn!" Ryan cried, leaping at her as his body was engulfed in blinding light. As the light cleared, and his eyes re-adjusted, he saw Cyn, her color white and pale, lying on the floor. "Cyn? Cyn? Wake up!" He cried, trying to get her to move, nudging her with his nose. After sitting in silence, her heard something breathing in the silence. Glancing at Elmeera, he walked over and undid her locks, lying her down gently. "So this is the girl that was in the cell with Cyn?" He said to himself. "Damn it, Cyn... Why'd you have to do that?"

"Excuse me, but isn't this Quetzu's castle?" A familiar voice asked, causing Ryan to turn. In the door stood the red-headed girl he had incinerated, unscratched.

"It's you!" Ryan growled, taking a defensive stance.

"You must be a minion of Quetzu!" She said, taking a stance.

"Wait... what? I thought you were." Ryan said, thinking. "Wait a minute... Cyn revived all those who... I get it! You were killed, and Quetzu raised you to be his minion! It makes sense! Since Cyn revived you... you're you again!"

"Uh... What?" She asked, confused.

Thinking, Ryan murmured, "Never mind. Wait, if you're alive, then... she said those killed by Elrin... like the Dragon Lord and..."

"Ryan?" A male voice said, causing him to turn. Will slowly rose to his feet. "Wait... Where's Cyn?"