What Autumn Brings

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Two college students meet on a chilly autumn day, and sparks, not to mention antlers, begin to fly.

This story was written for Reivan as part of my Patreon request days for September. It contains M/M sex between consenting adults. :3

What Autumn Brings

Robin's classes were done for the day, but still he found himself strolling around the campus grounds rather than heading back home. He couldn't help himself, the jackalope absolutely loved this time of year. Sure it was a bit of a stereotype, the hipster in his Ravenclaw scarf and with a chai latte in hand, revelling in the cool air and the crisp leaves underfoot, but Robin embraced that cliché wholeheartedly. The scarf was wonderfully warm, as was the hazelnut syrup sweetened beverage. The cool but still bright autumn air was the perfect accompaniment for that drink, and the sound of leaves underfoot, not to mention the beautiful array of colours they cast across the open spaces of the campus, it really was the perfect setting for a quiet, solitary stroll.

And interestingly enough on this particular day, it seemed that Robin wasn't the only one to feel that way.

Standing on the far side of the quad through which Robin was currently strolling, looking up at a huge oak tree that had been planted on the college grounds several centuries before by one of its founders, the jackalope saw a deer. A rather thin figure in tight jeans and a jacket, a pair of small, three-branched antlers rising from his head and the lingering tail of a scarf in the Hufflepuff house colours draped over one shoulder. As Robin watched him, he saw the deer's tuft of a tail wiggling back and forth just above an undeniably cute ass, a little plump and attached to hips that upon closer inspection were rather adorably wide despite the figure's otherwise lithe frame. The jackalope grinned. He knew that he shouldn't. That he should leave the deer to his peaceful contemplation, just as he until a few seconds ago would have preferred to be left alone and undisturbed.

And yet...

"Hufflepuff, huh?"

The deer jumped as Robin stepped up beside him some twenty seconds later, very nearly dropping the coffee cup clutched between his hands to keep them warm, the smell of vanilla rising from within and greeting the jackalope's nostrils. Turning to face him, Robin smiled as he saw that the deer was every bit as cute from the front as from behind, the bashful smile and nod he gave the jackalope very nearly melting Robin's heart from the inside out.

"Yeah. I... I like what they stand for."

He saw the deer reach nervously for the scarf, not re-adjusting it but simply running his fingers over where it covered his neck, as though expecting to have to defend that point of view. Robin beamed warmly.

"I bought mine after I got sorted on Pottermore. Can't argue with the hat, y'know? But... I would have been every bit as happy if I'd been given Hufflepuff. They're cool."

The deer's face brightened noticeably, and again Robin had to fight not to be reduced to a puddle on the floor at how preciously sweet the other guy was. Slipping his drink from his right to his left hand, he stretched out a paw to shake the deer's own.

"I'm Robin. I'm a third year here. What about you?"

Shaking the offered hand warmly, the deer answered with a slight tremor both to his words and to the motion of his hand in Robin's slightly firmer grip.

"Matthew, or... or, um... Matty. I'm a fresher. Ancient history."

Again when announcing his course, the deer seemed slightly embarrassed. Again though he beamed as Robin released his hand, only to place the same paw upon the side of the deer's arm reassuringly.

"That's really awesome. Man, I wish I'd taken some history classes in my first year, there's so much cool stuff from a tonne of the ancient civilisations I don't know anything about. Well, unless you can quote Stargate SG-1 as a source in an academic paper."

Matty giggled, a sound so cute, so sweet that when next Robin took a sip of his hazelnut chai, it tasted suddenly horribly dark and bitter by comparison to the ray of sunshine before him.

"Oh man, I loved that show! I... h-honestly, it was that, more than anything I learned in middle or high school, that got me into history."

Robin grinned from ear to ear, stepping forward, closer to the deer and feeling just about ready to eat him up with how cute and wonderful he was.

"That's awesome. Really freaking awesome, man. I... uh... I know we've both already got coffees, but... you seem pretty cool. Y'know, for a fresher."

He elbowed the deer playfully in the arm to show he was kidding, but the way Matty blushed at the compliment from the older student seemed to suggest he would have taken it well regardless.

"So, if you wanted to maybe go get another coffee? Or... I dunno, come back to my room and just hang out?"

Their eyes met as those final few words hung in the air.

This was it. The moment of truth. Was Robin's instinct as good as it normally was? And even if he was right about the deer, was the cute fresher even remotely interested in him?

The deer's face turned crimson, and he bowed his head, free hand instinctively reaching up to fondle at the base of one of his antler's in the most adorable way fathomable. He gasped as he felt Robin's hand upon his other paw, the one already clutching at his coffee cup, and looked up again while the jackalope gently stroked the back of that hand with his thumb.

"No pressure. If you just want to grab a coffee? If you just want to chat as friends? I'd love that. And if you don't want any of that, hell, tell me to go away, and I'm gone."

He withdrew his hand. A moment later though Robin's already warm smile burst into a dazzling grin once again as Matty whimpered softly, reaching out with the hand that had been fumbling around his antlers and grasping at the jackalope's paw before it could get any further away.

"I... y-your... your room..."

Matty struggled to speak, so flustered, so unable to believe that this was actually happening. That this handsome jackalope was even talking to him, never mind saying what he seemed to be saying.

"Your room sounded... n-nice."

He fell silent again, blushing crimson as he and Robin stood there, hands squeezing one another rather tightly now, both smiling, both unable to look away from one another's eyes.


"Y-you... you don't have... h-have to... oh. Oh, R-Robin... you're... aaahhhh..."

Scarlet cheeked beneath his fur, throwing both hands over his mouth to keep from bellowing but even then still unable to help from calling out in shock, in wonder, in sweet and joyous disbelief, Matty sat back upon the desk chair in Robin's attic bedroom and stared as for the first time in his life he felt a pair of lips wrap around the head of his cock and a warm, rough tongue lapping at its tip. The deer's hoofed feet rapped an uncontrolled, helpless rhythm upon the wooden floor of the long, thin dorm-room space at the very top of the block of halls. He let loose soft, bashful bleats as Robin's muzzle bobbed further down the length of his shaft, and watched in absolute wonder as he experienced his first ever blowjob.

Robin murmured happily as he suckled on the deer, his head spinning with how sweet this cutie of a man was, and how receptive he was despite his obvious shyness and now what seemed to be his apparent virginity. He had wondered whether this was the case when he felt Matty's complete lack of technique as they'd first kissed, but if indeed the deer's initial lack of confidence was due to no experience whatsoever rather than simple nerves then that was to Matty's credit. After only a short while they had been making out like a couple of pros, and if this really was the deer's first time even being kissed by another man, he was one hell of a quick study.

And, speaking of quick...

"Ohh. Ohhhh R-Robin... please... please, I-I'm... I'm going to... I'm s-sorry, I can't... I... y-you're too much. You're... oh. Oh!"

Robin watched, unblinking, gleefully drinking in every second of the beautiful sight that was transpiring before him. He saw a thousand emotions cross Matty's face as the deer realised that he was going to cum. Embarrassment. Frustration. Restraint. Confusion. Excitement. Happiness. And of course, pleasure. No matter what else he felt though it was the pleasure that won out, and an expression of pure elation, overwhelmed and giddy, that crossed the deer's slack-jawed face as he bellowed in several short, sharp gasps and a flood of hot cum coated the back of Robin's muzzle. He watched the deer's hands tremble and flex in the air, obviously so tempted to reach out and grab the jackalope's face or his own antlers, to push him down harder, deeper onto his throbbing, cumming cock. But he resisted that urge like the good boy he was, and left himself entirely at Robin's mercy as his orgasm took its course.

Not wanting to let the fresher down of course, wanting to not just prove his experience but also to ensure that this first orgasm at the hands and mouth of another was going to be memorable for more than its haste, Robin used every trick in the book to make Matty's orgasm as long and as all consumingly, mind-bendingly blissful as possible. He wrapped his tongue around the head of the deer's throbbing cock and squeezed. He suckled hard in time with each potent twitch and release of Matty's seed from deep within, and he slid a hand down from where he had been gently caressing the deer's thighs to fondle and squeeze Matty's balls, ensuring that every last drop the deer had to offer was poured forth before that orgasm was allowed to reach its end.

Even when the deer was spent though, Robin purposefully continuing to pleasure and tease his cock until Matty had no choice but to reach out with his hands and push the murmuring, still suckling jackalope's face away from his now hyper-sensitive shaft, Robin still continued to ensure that Matty did not walk away from his first ever interaction with another man feeling guilty or ashamed of his performance.

"You were amazing, Matty."

He kissed the side of the deer's still erect, still saliva-glistening shaft, grinning up at the deer as he stared down and moaned helplessly at the sight of Robin nuzzling up against his so rapidly spent erection.

"S-some guys... they can't get off from oral. I'm so glad you aren't one of them."

He didn't mention the length of time, or lack thereof. He didn't mention even suspecting that it was Matty's first time. Those were factors for the deer to bring up, not himself. All he did was tell the truth. He had been with men who couldn't get off from a blowjob, and while Robin knew that was neither their fault nor his, he couldn't help but regret that fact. He loved making a guy cum with his mouth, tasting their seed as a reward for the effort of his oral ministrations. Thus, whether it had taken Matty a minute or ten to fill his muzzle with thick cum, he was so happy to have been the one to be able to do that for the deer.

Matty didn't speak, either too overwhelmed, too embarrassed, too fatigued from pleasure or some combination thereof to find any words to say how he was feeling in that moment. That didn't seem to bother the jackalope though. Indeed as Robin peeled the deer's jeans and boxer-briefs down from around his ankles, rendering Matty totally naked before rising to his feet and beginning to strip down for the deer's own enjoyment, neither one of them said another word. They soon stood naked before each other, Matty trembling but grinning bashfully from ear to ear, and then their muzzles were busy once more as they kissed while half embracing, half slow-dancing their way from desk to bed.

"Ah. W-wait... what are you..."

The deer whimpered nervously as he lay down only for Robin to begin straddling him, eyes widening as he saw the jackalope's cock, just as big as his own and slightly thicker too, in what seemed like rather close proximity to his virgin backside. Robin immediately reassured him though, leaning down over him on all fours and planting another soft kiss on Matty's lips, their antlers rattling against one another as they smooched.

"Don't worry. I'd never try that. Not without asking."

Matty whimpered, seemingly more nervous at the idea that Robin had noticed how nervous he was than about the actual situation at hand.

"Oh. N-no... I wasn't... I didn't think... I..."

Again Robin kissed him, and again as when he stopped Matty tried to resume explaining himself. Only when he stopped and the deer didn't try to speak out again did the jackalope smile warmly.

"It's okay. Relax. I'm not gonna ask you to do anything you don't want to, and if it looks like I'm going too far, if I've misread something, the best thing you can do is tell me. I'll stop, but I won't be mad. You are in total control, okay?"

Matty's face was still bright red, but however embarrassed he was at having made Robin address his discomfort so openly, he was more relieved. It was written all over his face, and indeed after that moment he did look noticeably more relaxed as he sank back down to the bed and allowed Robin to keep on kissing him, running his hands up and down the lithe twink of a deer's torso with reverent adoration.


Of course, those wandering fingers were still far from innocent, though in an entirely different way from before. Robin was enjoying seeing this more relaxed, loosened up, playful side of Matty. He wanted to see more of it. And thus, as his hands roamed freely across the deer's cute body as they made out, cocks brushing across one another where they rested naturally, rock hard and twitching in hopeful excitement of more to come, Robin set his new plan into motion.

"T-that... that ti-ihhhhh... tickles! Ah!"

Robin stopped as his hand ran a little too far up Matty's flank, caressing the furred skin beneath his underarm in a way that just so happened to seemingly hit the deer's funny-bone.


The jackalope grinned.

"Silly me."

He then put his hand right back in the exact same spot, and his other hand fell to the same patch upon the deer's opposite side. Matty's eyes widened, and he gave a helpless, pitiful little whimper as he shook his head. Then he was squealing, bellowing, crying out and thrashing far louder and far more violently than he had when seated in the chair a short while ago in the throes of his first ever shared orgasm. He howled and wailed with unbearable laughter as Robin's fingers danced all over his torso in a shameless ticklish assault, and as they rolled and wrestled around upon the bed, Matty occasionally getting in a ticklish strike of his own but tears streaming down his face as he was utterly outmatched, the two male's hard cocks continued to twitch and rub against one another in ever more urgent, gleeful arousal.

It wasn't Matty's inexperienced and unprepared body which brought their playful, erotic tickling match to an early end however. Indeed the two men were just beginning to pant and moan amidst their laughter as they began to devote a portion of their energies to doing what Robin had originally intended when straddling the deer's form, rubbing their cocks together for mutually assured pleasure. It was then, all of a sudden that a strange look crossed the deer's face. A look of shock, of embarrassment, of panic. He was too locked up by his laughter, by the fingers dancing all over his body however to react in time. All he could do was thrash and wail in that much more of a frenzy, until all of a sudden there came two loud pops in rapid succession, and as they rolled over again to continue their playful attack upon one another, Robin's own eyes widened as he saw what had just happened.

He smirked, but tried to hold back laughter as they fell suddenly still, locked together but now motionless and just staring collectively at the two objects lying upon the bedding next to them. He saw Matty look at him with overwhelming embarrassment, far exceeding anything definitively labelling him a virgin could and indeed should have ever been able to make him feel. Still, much to his horror, Robin couldn't help but snort with mirth.

"O-oh my god, Matty... did you just...shed?"

The answer was obvious of course, the deer's antlers lying detached and motionless upon the bed close by. Robin knew of course that a deer's shedding did happen at around this time of year, but normally it was a slow and gradual process of them gently loosening and easing out until something simply knocked them free. He'd heard stories of course, what he had always assumed were old wives tales of a fright or a big shock to the system causing antlers to simply pop free without prior notice, but until now that was precisely what he had assumed they were. Tales, nothing more.

Yet there the deer was beneath him, slowly raising his hands to cover his head as though he had just been stripped of his underwear in the middle of a crowded street. Whimpering, blushing brighter and brighter, far beyond anything Robin had seen his face glowing before. It was the most adorable thing the jackalope had ever seen.

"Oh, you sweet, soft Hufflepuff..."

He giggled, unable to help himself, and kissed Matty again. Then again, tracing those kisses all the way up the deer's flushed face until he was able to plant one upon each of the furless stubs where the antlers had fallen free. Then he began to kiss back down again, to the deer's mouth, down his neck, his chest, his smooth, fluffy stomach, and lower still. He felt hands upon his own antlers, and the jackalope paused just as he planted a kiss just above the very base of Matty's still quivering, rock hard cock. He looked up at the deer, blushing himself now as he wondered if maybe he was going too far, expecting too much of this nervous virgin.

"I... I t-thought... you haven't had a... a t-turn, yet."

Robin grinned. God, this fresher was just the sweetest thing.

"Oh, well... huh, look at that."

He murmured playfully, tugging himself free from Matty's grasp and planting a kiss about half way up the length of the deer's cock.

"I mean, I guess I could stop. I guess you could have a turn making me feel good instead, if you wanted."

The deer licked his lips, and eagerly, albeit a little nervously, nodded so fast his antler-less head was briefly a blur.

"Or... I could suck your cock again. Make you cum again."

The jackalope planted another, lingering kiss on the very tip of Matty's cock, suckling upon the sensitive head for just a moment and making the deer throw his hands over his muzzle again to hold back another bellowing cry of ecstasy.

"And if by the end of the night you haven't evened things out level... maybe you let me keep hold of your antlers, hmm? A little memento of tonight."

Matty blushed, and though he tried to sound positive, there was a little sorrow in his voice as he thought he understood what Robin was saying.

"Something... s-something to remember me by?"

Robin grinned, and spoke one more time before wrapping his mouth firmly around the deer's cock and beginning to suckle on him all over again.

"Not quite, Hufflepuff. Something to remember our first night together by. At least... that's what I'm hoping for."

By Jeeves

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