New School, New Love? Chapter: 6

Story by KitsunesWolf on SoFurry

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#6 of New School, New Love?

Grant and Aimi have followed their instinct, now finding out that they had indeed been a fit for each other as they find out they now are to be together. How will the two handle this along with Aimi's heat still bothering the Struggling Grant as he fights his wolf side, while continuing to support his mother and new mate.

Aimi was shocked to see all of her pokeballs in their hands, both pets and rescues. "What is this?" Aimi asked softly as she took them all from her mother and father.

"You are staying here with your mate as you should. These are your pokemon under your care. No need for them to be here." Her mother said bluntly in a nearly cold tone.

"Where is flareon's pokeball? Is she not mine and under my care?" she said in a nearly as cold voice to her mother. Which made the woman bristle a bit not being used to Aimi talking in such a way before.

Her father spoke up at that point to try and stop a fight from happening. "She can stay with us until her eggs are laid. Then she and her eggs will be moved here together." that got a look from his mate. It was obvious that she did not want to give up having the flareon, but said nothing to contradict her mate.

Aimi nodded as she put the pokeballs down and moved to hug her father. Who gave her a short hug given that she was in the middle of her heat cycle and had a mate. Though he looked at her as if she was his precious child when he back away from her. Her mother shook her head to a hug, it was unbecoming after all. They left not long after saying their goodbyes and said that her siblings were going to bring her things the next day. Her father promising that none of her things would be migrating to her little brother's room.

Turning to look back at Grant. "Do you mind if I let some of them out? Most will probably go to your yard to make a garden out there." she asked a small part of her look said she was a little hurt by her parents actions and choices.

Grant looked to his mother receiving approval since it was her property. "If she says it is okay I don't see any harm in doing so." he spoke honestly feeling the weight of what had happened sinking in.

Aimi nodded as she moved to talk to the matron of the house. Before she even asked Grant's mom piped up. "Go ahead hon. The only one I am worried about is your onyx hon. Not sure if our yard is big enough for him." she said as she tossed a salad together. Aimi gave a small smile, "thank you ma'am."

"Oh don't you ma'am me. Mom is fine if you like or if not call me June." she said with a big smile. "Food will be ready in about ten minutes. You two go take care of the pokemon. I will set the table tonight." she said before making a shooing motion towards them until they got out of the dining room/ kitchen.

Grant nodded moving closer to Aimi following her into the back yard as they walked from the side yard.

Aimi sat down on the ground of the backyard as she opened several of the pokeballs. First was leafeon and oddish. dddish was missing a leaf but other than that looked happy. leafeon's color seemed a bit duller. It took a closer look to see that he was burned scars on most of his body. Petting them before letting out more pokemon out.

Grant moved near her sitting just out of the way as he let her have a moment to herself unsure if he should approach her right away after the way her parents had made the decision for her.

Aimi opened espeon's ball and glaceon's ball as well. They didn't look damaged outwardly but they seemed more skittish than normal. Aimi took time to calm them both before they found spots in the yard to call their space. Opening another ball to show fennekin, another fox pokemon. She moved about curious, bumping against Aimi before moving to Grant and inspecting him. Since she could smell him on Aimi.

Grant reached out to pet the fox pokemon seeing it was curious as he lingered at his reach limits as he watched them both unsure of what to say to reassure her at the moment.

Aimi smiled watching fennekin move to Grant. She used to be abused by her past trainer when she did not win battles. Since then she had been skittish of males in general, staying close to Aimi when she could get away with it. fennekin sniffed at his hands and moved around him as he sat there. When she was done circling him she came up and laid in his lap. Aimi's smiled widely at him. "This is phenomenal Grant. She hasn't been able to be near males since I rescued her."

"It must be because your scent is over me." he spoke softly looking to Aimi still feeling sorry for what he felt was his fault.

"Maybe but this is a start," she said moving closer to him. Sitting next to him as she continued to open the last of her pokeballs. These were happier pokemon, bouncing about as they were let out. A pidgeotto, a luxio, a pikachu, an umbreon, a sylveon, and a shiny eevee. She left two balls unopened on the ground next to her as she leaned on Grant while watching all the pokemon play or get used to the new yard and pokemon that was already here. Not realizing an arcanine, dozer, were now standing next to her until she felt his nose sniff at her ears.

"Leave her alone..." Grant spoke pushing at the large dog's nose as he saw the dog's interest in her.

Aimi laughed at the sensation of the cold nose in her ear. Rubbing her ear when Grant pushed the huge hound pokemon away from her. "Is he normally that friendly or should I go inside?" she asked not clueless to the fact that her heat could affect the pokemon compatible to her too.

"I don't know, it is hard to tell with him." he spoke as he moved to stand up reaching to help her stand.

Aimi took his hand and stood up with him. Petting the nose of dozer as they walked by. The food was all put on the table and plates set. "Alright pokemon outside while we eat I think," June said as she saw dozer follow Aimi like he does when she was in heat. Moving between dozer and Aimi, leading him out.

"Shimmer that means you too," Aimi called out to her ninetails. Which started to walk downstairs with vulpix and eevee following her. They were trying to catch her tails. The ninetails lead them outside following June and waited on the stone bench until they were done eating.

Grant moved to sit at the table watching Aimi as he sat down seeing his mother come out of the kitchen he moved to help carry the few things that were left to carry.

Aimi sat down next to Grant. A little nervous at what the manners were at his table versus her homes. Was talking at the table a sign of disrespect? She kept her hands on her lap as she watched to see what was acceptable or not.

June poured the drinks and sat down finally. While dishing her plate she spoke gently as she broached a topic she was certain to be a new issue for her son. Since instincts were starting to kick in now. "I have been thinking that maybe Aimi should stay here instead of going to class while she is in her heat cycle." She said looking to both of them.

Grant looked to her almost nodding before glancing towards Aimi who seemed out of place at the moment. "What do you think?" he asked softly having an internal conflict at the moment between the two matrons in his life, wanting to please them both.

Aimi was surprised that speaking at the table was allowed her. "Um... after seeing how everyone behaves at the school here I think it is a good idea. It will cause less problems then if I went." She said looking to Grant with a soft smile towards him.

June nodded as the first hurdle was done. The next one was probably not go as well. "The next one I am going to implement for the house. While Aimi is in heat you two sleep in different rooms. It will be like this until you both are out of school." She said and waited for the reaction. Watching her son mostly, seeing the struggle against his instincts at the moment.

Grant wanted to speak against it considering that he often was called to stay with his mother during heat and being told different now conflicted him more wondering if perhaps jealousy was coming forward, his mind changing his thoughts to instinct over rationality.

Aimi put her hand-paw on top of Grant's to give some sort of reassurance. Though she was feeling the same sort of struggle. She wanted, no needed, to be with Grant now. It was going to be hard enough with not being at school with him.

"You don't want a cub or kit while you are going to school. I doubt your instincts are going to allow you two to stop from mating right now." June explained calmly as she could sharing her thoughts.

Grant was looking to his plate fighting his instinct at the moment. "That is not a bad thing...." he spoke softly not aware of himself saying the words as his claws drug against the table showing his distressed thoughts as he was not himself in that moment.

One of Aimi's tails rubbed against his leg and another on his back to try and calm him down. "She has a point though Grant. I would not want either of us missing in the child's growing life" she said trying to keep her own instincts back. Using her rational side, though the tail rubbing against his leg draped over his lap.

Grant almost seemed to let out a faint growl as he avoided looking at anyone feeling slightly embarrassed that he seemed to be losing control so easily.

Aimi even though she started eating continued feeling like she was letting Grant down slightly for not backing his wish, like her mother said a mate should. Her tail on his lap moved teasingly upon him. Keeping quiet as she ate trying not to make eye contact with Grant's mother.

Grant let out a sigh as her tail moved brushing a more sensitive area as he tried to focus on the food.

Aimi stopped when she heard him sigh and not eating his food, letting her tail rest on his lap as they continued to eat their food. She gave him an apologetic look before returning to her food. "Thank you for cooking June," she said softly as she finished the last of her food. Sitting there until the others were done eating.

"Thank you Aimi," June said with a smile. Moving to take the dishes from the table. "Why don't you two go and feed the pokemon and then go have some alone time. Try and behave though okay?" She said to the both of them.

Aimi nodded as she slowly stood from the table. Unintentionally having her tail in his lap give one last soft stroke while moving away. Her tails swishing behind her naturally as she walked towards the outside to feed all the pokemon.

To be Continued........

Again guys comments are appreciated I'm just about through my first stored chapter of this story and I'm going to start digging to see if I did write another or not, and if not I will start pondering where to take the story, but if anyone has some comments on where they would like to see the story go feel free to comment or even send me a message. I always enjoy talking about writing. Anyways I hope everyone is enjoying the story, I wanted to try and do something different and hope the ones following it enjoy where it goes.