New School, New Love? Chapter: 4

Story by KitsunesWolf on SoFurry

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#4 of New School, New Love?

The story picks up and becomes "heated" as Grant and Aimi conduct what is known as a fitting, only finding out some urges are harder to fight especially when they find a potential love blossoming between them.

"Or we could get the worst over, and that way I could tell my mother without embarrassing your mother or mine." he spoke out suddenly. "I mean just the part where we are supposed to inspect each other." he spoke blushing and apologizing worried he had spoken out of place.

Aimi gave a soft sigh hearing his tone. "You really have no self confidence do you?" She asked gently as she watched him. Not really caring what he said but how he said it mostly.

Grant shook his head honestly. "I am no good at this." he spoke blushing again.

"If you are worried about this and want to get this over and done I understand." She said as she looked at him. It was obvious that she didn't want to hurt him at all but also that she was letting him decide.

"Do you wish to see me before you decide on showing yourself." he spoke looking down to his pants.

"Why don't we show each other at the same time?" She offered to ease his nervousness.

Grant nodded as he moved to stand as his hands fiddled with the pant button before beginning to slide them down showing the obvious bulge under his shorts.

Aimi stood and started to undo the ties on her vest first. Since most males, or at least her ex, was interested in breasts. She felt hers were okay though they were shapely and only hung slightly instead of being perky. Letting the vest fall to the floor as the ties were undone.

Grant blushed seeing her body as his bulged pushed against his shorts as he removed his shorts pulling them off together with his pants showing his furred legs and wolf's feet as his member hung half sheathed like a wolf's but shaped like a human's but remaining pink and the small hint of a knot at his base, as he looked down clearly ashamed by his appearance.

"I see nothing wrong there Grant," she said as she had seen a human penis before and the sheathing was normal for anthros. Aimi started to untie the strings of her loincloth as she didn't look away from him. Her arousal and heat getting a little stronger as she looked at him.

"If you wish to see closer you may." he spoke softly his voice showing his arousal as his member pulsed slightly showing signs of growing. showing its true size. "You smell great," he admitted his instincts coming forward knowing to an anthro it was a compliment.

Aimi smiled and if her fur was not covering it a blush would have been seen. She moved closer to him, taking in his musk. "You do too..."she said softly as she neared his chest. Slowly petting it again with both hands.

Grant smiled as he felt his muscles harden to her clearly his body showing itself for the potential mate. "Hopefully we can have a fitting...." he confessed feeling his member bump against her as he moved to run his face near hers taking in her scent.

Aimi gave a soft moan feeling him close and rubbing against her slightly. Her tails moving idly but almost happily as they stood this close to each other. "Would you really want that?" She asked softly in his ear almost breathy as her heat was moving through her body.

Grant nodded honestly as his claws moved to her back running through her fur.

Her finger claws held onto his fur on his chest as his hand ran through her fur. She wouldn't admit it but she loved the feeling of being petted. Though her scent went stronger as he continued.

"Your scent is strong..." he spoke between breaths as his arousal grew his hands becoming more desperate as he fought the primitive urges in his mind.

Aimi moaned slightly more before whispering out of instinct. "Don't stop..." need could be slightly heard in her voice.

"Do you wish to fit?" he asked his mind wanting to break tradition but his words trying to justify his need.

Aimi bit at her lip before nodding to him. Her hands moving slightly downward on him to play with the fur on his hips.

Moving towards the bed. "I will be gentle. .." he spoke motioning for her to move into the expected position.

Aimi licked her lips slightly before nodding and following him. She sat on the bed uncertain which position he wanted the most.

"Lay on your stomach unless you would rather lay back...." he spoke seeing her position.

"Are you in heat?" he asked feeling the heat from her body and seeing how aroused she was as he moved towards her

Aimi gave a soft nod as she moved to be on her hands and knees.

"Then you must remind me of such so I do not go too far..." he spoke glancing to his already showing knot.

She nodded as she looked to him. Breathing a little bit more heavily as she saw him grow a bit more as well as the swelling knot.

Grant nodded as he placed the tip of his member into her slit moaning aloud at the heat over his member for the first time as he quickly sank himself into her the faint knot pushing against her lips.

Aimi gasped slightly as he pushed past her virginity. It wasn't as painful as she thought it would be but she gripped the pillow a bit before she got used to his member. Breathing more heavily as she moaned a bit.

Grant moved against her back his lips moving to her neck as he began thrusting against her his breathing already showing a nearing orgasm as his knot teased her opening.

Aimi lifted her head slightly as she pushed back against him a bit. Feeling pleasure from his knot teasing her at this point. Her tails wrapped around his legs and back as she looked back at him. Licking her chops slightly.

"I am nearing my climax. .." he spoke out between moans as his enlarging knot pushed against her clearly seeking to complete their mating.

Aimi moaned and nodded as she pushed back and arched her back to have her butt further in the air for him. Moaning as he continued, nearing her own climax.

Grant moaned as he picked his pace up feeling his knot slip within her folds her body latching onto him as his thrusts became short and rapid as he found himself unable to pull free.

Aimi threw her head back as she felt his knot enter her. She bit on her lip as she gave a soft howl as she felt her climax. Tightening around him making him feel larger than before. Moving her hips with his as best she could before collapsing on his bed.

Grant howled slightly before latching onto her neck as his seed began to erupt within her seeking her fertile eggs to claim her body for him as his claws dug into her sides as well his instinct taking completely over.

Aimi gave a soft sigh as he clung to her while filling her. Her tails slowly slid off of him as exhaustion was starting to fill her.

Grant held onto her his weight nearly on top of her as he rested onto his elbows and knees as he moved to lay next to her but finding out that he was indeed locked into her as his knot tugged at her.

"Stop pulling. It will deflate on its own," she said sleepily looking back at him. "That is normal for anthro male, fox and wolf." She said, pulling one of his arms to use it as a pillow as well as his pillow to lay her head on.

Grant nodded moved slightly to lay with her holding her close to keep the tension to a minimum as a soft knock was heard at his door.

Aimi gave a soft groan since she didn't want to lose this feeling she had at the moment. Feeling connected and whole as he held her. Smiling slightly as she felt Grant rub his face against hers.

Aimi's father was outside the door. A part of him was happy but angry as the smell of mating was coming from the door. He left the door to go talk to his mate to see if letting his instincts go was alright or not at this time.

Grant nuzzled against her hearing the door. "I don't want you in trouble..." he spoke his mind not fully realizing the effects of what they had done as he felt his member soften plopping out of her folds as he rested his cheek against her.

"I am in trouble often. I don't follow my family norms. Even with my birth if you ask my mother. Born with my black fur and all of my tails. Not red with three or six tails like the others." She said softly as she laid there. Her hand-paws moved to pet the other side of his face. "Things will be fine. Though I think you look better with your fur showing. That is just me though, not wanting to force you into anything."

Grant nodded softly a part of him feeling at ease for once about his appearance as he laid with her. "Do you think they know what has happened..." he spoke apart of him feeling they had not even made an attempt to really hide what had occurred.

"More than likely hon," she said without realizing she said an endearment to him. Coming out naturally and a part of her seeing him as hers already. "We weren't exactly being subtle and your window was open slightly." She said with a smile on her face.

Grant nodded as he laid his head on the bed next to her now free to move as he pulled her into him enjoying her soft fur as he closed his eyes thinking he would only relax for a few moments.

Aimi smiled as she felt him pull her closer to him. A part of her wanting more of what they did and another saying that would not be a good idea currently.