Curiosity Tweaked the Cat

Story by KPFoxPaw on SoFurry

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#4 of Requests

Sequel to my story 'I Feel Like a Woman.' After watching his friend become a woman and experience such joy at laying eggs, Fear decides he wants to experience it for himself, but he'll need to change more than just his gender. Now, he'll get to discover what he's been missing out on for so long and find out if being a woman is really as exciting as everyone he's changed before has implied.

Second request by FearTiger:

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I Feel Like a Woman:

Curiosity Tweaked the Cat

"Come on, Silvar, push! You know how much you want to!" Feraku was yelling at the gray and olive-colored lucario below him, guiding him through the pokemon's pregnancy.

"Uuurrrrrgggggg!" Silvar grunted as she pushed at the egg with her vaginal muscles, attempting to expel the large container of her child from her vulva. He cunt was dripping with juices, soiled with fluids from orgasm as well as labor which dribbled down between her legs, soiling her ass and tail. Her vagina was opening up wide, wider than it did before as the egg she was laying was much thicker than any from her first batch. It pressed against her clitoris, causing large jolts of pleasure through her crotch and mixed with the arousing pain of having her snatch separated so wide.

"God, this is so big. How are you doing this?" Silvar continued to push and her vaginal walls continued to expand, the tapered shell continuing to widen as it became exposed to the open air. She pushed and pushed, but the egg just got bigger and bigger, seemingly causing her legs to disjoint and expand outward to accommodate the enormous object. Fear was becoming worried, scared that the size of the egg would damage his friend. Oddly enough, the size of the egg didn't seem to correlate with the size of the bulge in her belly.

"Come on, Fear, push!"

"What?" the tiger asked quizzically. Just then he looked down between his legs and saw that he was completely naked and instead of a large, feline cock and pair of testicles, he had his own vagina. Instead of a bulky, manly chest, he had a pair of large, supple female breasts. He also realized he was on his back. Shortly after, Silvar appeared between his legs, his own breasts gone and his lithe chest returned to normal.

"Push, Fear, push!" the lucario shouted at Fear once again. The tiger suddenly noticed his belly had inflated to a massive extent and Silvar had one paw on his stomach and another between his legs to catch the eggs. Fear then felt an immense pressure on his newly discovered uterus and an inexorable desire to push it out. The tiger grit his teeth and pushed, soon feeling something large and rough moving through his vaginal walls. He felt his vaginal opening expand, a cool breeze lightly brushing his interior briefly before the tapered end of the egg moved past the opening. It split his vulva wide open, putting pressure on his clit and sending waves of erotic stimulation throughout his body.

He threw his head back and look upward, a mirror hanging over himself, or rather herself, as he got a glimpse of the female tiger before him. He couldn't explain it, but he was a she and she was pregnant with Silvar as the father. In shock at the revelation, but too lost in bliss to care, she moaned in ecstasy as the egg she bore made its way out of her.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!!" She screamed in pure lust as her groin exploded in sexual excitement as the thickest part of the egg stretched her out. She managed to expel the egg, watching through the mirror as Silvar took it and set it aside. Immediately, she began pushing the second egg out through her vulva and the pleasure that wracked her body returned, sending her into a state of euphoric ecstasy. The second egg was ejected, set aside, and the third egg was soon being coaxed out of the tiger's cooch. A fourth egg was discarded, then a fifth, then a sixth and each time it happened Fear was ravaged with amorous sensations. Regardless of how many eggs she delivered, her belly never seemed to de-swell. It seemed as if her uterus was a bottomless, endless factory of eggs.

She pushed out three more eggs and began to cringe and contort her face into an expression of intense, orgasmic fervor. Two more and she was on the cusp of climax. Finally, on the twelfth egg that she delivered, feeling the shelled object force its way through, engorging her vagina beyond its normal limits, and stimulating her clitoris, she'd reached her peak. She grit her teeth and clamped her eyes shut as the tingling sensation built up.

"Uuuurrrrggggg- Aaaaaahhhhh!!" She arched her back, opened her eyes wide, and screamed aloud in sexual bliss as she orgasmed. After a few seconds, she felt a small string of hot liquid coat her belly and chest. A few more strings were dispersed onto her naked, furry torso as the scent of arousal and cum filled her nostrils. She opened her eyes and found herself in a dark room with no mirror overhead and Silvar nowhere to be found. She felt the warm feeling of jizz seep out of her cock and stain her belly and she looked down with confusion to see a large, feline cock and no round breasts to be found.

After a moment, as the tiger came to his senses, he realized what had just happened and chuckled to himself at the fact that he just had a dream-gasm. He laid back again, feeling somewhat relieved that he still had his normal parts. As the high of his climax abated, he thought back to the dream he just had about being pregnant with Silvar's babies. He thought he should've realized that it was a dream when he was having eggs instead of delivering live young, but that wasn't what he wanted to focus on. The sensation he felt when laying those eggs was like nothing he'd ever felt before and nothing he ever thought possible.

The whole issue had been plaguing Fear's mind for sometime since his friend Silvar had laid those eggs. The expression on his face, the sounds he made, the things he said to him after they finished made him wonder how much better sensual pleasure can get. Could it be as good as it was in his dream? Maybe it was just his mind projecting those thoughts onto what he expected from such an idea, but it still intrigued him. After switching other friends' genders for so long, he never intended to try it himself, but now that he knew what was possible, he couldn't help but imagine the feeling.

After spending so much time preoccupied with the notion, fixated with thoughts of becoming a woman for a short time, Fear decided he might as well give in and pursue such an avenue. Unfortunately, given the class of animal to which he belongs, he'd have to make at least one more alteration to his physical make-up besides just his reproductive organs. However, that'll have to wait as his current stock of potions is only meant to alter his gender, not his species. He sighed and laid back a moment, figuring he'd make a trip to a buddy's and see what he had on hand.

After a moment, the cool air of his room blew across his torso and the strings of matted fur from his dried cum felt cold to the touch. His cock was still hard, aroused by a dream in which he experienced the most mind-blowing orgasm any person could ever feel. Realizing it wasn't going away without help, Fear sighed outwardly and, with a smile, reached down between his legs. Guess I better take care of this now, he thought to himself as he grabbed the base of his penis and began stroking, making a conscious effort this time to bring about his second climax of the night.


Feraku arrived at a friend's house early afternoon the next day. He was in the guy's basement, several racks of various potions lining the walls with various potions, antidotes, and an assortment of accessories generally unavailable to the public. He saw potions that hypnotize, potions that cause growth of certain body parts, potions that can cause insatiable orgasming and, on the flip side, potions that can prevent people from ever cumming. And of course he saw the potions that alter one's physique, changing not just their appearance, but their genetic make-up as well. He glanced over the potions he's usually interested in, namely the gender shifting potions, but this time he took a greater interest in the nearby stock of magical elixirs. He took his time going over some of them, noting that all the ones he espied changed only his species, but not his gender. He'd heard of things going wrong when trying to mix two different potions at the same time and he wanted to play it safe. He wanted something that could offer him both options, killing two birds with one stone.

His focus was broken then as he heard footsteps approaching from upstairs and he turned to see a young rottweiler coming down the steps. He was wearing a pair of slacks and a plain black tank top. He had a bit of a belly, but was otherwise fairly lean, not sporting much muscle or fat. As he reached the floor, he looked up at the tiger with eyes half-lidded and sounding as if he'd just woken from a deep sleep.

"Alright, Fear, so what is it you said you were looking for?" he asked.

"I was looking for a potion that would change a person into a woman-"

"Ok, so the usual," the rottie interrupted.

Fear looked back with an annoyed expression on his face. "How 'bout you let me finish my answer?" The dog rolled his eyes and listened with disinterest. "Something that can change a person into a woman and... change their species as well, Eric."

"Mm, I see. So you're looking for a two for one deal."

Fear nodded. "That's right."

"Hmm, any particular species you're interested in?"

Fear looked around, wondering from the assortment of different brews if there were any particular species he was set on. "I'm not quite sure. I just know it has to be something that can lay eggs."

The rottweiler cocked an eyebrow, belying his interest. "Really? You hopin' to get some more tranny's knocked up with eggs like you did that pokemon?"

Fear furrowed a brow in irritation. "Hey, I didn't know what I was getting into there. That's never happened before and you never told me it could happen."

The canine shrugged his shoulders. "Hey, I said it would change you're partner into a woman. What did you think was gonna happen? To be honest, I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner, considering how many dudes you've switched."

"Yeah, well, it never did, so I didn't think much of it until now. And I think..." Fear considered his train of thought for a moment, "I think the fact that he's a pokemon might be the reason it happened."

"So you do want it to happen again, don't you?"

Eric gave him a judgemental look and suddenly Fear felt a bit shameful that the canine thought he wanted to breed new eggs from his partners. He almost wanted to reveal to the dog that the potion was for him, but that just embarrassed him more. Despite having used the potion on numerous men since discovering the elixir, he shouldn't have felt any bit of shame for what he was doing. Nevertheless, it was a bit humiliating to reveal to an old friend that he wanted to know what life was like as the opposite sex, so instead he just admitted to what the rottie asked him.

"Yes, I do," he said nodding his head.

Eric smiled and slowly strolled over to where the tiger was standing. "Well, if you want things to go your way, always stick with the tried and true formula." The dog stepped up to one of the counters and bent over, reaching down to one of the lower shelves. "Since it was a pokemon you got pregnant the first time, expect the second time to work the same." He held up a small glass vial, blue and transparent with a lightly colored solution inside.

Fear furrowed an eyebrow in confusion. "Is... is that it? It's kinda small, isn't it?"

"Well... it's expensive shit. You wanna get two effects in a single potion without the risks, it's gonna take a lot more ingredients. But I'll tell you right now, this is what you want, buddy. It'll give whoever you want a bust like nothing you've seen before and a nice, slick, warm pussy, but will also turn them into... you guessed it, a pokemon."

Fear stared at the bottle, mildly apprehensive, but anxiously intrigued. "What kind of pokemon?"

"Well... I can't say. See, to make the potion, they extracted something from a Ditto. Don't ask me what, I don't know. I didn't ask, so I can't say. But what I do know is that what you turn into depends on the person who drinks it. A canine might turn into a feline pokemon or vice versa, you might become a Mewtwo, a Machoke, or a Bulbasaur. There's no way to know until you take it. It's a bit of a gamble, but it is safe. So whadda ya say?"

Fear contemplated for a moment, eager to discover the very pleasure that Silvar experienced. "How much?"

"$500 for the bottle."

The tiger's eyes grew wide in shock. "$500?! You charge me $100 for the normal stock and that shit lasts me for several partners. How the fuck you gonna charge me 500 bucks?"

"First of all, you don't need as much of this for the effects to take hold. You can dilute it down more than normal because it's specifically crafted to take effect at a lower dosage. Second of all, I told you that it takes a lot more ingredients to make a potion with multiple effects. This shit ran me up a pretty penny so if you want it, you're gonna have to pay up. If not, you can always take your chances with two separate potions."

Fear glared at the rottie, feeling like he was being ripped off. He didn't want to cough up that kind of cash, but at the same time he was anxious to discover what having a cunt between his legs felt like. He huffed a few times, displaying his anger, but he eventually calmed down a bit. "How much did you pay for it?"

"Uh-uh-uh. A dealer never divulges such information. So whadda ya say? Do we have a deal?"

Fear dwelt on the decision a moment, but in the end his curiosity got the better of him. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Fine," he said exasperatedly. "I've got some extra cash in my car. Let me go get it."

Fear turned to leave as Eric stopped him. "This might make you feel better. There's about 100 milliliters in here. Dilute it 20 times, you only need about 200 mills for it to take effect."

"20 times, seriously? OK, yeah, that does make me feel better. Thanks."

"Oh, and one other thing. Make sure you drink as much as you can. I've heard there's a lingering prickly sensation that takes a while to fade and it's worse if you don't drink at least the bare minimum. Other than that, I've heard of no problems."

"Uh-huh. Oh yeah, what about a reverse potion?"

"$200. I know, it's essentially just the same as a normal reverse potion, but it is working on two different effects. Gotta have that extra spice."

Fear once again glared at the canine. "Fine. I'll go get the cash." He turned and headed upstairs, ready to retrieve the money and finally experience the thrill of having lady parts, after the vexation of being ripped off dissipates.


The mid-afternoon sun still shone brightly over the neighborhood as Feraku sat restlessly on the couch. He held the phone in his paw, playing mental ping pong with the idea of texting Silvar and asking him to come over and assist with his new experiment. When he helped Silvar become a woman, all he wanted was to know how it felt to be the opposite sex. Neither one of them ever intended to take it as far as reproduction, but the results were nevertheless quite agreeable. However, it seemed rather inept to call his friend out of the blue and ask him to stick some babies in him, especially given how he previously voiced his indifference for such activities.

He chuckled to himself and set the phone down. "Eh, I'll text him later. First, I gotta see what all the hubbub is about."

Fear stood up and removed his jacket, jeans, and collar, leaving himself completely naked for the transformation. His heart began to beat faster in his chest as he became nervous with excitement. He'd seen others go through this many times before, but this was the first time he'd done it himself. The transformation didn't seem too difficult and he was certainly able to bear a decent amount of pain. He lifted up a small flask from a nearby table, eyeing the nearly clear liquid with a faint blue tint. He had diluted the fluid as Eric suggested to 1/20 its original purity and carefully measured out 200 milliliters. He stared at the liquid a moment, smiling to himself jovially, before staring down at his sheath and testicles and cocking an eyebrow.

"See you guys in a little bit," he said facetiously to his privates. "Don't worry, I'll bring you back eventually."

He stood up straight then, took a deep breath, and downed the entire contents of the flask in one gulp. He held the opening of the glass container to his lips for a while, waiting for every drop of the potion to dribble down and enter his gullet. Once he was satisfied that he thoroughly consumed as much of the tonic as he would get, he placed the flask down on a nearby table and waited for the potion to take effect. There wasn't much taste to the liquid at first, but eventually he was hit with a bitter aftertaste with a hint of muskiness. He cringed in disgust, though he'd be lying if he said he didn't find the flavor slightly titillating.

Several minutes went by as Fear patiently awaited the transformation of his male figure into that of a supple woman. Despite never having had any problems before, Fear was beginning to wonder if he truly had been ripped off as no one had ever taken this long to transform before. He placed his paws on his hips and huffed in disappointment.

"Eric, I swear to God, I'm gonna kill you."

Just then, though, his paws began to tingle and he brought them up and stared at them. Soon enough, the tingle began to spread up his arms to his shoulders and moved down his torso. As the tingling hit his chest, the intensity grew enormously and Fear moaned at the pleasurable experience. The tingling continued to travel south to his extremities, tickling his cock and balls and stimulating him erotically. He felt a little dizzy and a bit nauseous at first, but it passed and he stood there swaying a little, enjoying the experience.

After a moment, the pleasureful tingling turned to a strong pressure that he felt throughout his body and a prickliness that accompanied soon after. The dizziness he felt intensified and he slowly got down onto his knees, legs spread, and groaned as his body was wracked with discomfort. Soon after, he felt an immense pressure on his groin and on his bladder and his testicles were pulled back against his crotch. He groaned as his nuts were soon pulled upward and into him, internalized to become his ovaries. His cock began to shrink inside his sheath and became repositioned, while at the same time his sheath was stretched out and moved downward between his legs. All the while, Fear was experiencing an intense pressure and stimulation that aroused his sexual desires, making him moan in bliss. He clenched his paws as his cock shrunk down and formed his new clitoris and his sheath was stretched and folded inward to became his new vulva.

His new ovaries were almost complete, replacing sperm with eggs while his vas deferens were transformed into fallopian tubes. His prostate expanded to become his new womb, pushing backward as his hips expanded. His urethra closed in on itself within his clit and reformed just below it while his vaginal opening formed underneath that. His chest expanded, the curvature increasing as muscle turned into fat and mammary glands formed. The pressure dissipated and the discomfort abated, but the sexual satisfaction remained and Fear remained on his knees as his body, smiling with gratification that his transformation into a female was so satisfying. She looked over her body: her large, round breast, her empty crotch, her wide hips, but she was still a tiger, which meant the transformation wasn't complete. The first phase was over, but the second phase would prove to be more trying.

The tingling sensation she felt before was replaced with a burning sensation which started out mild, but intensified quickly. Fear felt weak from the heat and toppled over onto her paws, holding up a paw to her head as the burning continued to grow. She groaned, feeling flashes of minor aches resonate throughout her body. They became more focused after a moment to her hands and soon she felt her bones shift as her paws changed shape, her formerly retracted claws being forced out and thickening. She felt the same aches and burning in her footpaws and soon they began to change as well. She felt an odd sensation in her arms as they too changed shape and Fear took a moment to look at her forearm. The fur patterns on her arms began to shift and her coat seemed to thicken and she moaned as her body felt like her apartment had turned into an oven. She began to sweat through her fur as her legs began to shift, seemingly growing slightly longer.

The aches and pains moved up into her torso, her waist shrinking a little as her chest and shoulders expanded and widened. She felt every muscle in her body inflate and broaden, her neck and tail thicken, and her breasts grow. Her body became sore and she was sweating profusely as the heat she felt radiated without easement and the aching pressure advanced upward into her head. It was as though a branding iron were held beside her face, threatening to scar him. She grit her teeth and clenched her eyes shut as her skull began to reshape itself into something else. Her jaw widened, her cheeks expanded slightly, her ears retracted, her nose shrank, and the hair atop her head disappeared to be replaced in various areas with different fur patterns. She felt a tingling sensation around her waist as a ring of orange fur encircled her abdomen, lower back, and hips. Fear felt a similar sensation on her shoulders and near the end of her tail.

Her fur drenched in sweat from the immense heat and weakened by the arduous body shifting, her transformation was complete. The heat eventually began to dissipate and the aches disappeared entirely. She remained on her paws and knees for some time, catching her breath as sweat dribbled off her fur. It was some time before she finally felt relaxed enough to open her eyes and pick herself up off her hands. She took a deep breath, feeling anxious about learning what became of her, and then stared down at her arms and hands. Her paws were a clear red coloration, but the coloration on her arms was striped, red-white-red-white, all the way up to her shoulders. Her legs and footpaws had a similar coloration while her crotch was a singularly red color. Her torso was gray with an odd white cross-stripe pattern down her stomach. The gray fur cut off around her hips just above her crotch and at that point was a large belt of flame-like orange fur and in the center was the pattern of a yellow flame.

Fear suddenly did a double take as she realized what she just became. "It can't be." The expression on Fear's face changed to one of surprise and she brought a paw to her mouth. "Oh my God, is that what I sound like?" Her voice was booming, low and deep and lacking any femininity, despite her change in gender. Suddenly anxious to get a view of herself, she stood up and walked over to the mirror, her fatigue having vanished, now replaced with eager anticipation.

As she stepped up to the mirror on the wall, she was stunned by her appearance and the emotion was mimicked in her face. That stunned expression was soon replaced with one of joviality as for all the pokemon she could have become, she was transformed into an incineroar. Her colors differed from the typical incineroar in that instead of black, her rings were white like a shiny version of the pokemon and her eyes managed to maintain the same yellow-green hue. Also, in the middle of her forehead, the diamond and arrowhead patterns remained intact and red.

Other than that, she was a typical incineroar. She had large tufts of fur around her neck and coming up her cheeks. Her facial fur was white save for on the chin which was red. She had very long eyelashes that jutted outward like pikes. She had long tufts of fur jutting out like spiked rings around her shoulder and around her tail. The flame belt typical of incineroars was prominent on her waist, most of it simple orange fur that was soft to the touch. But in the middle was a yellow patch of fur that was yellow and was no simple patch of fur. As Fear brought her paw down to it, it radiated a kind of energy that felt like heat, but didn't quite burn as she touched it. She figured if she concentrated hard enough, she could probably produce a flame out of her belly, an exciting prospect to be sure.

Something else typical of incineroars was her height and her physique. Despite her being particularly muscular as a tiger, as she stared at herself now, she noticed her muscles were rippling like a professional bodybuilder or a wrestler, though her hips were still wide and her thighs had a particular feminine quality to their shape. Figures, but she couldn't help but ogle herself, flexing her arms and admiring her form. She was also taller than normal by at least half a foot than her tiger form. She had cooled down a bit and some of her sweat had evaporated, but her fur was still moist and glistened in front of her. She absentmindedly wagged her tail, enjoying her build and sex appeal before moving on to the final aspect of her transformation, her secondary sexual characteristics.

She felt awkward missing her dangling balls and extension of skin between her legs that hid her maleness. But there was something alluring about seeing herself with a smooth surface covering her crotch with no bumps save for the minor crevice of her vaginal lips. Feeling aroused, she brought her paws up to her chest, her large, supple breasts that seemed to defy gravity, and rubbed her fingers along the fur covering her fatty organs. She gave them a light squeeze and moaned to herself.

"Mmm, that does feel quite good." She squeezed a little harder and moaned a little louder, bringing a finger to each exposed and sensitive nipple, rubbing circles along them seductively. She continued fondling herself for some time, seduced by the sight of her provocative form. Eventually, she licked her lips and moved a paw down slowly, brushing her paw through the thick, coarse fur, passing over her fiery belt, running her fingers down between her legs. Her heart pounded as she found her newly formed clitoris, the feeling of furry digits rubbing the super-sensitive receptors sending jolts of pleasure through her body. She moaned and shook in erotic satisfaction and repeated the action, rubbing more of her finger along the naked skin. Her body was heating up again from lustful provocation and she was beginning to understand why so many people enjoyed doing this and what he was missing out on.

Ready to take her exploration further, she lifted the mirror off the wall and set it up on the floor and the proceeded to lie down on the floor in front of the mirror. She laid on her back, keeping her head raised with her legs spread, her tight cunt reflected back at her in the mirror. Her heart palpitated in her chest as her arousal grew and she licked her lips as she began to drool with excitement. She reached between her legs once again, running a finger along her clit and shuddering with delight. She moved passed it this time, spreading her lips open and moving along the inside of her vulva. It was warm to the touch, exuding heat outward into the open air. She passed over the urethral opening and found the second wider, more flexible opening, that portal of life, her vagina.

She fingered it a bit, rubbing around the outside, teasing herself at the newly discovered sensation, watching herself the whole time. Finally, tiring of foreplay, she stuffed a single finger passed the clenched opening, spreading herself open and moaning loudly in ecstasy. She paused a moment, admiring the view of her finger inside her cunt, before sticking a second finger inside, opening her up wider. The feeling was indescribably enjoyable and she took a moment playing around with her vag before sticking a third finger inside of her. She closed her eyes and rolled her head back, shoving her clawed fingers deep inside of her until she was three knuckles deep.

Her thumb inadvertently rested on her clit and sent another jolt of pleasure through the female incineroar and she began rubbing it sensually. Slowly at first, but then building up in speed and pressure, masturbating herself for the first time as a woman. She moved her fingers around inside of her, her vagina hotter than normal as expected of a fire pokemon, moist and soft like a frontal tailhole. She continued to paw herself off, her climax building more and more with each passing moment. She brought her other paw up and began molesting her breast, her moans turning to grunts as she experienced pleasure in a whole new way. She grit her teeth, her peak building up more and more, her vulva now feeling wetter than before as she prepared for her first female orgasm.

*tap* *tap* *tap*

A knock came to the front door and without warning the door handle turned and opened up. Fear's eyes went wide and she became flush with terror as a familiar face walked in through the doorway.

"Hey, Fear. Sorry I didn't call. I want to let you kn- WHOA!" Silvar immediately turned away from the unexpected exhibition before him, hiding his eyes with his paw.

Fear immediately removed his paws from his breast and his cunt, closing his legs and looking back at the lucario pokemon with an exasperated expression. "Jesus! Don't you knock?!" His anger was obvious, but his embarrassment was well hidden, his face shining red underneath his white fur.

Not as much as Silvar, though, who burned with humiliation under his gray fur. "I'm sorry. I didn't- I don't usually- You see- I'm a friend of Feraku and-" Fear rolled his eyes and shook his head, bemused by the pokemon's embarrassment. "Um... I'm gonna go ahead and go outside and give Feraku a call and then bury myself. Again, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to walk in on you. Um... yeah."

Silvar turned to leave when Fear spoke up. "Silvar, hold up."

The lucario stopped, keeping his eyes averted from the hot, naked, glistening incineroar in his friend's living room. "Do I know you?"

"Silvar, it's me." Reluctantly, Silvar turned back to look at his friend, uncertain if the woman he saw was truly the tiger she knew. "Look at my forehead, ya dope."

It was then that the lucario noticed the diamond and arrowhead colorations and he knew then that it was true. He closed the door quickly and stood staring straight at Fear with wide eyes and an amazed expression. "What the hell, Fear?"

"Seriously, Silvar, you need to learn to knock."

"Well, sorry, I didn't know you'd be playing around with yourself in the living room. You could've locked the door or gone to your room- Wait, wait, priorities here! What happened? Why are you a pokemon and why are you a... ... ... woman?"

Fear, still blushing red underneath, took a deep breath. "What does it look like? I found a potion that not only would change me into a female, but would also make me into an egg-laying pokemon."

"But... I thought you weren't interested in becoming female."

"Well, I wasn't, but I keep thinking about when you became female and got pregnant and how much you were enjoying laying eggs. I even dream about it from time to time. I couldn't stop thinking about it and I wanted to know just how much fun it is. And, well, now I know."

Silvar was smiling now, but his stomach was still fluttering with lingering shame. "So, can I see?"

Fear grinned widely and turned to face the lucario. She remained on her back, keeping herself propped up on her elbows as she pointed her crotch in Silvar's direction, spreading her legs and revealing the tight opening between her legs. It glimmered in the light, moist with sweat and sexual arousal. Her large breasts jiggled as she moved, covering her entire chest and protruding a good deal forward. Silvar stared with hunger, his cock stirring in it's sheath beneath his loose-fitting shorts.

"So, why a pokemon? Wouldn't that potion you gave me work just as well?"

Fear cocked an eyebrow and smiled. "Well, it would certainly have worked making me into a woman, but I wouldn't be able to lay any eggs and that's where the real appeal for me was. Another thing, and this is just me spit-balling, but I think maybe the reason I was able to get you pregnant and none of my other partners got pregnant is because you're a pokemon and you're biology is not as stingy when it comes to reproduction."

Silvar blushed a little and grinned. "Well, OK, yeah that does make sense, but I have another question. If you did this all so you could lay eggs, how were you planning on getting pregnant."

Fear looked away a moment and then looked back at Silvar, giving him a seductive stare. Silvar looked back quizzically for a moment, but then realized what was on the the incineroar's mind. "I was actually thinking about texting you and asking you if you could help me out with that. After all, I was the one who got you knocked up, I figure you could do the same for me." Silvar's eyes darted around the room for a second, unsure how to respond. "Whadda ya say, Silvar? Will you fertilize my eggs?"

Silvar wasn't quite sure what to say. The request, the whole situation in fact, was coming along so quickly to him. However, he recalled that day when he was still a female, his uterus full of eggs, and the utter blissful sensation of passing them and the unexpected effect it had on his arousal had, as of yet, been unsurpassed. It was because of Fear that he was able to experience that, not just cause he was the one who got him pregnant, but also because he was the one who offered him the potion. It was his idea and he made it a reality. Wouldn't it only be the honorable thing to do to repay the favor? Besides, he's never had an incineroar before and he's always been curious, though he never imagined he'd be the one pumping a baby into someone.

As Fear stared back at the lucario waiting for his response, Silvar officially came to a decision. Despite himself, he decided he would honor Fear's wish and help her feel the same joy he felt being pregnant, carrying around his eggs, and find out if she found it as stimulating laying them once they're ready.

"Alright, Fear. If that's what you want, I'll fertilize your eggs. I'll fertilize them good and I'll be here to help you deliver them when you're ready."

Fear felt elated, grinning wide at her friend. "Excellent! Now..." She spread her legs wider, making them more accessible to Silvar. "Why don't you come over here and... make a woman out of me?"

Silvar grinned, removing his shirt as he slowly strode over to his naked fellow pokemon. He tossed his shirt aside and then removed his shorts and underwear, revealing his hardening sheath and cock tip poking out. He discarded his clothes, leaving him bare and getting excited quickly for his first time fucking an incineroar. He stepped right between her legs, his heart beat quickening in his chest as Fear continued to stare up at him seductively. He knelt down, noting the considerable size difference between him and his female companion, wondering internally if Fear grew a bit after taking the potion.

Pacing himself, he leaned forward, bringing his face right next Fear's cunt, feeling the heat given off by it, sending pleasurable tingles down his body. He sniffed her cooch, taking in her scent which was rich in pheromones and sexual arousal. Given his own experience and how it led to pregnancy, he wasn't surprised to find Fear's body prepped and ready to receive a man's seed. He brought his muzzle forward, pressing his lips against Fear's moist vulva, and ran his tongue upwards along the feline lips, licking the female organ slowly and sensuously. He shivered with delight, drinking in her essence, tasting the salty sweat and musky fragrance of her sex. He lapped again at her tight seal, dragging his tongue upwards and contacting her clitoris, making Fear moan and lean back as she was sexually pleasured.

Silvar brought a paw up and rested it on Fear's belly, bringing the other up and finding Fear's tight rosebud. As he licked away at the pokemon's cunt, he stuck a couple fingers inside her asshole, finding it to be quite flexible. Fear grunted as both her holes were pleasured, the lucario's tongue working in between the lips and lubricating the interior with his warm spit. Silvar's penis had come out of its hiding place, rock hard now and feeling stimulated by the heat of Fear's vagina, the taste, feel, and smell of her arousal.

He continued for some time, orally massaging her sensitive, newly-formed pussy while fingering her old, albeit larger and more elastic, sphincter. His tongue grazed her clit several times, making the incineroar shudder with delectation. After a while, though, Silvar became tired of the foreplay and wanted to move onto the main event. With one final lick, he moved his face away from Fear's unusually warm and moist cunt, leaving a stain of slick lucario spit in his wake.

He extracted his finger from Fear's ass and crawled over her, locking eyes with his fellow pokemon, the two eyeing each other lustily. Silvar hovered over Fear for a bit, his erect phallus aiming directly at her cunt like a spear. His face was hanging over her breasts, their height difference keeping him from reaching her face at the moment.

"You sure you're ready to accept my seed and bear my eggs?" the lucario asked the incineroar almost rhetorically.

Fear bore her teeth and smiled at Silvar mischievously, breathing unsteadily. "Just get your cock inside me. I'm growing impatient."

"OK. If you insist." With that, Silvar moved his hips forward, pressing his hard, canine penis up against Fear's warm snatch, moving it in between the pursed lips recently lubricated by his tongue. And, with a slow and precise motion, he pushed forward, piercing through her vaginal opening and invading her insides with his pole. Fear closed her eyes and moaned with euphoria as the sensation of being plugged up from the front filled her with joy. Her vaginal walls felt extremely warm to the touch, giving Silvar a new experience of his own that was just as pleasurable. He entered slowly, moving his dick deeper inside his friend, his cock head pressing up against her cervix. He continued to thrust forward until the base of his shaft was thoroughly embedded inside her, his glans penetrating the cervix and entering into her uterus.

Silvar took a moment to breathe, the heat being generated by the fire-type pokemon bringing about excessive fatigue to the smaller male. Fear stared down at her friend, waiting for Silvar to begin humping her madly with lust. Her expectations were growing, the excitement affecting her in ways she couldn't control and the flame pattern fur near her crotch was beginning to heat up. Silvar noticed this and shifted himself upward, away from the growing blaze.

"Whoa there, filly! I don't want to be broiled while I'm inside you," Silvar said.

Fear looked back at the lucario with a guilty expression. "Sorry, Silvar. Guess I got a bit too excited."

"Well, try to calm your flame a little bit."

"I'll try, but I'm not quite sure how it works." Fear paused a moment. "Look, if it's too risky-"

"No, no. It's alright." He smiled seductively. "The danger just makes it more fun."

They both shared an excited glance as Silvar pulled back, extracting the entire length of his shaft save for the tip and then plunging it back into the dark depths. He built up a steady, methodical rhythm as he started fucking the larger pokemon, his thrusts hard, but not having much effect on Fear. The sensation of being mated like a female in heat brought a newfound level of elation to the incineroar, her entire body tingling with sexual bliss. Silvar brought his paws back and held Fear under the knees, keeping her legs propped up as he continued to pummel her virgin pussy.

As he rammed her, her breasts jiggled, large mounds of fat and fur jostling around like boulders in a mixer. With his arousal growing and his climax fast approaching, he leaned his face forward, plunging his muzzle in the chasm of Fear's deep, supple bosom. He took a deep breath, inhaling her scent and her pheromones, driving him further into lustful abandon. He removed his paws from Fear's legs and reached up to grab her boobs, one paw clutching at one soft, squishy tit each, not even getting his fingers halfway around the enormous orbs. He closed his eyes and allowed his mind to get lost in the sensations, his thrusts picking up speed to close quickly on his orgasm.

As he thrust, his waist brushed up against Fear's clit, driving her arousal and assisting her with her own climax. She moaned loudly, her muzzle open as a trickle of warm drool seeped out of the corner of her mouth.

"*ugh* *ugh* Yeah! *ugh* That's... *ugh* the stuff! *ugh* Take me! *ugh* *ugh* Take me... *ugh* manmeat!"

Silvar could barely hear her, he was enjoying the feel of her pillow caressing his face too much as it wobbled around. He could feel his peak growing and so could she, Silvar's canid knot growing at the base and bringing about more resistance to his thrusts. Soon, his knot was fully formed and he no longer thrust the thick bulb passed her tight entrance, making his thrusts shorter and faster. This served to expediate the coming of his climax. Silvar's crotch fur tickled at Fear's clitoris, driving her closer to her own imminent orgasm.

Before too long, Silvar's thrusts were coming rapidly, shoving in and out impatiently, the lucario on the verge of his release. The overall sensation that Fear was experiencing, having her vagina opened up, her cervix pierced, and her clit stimulated soon became too much to bear. She ruffled around a bit, gritting her teeth and contorting her face until she climbed over the peak, shouting out with unrestrained passion as she came hard. The fluid built up inside of her as she orgasmed, each pummel of Silvar's cock helping to extend the duration of her climax. The added lubrication stimulated the male's already sensitive cock, driving him over the edge. His gyrations slowed down until finally, with one hard thrust, he plunged his penis deep into Fear's cunt, forcing his inflamed knot passed her opening. Fear tensed up and screamed in ethereal pleasure as she was opened up wider still than her friend had managed to accomplish. As Silvar orgasmed, his jizz shot out and stained the hot, uterine walls, humping madly against the incineroar's crotch, attempting to milk himself for every drop of ejaculate his balls could produce.

As the orgasm continued on, the flame belt around Fear's waist began to undulate like a fiery wave. The flame symbol in the middle began to heat up, an intense burning coming over Silvar's belly. He began to think that he might need to risk pulling out, ripping his knot out of her to avoid being burned. But the burning served to intensify his stimulation and in the throws of passion, he decided to ignore the danger and enjoy the pleasing effects. Fear rode her orgasm for some time, the sexual release lasting longer than she expected, but eventually it did and as her climax dissipated, the undulations of her belt died down. This meant the burning sensation died as well and as it did, so too did the effect it was having on Silvar's cock and therefore, his climax too came to an end.

Silvar slumped over, resting his head in Fear's breasts as he basked in the afterglow of their passionate fucking. Fear relaxed, resting her head back and catching her breath as the lucario remained inside of her, his knot still fully formed and exerting a separating pressure on her vagina. The smaller pokemon was wet with sweat from the heat Fear exuded and that sweat began to soak into Fear's coat. It was several minutes before Silvar reluctantly lifted himself up, staring down at Fear with fatigued eyes. He wiped off a small dribble of drool on his cheek and smiled wide at the lady below him.

"Well, that was an... interesting experience," Fear stated.

"Yeah, but it was a good one too, right?" Silvar asked rhetorically.

"Oh, ho, that's the understatement of the year." They remained silent for a moment, Silvar smiling down at Fear as she tried to think of what to say next. "So... how do you know if you're pregnant?"

Silvar cocked his brow and tried to think of the best way to explain it. "For me, if I remember correctly, I felt a very weird, but pleasurable, spike in my uterus and... well, my instincts took over and I just knew then that I was pregnant."

Fear looked back at Silvar quizzically. "So, you're saying that I should just know if it happened?"

Silvar shrugged. "Basically. I didn't have anyone to tell me how I would know, my body just knew on its own. It should be the same for you."

Fear nodded, still confused, but trying to understand. "Well, I don't really feel anything like that, so do you think it didn't work?"

"Hmm, well, it did take a little while after we screwed before I felt it, so it might take a little more time before it fully occurs."

"I see."

Silvar looked down at Fear, he turned away and looked a bit worried that the whole process might wind up futile and she would never know the pleasures of bearing eggs. Silvar sighed and looked down between his legs, noting that his knot was still firmly implanted in the incineroar's vagina. He reached down and rubbed the base of his cock at the sheath, causing him to moan and smile happily.

"Well, if you want, just to be sure, we could try again to increase our chances." Fear looked back with a surprised look that her mate had that kind of stamina. "After all, I'd feel bad if you missed out on something so special and I didn't do all I could to make it happen. Besides, my cock's still rock hard and I have a feeling it aint goin' soft anytime soon."

Fear slowly grinned seductively at her friend and she picked herself up, leaning forward and pulling Silvar's face forward to hers. Their lips locked and they kissed each other, soft and loving, but soon after separating their lips to allow each others tongue to dart forward into the others muzzle. They frenched a bit, suckling on each others organ as they exchanged saliva, moaning the whole time. Silvar then began slowly thrusting, pulling back, but barely getting any leeway before he pushed forward, Fear's slick cervix serving to lubricate and stimulate his Glans. His first orgasm made his dick overly sensitive, making him shudder as he rubbed up against his insides. Fear held him close, keeping their lips locked as they engaged in their second round of love making and second attempt to ensure Silvar fertilizes her eggs.

They mated a couple more times, switching positions after the second round to further experiment with their impregnation techniques. After Silvar's third ejaculation, he slumped over onto Fear and began to drift off to sleep, tired from the heavy exertion. During this time, as the fatigue began to get to her, Fear felt a warmth spreading through her abdomen and then came an odd prickly sensation in her womb, just like Silvar mentioned. Noticeable, but not at all painful, and even a little enjoyable. She knew then that their efforts were not in vain and she was pregnant. She would soon have eggs growing inside of her, incubating in her belly, and then she would know the pleasure of delivering those eggs through her vagina. She could only hope it's as good as she dreamed it would be.


Feraku was finding being pregnant a rather intriguing status, albeit a fairly inconvenient one as well. Every action she took exhausted a great deal of energy from her, sitting or standing did a number on her back, and she could barely go 20 minutes without feeling the need to urinate. But with the bad came the good and Fear was enjoying every second of having her stomach bloated out like a humongous water balloon. She didn't know precisely how many eggs were inside her womb, but she could feel them move and shift as she shuffled around, pressing against her uterine walls and attempting to break free of her cervical checkpoint prematurely. She giggled now and again as she rubbed her taught, inflated belly, marveling at the fact that as a man (normally) she would never get to experience this sensation.

Silvar had come over every day to check on her, make sure she was taken care of and had everything she needed. Later on, he tried to ensure she didn't over exert herself, but Fear could be stubborn and there wasn't much Silvar could do about it. He felt a bit envious of her as well as where he took a week before laying his eggs, Fear had been pregnant for two weeks straight and her belly had distended further than his did. Either she had a larger number of eggs inside of her or her eggs were monstrously big. He began to feel an urge to relive his experience as a pregnant woman, but for now he felt obligated to tend to Fear and her upcoming delivery.

"Here you go," Silvar said to the absentminded incineroar as he handed her a glass of water.

Fear looked up at the lucario and smiled as she accepted the glass from her friend. "Thank you." She took a sip as she turned her attention back to the TV, rubbing her belly and moaning softly with delight.

Silvar sat down beside and glanced at her as she rubbed her swollen tub of a stomach, the female pokemon remaining naked in case she went into labor. "You think you're close now?"

"I'd have to be. No one can grow this big without being ready to pop."

As the pair chuckled, they continued to watch TV as Fear continued to sip away at the water. She let out another soft moan, which caused Silvar to let out a little smirk. She moaned again, this time closing her eyes as if in discomfort. She moaned once more shortly after that, but as she did, she held her stomach and sat up, feeling a sharp pain that quickly worsened.

"Ooooh, could you take this please?" she asked handing the glass to Silvar.

"Sure," he responded with a concerned look on his face as he retrieved the glass.

Fear laid both paws on her belly, grimacing with discomfort as she felt a sharp pang of pressure within her uterus. Silvar looked on with concern, but had a feeling he knew what would happen next and became secretly excited for his friend. Fear continued to cradle her stomach a moment, feeling a sense of relief as the pain disappeared for a moment, but then reappeared with more severity.

"Ooh, it's time!" she said not bothering to watch her volume.

"OK, OK. Lie down on the floor and I'll get the towels." Silvar sounded rushed. He helped Fear as she stood up and then immediately knelt down on the floor and rolled over onto her back, her breathing heavy as the pain of her contractions intensified. Silvar stepped away and grabbed a host of towels and laid them down next to Fear. He took a few and constructed a makeshift nest for the eggs and took a few more and laid them around Fear's backside. He asked her to lift up her hips a moment so he could position a couple under her rump, assuring any mess she made would be caught.

"Uuurrrggg!" she cried out in extreme pain, her contractions making the end result start out much less pleasurable than she imagined.

Silvar got between her legs. "Alright, Fear, lift up your legs and try to hold your knees." Her vagina was dilated and she was leaking fluid, Silvar feeling a mixture of excitement, nervousness, and arousal, the sight bringing back memories of when he was in the same position. For Fear, though, the experience was anything but arousing as the extreme pain she normally figured was associated with egg-laying or child bearing flooded his body. "Don't worry, Fear. Give it a minute and the pain will go away." Under his breath, he muttered, I hope.

"Ooooohh, they're coming!!" she screamed, the eggs pushing down against her cervix, her uterine walls contracting as Fear instinctively fought the urge to give in.

"It's OK, Fear. Don't fight it, assist it. Follow your instincts, do what your body wants you to do, and push those eggs out. Just let it happen."

Fear was hesitant, but in the end she knew what she was getting into and followed Silvar's advice. She took a deep breath, expecting more pain, and pushed with all her strength the first of multiple eggs out through her cunt. As she pushed, she felt relief from the pain and extreme pressure on her walls as the eggs opened her wide. Suddenly, Fear was flux with a new sensation she could never have imagined, even in her dreams. The feeling of being opened up wide, her vaginal walls being stretched to their limits, brought with it a sense of both pain and pleasure that stimulated her arousal to new heights. Finally, after all the suffering and waiting and painstaking uncertainty, she had reached the euphoria she'd been pining after for some time.

She continued to push, the tapered end moving down as the thickest part of the egg entered into her vagina, stretching her innards to unnatural degrees. She lost her composure and shuddered with bliss, bringing her paws to her face as her arousal shot up. Silvar giggled and held her legs back a moment until Fear remembered what she was doing and grabbed her knees again. She was breathing heavily, her heart racing and sweat beginning to form and glisten in her fur as a huge lump could be seen traversing down her crotch. She moaned wildly, her head twisting from side to side as pure lust wracked her body. Finally, the end of the egg reach the opening of her cooch and peaked out, spreading her wide and sending jolts of pleasure through her clit.

Silvar held his paws out, reaching under her widening snatch as she expelled the first of unknown eggs. She cried out as the egg passed, splitting her vulva in two, the resistance she faced from her vaginal muscles restricting her from opening any wider was prohibitive. She pushed harder and harder, her body already exhausted as she fought against her own vagina and her building orgasm. She pushed as hard as she could, separating her lips to a point that surprised Silvar, and as the thickest part of the egg moved past her exit, her mind became light as her climax hit. She cried out loud and threw her head back as the egg immediately popped out and Fear let her hips and fall, letting go of her knees so her legs could fall to the ground. Her vag was gaping wide now, leaking thick mucous, but she didn't care as the most ethereal orgasm came over her and she spasmed. Orgasmic fluids mixed in with the mucous covering the eggs and seeped out of her cunt, staining the towels below.

Silvar held the egg, slick and viscous with mucous, roughly the size of a basketball at its thickest, the colorations on the egg confusing, but recognizable. Instead of the normal symbol found on incineroar's face, it had the diamond pattern with the arrowhead, but it was red. The rest of the shell was a light gray and Silvar surmised that he must've contributed that aspect. He smiled and wiped down the egg before placing it softly in the nest of blankets and turned to see how Fear was doing. She was still moaning as she rode her first orgasm into the ground, the pleasure so massive that she didn't want it to end. As the high of her orgasm started to die down, the pressure on her cervix built up again and she realized again that she wasn't done, so she once again grabbed her knees and held her legs up, exposing her wet, gaping vag to Silvar.

She pushed out the second egg, which slid much more easily through her canal than the first one, but still felt resistance as she tried to expel it. The pressure built up again and despite being tired and having just gone through an orgasm, Fear felt her second climax building up already. As the second egg reached her opening, it spread her open again and even though she'd already spilled one egg of the same size, she still had to exert an exceptional amount of force to finally expel the egg. She succeeded, though, and Silvar caught it, wiping it down and placing it next to the first. He was impressed by how Fear was able to deliver these eggs, considering their size and how wide her vagina was being split. He couldn't believe it was actually pleasurable for her, but it didn't matter. What mattered was that she was enjoying it.

Fear began to push the third one out, a large lump forming in her groin as the egg was forced out, driving her close to another orgasm. Her belly was de-swelling and it seemed like she was almost done already, but Fear wasn't ready to finish yet. She went ahead and pushed, shoving the fourth egg down through her canal, revealing the tapered end and pushing the thickest part through, but she stopped and relaxed, allowing the egg to fall back into her belly. Silvar looked on with confusion, worried she might just be too tired. Fear caught her breath and after a moment, pushed forward again, this time the stretching of her walls bringing her near the peak of her next climax. She relaxed again, once more allowing the egg to recede into her, but not wanting to loose her pace, she pushed one more time, the egg splitting her in two.

As the egg began to free itself, pushing up against her clit, she lost control and reached her crescendo, tensing up her body and popping out her egg, practically firing it at Silvar as he had to catch it. Her body went stiff and she cried aloud as she came with a force beyond anything she'd felt before. Fluids flooded out of her bulging vagina, the heat in the room palpable as the incineroar shuffled around in pure, euphoric lust. It took some time, long after Silvar had wiped down the egg and placed it aside, before her final orgasm abated and she relaxed, letting the high of her climax linger so she could enjoy every second.

Silvar chuckled and smiled at her, her vulva filthy, her coat glistening with sweat, and her once bloated belly receding down to normal. "Hey, Fear. Hey, you wanna see the eggs?" Fear was breathing heavily, her eyes closed and her paws gripping her chest. "Fear, hey." He called again, but she didn't reply and it seemed clear to the lucario that his partner had drifted off to sleep. The stress and effort of the pregnancy and her orgasms took its toll on her and he knew what that felt like, so he let her sleep.

She awoke 20 minutes later and the first thing she noticed was the musky smell of sweat and crotch. She grimaced in disgust at the stink and realized how badly she needed a bath, but first she wanted to see the eggs. Her heart skipped a beat when she looked around and realized they weren't there, making her nervous that something happened to them. Shortly after, she saw Silvar walk out of the kitchen.

"Silvar, what happened to the eggs?"

"Oh, don't worry. I put them in the incubator already," he replied. Fear let out a sigh of relief. "And don't worry, I'm not gonna make any jokes about cooking them."

Fear chuffed heartily. "Why not? I did."


They both chuckled and Fear voiced her displeasure with her smell. "Ugh, I really need a bath."

"Heh heh. Well, I wasn't gonna say anything, but I couldn't agree more."

Fear sat up, the fatigue of her pregnancy hitting her, making her hesitate against any more actions before she got some sleep. Another sniff, though, made her reconsider that bath, though. After a moment, a breeze came through and blew on her snatch, sending shivers up through her vagina. Fear moaned and brought her paw slowly down to her cunt, still wet and gaping wide, and proceeded to massage her orifice.

Silvar watched with understanding. "It's really something, isn't it? Sensations you just can't feel as a man."

Fear smiled and closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation, allowing her mind to be dirty while her body remained the same. Silvar, seeing his fellow pokemon finger herself, found himself growing hard quickly and decided to step away before the situation escalated.

"I'll... uh... I'll go run you a bath."

"K... *ugh* Thanks."

Fear continued to grope her snatch as Silvar moved passed her towards the bathroom. "After that, we can get you turned back to your normal self." Fear then stopped touching herself, containing an expression as if she were lost in deep thought. Silvar cocked his head to the side. "Is something wrong?"

Fear rubbed his vulva lips a little more, her expression belying a sense of dread and hesitation at Silvar's suggestion.


She turned and looked up at him and his concerned gaze and she smiled at him reassuringly. "You know what, why don't we hold off on the reverse potion for now?"

Silvar cocked his eyebrows in surprise. "Are you serious? You wanna stay like this?"

"Just for now. I'm not done enjoying the pleasures of being a woman. I think I might even like a little... fun later after I've cleaned up." She eyed the lucario suggestively and he got the hint.

"Um... Fear, you don't wanna get pregnant again, do you? We don't need to keep producing babies like this."

"Hm, well then, I guess you better just be sure to pull out before you cum."

Silvar smiled and chuckled at the suggestion and nodded. "Alright then." He turned and headed down the hallway.