Young Sun - Photos

Story by KrilltheKill on SoFurry

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#1 of Young Sun

A small story on an alternate universe of a story I'm developing with a friend. Hope you like it!

"Make a pose for the camera, dear" The photographer would say "That's it, wonderful" He had a smile while chewing his gum, closing one eye as he took more photos with certain haste but an equal amount of care.

Edric was endlessly bothered by how he spoke, not used to that kind of attention and language being targeted at his girlfriend. But he would only deviate his eyes from her briefly, looking at Ayra intensely as she appeared as gorgeous as she had ever been, sporting many different clothes during the photo session, and always posing perfectly for each photo, knowing where to look and how to look, uncurling her hair, tracing her fur lightly with each almost rhythmical click of the aperture.

It was hypnotizing, and even if the spell was every so often broken with the uncomfortable words from the photographer, he couldn't stop being bewitched by her grace. It was a bit surprising to see her like that, it felt natural to her even, a side of her he didn't know before, but was more than glad to finding out about.

"Now that's good, that's great! I think we can call it a day, dear, got enough photos for the mag" The lousy photographer said at last, putting his camera to his side as the other guests for the photoshoot started to relax and chat a bit more. Edric was going straight to Ayra before he was intercepted by this race car driver that was there for whatever reason. Edric didn't quite catch his name, but this first impression didn't give him much more reason to.

"You're just as natural a model as natural a driver, I see, thank you for inviting me here. Are we in terms of negotiating a contract now?"

"Perhaps later, it's my last workday this week, I don't want to bother myself with business right now" She answered, not really looking at him as she sipped a bottle of water, fine Kionin water, of course "Season doesn't start until spring, anyways, no need to rush these things, right?"

"Well, I understand" He sighed "You're busy, and I bet you just want to enjoy the weekend"

"You should do the same. Do you smoke?"

"No, can't, after my, uh, injury, my lungs don't take too good to smoking, y'know?"

"Ah, shame, I have a few Brokts that are really nice, but since you can't, may I interest you in some of my family's wine?"

"That's too kind of you. I prefer beer though, but thanks"

She shrugged.

"Alright, well, thanks for coming, feel free to walk around the studio, we always have good snacks"

"Thank you" And he was off, a bit of a let down expression on his face, perked up a bit when he got to the food table.

"Who was that guy again?" Edric asked.

"Hello to you too honey, thanks, my session was amazing" She said in an ironic tone "He's my racing agent now, old dog can't race anymore, he liked what he saw from me"

"What he saw from you?" He raised an eyebrow "Were you street racing again?"

She looked at him with deadshot eyes, a dangerous yellow glow warning him that this was not the time, nor the place, to discuss these issues.

"You worry too much dear" She said, sweetening her tone a bunch as she reached for his hands and pulled him onto her "I want to relax and enjoy the weekend ahead. Let's go to my dressing room so we can relax away from noisy people"

"... Sure" He chirped up a bit, the prospect of having some alone time with her after so much foreign attention would be nice.

He followed her towards her room, sitting down on her couch as she took of the letterman and the earrings right besides the mirror table.

"So... Your photographer does that every time?"

"My photographer? He's hired by the magazine, dear, I've never seen that guy before"

"Oh, really? He seemed uh... Awfully comfortable around you then" He said. She didn't even have to read his aura to feel his jealousy.

"Yeah, that bothered me too" She said with a smirk as she stripped to her pants and a simple blouse.

She grabbed a bottle of wine and two glass cups, pouring a drink for both of them and sitting besides her boyfriend, making sure to really snuggle up against him.

"Don't be so worried about that guy, I'll maybe see him again someday, if I ever get a new contract with the mag, but as it goes they have a bunch of photographers, he seems like an overexcited small fry. And besides" She took a sip of wine before shuffling her snout to his ear "I'm all yours"

He tingled hard when he heard those words, not being able to hold a sweet smile. He took a sip of his own cup before replying.

"Well, you know... He almost seemed like he was hitting on you"

"Oh he was, it's clear he has some ulterior motives behind that outgoing fassade he has going on. But you shouldn't worry a bit, only your flirts make me melt" She said with a giggle, pecking his cheek.

"You're too good to me. And too cute" He said, letting his head fall to her level and exchanging a feel heartfelt kisses.

She traced her fingers around his face, and he did the same, just a gentle touch to reinforce the affection they had for each other. They stopped and kept exchanging those lovebird looks, her yellow gaze completely defused by his cristaline pools. She felt like she was swimming on that blue, in a hot summer day inside cool water, and she didn't want to get out. Finally they parted ways a bit, drinking the rest of their cups and then some more that Edric poured to them.

"Hey, I know you haven't seemed that interested bu..." Ayra began "Wouldn't you want some Brokt?" She asked, already taking out her cigarette box from her purse.

"Not so sure... I mean, it does look cool..."

"It is cool, and it feels really nice too after some puffs, I can help you"

He was still a bit hesitant, he had always been clean of those more noxious stuff, only ever drinking some wine here and there - eve if a bit excessive at times - and straying away from any kind of smokers - but she did offer some to her 'racing agent' before... He knew she didn't mean much by that gesture but, well, he was still jealous. And if he passed her away, he wouldn't.

"Sure" He said with a small smirk on his face.

She smiled back, getting another roll for him. It was just as any other cigarette, brown all over with the weed sticking out on the front where you're supposed to light it on fire. Ayra lit hers first, then lighting up Edric's.

"So, how do you do it?" He asked.

She inhaled deeply and then exhaled the smoke to the side, leaving a fat cloud behind.

"Inhale, but not just through your mouth, or you're just gonna cough. And don't do it too deeply either, not without practice anyways" She said "Try it out"

He coughed hard anyways, not used to the breathing movements required, expelling most of the smoke he inhaled violently.

"Ouch" He said "It's hard"

"You got to get used to it, dove" She said, keeping at it and giving him tips as he tried again.

And again.

And finally he got the hang of it, inhaling and exhaling the smoke carefully, savoring a bit of the taste and the feeling of the weird natural chemicals.

"Weird" He commented.

"The feeling?"


"It gets better and stronger the more you do it"

"Really? Weird, I thought it'd be the other way around"

She shook her head, taking another huge inhale and exhaling clean white clouds into the dresser room, filling the room further with the herb's burnt smell.

"It's cool though, right?" She asked, snuggling once more with him and feeling every felt of his fine coat brush against her face.

Edric felt weird being able to perceive so vividly each sensation, the weight of his lover's head, the cloth of his clothes' inside rubbing against his fur and so on. Even the smells seemed more pronounced.

And the banging at the door was certainly much more noticeable. Ayra even shuddered with the sudden disruption to their quality time, lazily standing up and going to answer the door. The Studio director had a stern expression and even sterner words.

"We're about to close. What the hell is... Agh, you know I hate that you smoke weed here, Ayra"

"Sorry" She said without really meaning it.

"Whatever, you two should be going anyways, we'll be closing soon. All the other guests have left"

"We'll be out in a sec, don't worry" She said, trying to appear as if she wasn't as high as she was.

"Good. And please don't smoke inside here again, okay?"


He turned to go away, walking the dark halls to the elevator.

"Ow... Wh... What time is it?" Edric asked with a doozy voice.

Ayra pulled her phone from her pocket as she walked to her leather jacket.


"What! Already?"

"Time goes by fast when you're high" She giggled, then laughing a bit.

He giggle too, then not being able to control a burst of laughter. She laughed at his laugh, and before long they were both cackling and trying desperately to control it as they walked towards the elevator, and they were still giggling as the elevator went down to the parking lot, and finally the laughter subsided as they got on Ayra's car.

"Where do you want to go?" She asked, nonchalantly.

He was completely taken by surprise by the question, squinting his eyes as he seriously pondered an answer, as if she asked something deeply existential.

"I don't fucking know"

"Well, then I have an idea" She said, seeing there an unique opportunity to do what she dreamed since they began dating, driving further southwest through the city, passing through dazzling lights, a certain buzz of activity despite no shops open, just the fast food places still working. Ayra went by a drive thru and got some Jackalope nuggets for both of them to munch over as she kept driving further and further through the streets, until they reached the ports, the downright impressive structures that kept boats hanged on the breakwater, with streets just beneath the metal mesh.

Ayra kept driving through the still active port - even so late in the night there were ships coming in and out of port with huge cargo to be transported all over the island - as she dotted in and out of tunnels and with the moon's light getting frequently covered by the mesh of metal and boats that sat right beside them.

Edric had seen that view many times before, but it was certainly still very beautiful to behold it under moonlight.

"Where are we going anyway?"

"Somewhere secluded where no-one's going to bother us"

"Neat" He said, turning his head back to the window "But why?"

She only smirked as a response. He knew that smirk. He could be high off his balls but he damn well knew that smirk.

"You're not... Trying to do that again, are you?"


"You want to... To fuck in the car!"


"Dear, I've already told you... It's weird and, and what if someone sees us?"

He yelped when he felt Ayra's firm grasp not on the gear but between his pants. He didn't take long at all to get hard just from her touch on his oversensible crotch.

"It's midnight and I'm horny already, you sure that you don't want it?"

"... Well, saying it like that"

She smirked, finally finding the spot she was searching for, an edge of the breakwater a little forward and not paved. She parked there, snuggly under the shadow of a large boat, turned off the car and quickly went back to Edric, kissing his neck and grasping on his bulge to arouse him further. He quickly followed her lead and wrapped his fingers around her waist, pulling her closer and onto his lap, not containing a moan when he felt her rubbing sensually against him.

She didn't hold back on her own little moans, as they fumbled around taking off their own clothes after they quickly jumped to the backseat. Edric took the lead this time around, letting himself be leg locked by her as he kissed and held her close, laying on top of her as he rubbed his cock against her, already fully erect and lubed. He slipped inside her, letting out a mellow moan of incredible pleasure, shuddering from head to toes with the intense sensations coursing through his body. Ayra likewise seemed to enjoy those same sensations just as much, tightening her legs around his waist.

He was too sensible to be rough, but he still lightly bit her neck and kissed it, holding himself on top of her but letting his body rub against hers with his clumsy movements. She didn't mind the lessened agility, the sensibility more than making up for it as she moaned and sighed and enjoyed every single bit of attention he gave her.

They enjoyed each other to their fullest, and when their pleasure rose to its limit not even Edric felt like taking his cock out, fully accepting breeding her well and good, filling her up with his hot seed as she moaned his name lightly, tightening her grasp and lock of her legs on him, with him also contracting his muscles with each jet of cum, knotting her.

Ayra didn't mind the mildly uncomfortable feeling of the bulging knot inside her, the warmth more than making up for it. The ecstasy lingered way longer than usual, intensified by the weed, but still waining ever so slightly with each laboured breath they took.

"See, it was delicious" She said, snuggled onto him as he laid on his back on the leather seat.

"I still don't see why you wanted this so much"

"I don't know, I just felt like it would be really really hot"

"And was it"

"Oh, absolutely, we will do this more!"

"Still tonight?" He asked, fearful of the answer.

"No... I'm exhausted... Once your knot deflates I'm driving us back to my place"

"Yeah, I'd love sleeping on that huge bed of yours... So comfortable" He said in a dreamy tone, sighing on her neck.

She hesitated.



"Do you want to move in with me?"

"O-oh?" His face went all hot suddenly "That's... A sudden proposal"


"No no! I'd love to. I mean, we've been together now for so long... And I've slept in your house so many times already..."

"That's what I was thinking too"

"Yeah... I'm all for it... Though what will I do with my apartment? I actually own it, y'know... And all that furniture..."

"Just rent it, silly"

"Not sure if I'd trust someone with my really expensive furniture..."

"I'm sure it'll be fine, besides, isn't my house closer to your work? I can drive you to it no problem"

"Can I drive your car then?"

She laughed as if she had heard the funniest thing on her life.

"No? Dove, I love you but I love this car more" She jested while still laughing. Her tone didn't sound any like she was joking, but Edric knew her well enough to know when she ever meant something.

"Oh so this is why you wanted to have sex with me in the car"

"Yeah of course" She giggled, kissing him tenderly. "I'm joking"

"I know, love... Well, guess I'd have to learn how to drive first"

"Yeah, you should. you've got so much income and you still take the metro"

"It can be quicker than by car! And the arriving hours are just perfect for my schedule"

"Yeah yeah, of course"

After a while, they were finally freed, and Ayra took all the precautions she could not to spill any of Edric's seed onto the leather seats, quickly finding and wearing her underwear before awkwardly dressing inside the car together with him.

She drove them back to her apartment at ungodly hours, they barely had time for cute couple stuff before falling asleep on her bed, still with their daywear and everything. At the very least they remembered to snuggle real tight against each other, reaching the dreamscape together, readying themselves for a new weekend to come.