Journey to Dragonsong [The Dragon Flirts in Rhymes 2] Part 1

Story by Sheidfelin on SoFurry

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A while ago I uploaded my old story, The Dragon Flirts in Rhymes. Well, I've had a sequel bumping about in my head, and finally got around to putting some work into it. I kinda borked up the ending though, but I really wanna get this out there, so I'm uploading what I have so far. I'd really appreciate any feedback I can get on it.

The sex in this part of the story does involve watersports. If that's not your thing, than that's cool. If you liked the last story, stick around and hopefully I'll get to writing the rest of it. The first paragraph will still be useful if you want to catch up with the story and hear what the characters have been up to.

I hope you like it!

The breeze wafted softly over the first flowers of Spring. Even up in the mountain, the air seemed still and warm. It was feeling Kaliiri had missed since coming up here so many months ago. She raised her arms out to the sky, grunting as she stretched the cricks from her back. She got on all fours to stretch out her legs, when Turavak emerged behind her and caught sight of her bent over.

"Enjoying the morning air, my sweet?"

She knew where the dragon's gaze had fallen, but it only made her smirk over her shoulder.

"Not as much as you are to greet" she relaxed and turned around to sit cross-legged, looking up to see Turavak chuckling at her rhyme. "Good morning, Turie."

Turavak lowered himself to lay down in front of her, neck outstretched to rest his head in her lap. Kaliiri scratched around his horns and down towards his chin. It wasn't quite like stroking a mammal - his hard scales meant she had to use more force to shift his skin and relieve his itches. The motion drew a low rumble from the dragon, not quite like a cat's purr, but she still felt it in her chest and found herself melting into him. His mouth was against her belly, so the rumble sent tingles through her nipples. Her tail swayed slowly over the rocky ground.

"Bet a dragon couldn't scratch you right like I can." she said, seeing Turavak's emerald green eyes open at her words.

"No," he said, "Such bliss I'd not felt since my life began."

Kaliiri thought for a moment, watching his eyes settle again.

"What was it like, living with the rest of your kind?"

Turavak snorted, seemingly annoyed. Unperturbed, she pressed on. "Come on, Turie. I already told you all about my family and what the tribe was like, why won't you tell me about yours?"

He lifted his head from Kaliiri's lap and curled it around himself, facing away from her. "There is no need for you to know. We are here, we are safe, that's all that matters."

Kaliiri scowled, standing up and quickly brushing the dirt from her thighs. "That isn't fair, Turavak." She put a hand on her hip, splaying the other over her chest. "I abandoned my whole life just to be up here with you, and you won't even talk about yours with me?" Turavak grunted, prompting her to cross her arms and scowl speak harshly. "Look at me, dragon."

Grumbling, Turavak swung his head around to face her, yet still his eyes didn't meet hers. Kaliiri knelt down in front of him, letting her tail fall softly and putting her hands on either side of his snout. She gave a hard but gentle stare until he finally looked up at her, and her expression relaxed. For a moment, the rush of controlling this great beast washed over her. His kind were legend, tales of dragon encounters would spread from tribe to tribe, the horsemen of the plains would speak in hushed tones of the winged shadow that darkens the fields, the wolves in the west would share glorious tales of slaying them, but none believed they were ever true.

Yet here she was, arguing with a dragon like she was his mother.

Kaliiri couldn't help but laugh, and fell against his snout in a warm embrace. Turavak's eyes crossed, staring up at her in confusion. His eyes couldn't help but look slightly downwards to her top row of nipples, pressing into his nose as the rest did below. It was a ridiculous notion to him, too. Consorting with a cheetah, letting her order him around. A few years ago he might've been sickened by the thought, but this woman laughing against his snout had become closer to him than any dragon had before. Each dragon strides about as if they're superior to other races, but Turavak knew that Kaliiri was far more deserving of that power than any one of them. He smiled. He had tried not to think about his home since the day he left, yet it always came to him in dreams wreathed in a wholesome light, the rosy glistening of childhood memories haunting his sleep. He met Kaliiri's eyes again, finally ready to tell his tale.

"The dragons live in the north," he began, "where the ground is cold and the mountains reach high into the sky. Our bodies are warmed by the fires in our hearts, and our feet are saved from the snow as we fly."

Kaliiri pulled herself off him, sitting with legs crossed and looking up to Turavak with delight in her eyes. He stood up and sat back on his haunches, looking halfway between her and the sky as he dreamed of his home.

A thousand day's journey through the ice and the snow

The twin mountains of dragons lays travellers low

The hatchlings are singing and swoop through the air

Crowds gather in wonder at the games they play there

The tales they've been singing are a thousand years long

The drakes find their respite in Great Dragonsong.

Kaliiri watched him sing with stars in her eyes, his voice moving her and echoing over the mountains. As his song drew to a close, he slowly hung his head and turned away from her.

"It sounds wonderful, Turie."

Turavak grimaced as if her words struck him like a blade. "It isn't," he spat through gritted teeth. "My species is a cruel and ruthless one. Their endless conquest will never be done."

'Neath white sheets of the North, Evil need not fear

The Superior Race kills all who draw near

Where their hands fail, others are taken

To carve out the mountain 'till their bones are aching

The slightest kindness is taken as treason

And not one of these monsters will listen to reason!

He shouted into the air, flames splitting the sky and curling around his lips. An orange glow emanated from his chest, and Kaliiri could feel his heat as she recoiled from his rage. Turavak stood with both feet planted on the stone, seemingly frozen in a trembling growl. She was shocked by his sudden ferocity, nearly seeing the creature she first perceived him as when she initially came to the mountain. However, the tremor in his legs betrayed the pain within him. Warily, she stood up and gently put a hand against his leg. The touch sent a shock through Turavak's body and drew a croak from his throat. He came to his senses, however, and lowered his head to lay it against her.

"You turned out alright though, Turavak," she spoke softly. "Surely not all dragons are bad if one as kind as you can exist."

Turavak smiled. "Your words soothe me, my sweet. And yes, there was one kind soul I was fortunate to meet."

He relaxed his body and lay down next to her. "Jorah was his name, my light in the dark. Many nights I would spend with him, ranting and raving about the tribe's newest plot. He knew just how to comfort me, as you do today, until the time came where finally I could no longer stay."

Kaliiri sat on her knees next to his head, looking into his eyes. "What happened to him?" She asked. "Is he still there?"

"I do not know" Turavak said bluntly, looking down at the ground.

"Have you ever tried going back to find him?"

"Not since I first left," he confessed, his expression growing all the more morose.

Her heart ached for him, but Turavak's confession spurred a strange burst of confidence within her. She leapt up, turning on her heel and raising a finger to the air. "Then that's exactly what we'll do!" she called as she headed for the cave. Alarmed, Turavak turned after her.

"What are you doing, Kaliiri?" He watched as she disappeared into the cave's mouth. "The cold alone is enough to deter me! Going to Dragonsong for us would be suicide! Don't you want to one day return to your own tribe?"

The mention of her tribe stung her, and caused her to pause her rifling through the rubble. Yet it wasn't enough to douse the fire in her heart, and she emerged from the cave with spear in hand. Turavak shouts her name in protest, but she continues towards the side of the mountain.

"I want to visit your homeland, and you need to find your friend!" She lowered herself to begin climbing down the mountain, speaking through the spear now clutched between her teeth. "We're not spending our lives brooding on this rock! I want to see the world with you!"

She heard one last call from the dragon before the wind whisked his words away. It had been so many months since she last scaled the jagged cliff, and already she could feel that her climbing was sloppy. Below her, the ground fell further and further away, and the summit seemed miles above. Gusts threatened to loosen her footing, and her tail was at its mercy. She held tight to the cliff face, bracing for a moment before finally steeling herself. You've done this already, she assured herself. Taking a deep breath, she reached out her foot and took another step down.

No sooner had she regained her resolve than a shadow was cast upon her from above. Straining her quivering neck, she looked up to see Turavak staring back at her, an enormous brown cloak adorning his back.

"I should think we'd arrive faster if we travel by air."

Heart racing, Kalliri reaches out, and Turavak lowers his head so she can grab on to his horns, which jut out from his hood. She lifts herself onto him and holds both horns tightly. Keeping his head low, Turavak presses himself to the ground like a coiled spring. His wings outstretch, and Kaliiri forces her eyes shut before they suddenly rocket forwards. Her stomach sinks and her legs wrap tightly around his neck. Still she can't look as each flap of his wings feel like a bounce to shake her off. Slowly, however, his flight becomes smooth, and the howling gale becomes a steady flutter past her ears.Heart pounding, she gradually opens her eyes, and begins to marvel at the scene around her.

Wispy clouds were like brushstrokes over the fluffy green forest. The birds were coloured specks darting below them, and even the smoke of her tribe's camp seemed remarkably small. Turavak's cloak whipped in the wind, and she could see his tail behind her as it flowed with his movements. Never had she thought she'd see the world from so far above, see how small it all was. She could see clearings and other camps all around that would take almost a day to travel to by foot. Even their own mountain, where already she thought she could see the world in a different way, was barely distinguishable from the range of peaks around it.

"Now you see the world as the Dragons do." Turavak said. "What seemed so far before is now so very near. Perhaps in some way, you're now a Dragon, too."

Kaliiri nodded her head, but found herself unable to speak. Her sinking stomach seemed only to get heavier, while her head felt as if it was floating. The sight of her world so far below was beautiful, but at the same time, it terrified her. "T... Turie..." She patted his neck, barely able to see through the fuzz in her eyes. "I think I need to get down..."

Turavak was puzzled, but feeling the grip of her legs loosen, he realised the urgency. Quickly, he took her back down to the forest floor.

Kaliiri was relieved to feel the grass beneath her feet again. Stable, soft ground was something she missed up on that rocky summit. She could tell Turavak was frustrated, his head raised as he looked to and fro in the air, as if spotting for clouds to fly through. Regardless, she knew she couldn't go up with him again. Not right now, anyway. But she still didn't want to ignore him as they trekked through the forest.

"So, what was Jorah like?"

It took a moment for Turavak to wake from his daydream, and he lowered his gaze to look bewildered at Kaliiri and her sudden enquiry. He thought about it for a moment, however, and found himself lost in thought again as he spoke.

"He was the one kind-hearted soul in a harsh reality," he began, "His scales a shade of orange like a sunset-glistening sea. For other races and I, his love would run deep, and each night without him for a year I would weep."

Kaliiri's ears perked upon hearing his wistful verse. "You were more than just friends, weren't you?"

Looking up at the dragon, she could spot his blush. A grin spread across her lips. "You were, weren't you?"

"Er... yes," he choked out. "Jorah was my first love."

Kaliiri imagined for a moment Turavak lying with another drake and recoiled. Still, she remained delighted at the development. "Does that mean you two did it before?"

Turavak stayed silent, but couldn't hide his blush, even under his hood.

"Ewww!" She laughed, "does that mean you were the one giving or receiving?"

"No more questions," he grumbled, but this only confirmed Kaliiri's suspicions, and widened the her grin.

"Oh, you dirty dragon!" She jeered. "You like it up the rear, don't you?"

Turavak looked away as she teased him, hiding his embarrassment as he searched for a distraction. To his relief, through a gap in the trees he could spot a clear body of water. Wordlessly, he headed towards it, Kaliiri's laughter finally drawing to a close as she saw where he was leading her. Together, they stopped to drink from the freshwater lake. Turavak offered his head for her to ride, and with one last chuckle, she climbed on and they continued towards the North.

The sky had just begun to glow a faint orange as the sun settled into the horizon. She had been riding Turavak for some time, and now started to notice how the bobbing and swaying caused pressure in her belly. "Turie," she whispered, "let me off, I need to go."

Turavak glances backward, but instead of stopping, he just turns back and continues onwards. Kaliiri scowled. "Turavak, let me off so I can seek some privacy."

Still, he didn't respond, and she only grew more impatient. "I need to pee, Turie, what are you doing?"

Finally, he turned to reply, a mischievous glint in his eye. "I could see the jealousy in your face, I thought you might like to be in Jorah's place."

Kaliiri looks at him, dumbfounded. She decides to disregard him and simply slide off his back. The impact with the ground shuddered her bladder, and she quickly grasped it with one hand, holding herself steady with her spear. Quickly, she chooses a tree and makes her way over to it. Turavak finally stops walking, but sways his neck to follow her closely. Giving him a brief glance, she makes her way around the tree and squats down. She has barely a moment to push before she's startled by a hot tongue dragging across her back, soaking her fur. "Dirty dragon!" she cries, nearly falling forwards. Turavak just lets out a rumbling chuckle.

Kaliiri stands up, dropping her spear and leaning against the tree. Turavak moves his head around the other side, his tongue whipping out to lick her belly. She can't help but laugh from the way it tickles her as she backs away, barely able to contain herself. He moves his tongue over her thigh and around her waist, and through her laughter and the pressure of his tongue, she loses control for a moment and releases a squirt of urine. Immediately, Turavak's tongue darts between her legs and cups her crotch, wrapping around her groin and rear. Kaliiri yells out, barely holding it in as she's shocked by the feeling of his tongue against her vagina. He rubs against it, saying nothing as she can't help but thrust back.

"T.. Turie..." she chokes out, holding her belly in an attempt contain herself and hide her nipples. Turavak looks up at her, a gleam in his emerald green eyes. He gently pulls her closer with his tongue, and with shaky legs, Kaliiri steps towards his snout. A hot breath invites her to put her hands on him, and slowly she accepts, leaning against him as his tongue rides further up her back. "Turie," she whispers. "I.. I can't..."

He understands, and promptly widens his mouth and presses it against her crotch. He looks down at her groin, and then up into her eyes, seeing how tightly shut they're held. He rubs his tongue over her sex again, and with a strain in her expression, she finally releases her bladder.

Kaliiri gasps as hot urine streams out of her and into Turavak's mouth. He moans in response, feeling it flow down his tongue and pool at the bottom of it. She lets out a sharp exhale as the stream finally stops, and Turavak swallows it all with a gulp.

"Nng..." she starts, "Turavak, you..." but she stops in her tracks as he looks down from her eyes and drags the tip of his tongue down her back, inserting it inside her. Kaliiri gasps, nearly lifted into the air as he pushes it in and out splattering the last drops from her bladder and driving her pleasure further and further until her passage squeezes around him and she yells out in orgasm.

He rides out her climax until her breathing slows and she rests against his head. "Dirty dragon," she manages to smirk as she steps back from him with shaky legs. Turavak stands too, showing his smile as he rises above her and turns to the side. Between his legs, Kaliiri can see his growing erection, pulsing with his heartbeat as she stares.

He brings his head down to whisper to her. "Go on, my dear Kaliiri. It's your turn now to have me."

She strokes his snout, staring at his imposing member. She rubs her clit instinctively as she would normally after urinating, but found it only wet with his saliva. She takes a few steps closer, reaching out to grasp his hanging length. She draws it closer, gently caressing and kissing it as she positions herself beneath him. She looks down towards the dripping tip, and kneels down to lick it, but is taken by surprise when it shudders. She looks back towards Turavak, his head close to the ground to watch her. "Careful with men, my dearest," he urges, "we cannot go as easily when erect."

She looks back towards his penis, deciding to sit cross-legged below it. She begins to rub her hand up and down it lightly, aiming the tip between her legs. She notices it rising, and begins to wonder if he's losing interest, when suddenly she feels a splash against her thighs. She gasps, looking down to see the yellow fluid soaking her fur. She catches another splash that hits her crotch, adding to the warmth of his tongue. She grasps his penis and brings it to her mouth just as the splashes become a stream that covers her body on the way to her lips. She aims his penis into her gullet and begins to swallow. With each gulp of the dragon's urine, more of it spills out and soaks her from head to toe. The hot liquid flows into her and fills her belly quickly, the tip of his penis still soft as it releases a torrent into her mouth. Her stomach is filled nearly to bursting, and she struggles to breathe as she gasps and releases his penis from her mouth, aiming it instead towards her belly. The stream just keeps flowing from him, and she feels as though she's bathing in it as he begins to push his penis against her chest, causing the urine to splatter around her and and soak her fur completely. She lays back and lets it drench her body as the stream begins to slow and his penis starts to harden. It suddenly cuts off, and Turavak's push becomes a thust as Kaliiri realises that he must be about to cum. She scrambles to grab hold of his penis, quickly wrapping her mouth around it and squeezing as her hands move up and down his length. She moans as his thrusts nearly hit the back of her throat, and she feels a throb as his tip expands to fill her mouth, forcing it open as Turavak's grunt signals his imminent climax.

Kaliiri feels the bulge move down his member, as suddenly the first jet of seed shoots down her gullet. She gulps it down, relishing the feeling of it filling her belly. Her stomach is already full of his golden liquid, however, and she can only take one more ejaculation before she begins to choke. She spits out the top of his penis, quickly pressing it against her groin as she coughs up the cum that clogs her windpipe. Turavak's cumming doesn't stop, however, and he continues thrusting against her body, releasing spurt after spurt that splatters up her belly and drips around her sides. It soaks into her fur and covers her nipples, bathing her in his sticky, white warmth. Kaliiri finally clears her throat, and as the flood of cum finally slows, she pushes his penis into her vagina to take the last few spurts. She thrusts against it, riding it out and growning as she reaches a second orgasm, squeezing the last few drops from his tip as Turavak's climax draws to a close.

Kaliiri falls backward, laying a hand on her belly as the releases his penis. It slips from her entrance, and Turavak flops over, panting.

"I'm so sorry, my sweet," he said between breaths, "I didn't control myself, I hope I didn't hurt you."

"Don't worry," she assured him, "just be more careful next time." She looked down at herself, seeing how his cum was soaked in her fur and letting out a cry of quiet distress.

Turavak noticed, and with a grunt, he stood up over her again. He hung above her for a few moments, then with a thrust of his hips, let out another stream of urine over her body. Kaliiri shut her eyes, barely able to think anymore as she is washed by his shower. Once the last few specks drip from him, he lays down and begins to groom her with his tongue.

"You dirty dragon." Kaliiri mumbled.

"Of course, my sweet."