When The Dungeon Wants You As Its Master

Story by The Bloody Seje on SoFurry

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#24 of Just a Series of Things

Please pardon the excessive use of kobold and fantasy here, I'm really trying to affirm you that this is a world primarily built around the affinity between the little scamps and their menacing siblings.

But other than that, please enjoy the drabbles of a writer who has never played DnD in their life and only went by snippets of information convenient enough to include in the story! Apologies if the ending looks hastened-I really wanted to give you guys more of something I can offer.

Dungeons and Dragons. The second you hear the title you think of roleplaying nerds that love dressing up in paper towel rolls held together with gift wrapping tape and capes made of bedsheets, hmm? No? Were you actually thinking of dedicated players to the fantasy who took time out of their day to carefully craft materials together to create real-life likelinesses of the characters they developed themselves alongside? Well, you'd be right, o fair wanderer of mind, for that is what you are witnessing tonight in the overhead light gathering of little guys who looked like dragons but whelpish.

Jergo was excited. That's all there was to it.

Surrounded by his kobold friends clad in their own armor homemade, he humbly awaited his buddy on his farthest right to hurry and finish rolling his dice. His character was already fitted with enough Holy gear to keep his dice rolling chances relatively high-provided it were greater than 9-so there was no way that he couldn't be backtra-

Unless he somehow cursed himself to roll a one.

"Are you fucking kdding me!?" The lone accursed digit glared at them all, and much to Jergo's displeasure they all began to grumble in a fit of heresy and desistance as he tried to find a good point of silence to recite what the roll entailed. Only when he knew that bringing his voice into the mix without getting his head chopped off..

"Uh...the paladin's throw to secure the bridge falls short by...eight inches....so he falls into the pit of lava ...and the rest of the party...fall into the lava pit after the stone floor collapses." They all collectively glared daggers at him, making him bite back on trying to give a supportive word.

"Yeah, Jergo, I don't think this is what we had in mind when we said 'make a new dungeon for us that isn't a cakewalk'. There was bullshit around every corner!" The leftmost kobold was outraged, tick mark in plain sight with his yellow scales almost as bright as the fire that burned in his eyes.

"I was just trying to give it a go, Mack! You guys only gave me three days!"

"Three days was more than enough time to think of an alternative method of getting across a bridge that was doomed to fall without a roll above 7 unless you had enough Charisma bonuses from your gear and level. It was like you designed that just so we'd take the Holy Spear of Tribenioyl for the roll bonuses." The kobold to Mack's left spoke, adjusting his glasses but still keeping his venom visible in his bright red eyes. His glare stung the deepest, for he was green scaled, and the cheery holiday coloration in reverse held a rather foreboding effect.

"I'm sorry, okay!? I was designing it and that's what my brain went with when I was deciding on how the dungeon should end since I was crunching. You know I don't do well under pressure, Zeke."

"Maybe you should have just...I dunno...called? We're not monsters-we're just five dudes trying to have fun playing around as elves, bards and whatever in dungeons that sound death-defying in real life practice. We would have understood if you needed more time, man." The white kobold to Zeke's left sounded the least angry with Jergo, but his chastising words left Jergo's heart to pieces long before the rightmost even got a first crack.

"Lance, I-"

"Next time, stick to the modules until one of us makes a dungeon for you to manage. I think I speak for all of us when I say you definitely fell flat with trying to be creative here." And just as the red-scaled reptilian finished, a buzzer went off next to Jergo and he cut it off with a dejected sigh. The four before him began to pack up, not even bothering to clean up the game for the black-scaled fellow still sitting down before heading downstairs from the attic they all played in. They left in order of which they left their downtrodden dungeon master in shambles, with the one that spoke last taking the time to turn back and give Jergo some sort of last hope that maybe they might change their mind.

"Yeah, Jacob?" He really should learn how to read body language because he got a sneer for his rather hopeful question.

"When we get to school tomorrow, give your rulebooks to Zeke. Think we'll put you at Player Character for a while." Jergo was left to feel the burning tear of shame as they left him there, leaving him to hang his head low and close his DM binder. He felt like he was gonna cry, but he couldn't muster up the sobbing nor anymore waterworks after the first fell. Not even when he watched them all walk away from his home with their backpacks and other carrying items from the attic window that none of them looked back to.

This was supposed to be the night that everything changed. When they stopped playing by the book and went along to have adventures that sounded exciting and legendary considering how high-leveled they all were from replaying the basic modules over and over again for XP. Or well, mid-leveled.

Jacob was the only high-level among them with his dark elf paladin/necromancer hybrid character, so Jergo thought that making sure he couldn't taxi them all through his dungeon was something to keep in mind when he got to making it. But in his haste to make sure that it was fair for everyone, he didn't proofread his ideas and unintentionally ended up making Jacob completely useless from start to finish. No rolls for attacking, barely any for defending and the others wasted their lone saving throws for him when he was to die in random encounters three times. So he was sure that the blood-colored kobold held him with high resentment and next to no regard after tonight's flop.

Jergo made sure all the pieces and the board were put away, closing the box where everything was held and just staring at the cover. To think he brought this up to his friends seven years ago after he got it from his dad's closet so it didn't collect dust and go to waste ...and now his ideas were gonna go to waste...

Another tear made its way down his face and he slid the game under the table where it was played before heading down the stairs that led to the second floor, trying his best to be quiet with his crying and his steps since it was late and he didn't want his baby brother to come crying awake to bother his snoozing parents. His bedroom was across from the attic steps on the far end, so he crept as quietly as he could since he preemptively dressed in his pajama pants and a plain white tee before his buddies came over for a long session.

Unfortunately, two hours wasn't long.

Jergo got into his small bedroom and needing only to hop to his right before he was on his bed, feeling the tears seep into his blankets before he crawled up to his pillow and beat his head into its plush surface. He cursed the world, he cursed creativity, he cursed the Man, he cursed his PC Solsheek for being left behind in levels and he cursed fantasy for preying on young minds like him into wondering what it'd be like to weave an adventure that others could join in. And yet, he couldn't bring himself to curse his own stupidity.

He was dumb for going with his gut on this one. He had mapped out a simple, fun and somewhat convoluted ride for Mack, Zeke, Lance and Jacob prior to the making of that disaster of a session that ended minutes ago, but something in his mind whispered:

"Make it exciting...I will guide you..."

And thus, the results of listening to that voice has brought Jergo to this point. He found his breath and decided to take an honest rest, making sure his tail didn't get snagged upwards while he pulled his blanket up from his feet to rest properly. A glint in his teary eye made him look up a bit, seeing his framed character sheet posted on his lampstand, left not to collect dust but rather to collect age with underusage. Jergo ended up turning away before he made things worse. Maybe tomorrow won't be as bad as he thought ...After all,

DnD sessions don't happen often between the five kobolds.


Jergo was on a rush to get to school, having slept past his alarm for the first seven minutes and thus cutting into his shower time and his time spent scrubbing his face. Just to avoid any disgruntled faces, he mixed both together and wiped himself down as best as he would in three minutes before drying off and getting ready.

His backpack was already loaded with his school junk, so it wasn't until he got into some clothes to wear to leave did he remember that Jacob wanted him to bring the DnD rulebooks to Zeke. Remembering that brought a saddening pang to his heart but he didn't let himself get reduced to tears again. He stormed up to the attic door, throwing it open and running upstairs to get to the game table. As soon as he got to the top, his foot caught on the ledge and he smacked his knee into the floor.

"Ow! Fffffffff......dammit...." He was sure his parents were downstairs and wondering why he was trying to make haste, so he didn't want to risk a stern talking-to that'd make him miss the bus. He limped to the table as planned, slid the game out from beneath, and opened it up to take the rulebooks out. He always puts them beneath everything else, so Jergo had to hurry before he heard the school bus outside. The driver hated that he was either almost on-time or just barely late so it's been a rocky relationship this whole school year.

The books were huge fitting into his bag, and for a minute Jergo thought he wouldn't be able to close it so no one saw what he had. The last thing he needed were some jerk jocks picking on him for having "books thicker than their skin". He's been off their radar for a while now, he can't afford bullyi-

The books somehow made room in his clutter and instead of basking in the how-since a couple of the books were very extensive in pages-he just accepted it and clambered downstairs like the house was on fire. Right on time, he saw his mom groggily strolling towards his little brother's room so he gave her a quick hug before heading downstairs, ignoring the breakfast packed for him in the kitchen and shooting out the door just as he heard the first and only reminder honk from the bus that had parked itself outside. He was grateful he saved a bit of time despite his little sleep-in, but he wasn't surprised to see the driver dragon still looking cross with him when they let him inside.

"Sorry, ma'am...." The sapphire-scaled lady just snorted and waited for him to go past before shutting it and driving off. Here's another problem.

Jergo had nowhere to sit.

His friends were all in the back with the smaller seats meant for two and none of them looked to be willing to share while they were busy talking to each other with backpacks in their laps, so Jergo submitted to this sudden ostracization from them and looked for a better seat. The dark-scaled kobold was at least a little glad everyone else was chatting among themselves and only gave him fleeting glances as he passed rather than full-on staring at him like he were a new kid.

Unfortunately, the only empty seat available for him was the sticky seat usually occupied by Sticky Shawn-a brown, overweight kobold obsessed to the bone with syrup, jelly and all sorts that make for annoying adhesives if left alone-though the chubby guy was out today as opposed to chugging his usual bottle of syrup on the way to school. Jergo tried to find any portion of the seat that wasn't completely covered in any substances, but his only hope was near the window since Shawn always sat in the middle so the lad had no choice but to endure it. He couldn't even bring his backpack to the floor or anywhere other than his lap, leaving the weight of the DnD rulebooks to press into his thighs.

The window view gave him time to think about how he was gonna have to deal with being a PC until further notice. Since he was the only one good at managing things, he's never had time to fully develop his lone dragon monk of balance. Poor Solsheek was barely over level twenty-five while his friends were in the forties-or in Jacob's case, high fifties thanks to some of his XP-boosting sessions when he was MIA with other friends. And being so far behind meant that he was gonna be the butt of every joke pertaining to strength and weak links with his inability to combat anything above his level. Trying an attack would be like throwing a twig at an armor-plated ogre in the Forest of Phlarghimiem ...Well, maybe not there. It doesn't exist yet and probably won't at this rate...

He sighed just in time to steam up the pane he was looking through, the bus coming to a stop somewhere ...that wasn't school? Jergo looked around and sure enough they were at a new street he's never seen before. The houses were all white or blue, spaced apart, and looked about as dead as his own at this time....

Oh, it's a suburb.

Jergo got to look through it for a street sign one good time before he heard the bus pull off away from the potential place it would be at, seeing the other kids nearby looking towards the front of the bus. Must be a new kid. He turned back to the window so he could watch for when they made it to school so he could hurry and give these books u-

"This seat taken?" A rather generic teen voice threw its way to Jergo, getting him to turn around to answer before pausing.

The "new kid" looked like a kobold who was trying to blend the black spots of his scales with his all-white body, like someone corrupted by darkness trying to stick to the brighter side of things but being reminded that they were cursed to live with the duality of morals in their being. They were even clad in a white tee and black jeans, and black hair with a white streak starting at one of the strands over their face. Jergo kept on looking...

Because the guy looked like his DnD character if they were a modern-day kobold instead of a fantasy dragon.

"Uh...is it taken?" Their voice even reminded him of what it'd be like if they were real and he snapped out of it after coming to that conclusion.

"No no, go ahead." Jergo went back to looking at the window, but he could still see them moving into the sticky space next to them. At this, the black kobold felt bad that the new guy was forced to sit in the war zone of old substances but he was taken aback when he saw them taking old notebooks out of their bag to place down in the space right next to him.

"Never hurts to keep what you can't use anymore...." Their muttering sounded like the kind of wisdom he'd expect from a guy who look like he dedicated his life to looking like a fantasy character, and it wasn't long until their presence made Jergo want to ask.

"Transfer student?" They looked over immediately, getting Jergo to flinch since it might have been offensive to assume such a thing.

"No, just moved here last night. Parents already enrolled me before we got into the neighborhood, and the rest is history."

Huh, so they must have been in a hurry to get him in school. Though now that they were closer, Jergo noticed one thing hiding in their rather wild head of hair.

"You're maturing already?" The telltale ivory horn growing out of the guy's skull was clear as day if his hair stayed off from it, but the impact it had on Jergo was still evident even when it was out of sight. A kobold growing horns meant that they were gonna be a dragon soon-as all kobolds do in this world.

"Mhm. Got held back twice, too many fights. Not my fault people love talking about my scales." Jergo gave them another look over, seeing where one would be rude in discussing the guy's scales with how scatter plotted the design was.

"Well let's hope you don't get into any tussles here. The guys that'd do that ar-"

"Dragons, I assume?"


"Well, that's alright. Got into plenty of fights with 'em. Just a matter of how much constitution they have."

"I guess but-" Wait, constitution? Jergo's gaze took a skeptical turn but he ended up looking towards the window since the bus was coming to a stop at the front door of the school.

"Name's Solsheek, by the way. You can call me Sol." When the bus came to a halt, the kids started filing out for the door and it took Jergo a minute of standing and waiting for an opening to realize what the new guy said before he disappeared into the crowd.

Solsheek was Jergo's monk character's name.

Was he in a dream that seemed too real to think otherwise? No, couldn't be. His knee still smarted like no tomorrow was coming and he still had a patch of sticky condiments on the butt of his pants so there was no way any dream of his would allow him to still have inconveniences. Though in the middle of his thoughts, he heard something take a heavy fall outside and looked behind him.

Sol was standing out in the schoolyard, massaging his wrists after ...laying out one of the senior dragons on the ground. The guy's cronies were nearby, either in similar states or barely recovering, so it left Jergo flabbergasted. Did this guy come straight out of fantasy, where kobolds weren't weaklings?

Then, just when he was about to look away, he saw Sol staring him right in the eye and wink before making his way inside. Yep, Jergo was lost. Though he collected himself after the bus driver came and pulled him out of the seat and into the aisle way so he could leave. Breathing in fresh air, he scurried past the downed jocks of the school before they decided to take their anger out on him and hurried inside once the first bell rang. Hauling the books were a lot more strenuous now with an absence of adrenaline to get him rushing, but he eventually made it to his locker to put them away until Zeke asked for them.

First period was always Advanced Literature, and thus it was mostly spent silently reading or face the wrath of the bored teacher who loved nitpicking anybody that didn't follow her rules. She had a reputation already-Naggy Nancy-and it's gotten to a point where her fellow teachers were in on calling her that behind her back that no one really tried to test her anymore when it came to little slip ups during class time. Jergo was unfortunately alone as his desk had been replaced by some stranger he didn't know who seemed to serve as filler so he couldn't sit with his friends, so his reading was more than just silent. Silent and forlorn.

Though the whole class looked up when Sol came in with the principal behind him.

Jergo felt his breath hitch as the black-and-white kobold trying to casually act as if his choice of name was purely coincidence walked up to Naggy Nancy and spoke to her in whispers. The principal-a burly old gray-scale with horns that made him duck under doorways to avoid getting posters snagged in them-handed the stern lady a slip of paper before departing and shutting the door behind him.

"Class", the dragoness started, getting them all to look at her again after all eyes were on Solsheek, "it appears we have a new student today. I was just informed that Shawn MacTurn has dropped out from this school's listings and I will have to remove him from my grading sheets and whatnot after sending his info to his new teachers at the school down the way. Please say hello to...Soul-Shriek?"

"Solsheek, Miss Nancy."

"Right right." The class recited the half-hearted greeting, the dragoness taking it as a passable means to be inviting to the new guy, whose eyes found Jergo's again and got him to smile at the black loner in the back. "Go ahead and find you a seat, young man."

"Yes, ma'am." Sol made sure his backpack was adjusted before he made his way through the desks, ignoring everyone who offered him a seat since he not only spent his first five minutes of school already taking the jocks down a peg but he got out of trouble with the principal enough to get a personal escort to class without even so much as a cold warning. He was somehow the new class hero who stood up to bullies, but he hauled himself right to Jergo and settled in much to their collectively quiet disappointment.

Jergo tried his best not to seem like he was staring but he had that prickly feeling he was being watched and soon he peeked over to Sol and saw them glancing his way without even reading the book they were on. He wanted to risk saying something, but Sol already shook his head as if reading into his growing concerns and dissuaded him from pursuing the several questions he had in mind for them. Stumped, he went back to reading, only for Sol to reach into his bag again and pull out a slip of paper that glided into the young man's lap.

I Am Here For You, Sir

His face shot back to Sol just in time to catch them patting him on the thigh with a beaming smile before going back to reading. Jergo didn't know why-especially since he's never even thought about which way he swung on the spectrum-but the gesture made him blush and look down to his book. As much as he wanted to break Naggy Nancy's rules, he didn't want to have his upcoming test penalized from him talking to Sol and he's quite enjoyed being somewhat near the top of the class and a nudge from being with the rest. So he kept on reading in case there was a pop quiz incoming. And sure enough...

"Alright class, books closed and pencils out. Take out a sheet of paper, mark it down with numbers 1-10, and await for a quiz sheet to arrive at your desk. Mister...Solsheek, you can opt out of this since you're new."

"Nonsense, Miss Nancy. I have to adapt at the same learning pace as everyone else or I'll be too far behind to catch up. I've taken notes so I should be fine for a quick quiz." The regality in his voice must have worked like a charm to Naggy Nancy, because she didn't even look offended that he was offering to do work she said he didn't have to partake in and with notes-which weren't allowed.

"Well...so long as you've read the material and don't share with anyone else, I don't see the problem in it." Just as Jergo received his question sheet, he heard Nancy get up and head over to the two of them before giving Sol his own question sheet. "Good luck, young man."

"Thank you, ma'am." Jergo was starting to doubt this was real life, for Sol was not only matching how he thought his PC would look like in this day and age but he also sounded like the monk that he once dreamed of in the past. Today just kept on escalating in weird happenings since they arrived and Jergo didn't know if he'd make it to lunch knowing he was gonna be palling around with Sol since his buddies won't even look him in the eye.

And speaking of them, their wonder felt like spotlights turned on to an intensity that burnt scales to a charred crisp with how nervous Jergo was getting.

He scribbled down his answers to the quiz, which thankfully didn't deviate too far ahead of where Naggy Nancy asked them all to stop reading, and waited for the bell to ring to let them leave. Not to his surprise, Sol finished moments after and left himself in silence before his gaze fell on Jergo. The black kobold felt more sweat start to bead down his head, feeling like he was sitting next to a djinn that'd kill him if he were to ask about his true identity. He felt Sol pat his thigh again, but the hand remained instead of pulling away and left him even more tense. At this, the note in his lap flipped around onto its front and showed that it had text.

I Will Explain At Lunch

That was a good thing, for the next four periods were also loaded with no-nonsense teachers that scorned talking almost as much as Naggy Nancy and trying to pump Sol for info as to how he was alive in reality would be too dangerous. So he nodded and the hand left him alone just in time for the bell to ring. No one managed to whisper about them both, but Jergo could hear them all talking about Sol and it left him in the spotlight still. He wondered if he was to be separated from Sol now that first period was over, but he was both glad and suspicious to see the mixed kobold tagging along with him to his locker. And what do you know, their locker was under his. He held away from unintentionally standing behind them just in time for-

"Hey Coalskin, hand over your lunch money and maybe we won't give you some licks." The jocks were back, and once Jergo turned around he saw that they were somewhat refreshed from the tumble they all had earlier. He recognized the biggest among them as Harvy-some big silver drake on the football team. Immediately, Sol was back on his feet, just in time to get surrounded by the goons that the leader brought along. Jergo didn't want to get hurt, so he dug into his pocket for his wallet...

"Don't. I got this." That voice.....it sounded familiar ...Jergo turned towards the crowd of dragons hanging around Sol only to see them all suddenly fall back like they got swept off their feet and shoved away. They hit the walls nearby and their leader froze.

"H-hey, freak! No one lays the hurt on my boys but me!" They shoved past Jergo, making him go face-first into the lockers and feel a *crack* from the momentum that carried him into it. There goes his snout. In his recovery, he barely got to see Harvy go flying back towards the other end of the corridor before he was being led around by somebody. Once he saw the black and white hand, he focused on nursing the bleeding that was dripping out of his snout and filling his olfactory senses that were being flooded with the sharp scent of copper. After wobbling alongside Sol, Jergo found himself in the nurse's office.

"Oh lord, what happened!?" The dragoness manning the student's immediate health and physical conditions stormed over from her chair, taking Jergo out of Sol's grasp and bringing him to one of the beds while keeping his head trained upwards.

"Some crooks thought it'd be wise to pick on Jergo here, so I handled them all but one of them got a blow in on the poor guy. Will he be alright, or will he need to leave?" The glistening sapphire scales making Jergo think he was a whelp again shifted around to the ceiling as the nurse turned to Sol.

"Heavens, no. He'll be fine, just needs to take a rest and let his snout have some time to start closing things off. His nose isn't broken, but it did suffer quite a bit of damage from that dispute, so there will be no need to leave home early. Carry on now, I got him."

"Alright, ma'am. Keep him safe for me please." There was silence as Jergo laid there with a cold pack on his face and thick towels blocking his nostrils. His nose felt steamed, feeling like he had breathed fire through it in a fit of anger with how hot it was inside his bloody snout. The loss definitely left him dizzy and before he knew it, his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier....


Jergo snapped awake, gone away from the nurse's office and...in a field? He looked around and sure enough he wasn't on a bed made for patients in need of medical help, he was in the middle of a grassy field without a tree in sight. His head wasn't pounding anymore and he reached up to check if his nose was still bleeding, but then he gasped in shock! For his hand was covered in rugged, obsidian scales and claws thick enough to cut stone!

His other hand matched in texture, leaving Jergo to look down and see that he wasn't clothed nor surrounded by grass-his head reached high enough that he could look and see that he wasn't just some kobold anymore. Panic was supposed to set in, leaving him thinking this out of body experience was too alien and he shouldn't feel that it was natural, but ...He felt so...free ...And content....

It was like being a dragon that ...was more wild and untamed...rang better bells in him than the alarms telling him that this wasn't right.

He felt himself rumble in a rhythm that could only be laughter before he tried to stand on his feet, finding that with his heavy tail laid out behind him his balance was true and unperturbed by the upset of having four legs instead of just a normal two. Jergo eventually figured out how to walk after a few steps, and soon he got into a trot. The fields seemed to be endless so he had no problem learning how to dash effectively with his claws goring the ground to propel him even faster. His excitement to run got to a point where he didn't even realize he had weights on his back keeping him from running to his full speed, so he tried to shake them off while he sped up and down the field in a serpentine formation. As he started feeling less and less weighted, he soon found himself kicking at the air and looked down to see that the ground was leaving him. He tested to see if the "weights" were on him still and he was taken by surprise to see that they were actually wings! They spanned far and wide and allowed him to sail higher from the plains below.

Jergo...laughed. And really put his heart into it. This was everything he always dreamed of when he was a young hatchling ready to get through life so he could become a dragon. It was liberating to feel the normal limitations of a kobold get surpassed by being a massive, hulking drake; it was encouraging to feel a sense of pride and self-worth fill him with a warmth that beat any hot soup; and it was downright powerful to feel like the world was small in comparison to him rather than the opposite.

Jergo the Dragon kept flying around for what felt like hours, trying to see if there was a chance of them being able to breathe fire before coming across a section of trees that circled a clearing like a bullseye. His enhanced vision made zeroing in on what the center entailed and he perked up. There was a dragon in the clearing, noticeably smaller than Jergo in this new body of his and their gaze was trained on him like a dog owner watching their pet frolic around for the first time in a while. He felt compelled to descend towards them, but even with his rapidly declining height the clearing felt out of reach. He growled, trying to combat this force preventing him from damn near crashing into where he wanted to go and soon he was stopped.

All was black and a voice in the dark spoke: "Soon."


Jergo snapped awake yet again, feeling his head was down to a dull ache that felt only irritable if he got hit again. The towels meant to prevent anymore blood loss were soaked in ice water and crimson jammed against his nostrils and he felt like the world had gone dark...

Wait no, the nurse simply drew the curtains around him so he wasn't in view of any passersby or visitors.

Jergo felt sluggish moving onto his feet, his snout somewhat cool as he righted his body so that he could test if he was able to walk without wobbling. Being asleep definitely steadied his pace but he still felt the allure of dizziness lingering with his stride, so he kept things slow just to be safe and to avoid getting hauled back by the nurse. Who...wasn't in the office after he looked around for any hall passes for him to take. He saw one near the door, thankfully marked for him, and one look towards the clock told him he needed to go t-

"Lunch?" The time read 12:20 PM instead of the 9:21 AM he came into the nurse's with, meaning the bell already ringing was letting everyone rush off to the cafeteria for some grub. Jergo hummed, for he didn't know that dream was sucking his day away. Must have flown in too many circles.

He carefully came out into the hallways, looking around for anyone that might land him back into the nurse's office but saw no one barreling enough for the job, so he confidently made his way down the main corridor to where the activity was. The second he rounded the corner to where the entrance was, he saw Sol standing outside and stopped.

The kobold looked miffed, like he had been having a bad day and being out on his own let his temper rise up to be obvious, but Jergo's foot squeaked against the floor and they looked up and smiled almost instantly. "Jergo!"

The dark-scaled lad barely had time to brace himself before he was being bear-hugged, thankful that Sol had enough mind to keep from crashing into him to pull the embrace off. "H-hi, Sol..."

"You should be in the nurse's office, not coming to lunch. I would have brought it to you once everyone was inside." The seemingly magical kobold was stroking Jergo's face with a blunt nail, checking his temperature and the state of his snout like a worrisome parent.

"I need food..." At that, Jergo's stomach snarled like he did in his dream. Which was strange since he usually forgot his dreams after a couple minutes of being awake.

"Didn't you eat breakfast?" And that was where Jergo remembered that he didn't even look back into his kitchen when he was hurrying to the bus, so he shook his head in the negative.

"Forgot to grab some before I left home..." Sol ceased giving him a lookover and pouted.

"Well that won't do. No dragon of mine's going to be going anywhere on an empty stomach. Back to the nurse, c'mon."

Jergo didn't even get to fight back before Sol hauled him back up the corridor like one would his bride, the thought bringing Jergo to a flustered blush while he was ferried off back into the medicinal-aired office that the nurse was still absent from. Jergo was brought back on the bed he had been on earlier and Sol grabbed the curtains.

"Alright, I'll come back with your food and we'll talk. Don't make a sound, my unfortunate "friends" have been looking for you since I dealt with them a couple hours ago. They figured it out that I'd protect you at any cost." Jergo's response to that was cut short with the curtains being drawn over his bed and thus he went silent as he heard the kobold leave. He could feel his head work up to a throb as questions swam in his mind, so many 'Whys' and barely any 'Hows' leaving his face to faintly but physically pulse from his heart.

Today went from weird to concerning, for he was sure he'd have a whole morning of enduring whatever manners of which Solsheek would be sweet and affectionate to him with that'd have his head ready to explode from embarrassment. Jergo was pretty sure he wasn't gay at heart, but Sol's generosity was really leaving him on the fence. What does he even do? Just roll with everything until he was sure he wanted to do something about it? Or wait on a move to be made and hope he'd be allowed to decide on if it goes on or not?

He didn't even get a chance to mull over everything, for Sol was back with two trays of lunch after he shoved the curtains to the side with his tail. Today had been stuffed crust pizza day so anyone unfortunate enough to not have lunch money-like folks that Harvy preys for on the daily whenever the menu shows something good-would be ass out. Jergo took his food into his hands, but as he started eating, he saw Sol slide the other into his lap and join him after closing the curtains back.

"Mmmmm?" Mouth full of greasy pizza, Jergo voiced his confusion as best he could without overexerting himself.

"I wanted to make sure you were full up on food for tonight. After all, a big dragon like you's gonna need plenty so you don't go hungry."

Jergo didn't wanna chance with using his mouth since he chewed slowly to savor his food and absorb this info, so he used his eyes to do the asking, to which Sol chuckled and lounged against the bed.

"Guess I'll start with how...." Thank goodness. "You brought me to life last night."


"The magical adventure you had woven for your friends carried a lot of your emotion, for you put your heart into it, yes?"

Jergo gave a slow nod to that. When that mysterious voice told him to try making that instead of the one he thought up, it felt like he shelled in his entire being into making it happen....The voice...

And right as the black kobold's eyes lit up, Sol nodded. "Yes, I told you to make that dungeon. But it was not intended for much use, as demonstrated last night, no. It was supposed to be a little check on a certain someone ...and our new home..."

"Mmmmoo...hrrrrm?" Jergo had the second pizza slice by now, so his attention was undivided.

"Yes. I am here to take you away from this world, to a place where your craft at world-building could be put to better use than the frustrations of a party who does too little as a team as is."

Jergo looked down at that. Yeah, his dungeon was supposed to be a cooperative effort from start to finish, but since Mack, Lance and Zeke had been relying so heavily on Jacob to help them through everything they hardly focused on what they would do as a team rather than just being taxi'd. Hence why the dungeon seemed to be very anti-Jacob at Sol's guidance.

"You can visit this world as much as you want, just as you got a taste earlier when you were recuperating. It takes only a minute of real time to be in the world of dungeons for a month, so you won't have to fear being away from anyone important to you ...Well, no one that isn't me, since I will be at your side every step of the way."

That hand was on Jergo's thigh and his face was lit with red all over, but since he was almost done with the food he didn't even realize he was ravaging like a starving cannibal he had room to ask something. "Why....me?"

"Because, Jergo, your mind doesn't comprehend creativity at the same rate as others. When I asked you to make that dungeon, the mere fact that I could proved to me that you were more than ready for what I am offering you now." Sol grasped Jergo's hands with both of his, eyes lit up with hope. "Come with me and be a true dungeon master. Your ability to build perilous labyrinths, dastardly mines and foes tougher than they look will be appreciated in my world, for the game has gone barren over the years and the old realms within have faded to nothing without minds like yours to keep it going."

Jergo felt like it was a marriage proposal and choked on his words. Was this for real? Was Solsheek real? And was he really about to leave the home he's had for seventeen years for a place where he can't be shunned for wanting to try something innovative and intuitive that blends into a world full of possibilities for the open-minded?


Jergo smiled from under his clogged-up nose and held his hand over both of Sol's and nodded. "I'll do it. Just for you."

Though the black kobold probably wasn't expecting another hug. "Oh, thank you Jergo! May the gods treat you well as you help save Dungeons and Dragons to the ravages of time!"

The pain was nothing compared to the joy radiating through him with hugging his friend, bringing his own arms around Solsheek and feeling his tail wag behind him. Though in the middle of their hug, the nurse came back and the trays clattering to the floor off of Jergo brought her attention to them enough for the curtains to be drawn open. They both froze, Jergo's face looking like a black cherry at this point.

"...Well, I see you're trying to get well sooner than planned. But, I'm afraid you'll have to go through the rest of today so try not to get hit with anymore fists or lockers, okay Mr. Fyr?"

Jergo nodded, holding Sol a little lighter now that they were caught calm-handed. "Yes, Miss Greod."

"Thank you. I had to clamber up and down these halls telling your teachers that you were in my office passed out so just tell the ones that remain on your schedule that you'll be alright to go to classes. Here", She came back around and slowly removed the towels keeping Jergo's nose from dripping any bodily fluids anywhere he turned, "I trust that everything's stopped since you've been asleep for three hours and have not agitated your injury since then."

The black kobold experimentally flexed his snout, feeling only a small ache from the bridge of his nose and no rush of warm fluids coming down to his nostrils, so he nodded. "Yep, I'm good."

"Then you can skedaddle with...who are you again?" Ah those forgetful scales. Sol chuckled and got up on his feet.

"I'm something of a guardian for Jergo here, Miss Greod. His parents ask me to keep him safe while he's at school and I do that to the best of my ability being a student. I simply had too many targets and one slipped by and hurt him. But I can assure you that it won't be happening again."

"You didn't ...uh...." The trailing off was more of the question than the question itself, but Sol shook his head anyway.

"Heavens no. I may be willing to do anything to keep this lad safe, but murder is hardly an option when I can do enough without it. My Wisdom is greater than most."

Miss Greod giggled a bit, her shiny scales glinting all over the place. "Well aren't you the valiant one? I'm sure you'll make a very good guardian when you get older."

Sol looked back at Jergo before answering. "I'm sure I'm already a great one now-being older means I'll be the best." Wink wink.

"Confident too. You've definitely got the marks for it. Now run along, you two, or I'll have to report you for public displays of affection." Miss Greod winked back before turning off to get back to her desk. Sol grabbed the lunch trays and offered Jergo to take his arm. Since he was still somewhat out of it, he took it and they were off.

Lunch was nearly about to end, so the corridors were still empty. It was here Jergo realized that his backpack was missing.

"Shit, uh ...Where'd I get hit again?" He looked around, trying to wrap his groggy brain around where he had nearly lost his nose for good. Who could imagine a dragon without the ability to sniff things?

"Do not worry, Jergo. After the scuffle, I put your pack within my locker. We'll grab it on the way back." And thus Sol was leading the way back to the cafeteria. Jergo didn't know how much of an audience he'd get now that he and Sol were pretty much almost never apart, but frankly so long as they simply took it as "the new kid's only friend" then he shouldn't spontaneously combust from all the staring...

From the whole school.

Jergo tried his best not to act as if having everyone gaze at him and Sol was getting to him, but he tried to be casual a few seconds too late and now no one was looking away. That black cherry face was back, but thankfully they only had to go up near a trash disposal and place the trays on top of where the dispenser was before leaving. For a minute, this seemed like smooth sailing to a point where the bell rang to let everyone drop away and focus on that. But when Sol and Jergo made their way out from a nearby exit-

"Hey!" The pair and any nearby students who heard it stopped and turned back to see Zeke and Jacob staring at Jergo like he just stepped on both of their feet and tried to get away with it.

"What...?" The black kobold was worried they were gonna cause a big scene that of which Sol would do something drastic.

"Why are you avoiding us?" Jacob spoke, Zeke just watching with the glare that helped bring Jergo to tears just last night. Though the question left the guy confused.

"Avoiding...you? You guys have been avoiding me all day!" The outburst made sure that there were more onlookers behind them.

"Don't make yourself into the victim here. You fucked up once and now all of a sudden you're making us look like the bad guys here? Real smooth..."

Was this....actually happening...? Was Jergo really about to have one less reason to stay around? He didn't even get to reply to that before Zeke cut him off.

"We get that you can make mistakes, but if you're just gonna pretend it was all our fault you got about as much creativity as a prison warden who takes their job too seriously, then you're gonna need to get put on blast like this."

"Let's just cut to the chase here. Give us the books and maybe you can be an NPC or something if we think about letting you play. This shit isn't gonna fly." Jergo didn't know it but his hands were balled into fists and his knuckles were nearly white from how hard he was clenching them together. Once more, he was cut off from replying, but not by Zeke.

By Sol.

"Ah, so it's you. I always wondered who had to be the lone wolf type among you five and your false sense of leadership makes it obvious."

Jacob regarded Sol with confusion before his glare was back. "The fuck are you talking about, new kid?"

"You want to be depended on, like a warrior king with novice knights stationed at every corner of a castle fending off ogres and giants. It's why you try to put yourself ahead of others, so they don't have any reason to doubt you off first impression alone."

Jacob was growling, and with his red scales it made it look like he was literally on fire. Jergo felt a sweat drop as that glare focused on him for a moment and he nudged Sol. "C'mon bud, you don't have to do this."

"No, I wanna hear what he has to say. C'mon new kid, make my day." Teeth were bared and the room was officially more tense than any fierce fantasy battle that anyone could daydream. The late bell rang, but no one present gave it much regard except a few near the back of the crowd around the cafeteria door.

Sol cleared his throat and stepped forward. "Well, I'd thank you for giving me the floor, but it's clear in the height of your insecurity that you want to have a preemptive high horse so it seems that you talk down at me. Take this for a thought: if you were just an NPC who wanted to make a name for himself but you had to depend on others instead of vice versa, how do you expect to grow? By trying to tough it out so no one knows you don't know how to do anything on your own? By quitting outright so you don't have to deal with it? Or-I'll really need you to pay attention to this one-will you cheat so that you don't need to do any hard work and try to get by?"

The last bit seemed to get to Jacob, which left Jergo confused. Cheating? But, Jacob earned all of his XP through all of the...modules they did ...together. Then, like clockwork, all the sessions they had where Jacob was not around came to mind and the times after he went missing he was back somehow ahead of everyone else despite being at the same pace.

"Jacob....you cheat?" Jergo's question didn't get answered, for the one he intended it for suddenly made a mad dash for Sol to punch him in the face. The suddenness left Jergo rooted there, and unfortunately it left him to be targeted instead by Jacob's fury rather than Sol. Though the latter was quick to jump to the occasion and pushed the kobold back with his hand.

Which sent the lad flying to the far wall in a crumpled heap.

No one said a word, not even when Sol began to usher Jergo along towards the corridor and to class. The black kobold was at a loss, staring between the way forth and Sol until he noticed they stopped by the monk's locker and he was being handed his bag. Jergo snapped out of it, and took it, only for them to not head towards his World History class.

"W-where ...are we going?"

"Principal's office. There's no doubt that the crowd we caused will have gotten faculty attention, and this will make sure you get home easier." Sol's response still brought worry to Jergo. He didn't think the guy would risk getting him suspended or worse just for the sake of saving a game....

That he played ever since he got his hand-me-down copy from his dad.

"Couldn't you have just...called sick and told them you infected me?"

"You created me with too much intelligence and wisdom in mind to know that that would never work in the long run. Especially with everyone else not falling under such a "fake disease". Nope, best to face the music of my actions and only have you punished by association rather than being a contender."

Jergo ended up sighing, for Sol was right. Trying to fake their way out of school would never work-their principal was far too much of a veteran at his job to fall for something so juvenile. He's more likely to believe they stole an ancient diamond capable of granting magical powers than that they were sick and needed to go home. So instead of going on with their day as Miss Greod wanted them to, Sol led Jergo to the admin office and rung the bell at the reception desk.

The secretary, a dirty brown and green kobold lady, looked up from her computer and stared at the boys in confusion. "Can I help you?"

Sol came up to respond. "Yes, we're here to see the Principal about a fight that was swiftly ended in the cafeteria that me and Jergo here participated in. I want to know how long we are to be punished for my actions."

Understandably, she stared at Sol like he were insane-since young folks don't go to the office after they do something wrong to tell on themselves-but eventually she slowly rose the phone next to her to her ear and pressed a dial. It began to ring and after a few seconds it was answered.

"What is it?" The gray man's voice cut in like broken glass to Jergo's nerves-and the secretary's from the way she flinched.

"Uh...there are two students requesting to see you. According to one, they got into a fight in the cafeteria with another student and the other was involved in some undisclosed manner."

There was a long pause, to which Jergo noticed that Sol was slowly smiling towards his ears, until the principal answered with a slightly cheerier voice. "Send them in then, madam."

The secretary noticed the voice change and waited a bit to make sure she wasn't crazy before replying. "Uh ...yes sir." She hung up and got out of her seat to open the way for them to get past the desk, Sol taking the lead and bringing Jergo along by his wrist to the office door behind the lady. It looked like the kind of prison you'd see at a dungeon-with gnarly paintings, dark interior and the kind of ancient decor that reminded one of a castle being guarded-but Sol ignored all of that and stepped inside. Jergo followed after and shut the door.

The lad was expecting the old man to already be in the middle of chewing them out by the time the door clicked in place, but who Jergo saw...definitely wasn't the principal.

They were still burly, but their scales were golden instead of aging gray as seen when they escorted Sol to Naggy Nancy's class earlier and that was not their usual scowl that made even troublemakers lock up and wait for his judgment. No, they were definitely smiling at the sight of the two kobolds and Jergo's confusion was brought up to mind when the older man before him suddenly glanced over at him.

"Welcome, Jergo. Fear not, I am still the principal you saw today, just being occupied by a much brighter presence."

"He's a friend, that I'm sure you'll remember when we get you home." Sol added, taking his place at Jergo's side and bringing an arm around his shoulder.

"Quite. I was honored to take upon the mantle of being of any assistance for this matter. Dungeons and Dragons should always be given new life by new minds, but having things quiet down for the likes of convenience is definitely a drawback."

"And with you along for the ride, we'll bring the life back to the game and hopefully inspire others to follow the path you will pave." Sol squeezed tighter, making Jergo's blush make its galiant return.

"Yes. Do try your best to give it all you've got, Jergo. This world may have what you've grown up on but Dungeons and Dragons has been a part of your world as you've known it too. It would be a shame if the whole point of our existence was left to fade away in dusty closets to be forgotten for good."

Jergo felt like he was being given a lot of pressure at the moment, and remained silent. These two were really putting so much hope into his creativity and the fiasco from last night made itself known and thus doubt settled in. Does he even have the mental capabilities to make new worlds? The dungeon he made was with Sol's help from beginning to end, so he can't really say that was his in terms of claiming cred, but no amount of reasoning could come out, since his mouth decided now was the time to babble like a child learning their first words and getting both Sol and his associate to laugh.

"Fear now, Jergo. I'm sure your teachers will understand why I'm doing this in the long run. After all, most of them were molded into the people they are today by DnD-you'll help them by helping our world. Bit by bit, piece by piece." Jergo still continued to utter out nonsense, so Sol humorously shook his head before flat-out kissing the young kobold on the lips. It was only a mere peck, but it left Jergo speechless as Sol dragged them out of the office. The 'principal' waved them off as they left and soon it was just a matter of leaving the school.

Neither of Jergo's other friends were in the office with the secretary, so it was a straight shot past the dividing door before Sol waved the lady off with a smile. The corridor was littered with the usual stragglers, so the two kobolds had nothing to worry about heading to Sol's locker.

"So that's it? We're...in the clear?" Jergo's English finally came back in order just in time for his companion to hand him his backpack and shut the creaky door.

"We are in the clear to depart and make headway. Your parents are not at home, so we have plenty of time to settle you in wherever you feel comfortable. Let's move."

And once more, Jergo was pulled along for the ride, barely keeping up with Sol's brisk pace for the front door. There were whispers behind them, more than likely folks who thought they were boldly sneaking out through the main exit as a means to provide a statement, but Jergo kept them beneath his concerns as they got outside. The second the sun touched his scales, the dark-scaled lad realized that he was about to go home and start a new adventure ...with his PC by his side...for who knows how long in that world in comparison to this one.

The excitement of being pulled away to a magical realm without having to have any worry for how much time goes by in reality hit again and he found himself running off towards the sidewalk. There were no buses or rides outside, so it was just a matter of walking home-some several blocks west of the schoolyard. And as Jergo's smile stretched, he realized this was a good time to ask questions since the only passersby around them were all in cars.

"Hey uh, Sol?" The spotted kobold looked over right away, as per the norm. "How exactly...did I bring you to life? I'm kinda confused to that."

"Oooh, right into the nitty-gritty, hmm? Well we have time, so I can indulge you." He cleared his throat of any buildup so his voice wasn't gargled by anything nasty. "For explicit details, your powerful creativity and hopes for the fantasy world bred an energy that seeped out into the game and myself last night. While it may seem grim, your sorrow brought me to reality and I made sure I'd find a means to cure it."

"So me crying meant something ...Huh." Jergo was always taught by his mother that crying was a good way to get all that stress out of your systems without yelling your lungs to shriveled raisins, while his dad always said men were beneath crying and it was only for girls.

"Yes, it was troublesome to have the first thing I see when you brought me to your world your teary-eyed gaze, but I knew sticking to the plan at hand would make sure that I wouldn't see it again."

"How come you don't want me to cry? Don't tell me that my tears are magic." That'd actually be way too convenient for his liking. He preferred if sirens, witches or fairies had that kind of thing going on.

"No...Just..." For the first time today, Sol was hesitant on speaking, and Jergo caught on in time to notice the other kobold blushing and trying his best to nonchalantly hide it from view. "Watching you grow up was...heartening...though I found that...you being single stuck to me most."

"So...like a not-so-secret admirer then?" Jergo was flustered. Sol liked him...like that, and it was from being stuck watching him develop as a teenage kobold in his bedroom. The realization that his PC was aware of the recent years made Jergo extremely self-conscious about the things he's done in his bedroom...and why he always felt like someone was watching him get busy under his blankets.

"Not-so-secret ...lover." Sol hugged onto the lad and never let go, taking to resting his head on the younger kobold while they continued to walk. The extra weight surprisingly didn't throw Jergo off-course and he was surprised to find that he didn't even feel the least bit unbalanced crossing any street with Sol in tow. But that was until he looked down to avoid tripping over an uproot in the sidewalk and saw that they had fully grasped onto him-legs and all. His blush came back with a full blaze, making it feel like his snout were bleeding again.

"You...love me?" He had to ask, as he'd been drawing out the silence for long enough and they had a long street ahead of them.

"Truly. I thought it was just a paternal thing, that I would grow into being something of a father figure loving their son ...but the more closely I watched you develop, the more I wanted to...lay with you...To hold you and make the pain go away..." Having them in Jergo's ear made it sound like he were being whispered to by a dragon, only to remember that Solsheek was really a dragon-but-turned-kobold and feeling that shudder run through him.

"So you did see me when I...uh..."

"You never moved me to not look so...." Yep, he's a living black cherry with kobold parts now. Jergo didn't know how long he could endure this affectionate torture for, because he slowly felt the lure of unconsciousness try to suggest he pass out only for a car whizzing past to jolt him back to reality.

"Do you love me or...do you love me when I'm busy?" Sol pulled away to look at Jergo, who was staring back at him as if mortally wounded by that offensive ultimatum.

"Of course I love you for you! I'd find this whole business quite shallow if I only did it to see you be licentious with me!"

"Right right, sorry...Just not used to having someone...genuinely feel for me."

"I understand, just ...let's not make this road rockier than it already is, hmm? You're my first and I want you as my only if you'll have me."

"Of course...I don't think I'm any good at...open relationships."

"The realm of fantasy has a funny way of working around that uncertainty is why I asked..."

Jergo didn't like the sound of that one bit, especially as Solsheek went silent after and didn't even speak until they were off the long road and were only a few blocks from home. Not having the bus to take them felt like they were already on their own journey, and reaching the corner felt like hitting an oasis in the middle of an arid desert designed t-

"Let's save the creative thinking for when we're out of this realm, hmm? It's like listening to hornets buzzing up here." Jergo was snapped out of his thoughts with that, rubbing his arm and trying to appear small.

"Sorry...didn't think you were able to tell..."

"I'm magical, sir. I can tell when magic's brewing in the air and when the only thing of this world capable of it's right beneath you it's not hard to tell where it's coming from." The black kobold nodded and continued on, feeling at least a sliver of pride knowing that his way of thinking was still somewhat special from here on out. His street was a right turn down the road they were on at the moment, so it seemed appropriate to get one last bit in.

"Will I be...like this...when we go...And will it hurt?" Sol took the time to look back down at Jergo, only not visibly offended this time around.

"The body you were in from the nurse's office is your true form, sir. Your fantasy body, if you will."

"Wait, so those times I've dreamt of being a dragon...."

"They helped make sure your detail stayed true for the teaser I loaned you."

"Whoa...." He was gonna be a real, monstrous-looking dragon! Not some wingless serpent with a fiery tongue and a dark gaze as most adults turned out to be when they hit that age, the real deal. Just thinking about flying around again had him on his tiptoes as if he were hiding his wings from reality and wanted to show them. But one chuckle from Sol brought his focus away from his silly attempt.

"Now now, Jergo. Plenty of time for you to whizz around once we're home. Though I must say your enthusiasm is adorable." The lad was back to being a cherry but instead of going into an embarrassed silence he giggled to himself.

"Th-thanks..." Their stroll neared its end yet Sol never dropped off of Jergo, leaving him to feel all sweaty and overheated on the inside from the near excessive body heat circulating around him. Once he saw his street sign, 'Flayr', he let out a silent breath of relief that they were almost there. Though the relief was short-lived, and right away anticipation gnawed at him as he saw his house in the distance. This was it. Once he set foot in his home, nothing he knew that was considered normal would transpire anymore...And yet, with that sudden upset to his daily routine he marched on with Sol ever-present on his side.

When the walkway was a nudge from his toes, Sol finally hopped off of his body and let his personal space breathe some air, the road to his porch seeming farther than he realized now that they were here. Jergo paused, reaching to take a step but feeling the crossroads of his mind hit him full-force.

Was he really going to indulge this fantasy come to life to save fantasy everywhere?

However, either by sheer coincidence or the other kobold having the intuitive sense of mind reading, Sol didn't let him doubt himself before coming in for one more kiss. The roads scattered all about became one, with the path behind him dark and gritty. It was clear that turning back would doom not only Sol and the realm of fantasy, but also the innovative minds of the adults who used to fuel it like generators. He didn't want to think of a world where his parents were drones who attended to their everyday life without a single emotion...

Jergo hugged Sol to his body, letting their kiss blossom into something more passionate, until the bard separated for himself rather than finding the kiss bad as Jergo assumed.

"Well...y-you surely don't disappoint...as a romantic interest..." Sol giggled, which sounded rather comical considering who he was, and his arms wrapped around the back of Jergo's neck after. "I like that."

"Good", Jergo smiled at him, before it became a smirk that promised mischief, "because I don't plan on making things weird for us."

"Gonna take more than a fetish to make me want to turn away from what I wish for between us." The bard got his legs back on Jergo, but rather on his front than his hip, and let him feel the very top of those 'hills' as they got a move on. Fantasy, fantasy, fantasy! No more real-world junk to worry upon.

Jergo dug the key out of his pocket and swiped their way inside, the doors shutting behind them Sol's cue to dive into another kiss. This forward gesturing was starting to get to Jergo, his arms finding their way around Sol's midriff and keeping him pressed on the black kobold's body as they fought for dominance. Both seemed to be lingering with inexperience, and the winner was unclear, but once Jergo lost his balance and slipped things to an against-the-wall situation the bets were off and he took the stage with Sol getting comfy on the solid surface. To them, it was kissing on a table but with better footing.

And with their continued kissing, there would be arousal to be had, but color Jergo surprised that it was Sol who earned the first erection between them rather than the mortal lad who's yet to do anything like this with a partner. His questioning gaze was answered before he looked hesitant to go on.

"I...saved myself for this...I know what's done but I-i've about as much expertise on what to do here...than a new DnD player learning how the six stats work with no prompts." The bard was back to being a blushing mess, his feet starting to slip from being still and thus pushing Jergo's pants down involuntarily. But the young kobold took that as his time to undress down there, seeing as they were both itching to do this before they got into the main event.

"Well...besides jerking off...I'm pretty much the same." They shared a laugh, only for Sol's to become a muffled moan as Jergo grabbed his butt. "Little overdressed, are we?"

"M-mayhaps so..." The spotted reptile seemed rather excited to be getting this far, for he nearly fumbled with the likes of his fly for more than half a minute before his rear end was bare for the world to see. But really just for Jergo, whose hands encompassed the entirety of both cheeks and sunk into their squishy flesh much to Sol's enjoyment. The bard's shaft throbbed and a stream of pre with a rather shiny glint to their volume shot up and landed on his pants.

"Better not keep you waiting then..." Jergo's smirk became a grin in no time, finding his way around Sol's hair so that he could bring his partner against the wall with him on his feet instead. The older kobold didn't seem to mind and took to the position generously with his ass sticking out towards Jergo. That tail hiked up and stayed out of mind, letting the lad see that untouched pucker glistening with sweat. It winked, and Jergo's cock was blocking the view in no time flat. His hands grabbed onto those hips and his head situated against Sol's shoulder, though only when the bard nodded their head did he push forth into that rosebud.

They gasped in unison, for Solsheek was not only tight but the pleasure for the two of them was heaven. Jergo bit his lip but it barely tuned out the growl he let free from his muzzle as his hips drew closer and closer to come in contact with Sol's cheeks. The bard never said when to stop, and frankly it'd be best to get the whole thing inside so they'd get used to it sooner than later. They weren't exactly free for the whole day to experience relations with one another. Sol let out a whimpering moan as Jergo pushed in a bit harder to get deeper, his rear end pushing back so their joining came faster. And when it did, both of them let out a breath they didn't knew they were holding.

"G-go..." Solsheek's whisper was a tad under audible, and it took Jergo gripping tighter to make him speak louder. "I need you t-t-to move, sir..."

"You sure...?"

"Y-yes!...Do me ...Make my first time...a t-time to remember for ages...I beg of you ..." Their pleading was genuine, for Jergo raised him to be better than some deceitful con artist, so the lad got to pulling back-much to both of their hidden disappointments. He didn't want to waste time but it felt so good to be still; Solsheek's ass was perfect in every sense of the word, with each tug against his inexperienced dick and massaging squeeze that left him yearning to just rail the guy where he stood so he'd walk funny.

That last bit was new, but Jergo didn't see it being anymore out of place since his next thrust had him slapping into Sol's butt anyhow.

The bard laid his head down on the wall and his hands joined momentarily, for Jergo seemed about as eager as he was to see the full extent of his desires for the spotted kobold as those hips worked him hard. It felt like he was riding a stallion towards a bazaar geared for intermediate players who learned the ropes but needed the proper gear to advance into the later stages in which the road was not only rocky but they were also being chased by a horde of blood-thirsty goblin cannibals. His ass was sore in minutes, red mixing with white and black, and his tongue snaked its way out of his sharp-toothed maw to pant while he took his creator. His master ...His God, in a sense.

There's only so much a fantasy character can call the one who brought them to life and made them happy with each waking moment. Or shaking, in this occurrence.

Jergo found himself working a lot more than he expected out of himself, because he surely thought he'd cum by now. It felt like he'd been pounding Solsheek for an hour, since neither of them had climaxed yet and neither were showing signs of being close, but he was holding on strong in case this was still rocking the bard's world. And it surely was doing him in good-he imagined his first time would be in some gym locker room with a bully that decided to stop hiding their feelings. You know, a fantasy. Either way, his cock was still making short work through the walls that refused to loosen up so he could commence the act of 'fucking like an alpha' against those cheeks.

But as he kept hitting harder rather than faster, it came to Jergo. Why breed like some simple hound when you can breed like a dragon?

When those hips came forth and left more than just a searing mark on Sol's ass, the bard felt precum ooze out of his dick and huffed as Jergo started aiming true for this portion of the round. Every slam rocked him against the wall, every pummel left his body quivering as if he were being massaged from the inside-out, and every battering of his sensitive nerves left his cock on a constant drool that slowly but surely pooled onto the floor. The spotted kobold hoped he wouldn't have to regret being so productive with his loins, but as Jergo went on like he was a living machine Sol left that concern in the wind. If the lad could keep fucking, then so be it.

Who came first in this matrimony of scales and flesh setting the stage for a love that'd transcend realities? Sol of course.

It came so swiftly that the bard hardly felt it, tasting his own semen in the air before the mind-shattering bliss left his brain mush as he roared for the roof. No one'd hear, but he was just taken like a dragoness and he enjoyed every last bit of it. His seed painted the lower wall and the floor in a gooey mess that he's sure they'd come to clean up ...eventually.

But why care about that when Jergo was cumming?

The lad not only went in as deep as he could, but his teeth found Solsheek's neck in the midst of his unruly mane and sank in to lay home as he nutted. The thought of a knot to tie him came to pass, for he knew that too would be a fantasy to have. The young kobold's spunk ended up spilling out past his ring, making Sol whimper as his afterglow hit when he felt that he couldn't hold a lot of liquid ardor in his belly. He felt a tinge of apology settle where relief and relaxation were going to encompass, and as he gathered his oxygen he looked over to the kobold still holding him like a precious piece of equipment.

"M-m-my apologies...sir...I tried my best to ho-" Solsheek didn't even get to say the whole thing before that bite broke through and left him gasping for more air as blood was spilled. But it was only temporary, as Jergo was merciful enough to lick over the marks and leave the area a washed-out red before pulling away.

"Doesn't matter ...It was your first time...same as mine...Maybe in the future ...when we have time for ourselves." The black kobold stepped back, his flaccid meat flopping out with him and leaving the excess discharge to pour out of Sol like a waterfall being steadily clogged with rocks. The bard whined, for the sensation of warm fluids trickling down his thighs and to his ankles felt like more of a reminder that he should work on being prepared to have his ass decimated like a warrior in his prime being slain by a giant whose lust outgrew their bloodthirst.

"When do we leave ...?" Jergo decided to snap Sol out of his daze with a shake, getting the bard to come to and bring his tail down over the naughty sight of his freshly creamed tailhole and reddened cheeks before pulling his pants up as high as he could muster and waddling up the stairs.

"We can go...r-right now...Damn, you really...wrecked me..." Sol could hardly move up each landing, feeling like his body was gonna give and put him in a position of need far greater than what he proposed just moments ago on the wall at Jergo's suggestion. When he reached the top of the stairs to the second floor, he had to slump over the wall to rest.

"You sure you're gonna make it?" Jergo was getting worried. He just had his first fuck and now his partner was looking like they were steadily losing themselves to an ailment more fatal than any grand arachnid toxin.

"Yes ...the closer we get to the game ...the harder it gets...t-to maintain this body ...without being sucked back in..." Sol reached for the attic door knob but his hand slowly began to grow into a dragon's paw and he pulled it back. "You go...I don't want you to miss the opportunity to come in..."

"Can't I just...think my way in....It brought you here." It was a well thought-out suggestion, considering the fact that it took Jergo's mind to will Solsheek into the reality they were standing in, but his concerns grew as the bard shook his head.

"No...You have to come in with someone...from the fantasy realm...You can't go yourself ...not yet...You need time to develop that skill." The black kobold grimly understood the situation, swinging the door open before running up to the attic.

And gasping and what he saw from the first landing alone.

The game wasn't under the table, or anywhere that he could see, for there was a portal to another world before him. There was a cavernous pathway ahead, the molten glow of lava bringing a heat into the room that made Jergo's sweaty clothes cling to him with each breeze, and as he took in more of the details, he paused as he noticed a ...bridge up ahead.

"Wait ...is this..." But before he could complete his question, Solsheek ran up behind him and slung an arm around his back before running for the portal.

"No time!" The second Jergo touched the opening to the fantasy realm, his body felt like it had been split apart and left to disperse like crunched leaves being left to carry on in the wind. He couldn't see, he couldn't touch, he couldn't taste, he couldn't hear nor could he smell a thing around him, all black greeting him like a friend hiding in a closet thought forgotten. He wasn't dead, but he sure didn't feel alive either, and for a moment the kobold feared for the worse that maybe the fantasy realm's laws of transportation wouldn't allow someone like him through.

Then he found himself whole again and barely avoided breaking his snout as he came to a heap on rocky flooring, passed out as his mind adjusted to the rudimentary means of travel.


Jergo thought he was torn apart like a helpless victim to a village slaughter as he slowly came to, a quiet whimper escaping him as his senses slowly melded together to allow him to think straight beyond merely fearing that he died traveling to a new world.

"He wakesssss." A hissing voice to his left made him sluggishly back away from its source, feeling something soft block him from going further before he tried getting back on his feet.

"The Great One seeks refuge. Quickly, aid him towards the throne!" There was a lot of shuffling going on around him, making the kobold wish he could see better with all this black lunacy clouding his vision while he tried to crawl away from the scary hiss voice. He saw feet, some big, some gnarly and some that looked misshapen to be attached to a limb on his sides as he crawled to the best of his groggy ability towards safety. He saw a nearby ledge and reached up to better get on his feet, though once he suddenly slumped forth upon a 'wall', he realized that he had actually gotten towards the throne the stranger had spoken of. Though right away, his vision cleared just as he turned around, and his eyes shot open into saucers.

All around him were goblins, ogres, trolls, necromancers, skeletons, mages of several elements, warriors that looked to have been through a millennia of battles, and a myriad more of things that didn't belong in ...the dungeon that Jergo resided in. But that wasn't even the half of it. He noticed a tall figure with a toga made of silver, shrouded in a wispy body packed with muscle but hidden by smoke. Jergo knew who that was: it was Mar'Yrbel, the Death Billow.

Of which he made for this dungeon.

"Are you ready, sir?" Jergo's head snapped to his left, which he realized that he hadn't noticed anyone nearby the throne and he gasped at who he saw.

It was Solsheek, but as his true self; gone was the dalmatian-colored kobold beating up bullies and bringing him lunch so Jergo didn't have to pay, and in its place was a regal dragon of the same coloration clad in a white tunic armed with a swift dagger to their right hip and a pack full of goodies stored from quests where items did not catch to the appeal of others other than Jergo. The tunic happened to be all the decency Solsheek could offer, for a discarded pair of trousers rested nearby and Jergo could smell the semen in them before he saw the screamy stains before bringing himself to a blush.

"Uh..." The dark kobold's response seemed to gather everyone's attention, having so many eyes on him wishing he were smaller ...but that feeling was shoved away by some force in his mind along with the others coming to try replacing it.

"It's okay sir. I know this may seem like a big rush from what you just left behind, but the transformation will make sure you're better acquainted." At the mention of said 'transformation', the creatures big or little began to converge towards the throne, heightening Jergo's panic and having it made worse when Solsheek came over to place a firm hand on his shoulder. He couldn't move, and soon the structure was surrounded by the lot of them. They all looked ready to kill him, but Jergo's frantic mind didn't see the calm in their eyes. Instead, he yelped and struggled as the ones closest to him began to reach out for him...

The first few contacts produced a visible pulse of energy that made him pause.

"It is imperative we hasten this-this dungeon won't last forever." Jergo couldn't see what Solsheek meant, for the second more fingers began to poke or jab at his hide the tingling reached his eyes like a swarm of parasites crawling out of one's skull and he closed them off on instinct. He began to pant, for their touching felt like needles ready to inject serums like he was a medical test monkey, but soon the reason behind his sudden heatedness was from the warmth spreading through his body from the tingles.

When they backed away, the tingling grew stronger, and it took him reaching for Solsheek with his eyes opened a tad to see that his hand was starting ...to grow!

Jergo was growing in size too, for the crowd around the throne began to shrink in his eyes and it took one glance down to realize that his clothes were getting rather tight around his widening body. The tingling surged through him like warm water being chugged down by accident, coursing through his veins and leaving the changing kobold to ogle himself as muscle began to pack in beneath his scales. His smooth skin gained an extra layer of hardened, obsidian protection that left him feeling heavier than he was already turning out to be, and soon he felt a push on his spine that signaled his tail was growing too. Jergo whimpered, for his face growing into a bigger muzzle and having his horns grow while he was awake was definitely the most discomforting of the transformation, but when those came to an end with only a dull ache in their way, he was left to marvel at just how...diminutive things got.

The crowd of fantasy creatures looked like a band of orcs from above, Jergo's neck long enough to crane over them all and see every single being present. He could see his tail now, watching it lay across the left armrest of the throne before curling back around like a wide "C". His feet looked ready to crush either of them, and it was emphasized from the crowd's backing away when he flexed his toes.

Suddenly, Jergo felt a sharp pain cut through his brain like a knife and he balled himself up like a newborn scared to look out from within their egg and staying inside. He felt supportive hands, but he was already putting his elongated skull into his own as the pain continued. He heard a roar of sympathy quake the area, but when his jaw snapped back shut he realized it was him that made that sound.

"Do not fear, sir." That voice ...It was physical this time but...Jergo knew that was...The spotted one by his left hind leg. "Your creative mind is blending with your new body. It would not be wise to have you change for this world but not have your new mindset acquainted with your norm."

That... made sense. Maybe. Jergo didn't care, he just really wanted it to stop hurting. He snarled, fangs looking like pearly white blades masquerading as teeth while he continued to feel the pain run through his head. Only when it seemed to stop at a point near the back was there any calm for him to breathe out from. The presence nudged the area, as if trying to beckon something within the recesses of Jergo's new brain, then like clockwork something new began to wash over from within and Jergo instinctively let out what was surely murring from his chest.

"It is done." Cheering began to erupt from below, and as Jergo slowly felt the pain ebb away he looked down and saw the creatures before him suddenly glow? Yes, they were glowing now, as was the area around them until he could sense the lava beneath the bridge behind the crowd revitalize itself with the molten humidity it offered.

"What is....?" Jergo's new voice was like boulders grinding on each other, and clearing his throat didn't help it sound less intimidating so he gave up with a snort. "What is done?"

"The process. You are fully assimilated." Solsheek had clambered up to Jergo's knee, so the mighty black dragon began to relax to the best of his ability while keeping his head somewhat level with the diminutive drake.

"What now then?"

"As your minds cooperate and begin to breed new ideas for you to explore, you bring life to what your presence touches until you've crafted a world beneath your paws. In essence, you become the building block to this realm and..."

"A god." Solsheek chuckled at that behind his hand, and nodded.

"Yes, I suppose that's one way to see it. Sure, you're not creating entirely new things-you'll just be recreating what's been lost-but once you get that far you will be the deity you speak of now."

Jergo hummed, which also sounded like rocks thunking against each other, so he looked out and saw the dungeon before him pan out with life and form into the very place he saw in glimpses of dreams when he was tasked to make it. Then a loud cheer from one of the goblin's got the dragon's attention and he looked back to Solsheek. "How come no one attacked me? If this is the dungeon you planned to expose Jacob's treachery, then the beings here should have mauled me and you."

To this, the bard chuckled again, much to Jergo's dismay. "They were in on the plan, after a quick explanation. I may not have a lot of charisma, but it's not that hard to tell someone that I brought back a being capable of keeping us alive when we're near the brink of erasure."

"So...then what must I do?" Jergo got on his feet in full, really noting just how much bigger he really was now that he was a full-fledged obsidian monster rather than the docile, black kobold barely getting into his senior years of life before becoming a dragon, and saw the 'veil of black' covering most of the dungeon fade like the sun was coming up. Not wanting to have Solsheek fall off of him, he brought them up to his head within his paw like one would hold an insect to examine how they harmlessly move.

"Imagine. You have the power to literally think the world of fantasy back to life. Use it, and use it as much as you can. I'd rather not have my life snuffed out by a lack of creativity." Despite being carried up to this height, Solsheek made his way down Jergo's form, sliding from that chest all the way between their legs and staying there. "And while you do that, I'll be here ready for round 2.~"

Jergo found Solsheek's newfound forwardness amusing, but the bard was right. He had fantasy to bring back to fruition. And he had quite a few.....ideas in mind.