
Story by jimkoyot on SoFurry

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#1 of Luka

You can find some interesting things on the streets of Manhattan. You just need to look hard enough.

It was a dreary day. Hot and humid, it was miserable to be outside. Everyone outside was in shorts and light shirts. Tourists had wide brimmed hats on for the sun and nearly everyone had on sunglasses. It was just another August day in New York City. Everything was normal, including the traffic.

"James, today was such a bust. Seven shelters and nothing bigger than a husky. All of them said they had big dogs, too! Liars, all of them!"

"I agree, sir."

"Oh come on, I'm not in the mood for the uptight butler act. Give me some feedback!"

James barked out one quick laugh, "sir, you know these places aren't used to people wanting anything bigger than a corgi. Huskies are big to them! Heaven forbid someone has something bigger than a toy poodle!"

Adam sighed. He knew his butler was right, but that didn't mean he had to like it. Just like he didn't have to like the traffic driving through Manhattan in tourist season. He opted for video conferences whenever he could just to avoid the traffic and he believed his other cabinet members agreed. Trying to get from Brooklyn to Upper Manhattan was a pain. He looked out the window in disdain.

Something caught his eye and he focused on it. The alley they were passing had something that looked furry in it. Something BIG and furry. Sure, it might have been an old fur coat or something akin to that, but it was worth a look. Even a big stray dog, if nice enough, was preferable to some toy pet.

"James! I see something! Pull off the side here while I go check it out!"

"Wait, what? What did you-- ah crap!"

James pulled the car off into the bus lane while Adam jumped out and jogged to the alley. Adam has in his hands a bag of dog biscuits, just in case, as he slowed his approach now that he was just outside the alley. He could see the fur pile about twenty feet into the alley next to a garbage bin. It wasn't moving so he tried not to get his hopes up. Whatever it was, it was filthy. The fur was full of dirt, grease, and soot.

Finally the fur moved when he was only a few feet from it. He heard it take a deep sighing breath. It did sound labored, though. Whatever this was, it wasn't healthy. He shook the treat bag and pulled one out, getting a huff from it. Finally he saw a shape as it turned its head his way. The most soulful, ice blue eyes he'd ever seen stared back at him; questioning but hopeful. He was locked in its gaze, the eyes so beautiful.

It closed its eyes and curled back in on itself and he finally lost his trance. Now with his wits about him again, he tried with the treat again, "hey, big guy. What are you doing out here? Want a biscuit?" The pile huffed but didn't move from its position, "I can take you with me. Comfy apartment, lots of food. A shower? You look like you could use one." The pile snorted this time and turned to look at him again. Instead of getting locked into the gaze, which was more incredulous this time than anything, he held up the biscuit and an eyebrow.

The pile of fur uncurled from the ground and stood on all fours. It's head was up to Adam's neck and he was six foot two. It was enormous! He was too excited to notice the animal take the biscuit from his hand and crunch it up. It sat down and looked at him more. He held up the bag and gave it a shake again.

"If you come with me I will give you these and I can work on a bath and more food once we get to my place."

The beast, he wasn't too sure it was a dog, shook itself out sending dust and debris flying about the alley before standing back up and cocking its head at him. He knew his car was going to need a serious cleaning after this but if this dog-thing stayed amicable to him then he was set! Food was always the way to someone's heart!

Adam walked backward a few steps and it moved to follow him so he turned to walk with more purpose out onto the street and towards his car. He kept glancing over his shoulder to make sure it was following and happily opened the back door to let it in. The car rocked a bit from it stepping in and laying across the back seat. He looked in and realized it took up the whole bench and he would have to sit up front.

"Jezus, boss! That thing is huge! What is it, half bear?"

"I don't know, but so far it likes me! Home, James!"

"God damnit!"

James hated that phrase. It was so annoying but Adam thought it was hilarious. Some phrase from an older movie the man had seen. James hadn't seen it but it was something he had to deal with if he wanted to enjoy the pay, room, and board of working for Adam. He even got quite a few nights off to do things as well when Adam didn't have plans.

Getting the huge animal up to Adam's penthouse was even more of a chore. Some lady was coming out of the elevator as they were coming in and freaked out at the size of it. She froze up in the elevator while her purse chihuahua yapped at the group. James just held the door and guided the freaked out woman from the elevator and around the dog. Adam was getting a better look at it and was noticing it looked more like a wolf but sure as hell didn't act like one and was certainly larger than one. With the woman running to her car, they stepped into the elevator and headed up to the top floor.

Some kid had hit the up button on the tenth floor instead of down and got a good view when the doors opened. He didn't scream but he sure did pale. Adam chimed in, "going up?"

The kid shook his head and the doors closed again. The rest of the trip was uneventful and thankfully Adam did not share the top floor with anyone else.

They stepped through the doors into a foyer and Adam unlocked the door, "okay, first thing is first, you need a shower! Come along, let's get that coat in better shape. It's probably been a while since you've seen your own fur." Adam opened the door and let James and the dog walk in before him. He thought it strange that it would be this friendly and on the streets. Yeah, it was huge, but why would such a smart and friendly animal be living the streets. It was even checking out his apartment, taking in the sights and smells. It walked over to his couch and he got worried for his expensive white leather sofa but it turned away and looked to the kitchen.

"Hey." Both the animal and James turned to Adam, "James, can you go get a bag of food. Maybe one of those tubes of the meat stuff. I'll order some better stuff later but something to tide them over for now. I need to get them into the shower and get this grime from their fur."

James nodded and headed out the way he came. Adam walked in the direction of the bathroom and the animal followed him. For how tame it seems it doesn't seem to mind the idea of a bath or shower. Dogs he'd had in the past fled at the word. This one didn't seem excited or upset about it. Maybe it was just following him like it had no purpose. It could have been depressed from being on the street for so long.

He opened the door to the front guest bathroom and the animal walked in for him. It was still very curious how this thing acted. He couldn't really just chalk it up to being on the streets or having been a pet for a while. Nothing really made sense. Was this too good to be true?

As he shut the door behind him, the animal nosed its way into the glass shower enclosure and laid down. Adam stripped down naked and joined it, making sure he had a full bottle of shampoo with him since this was going to be a job and a half. The spray was cold for only a few seconds before the coils heated it up and had a nice warm stream washing over the two. Already a steady stream of muck was washing down the drain off the animal and he decided to give it a rinse before he got in there with the shampoo. It took a while but he started to see a gray coming through instead of the dirt brown. The fur still felt oily though so he upended some shampoo onto it's neck and started massaging it in. It looked like it was smiling a bit and was rumbling happily at the ministrations so he kept it up, adding more shampoo as he went down, working it as deep into the fur as he could get his fingers.

Having turned the animal into a pile of suds, he pulled the shower head down to rinse it again, marveling at the ghost white fur that came through now that it was clean. He definitely felt ribs through the fur so it hadn't been eating enough but it's legs were still pretty thick so he could only imagine what this thing looked like when it was healthy. Next step, belly wash! At least he'd figure out the gender now.

He put the shower head back up in the holder and patted it on the shoulder, "alright, roll over. Gotta get the other side now."

It groaned but rolled onto its back. Yep, male, definitely male. Holy hell he had a huge sheath! Adam upended more shampoo on his chest and started to lather it in, working his way down as he could. Then came the gun part. Adam hesitated only momentarily at the sheer size of it but upended some shampoo onto his sheath and massaged it into his groin and rear end. The animal groaned and kicked his leg a bit in this area and Adam had the thought that he liked it until noticing that he really liked it. Red "lipstick" started poking from the sheath and it was easily two inches across. Adam had to shake his head as the animal twitched.

Finally the whole thing was clean. His entire body was covered in thick, soft, long white fur with a silver saddle across his back and shoulders. Adam dried himself off and wrapped his waist in the towel before heading back out into the bathroom proper. He dug around under the sink for a minute before pulling out something with a triumphant "ah hah!" It was a blow dryer. The animal cocked his head at adam before shaking himself out in the shower. Water scattered everywhere and Adam was glad for the glass enclosure. The dog, that certainly looked much more like an arctic wolf than anything, padded out and sat next to Adam with his head cocked still. Adam plugged it in and turned it on, seeing how the... wolf reacted to the whine. He flattened his ears but otherwise didn't react much. Adam just shrugged and stepped over to start drying out the fur.

After a minute, the big wolf seemed to be purring his rumbling was so loud as Adam combed through his fur coat and dried the shower water from it. It took a while but soon Adam had before him a majestic, but fluffy, giant wolf. Adam was contemplating on it when he heard the alarm chime at the door opening.

"Ah, James is back!"

Adam walked out in just the towel to greet James and see what he got. James was just dropping the big bag in the kitchen when Adam walked out.

"What'd you do, shower with it?"

"No, but it's easier to get in the shower and expect to get wet when bathing an animal this big. Besides, check him out! Beautiful, no?"

The wolf seemed to smile at the compliment and slowly padded over. He certainly was big and looked ferocious, but Adam was in love.adam figured he had to weigh at least 300 pounds but probably weighed closer to 500 when he was healthy and well fed judging by his build. He would need to slowly fix that.

James pulled out a big metal mixing bowl and dumped half of the twenty pound bag into it, "they didn't have any of the meat tubes in stock. They said they should get more Thursday."

Adam looked at his phone to check shipping time and saw he could have food mailed before then since it was Saturday, "no worries. I should be able to get some in by Tuesday mail order. I can get better than they have at the store anyways. That fancy food website is good for that at least."

The wolf walked over to the food bowl and sniffed at it. He grunted and took a mouthful, "it's something."

Both Adam and James looked at each other, "did you-- did he..."

The wolf stopped in his eating and looked up at them. They were both staring at him intensely. They knew they heard a voice and neither of them spoke. Neither was capable of anything so deep or growly either. The wolf folded his ears back and went back to eating.

Adam was having none of that, "I know what I heard. I could tell you were no normal dog. Not just with how big you were." He curled in on himself but kept eating, "you look like a wolf but you're easily three times the size of one. What are you?"

They both heard a rumbling but couldn't tell if it was words or just grumbling. James wanted to know, "was that a reply or were you just grumbling?"

The massive wolf scooped up the bowl in a massive hand-paw and turned around, sitting cross legged in a weird fashion for the shape of his legs. He used his other hand to scoop out some and toss it into his mouth.

"I'm a Luka."

"The hell is a Lu--."

"I knew you weren't a dog! God damnit! I was so excited for a little while there."

The Luka just raised a fluffy white eyebrow at him, "I'm sorry? Look I would have been perfectly happy living as a dog. It got me off the streets and gave me a meal. It's been a week since I'd had something to eat. I would have headed back up into Canada but I'm not a good swimmer and there are a lot of boats in that river. Obviously I haven't been doing well for myself."

"Yeah well a talking dog isn't exactly what I was looking for. Particularly one that can stand... what, eight feet tall? I wanted a big dog, but I wanted a dog."

"Look, if it makes you happy, I can leave. I appreciate the meal and I'm sorry it inconvenienced you. I probably should stop wandering the streets like a dog and actually walk like a Luka. Maybe I can actually make it across a bridge without being stopped by animal control."

"Well where am I going to find a big dog now? I thought I hit the jackpot with you!"

"Head up north, about three hundred miles. There are dog breeds up there that are pretty big. Big fluffy black dogs. I do not know what they are called."

Adam was confused for a second, but gave it some thought, "wait. Newfoundlands? Oh, that's a great idea! I didn't think of that before! It's not a giant white wolf breed, but those are still great!"

"Well at least I could be a little helpful. I will get out of your hair now. Thank you for the bath and food." He set the remainder of the bowl on the floor and stood up to leave. Indeed his ears almost brushed the eight foot ceiling and he looked like a werewolf, albeit thin. This was going to be interesting walking around in public. He walked over to the front door and opened it to the woman from the parking lot again, sans mini annoying thing, gaping again, "oh. Hello again."

He heard her mumble "so pretty" quietly before he shuffled her to the side so he could leave. She caught her wits when she stumbled over her own feet. She saw him hit the button on the elevator and frowned.

"Where are you going?"

He turned to look at her, his ice blue eyes piercing her, "hopefully north. Why?"

"I'm sorry for screaming earlier. I came to apologize to Adam, but now I feel I need to apologize to you. Can you come to my apartment?"

He cocked an ear at her but gestured to the elevator when it opened for him, "if you really want to, sure. I have no timetable for leaving and I feel night is a better time to walk the streets anyways."

She smiled widely before bouncing into the elevator in front of him. He stepped in beside her and used his height to his advantage to examine his host. She was plush in physique, but wore it well with smooth hips, long red hair, and, while he wasn't interested in them, rather large breasts. He never understood human's obsession with them. Luka's only grew in when they were nursing pups, otherwise they were as flat chested as the men. To them it was a sign they were with young and to be protected. Here, supposedly it was to attract a mate. At least that was the rumor.

They got to her floor, twelve, and disembarked. Her place was, thankfully, only three doors down and they had little risk of running into anyone. Once inside, he noticed a marked difference between his home and hers. He had a large, lavish apartment while she had a more quaint, comfortable place. Her whole floor was a bit shorter, though, and he had to hunch a bit to keep from rubbing his head on the ceiling.

"It's not much, but it's home. Would you like anything? I have water, juice... beer?"

He looked at her and smiled, "I would love a beer. It had been a long time since we had gotten beer from the humans up in the arctic. Traveling alone is even harder to get it."

She nodded and headed to the kitchen, disappearing around the corner, "you know, I thought your kind was shorter. I thought they were closer to five feet tall, not almost eight."

He squatted down on the floor, looking like a big wolf again for her when she came around the corner. She squeaked, "I am a rarity among my kind. We normally do not get this big. It is one reason I left. I frightened my own people. It seems I frighten you too."

"It's... not fear. More surprise than anything. I'd always wanted to meet one of your kind since I was a kid. Your size is a bit surprising but there is excitement in there too." She handed him the beer bottle, top popped off already, "so what's your name?"

He took a swig and licked his chops, enjoying the flavor, "mmm. You wouldn't be able to pronounce it in your tongue."

"I'd still like to know." With a chuckle he uttered a series of growls and barks in quick succession. She tilted her head and he repeated the series, "wow. Okay you are right, not meant for human tongues. I would like to call you by some sort of name, though. It is rude not to."

He glanced up at the wall and saw a painting of a wolf with a similar fur pattern to his. He nodded to it, "what is his name?"

She looked where he was nodding and blushed, "ah. That is Ulvgard. He is a character of mine."

"It is interesting to see a wolf with an axe. Makes me want one. You said it was a character of yours?"

She blushed a little deeper, "I uh, I write stories. He is from one I am more fond of."

"You humans are so interesting. Things you enjoy make you embarrassed. I will never understand why. Would you like to call me by his name?"

She blushed even harder, turning a bright red now. Her face was darker than her hair now and it amused him to no end, "y-y-yes. Very much."

"Good. So what did you want to talk about while you have me here?"

"Oh god this is embarrassing."

"Please, do not be embarrassed. I already know you are excited by me, but what did you want to talk about?"

She paused and turned white instead of red. She looked up at him, mouth open in fear, "you... you know? How?"

He just tapped his nose and shook his head, "you humans are so strange. Now you smell of fear. What is there to fear from me? I am in your home as your guest." He took another swig of beer and settled into his strange cross legged sitting pose again.

She shook her head, trying to straighten her thoughts, "it's just... it's wrong! We are not supposed to have this kind of attraction! What would everyone think?"

He scratched his chin in thought, "so you care what others think of you? Why? Should you not only care about your own happiness?"

"I... I..." She took a few heavy swallows of her beer and sat down at the table in her kitchen, "I don't know."

He shook his head at her, "well, we can figure that out later. You still want to talk about something. That much I can tell."

She nodded a bit before taking another heavy swallow, "yeah. Well, I know you wanted to leave and find your way back north, but would you be willing to stay for a few more days and join me for an event?"

He leaned back and took his own heavy swallow, regarding her carefully, "this is interesting. It is a bit sudden, no? Are you sure you want to be with me for so long? You seem to have a hard time being with me now."

She went back to blushing but at least she wasn't so tongue tied, "I want to get to know you. Please?"

He smiled a big wolffish grin that made her shiver, "I will go with you, though, if we are going we will need to do something about food tonight before retiring. It would also be good to know the name of the woman I will be spending my time with."

"Oh! I'm sorry. My name is Cecelia. My friends call me Skye though."

"Mmmm, I think I like Cecelia better. It rolls off the tongue very smooth and soft. Much like you." She squeaked and shivered, stammering at the comment, "you seem much too stressed. I think I need to help you relax."

He set the beer down and walked towards her on all fours. She suddenly got a lot more nervous and downed the rest of her beer by the time he was face to face with her. He gave a quick lick of her cheek that made her squeak and giggle. But then he licked her throat slowly and again on the side of her neck. This got her to shiver and her heart racing. He nuzzled his nose into the base of her throat and gave her a lick where her collarbones connected. Moving her blouse to the side gave him room to nibble on her collarbone itself, eliciting a gasp from her as he started to pull her shirt up out of her skirt. It was a button-up but he wasn't about to try undoing buttons with his heavy hand-paws. He could still get it up high enough to be over her breasts, giving him room to snuffle and lick at her soft stomach. He ran his paws up and down her sides, soothing her as he licked and tickled.

Bored of just licking and teasing at her stomach and neck, he scooped her up into his arms and carried her over to the couch. Her only complaint was a gasp as she was easily hoisted into the air and carried. Laid out on the couch, he worked his claws into her waistband and pulled the long skirt down over her hips. It was elastic, thankfully, and he had grabbed her underwear in the same pull, undressing her from the waist down in a shimmying pull to free her lower half. She blushed like a tomato again as he rubbed his paws along her legs and licked at them from ankle to hip.

He placed her ankles over his shoulders and breathed in her scent deeply, "mmmm, earthy but sweet. A fantastic delicacy for the pallet." She was about to say something but the broad, rough tongue dragging across her shaven nethers got her to roll her head back and moan instead. Large, strong hand-paws reached under her and lifted, giving him better access to her treasure and massaging her at the same time. The tongue started moving in circles, rubbing through her folds and pleasing her in ways she had never imagined. Fingers and toys couldn't move or cover this much sensitive area as the tongue lapped at everything over and between her labia. The sensation was electric as the roughness caressed her most sensitive of areas. The direction changed to an up and down motion which was interesting but she liked the circular motion better. Then she felt the tongue dipping down. On downward strokes it would start working its way into her vagina. It was surprising at first and then it started wiggling it's way in and she felt the rough surface inside of her. She covered her mouth to keep from screaming out as the tongue got deep enough to brush her g-spot, the roughness hitting her like a French tickler. She was building up fast at this rate and could barely control her breathing. She felt like she was going to combust from the pressure building up! Her peak approaching faster and faster, she had nothing she could do other than cover her mouth to keep from screaming to the heavens. That certainly didn't stop her from trying as her body exploded into euphoria as waves of orgasmic bliss washed over her. She twisted and twitched as the high lasted longer and longer. The high lasted for an eternity before it became painful and she had to put her hands on the Luka's head to slow him down.

He licked slowly still, not pushing his tongue inside, but just licking the outside as she tried to catch her breath. He lowered her back down on the couch and licked the inside of her legs instead.

She looked at him with half lidded eyes, "how many girls have you practiced with to get -that- good with your tongue?"

He licked her belly briefly before laying his head on her, "never with a human, and it has been years since I have been with my own kind. The anatomy is different but the concept is still there. Do you feel more relaxed?"

"I do. That was amazing. So you are interested in going to this event?"

"What kind of event is it?"

"It is a convention. A fur con. Believe me, you will be all the rage there. We leave in the morning. For now, though, I need another beer and we need some dinner." He smiled, letting her slowly get back up to her feet. She didn't bother putting her skirt back on but adjusted her shirt to fit right again. Feeling his fur brush against her as she moved about the kitchen was exhilarating and sent a thrill up her spine at things that might come in time. He seemed amicable to the idea of human women, she just needed to see if he was up for actually mating with one, and by chance, staying with one.