Story by wlfmn on SoFurry

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#3 of Hunted

The story follows an Anthropomorphic wolf and an unlikely Wood Elf partner in his journey to not undo the horrors of his past but more come to terms with and accept them as well as any consequences that arise from his past. The two of them will have to overcome monumental obstacles mentally and physically in order to continue to survive and grow to complement each other's strengths and build on their weaknesses. All in a world littered with different monsters, demons, creatures, and races as well as all the drama, action, love and loss that comes with epic adventures in the world of Alta.

Chapter- 3 " Knowing when to give and take. "

Harakus eyes shot open as he reeled in the bench seat. A sharp gasp of air filled his lungs, his hands clutching at his throat. The wolf had to brace himself in the seat as his head began to spin. His stomach churned for a moment before he lurched to the side and heaved the contents of his stomach in the middle of the road. The sprouts and greens from earlier not agreeing with him. He panted slightly from the exertion before spitting on the ground in an attempt to get the taste out of his mouth. His gaze fixed on his right hand as he held it out watching it tremble for a moment.

He must have fallen asleep at some point. Haraku did his best to shake it off and fished his remaining flask of ale out from under the seat and took a few gulps. Some of the foul-smelling liquid dribbled down the fur of his chin. It was as if he couldn't get it into his stomach fast enough. "Hah.." he let out a satisfied breath and began to examine his surroundings. He must have slept for a long while as the glaring sun was approaching the horizon behind him. He still felt as if he might vomit again.

" I need some real food." he sighed and pulled the reigns to bring the cart to a slow stop. The Clydesdale snorted and pawed at the ground happy to take a break as well Perhaps a bit of hunting would help clear his mind and bring him some peace.

Haraku drove the cart off the side of the road before hopping down to retrieve the bow and quiver stored in the bench. He freed the horse from the harness as well allowing it to graze freely for the time being. He slipped the strap of the quiver over one shoulder, bow on the other and set off to find some game. The real challenge would be hitting his mark on an empty stomach lined with ale.

Meanwhile, a still very emotional and untrained wood elf was trying her hand at archery. Her father refused to teach and her mother well, she was long gone before Anareecie was tall enough to even hold a bow. The bow in question she examined for a moment as she notched yet another arrow. Lighter than any normal wood but still stronger than what seemed feasible for such a short bow it was bleached white and had many carved designs in it of trees and blooming flowers. However, it was perfect for her and fit in her hand nicely as she raised it closing one eye and taking a shaky aim. Her focus of vision shifted from the gold inlay of vines spiraling all over its length. The grove carved where she held it had a vertical star in the middle. It was on this symbol that all the vines converged and formed the star itself and circle around it.

A pentacle if you will. Her arms began to tremble as she struggled to hold a full draw while she aimed for more than a second or two. The bow made a satisfying "FOOM" sound as she released the arrow and watched it skip off the stump she had been practicing on and into the woods. Another arrow lost most likely.

"damn it!" she cursed with a sigh as she attempted to go retrieve it. What was she doing wrong? why couldn't she hit the damn thing she wondered. Anareecie kicked the leaves and sticks around a bit where she saw it disappear for a few minutes before giving up. Returning to the stump she wiggled free her remaining 3 arrows and replaced them in the small quiver on her back. Feeling frustrated and defeated she returned to her horse rubbing against a tree a few yards away trying to get that stubborn itch. Daylight was starting to fade and as angry as she was with her father she had nowhere else to go.

That certainly didn't mean she couldn't drag her feet in the process opting to walk with her horse rather than ride it home. She took her sweet time enjoying the sounds of the forest beginning to wind down for the night. Closing her eyes she focused on the cool Autumn breeze and the dead leaves crunching underfoot. In a way, she could almost smell the coming winter. The low "WHOOO...WHOOO" sound of a night owl out echoed through the trees. Overhead the sky began to fade from blue to soft pink, orange and yellow as the sun began to set changing the color tone and mood of the forest as well. Way out in the distance, Anareecie could make out the shape of the farmhouse.

A pillar of smoke marked it in the dense woods on her approach. Never before had she ever dreaded the coming morning more than she did now. The pit that was gradually forming in her belly made her feel physically ill, compounded with the worry of what havoc Titus would wreak on her father...on her. She shuddered at the thought and could almost feel the foul lion looming over her his putrid breath hot on the back of her neck. The false sense of security her bow gave her did little to ease the anxiety creeping in the back of her brain. What will he do when he finds out they are short on gold again? That single question rattled around in her brain enticing all manner of equally terrible scenarios.

Several miles away Haraku sat propped up against a rock. A small campfire burned at his feet. Over it was a makeshift spit with a few rabbits roasting. Being wolfkin meant raw meat was as good a meal as any but most would agree a hot meal was far more satisfying. The wolf maw watered as took a deep sniff of the cooked meat before taking one of his daggers and carved off a leg and began to devour it right off the blade. That familiar flask sat at his side. The fire danced in his eyes as stared into it like some kind of crystal ball. He had always found a warm fire mesmerizing, his mind starting to wander as darkness fell quickly around him it seemed. Even now though he couldn't push out the thoughts of the things he had done so long ago.

Those green eyes that shimmered against the dancing flames fell to his dagger and the hand that held it. How many lives had he taken? and for what? Gold, revenge, sport, some out of pure anger and hatred. He had lost count decades ago. This was why he vowed on that day so many years ago. That if he somehow survived this he had to avoid taking another life at all cost, killing was to always be a last resort. This leads yet again back to the question that had been burning in him all day. Was letting Titus sack that farm the same as breaking his own oath?" All this churned inside him like a soup starting to burn and boil over. Haraku finished his meal as the fire started to fade all that was weighing on him was mentally exhausting. Between that and a full belly, sleep came to take him once again. For him, as was his curse it seemed slumber always brought on the most hellish dreams.

When his eyes open he found himself not where he remembered. All around him he saw the tops of dead white trees. He realized next that he was laying flat with his limbs outstretched. A familiar warmth rested on his neck, as before he attempted to touch his scar only his arm didn't move. it was only a moment before he realized he couldn't move anything he could not turn his head nor lift a finger. Confused he tried to struggle but still nothing. Suddenly 6 sets of antlers came into view one by one. The next thing that hit him was the stench. A hot thick scent of death like a corpse left in the sun. 5 sets of the antlers locked above him forming a makeshift circle Now closer together he could what these shoot of head bone were attached to.

Five animal skulls appearing to be deer or elk their faces stripped of flesh. The mouth of each bore unnatural fangs. Meat and connective tissue appeared to hold their faces together, the eyes of each looked like deep pits that seemed to eliminate a constant stream if thick black smoke. He could hear the many sets of teeth clattering as they all chanted something in a language he didn't understand. Haraku was surrounded by a group of Wendigos. What sort of nightmare was this? Were they preparing to eat him? A moment later the sixth set of antlers moved into view some kind of pale being in a flowing black and white gown stepped over his midsection only this wendigo wasn't on at all, but some sort of human or elf donning the skull of one as a mask.

A set of grey colored eyes peered at him from its depths. It held out its hand and dropped something dangling from a chain. It twirled counterclockwise above him as the chanting started to grow louder so much so it was becoming deafening. He couldn't make it out for sure but it looked to be some kind of pendant and then it was dropped landing square on his chest. It burned like a hot poker had been jammed into him. Worse the burning sensation began to spread as if a fire was creeping through his veins. Haraku wanted nothing more than to scream in agony but still...nothing.

A second later he awoke screaming as he so desperately desired to do in his dream. The sudden outcry caused his horse to jump. Overhead a small gathering of sparrows took flight. His breath came to him in sharp shallow rasps, his heart pounded in his chest. Harkau rested a hand on his forehead as he tried to calm himself down.

"the fuck was that?" he thought out loud. Thinking back on his dream he remembered something or the lack of something to be more specific. There was a gap in his memory. From the time Titus cut his throat until about a month later when he remembers being stumbled upon by a group of guards patrolling a nearby road. He had nothing but the fur on his back. Haraku slapped his left breast pocket feeling for something before roughly digging it out.

When he came too the guards told him the only thing he had was this stone amulet he now held in his hand was hanging around his neck. Between then and the incident with Titus was nothing but sheer darkness in his memory. Haraku ran a thumb over the carved surface of the amulet. A pentacle was etched on one side along with a few other strange markings he didn't recognize. He had grown somewhat attached to the strange trinket. Haraku kept it on him at all times as a sort of good luck charm. He had eventually come to assume it was that somehow the thing that saved him as he had little information to tell him otherwise. Placing it back in his secure little pocket he rubbed the sleep from his eyes before realizing the sun was starting to rise. A sense of impending doom overcame him as his thoughts from the previous night came rushing back.

"The farm..." Haraku shut his eyes resting his head against the rock for a moment. It was now or never.

Haraku detested the idea of meddling in others affairs but if he didn't he wouldn't be able to live with himself even if this was the end of him again.

Back at the farm, Alarune sat at the table counting out every coin they had. Anareecie watched anxiously from the doorway of her bedroom. "367...368...369...370." he sighed sweeping all the coins off the table and into a decent sized sack with a drawstring. "nearly 500 less than last time." Anareecie's head hung low this was somehow even worse than she thought.

" you even have a plan yet?" she asked weakly. Alarune leaned back in the chair and looked out the window near the door. He took a long deep breath before answering her.

" Pari..."

Anareecie's brow furrowed hearing her horses name.

"my horse? father no!? please!" she begged but Alarune wouldn't hear it as he raised a hand to silence her.

"Please Reecie I don't want to fight... besides what-" He stopped as there was sudden banging on the door. A voice came from outside.

"oye! The terrible's eah ta collect iz protection money! come outside or were commin in" the voice gave a devious chuckle.

"ugh...they're here." Alarune's voice sounded a little shaken."stay inside." he gave Anareeice a stern look. Alarune took the sack of gold and slipped outside.

"Big bag a gold ya got...hope it's all there this time." Titus had men leaned up against the house on both sides of the door.

One picking his teeth with a small dagger. Alarune ignored them, his attention was instead on the Lion standing in the middle of his yard. His arms crossed as he was examining the bag of gold from afar. His head cocked to one side popping a few of the joints in his neck before doing the same to the other side. Little glints of gold sparkled in his mane with the movement. Alarune swallowed hard as he approached the Titan of a beast. He already looked agitated making Alarune all the more nervous. "Bag looks a little light Alarune...yer not holding out on me, are you?" The brutes words came in steamy clouds from the cold crisp morning air.

The still frosted tips of grass crunched under Alarunes feet. A cacophony of jingling came from the bag as Alarune thrust it toward him.

" H-here's every coin w-we have. " he stammered. Inside Anareecie was watching the exchange from the window inside. The fear and adrenaline giving her that unpleasant metallic taste as she watched. Titus shook his head holding the bag up before dropping it on the ground at his side.

"Are you tryin to insult me Alarune? You and I both know that's not nearly enough. The Lion leaned forward slightly, towering over the much...much shorter wood elf. "what else ya got?" Alarune looked past him to the barn, then the chickens. Titus sighed and unfolded his arms and pointed a finger at the elf before poking him in the chest with its claw. "no no no....your not going to buy me with poultry or cattle or horses or any other sort of livestock or trade goods this time. You sure you've got nothin else, no valuables?" He asked one last time while crouching down to Alarunes. Those big brown eyes searching into the elves and witnessing the terror in them up close.

"Everything I in that bag." Titus let a half winded chuckle slip through his fangs as his chops raised into that wicked grin of his. Standing nearly nose to nose with the elf.

"I'll just have to take what I can get then."

The lion stood and nodded to the other two. Seeing the signal the one with the dagger spun it around and slipped it into his belt before turning and kicking in the door allowing both men to rush in. Anareecie jumped at the door nearly coming off the hinges and backed into the kitchen corner

"Get out!" she cried.

"come ere ya little bitch." one man growled knocking the table to the side sending glass shattering across the floor. They each grabbed an arm and started to haul Anareecie to the door kicking and screaming with all her might as she was dragged outside.

"Please! You can't do this!" Alarune begged the lion grabbing the girth of one of his arms. "Anything but my daughter shes all I have left in this world!" Titus ripped his arm free of elves tiny hands nearly causing him to fall. The next thing Alarune knew Titus had a hand around his next and hoisted him up into the air.

" Then she will make a fine prize indeed." His voice was heavy with vicious intent as he gave Anareecie a truly evil smile baring all his terrible maw had to offer. The bandits smirked also as they presented her to The lion and her dangling father before her.

The way Titus had grabbed Alarune he was facing towards Anareecie as well. His hands clawed and giant fingers constricting his windpipe but did nothing to relieve the pressure.

"glk! auck!" the elf choked. His eyes began to roll into the back of his skull as applied slow excruciating pressure. The lion's deadly claws pierced the skin causing a thin stream of blood to run down his neck and stain the tunic he wore.

"STOP IT YOUR KILLING HIM." The poor girl wailed. A little more pressure was applied before there was a dull snap sound as the elf's neck gave under the strain. The death grip his hands had on the lion's fingers loosened before his arms feel dead, swinging at his sides, head cocked at an angle from the break. Titus chuckled and dropped Alarunes corpse watching it jostle as it fell to its knees then backward into a haphazard position. "NOOO!" Anareecie cried her voice cracking hoarsely from the sheer intensity of her cry.

The lion's attention turned back to her as she struggled against her captors once more with every fiber of her being, tears streaming down her face.

"you know.." Titus paused taking Anareecies chin in his hand as he roughly examined her like some kind of prize to be put on a pedestal. "I've never tasted your kind before... I bet your sweet like a summer flower.

"GET OFF ME!" Anareecie thrashed against the men their grip on her arms only getting painfully tighter. Titus drug a claw deliberately slow across her cheek creating a neat little cut that started to bleed just a little. Anareecie shut her eyes as tight as she could see what was coming next and prayed this was some sort of bad dream.

Almost gagging at the smell of his breath so close to her face. She felt the cats cold nose brush across her forehead followed by a sudden rush of air as he took her scent in with a deep breath, holding it only for a moment before she felt the cat's whiskers tickling her nose as he raked that trademark sandpaper-like tongue across her cheek making sure to get all of her wound in the process causing a sharp sting. Titus let out a moan of a breath savoring the taste of her flesh and blood.

"oh by the gods you don't know how long I've wanted that," he whispered.

Suddenly one of the men released her arm with a howl of pain before falling to the ground, a bolt sticking clean through one knee. Coming down the road at a full gallop was Haraku with his horse and cart a cloud of dust trailing behind him. "Who in the hell..." Titus and his one unwounded man looked to see. Anareecie wasted no time in breaking free from the one bandit she scrambled for the house not even looking to see who had come to her aid. Another bolt came whistling in pinning one of the remaining bandits arms to his side. He cried out the same as the first falling to his knees. Haraku rolled out of the cart as it passed by and continued on across the farm for a distance before coming to a stop.

A well-practiced move as Harku rolled to his feet and skidded to a stop just a few feet away crossbow still aimed he sunk a second bolt this time in the bandit's eye killing him instantly. A necessary evil as he pulled another 3 bolt cartridge from a pouch on his hip and loaded it. Titus's eyes went wide his nostrils flared picking up something that stirred an old memory. He had caught this scent once before at the tavern but choked it up to coincidence. What stood before him now was no coincidence. Titus looked like he had seen a ghost as Haraku stood and holstered his weapon. Small bolts would do little against a creature this size.

"Titus Treefeller! I come on behalf of the captain of Black Rock to collect the bounty on your head.

Come peacefully and I promise no harm will come to you." Titus shook his head pulling his ax from his back before spun it around a few times in hand. His gaze fell to his lackeys, one dead the other immobilized.

"Do ya have any Idea how hard it is to find good men these days wolf?" He replied just outright ignoring Harakus request.

"Surrender now!" Haraku barked. It was at this moment He noticed Alarunes body on the ground. His heart sank weakening his composure. He was too late... The wolf had to quickly push this out of his mind however as one misstep would mean death again against "The Terrible" Haraku drew his old sword pointing it at the lion. "I won't ask again" he warned. "Titus chuckled resting his ax on his shoulder as he stood his ground.

"how longs it been? fifteen, twenty years maybe?"

The wolfs eyes narrowed but he gave no reply. "heh... so be it." Titus muttered before bursting into a dead sprint at the wolf his weight carrying a heavy thud with each footfall like a one-man stampede in an attempt to quickly overwhelm Haraku with brute force and speed. Haraku dodged the thrusting ax spinning to the side before landing the first blow cutting the lion across one of his biceps. Distance was key here, as long as he kept Titus out of arms reach he stood a chance of maybe just maybe wearing him down. Titus roared and swung sidelong at him now back and forth making Haraku jump back with each swipe.

On one of the return swings, Haraku ducked under it before rising up scoring another hit slashing the beast across his stomach and chest. Curving his upward momentum around into his own swing he planted a heavy kick squarely into Lion's gut staggering and dropping him to one knee for a moment. Titus grunted before looking down at and touching the lengthy cut. The slightly whiter fur of his chest and stomach getting darker and darker as it slowly bled. "you've learned a few new tricks I see." the lion huffed before rushing at him again.

The sounds of fighting drew Anareecie once more to the kitchen window where she saw the two beasts dueling. Harku moved almost as if dancing scoring hit after superficial hit. While Titus was more like a battering ram on legs. She didn't know why the wolf had come back however that would be the least of her worries if Titus killed him too. This sudden realization got her on her feet before rushing to get her bow.

Titus panted now his mane a garbled mess around his face. His chest, arms and legs were littered with cuts.

"tired?" Haraku mocked. The lion sneered and raised his ax for an overhand throw.

"Not even a little," he growled arm bulging as it rocketed the ax at Haraku. The wolf smirked ready to dodge the foolishly discarded weapon. Just as he moved to dodge it he realized all too late Titus had dropped to all fours and sprinted after it. The wolf was able to evade the spinning ax as it whooshed past and stuck into the side of the barn. The lions large head connected with the wolfs core knocking him off his feet and slamming him into the barn wall causing some of the boards to break and buckle.

"gauck!" Haraku coughed a bit of bile from the impact, his sword dropping from his hand.

Now pinned to the wall Haraku had to act quickly for the lion balled up a fist and landed a blow it into his ribs smashing the vials his armor held and easily cracking a few ribs if not braking them. Haraku drew one of his daggers and drove one into the Beasts back drawing a roar of pain before he wrenched it free and stabbed again 2...3...4 times before Titus swatted the wolfs arm away leaving it buried into the back of his shoulder. He retaliated with a heavy headbutt drawing a pained yelp from the wolf as he fell to the ground dazed. Titus staggered back spinning in a circle for a moment as he tried to pull the dagger from the back of his shoulder. An arrow zoomed past his snout. His head turned to see that red-headed elf notching another arrow. Titus moved to face her pulling his ax free he held it width wise before him as a makeshift shield just as her second arrow plinked harmlessly off the surface of the ax head.

Raku tried to shake the double vision off that was still causing his head to spin. It took him a moment to notice Anareecie had joined the fight. She couldn't have made a worse mistake than to get the lions attention. The wolf wiped the dribble from his muzzle and got to his feet using the wall for support for a moment.

"This is for my father!" she shouted and took aim with her final arrow Titus was already poised for another throw.

"Anareecie!" he shouted and pounced on the lions back and bit into his neck. Ina struggle for survival there was no such thing as fighting dirty. Haraku awkwardly hooked a leg around the lion's arm preventing the throw as Anareecies arrow hit its mark for the first time sinking into the Lions side. The beast roared once more now in a full-on rage. His body, beaten and bloodied.

Titus snapped the arrow shaft with his free hand and before Haraku could get his teeth into anything vital Titus landed another fist square on the top of the wolf skull loosening his bite just enough for him to get a grip on the wolf and pull him over his shoulder slamming him flat on the ground. Every muscle in his body rippled as he raised one foot and tried to stomp the wolfs head into the dirt. Haraku rolled to one side gasping for the air just knocked from his body as the lion's foot came down inches from his head. What was Anareecie to do now? all her arrows spent it didn't look like Haraku would be able to keep this up much longer...but what could she do? She looked around in a panic before laying eyes in Harakus sword resting in the dirt by the barn and made a break for it.

She had never held a sword before but how much harder could be to stab with than a knife. She thought. Before Titus could raise his foot again Haraku rolled away into a low crouch still coughing and gasping. Titus was on top of him but a moment later as he leaped at the wolf tackling him in the dirt. The two beasts rolled and slashed each other with teeth and claws like animals in the street. This brawl was becoming brutally feral. With sword in hand, Anareeice came up behind them just as it looked like Titus was about to pin Haraku down. Anareecie's raised the sword looking for a good spot to try and drive it home.

"This looks familiar" Titus grunted in between labored breaths.

"I've killed you once before Aku I CAN DO IT AGAIN AND AGAIN NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES YOU COME BACK!" Titus screamed with all his might, eyes bloodshot and wild as he slammed Haraku into the ground before his blood slicked hands found they're way around his neck. Haraku drew his remaining dagger. Before he could drive it into the heart of the beast, however, Titus gave up on the stranglehold, locking one arm around the wolfs his other hand struggling to wrestle the dagger free. The amount of blood on both of them making it a slippery struggle. Strength was one thing Haraku could never match with Titus as he managed to get a grip on it now bearing down on the wolf with his own weapon. Haraku fought to resist. The tip shaking as it scraped across his leather armor over his chest.

Anareecie took her chance and plunged it into the lions back.

Pushing as hard as she could to force it all the way through.

"aaugh!" the lion growled and sort half coughed a maw full of blood onto the wolfs chest. His strength gave for only a second but it was all Haraku needed. He reached for the crossbow still on his hip allowing Titus to fall forward burying the dagger into the wolfs shoulder. Anareecie heard a sharp yelp followed by a slight "chink" sound of a bolt being fired. The mountain of muscle suddenly relaxed slowly hunching forward. As the life fled from its body. Haraku pushed The beast off him with one foot. Titus fell to the side. The Terrible tyrant lay dead from a bolt to the brain delivered under his chin. Haraku lay there for a long moment. Blood oozed and dripped out around the dagger still stuck in his shoulder.

His eyes fell to Anareecie who stood at his side with his other dagger in her hand? Haraku spoke in between short shallow breaths.

"what...what are you doing.?" his voice trembled on the verge of shock. His normally sleek soft black fur was rustled and matted with blood. A series of deep scratches on the side of his face made a soft dripping sound as each drop fell to the small puddle growing under his shoulder.

Anareecie's hands trembled.

"Is what...he said true...a-are you really Aku?"

"every word." he coughed. The corners of her mouth turned slowly into a frown. What good was there in lying now.

He deserved death more than any save for the body next to his. He wouldn't argue against it, he wouldn't even try to stop her.

"s-so everything you've told a lie..." Harakus head shook slowly.

"Not everything..." Anareecie looked to her father's corpse, then the lions. Her gentle blue eyes then fixed on her own hands and the bloodied dagger in them. She had helped take a life...she was a killer now...same as him and she wanted to hate him for it, for everything. Her father, her brother, and for staining her soul with the blood of another.

"one more question... a-and I want the truth... the whole truth...." her voice trembled. "did you kill my brother?" He shook his head again.

"no....but I was there...he fought better than most."

Haraku offered a weak smile. Anareecie broke down into tears dropping to her knees at his side, the dagger falling from her hands she slowly put one hand on the blood covered chest piece while the other gently pulled the dagger from his should Blood filling the wound rapidly.

"you saved my life...I can't ignore that. "Haraku smiled in that fact.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save your fathers," he replied. Behind them, the sun was cresting behind the house illuminating the battle that took place moments earlier. "please...close your eyes and relax I can...I might be able to help." The wolf did as she asked putting himself wholly at her mercy. As she placed both hands on shoulder one over the other a faint aura began to glow around them.

The wound started to close just slightly but little by little the bleeding stopped. He was nowhere near healed but she was confident he was no longer on the brink of death. " that's all I can do for now." Haraku gave no reply though not even a nod. "A-aku? Haraku?" she tried both names unsure of what to call him now. Still, he gave no response. Worried she might have failed she leaned in close to his muzzle. He's still breathing...just unconscious she thought. She took a quick survey of the scene. That other bandit must have made off during the fight as he was nowhere to be found. It wasn't until she was suddenly alone that she realized how eerily quiet the farm was. What was she supposed to do now though? Her eyes started to well up again. She had never felt so alone before...and now she truly was.